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* Header file for ArchiveLib 1.0
* Copyright (c) 1994 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* This file contains the class definition for the frequently used
* ALFile class.
* ALFile
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
#ifndef _FILESTOR_H
#define _FILESTOR_H
#include "arclib.h"
#if defined( __cplusplus )
#include "storage.h"
* class ALFile : public ALStorage
* This is the class declaration for ALFile. This is the fundamental disk
* storage class used in Archive Library. It is derived directly from
* ALStorage, so it has to implement versions of the five or six
* critical virtual functions, mostly relating to opening files, closing
* them, loading and flushing buffers.
* miHandle : The handle of the file when opened. This is the value
* returned by the function call to open().
* ALFile() : The constructor.
* ~ALFile() : The virtual destructor.
* operator new() : The memory allocation operator, only used when the
* library is inside a DLL.
* MakeTempName() : Private function used to generate temporary names.
* Open() : Virtual function to open the file.
* Create() : Virtual function to create the file.
* Close() : Virtual fn to close the file.
* LoadBuffer() : Virtual fn to load the I/O buffer from a specific address.
* FlushBuffer() : Virtual fn to flush the I/O buffer.
* Seek() : Virtual fn to seek to seek to a new position in the file.
* Rename() : Rename the underlying file.
* UnRename() : Undo the rename process.
* Delete() : Delete the disk file (not destroy!)
* RenameToBackup(): Rename the current file to a backup name.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALFile : public ALStorage {
* Constructors, destructors, assignment operator, friends, declarations
public :
AL_PROTO ALFile( const char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name = "",
int buffer_size = 4096,
ALCase name_case = AL_LOWER );
virtual AL_PROTO ~ALFile();
#if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size );
* As usual, I don't want the compiler to generate a default copy constructor,
* or an assignment operator here. I force it to back off by declaring them
* here. They do not exist!
protected :
ALFile AL_DLL_FAR & AL_PROTO operator=( const ALFile AL_DLL_FAR & );
* Member functions, grouped by category.
* Protected member manipulation, used inside library, not for public use.
protected :
virtual void AL_PROTO MakeTempName( int i );
* The file I/O access public interface
public :
virtual int AL_PROTO Open();
virtual int AL_PROTO Create();
virtual int AL_PROTO Close();
virtual int AL_PROTO LoadBuffer( long address );
virtual int AL_PROTO FlushBuffer();
virtual int AL_PROTO Seek( long address );
* File name and underlying object manipulation public interface
public :
virtual int AL_PROTO Rename( const char AL_DLL_FAR *new_name = 0,
int delete_on_clash = 1 );
virtual int AL_PROTO UnRename( int delete_on_clash = 1 );
virtual int AL_PROTO Delete();
virtual int AL_PROTO RenameToBackup( int delete_on_clash = 1 );
* Data members
protected :
int miHandle;
public :
#endif /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) */
#endif /* #ifdef _FILESTOR_H */