alex c434cad322 Patch level : 4.0 451
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Riportata la versione 3.1 patch 650

git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
2006-07-11 13:10:51 +00:00

323 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

| PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly |
| Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. |
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| This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the |
| public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are |
| available, please check |
| |
/* $Id: pc_generr.h,v 1.2 2006-07-11 13:10:33 alex Exp $
* PDCORE error messages
#if pdc_genNames
#define gen(n, num, nam, msg) PDC_E_##nam = num,
#elif pdc_genInfo
#define gen(n, num, nam, msg) { n, num, msg, (const char *) 0 },
#error invalid inclusion of generator file
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Configuration, memory, and I/O (10xx) */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gen(1, 1000, MEM_OUT, "Out of memory in function $1")
gen(1, 1008, IO_ILLFILENAME, "Bad file name '$1'")
gen(2, 1010, IO_RDOPEN, "Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading")
gen(3, 1011, IO_RDOPEN_CODE,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading (error code $3)")
gen(2, 1012, IO_WROPEN, "Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing")
gen(3, 1013, IO_WROPEN_CODE,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (error code $3)")
gen(0, 1014, IO_NOWRITE, "Couldn't write output")
gen(2, 1016, IO_RDOPEN_NF,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading (file not found)")
gen(2, 1018, IO_WROPEN_NF,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (no such directory)")
gen(2, 1020, IO_RDOPEN_PD,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading (permission denied)")
gen(2, 1022, IO_WROPEN_PD,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (permission denied)")
gen(2, 1024, IO_RDOPEN_TM,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading (too many open files)")
gen(2, 1026, IO_WROPEN_TM,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (too many open files)")
gen(2, 1028, IO_RDOPEN_ID,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading (is a directory)")
gen(2, 1030, IO_WROPEN_ID,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (is a directory)")
gen(2, 1032, IO_WROPEN_AE,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (file already exists)")
gen(2, 1034, IO_WROPEN_TL,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (file name too long)")
gen(2, 1036, IO_WROPEN_NS,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (no space left on device)")
gen(2, 1038, IO_WROPEN_IS,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (file name syntax incorrect)")
gen(2, 1040, IO_WROPEN_NC,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (file cannot be created)")
gen(2, 1042, IO_WROPEN_NP,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (path not found)")
gen(2, 1044, IO_RDOPEN_SV,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for reading (used by another process)")
gen(2, 1046, IO_WROPEN_SV,
"Couldn't open $1file '$2' for writing (used by another process)")
gen(0, 1048, IO_UNSUPP_UNINAME,
"Unicode file names are not supported on this platform")
gen(1, 1050, IO_COMPRESS, "Compression error ($1)")
gen(0, 1052, IO_NOBUFFER, "Don't fetch buffer contents when writing to file")
gen(2, 1054, IO_BADFORMAT, "'$1' does not appear to be a $2 file")
gen(1, 1056, IO_READ, "Error reading data from file '$1'")
gen(3, 1058, IO_ILLSYNTAX, "$1file '$2': Syntax error in line $3")
gen(1, 1060, PVF_NAMEEXISTS,
"Couldn't create virtual file '$1' (name already exists)")
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Invalid arguments (11xx) */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gen(1, 1100, ILLARG_EMPTY, "Parameter '$1' is empty")
gen(2, 1101, ILLARG_FLOAT_ZERO,
"Floating point parameter '$1' has bad value $2 (too close to 0)")
/* Unused. See 1107
gen(1, 1102, ILLARG_POSITIVE, "Parameter '$1' must be positive")
gen(2, 1104, ILLARG_BOOL, "Boolean parameter '$1' has bad value '$2'")
gen(2, 1106, ILLARG_INT, "Integer parameter '$1' has bad value $2")
"Floating point parameter '$1' has bad value $2 (minimum $3)")
gen(2, 1108, ILLARG_FLOAT, "Floating-point parameter '$1' has bad value $2")
"Floating point parameter '$1' has bad value $2 (maximum $3)")
gen(2, 1110, ILLARG_STRING, "String parameter '$1' has bad value '$2'")
gen(1, 1111, ILLARG_FLOAT_NAN,
"Floating point parameter '$1' has bad value (not a number)")
/* Unused. See 1504
gen(1, 1112, ILLARG_UTF, "Illegal UTF-$1 sequence in string")
gen(2, 1114, ILLARG_MATRIX, "Matrix [$1] is degenerate")
gen(2, 1116, ILLARG_TOOLONG,
"String parameter '$1' is limited to $2 characters")
gen(2, 1118, ILLARG_HANDLE,
"Handle parameter or option of type '$1' has bad value $2")
/* Unused. See 1107
gen(1, 1120, ILLARG_NONNEG, "Parameter '$1' must not be negative")
gen(1, 1122, ILLARG_LANG_CODE, "Unsupported language code '$1'")
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Parameters and values (12xx) */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gen(0, 1200, PAR_EMPTYKEY, "Empty key")
gen(1, 1202, PAR_UNKNOWNKEY, "Unknown key '$1'")
gen(0, 1204, PAR_EMPTYVALUE, "Empty parameter value")
gen(2, 1206, PAR_ILLPARAM, "Bad parameter '$1' for key '$2'")
gen(2, 1208, PAR_ILLVALUE, "Bad value $1 for key '$2'")
gen(2, 1210, PAR_SCOPE_GET, "Can't get parameter '$1' in scope '$2'")
gen(2, 1212, PAR_SCOPE_SET, "Can't set parameter '$1' in scope '$2'")
gen(2, 1214, PAR_VERSION, "Parameter '$1' requires PDF $2 or above")
gen(1, 1216, PAR_ILLKEY, "Illegal attempt to set parameter '$1'")
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Options and values (14xx) */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gen(1, 1400, OPT_UNKNOWNKEY, "Unknown option '$1'")
gen(2, 1402, OPT_TOOFEWVALUES, "Option '$1' has too few values (< $2)")
gen(2, 1404, OPT_TOOMANYVALUES, "Option '$1' has too many values (> $2)")
gen(1, 1406, OPT_NOVALUES, "Option '$1' doesn't have a value")
gen(2, 1408, OPT_ILLBOOLEAN, "Option '$1' has bad boolean value '$2'")
gen(2, 1410, OPT_ILLINTEGER, "Option '$1' has bad integer value '$2'")
gen(2, 1412, OPT_ILLNUMBER, "Option '$1' has bad number value '$2'")
gen(2, 1414, OPT_ILLKEYWORD, "Option '$1' has bad keyword '$2'")
gen(2, 1415, OPT_ILLCHAR,
"Option '$1' has bad Unicode value or character name '$2'")
gen(3, 1416, OPT_TOOSMALLVAL,
"Value $2 for option '$1' is too small (minimum $3)")
gen(3, 1418, OPT_TOOBIGVAL,
"Value $2 for option '$1' is too large (maximum $3)")
gen(2, 1420, OPT_ZEROVAL, "Option '$1' has bad value $2")
gen(3, 1422, OPT_TOOSHORTSTR,
"String value '$2' for option '$1' is too short (minimum $3)")
gen(3, 1424, OPT_TOOLONGSTR,
"String value '$2' for option '$1' is too long (maximum $3)")
gen(2, 1426, OPT_ILLSPACES,
"Option '$1' has bad string value '$2' (contains whitespace)")
gen(1, 1428, OPT_NOTFOUND, "Required option '$1' is missing")
gen(1, 1430, OPT_IGNORED, "Option '$1' ignored")
gen(2, 1432, OPT_VERSION, "Option '$1' is not supported in PDF $2")
gen(3, 1434, OPT_ILLHANDLE, "Option '$1' has bad $3 handle $2")
gen(2, 1436, OPT_IGNORE,
"Option '$1' will be ignored (specified option '$2' is dominant)")
gen(1, 1438, OPT_UNSUPP, "Option '$1' not supported in this configuration")
gen(1, 1440, OPT_NOTBAL, "Braces aren't balanced in option list '$1'")
gen(1, 1442, OPT_ODDNUM, "Option '$1' has odd number of values")
gen(1, 1444, OPT_EVENNUM, "Option '$1' has even number of values")
gen(1, 1446, OPT_ILLCOMB, "Option '$1' contains a bad combination of keywords")
gen(1, 1448, OPT_ILL7BITASCII, "Option '$1' contains bad 7-bit ASCII string")
gen(2, 1450, OPT_COMBINE, "Option '$1' must not be combined with option '$2'")
gen(0, 1452, OPT_LIST_PARSE_PROBLEB, "Couldn't parse option list")
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* String conversion functions (15xx) */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gen(0, 1500, CONV_ILLUTF16, "Invalid UTF-16 string (odd byte count)")
gen(0, 1502, CONV_MEMOVERFLOW, "Out of memory in UTF string conversion")
gen(1, 1504, CONV_ILLUTF, "Invalid UTF-$1 string")
"Invalid text string according to the current encoding '$1'")
"Multi byte text format not supported on this platform")
gen(1, 1520, CONV_HTML_TOOLONG,
"Illegal HTML character entity '$1' (too long)")
gen(1, 1521, CONV_HTML_ILLCODE,
"Illegal HTML character entity '$1' (illegal character code)")
gen(1, 1522, CONV_HTML_ILLNAME,
"Illegal HTML character entity '$1' (illegal character name)")
"Illegal HTML character entity '$1' (delimiter ';' missing)")
"Buffer overflow for glyph name to Unicode conversion")
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Internal (19xx) */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gen(1, 1900, INT_NULLARG, "Invalid NULL argument in function $1")
gen(0, 1902, INT_XSTACK, "Exception stack underflow")
gen(1, 1904, INT_UNUSEDOBJ, "Object $1 allocated but not used")
gen(1, 1906, INT_FLOATTOOLARGE, "Floating point number $1 too large for PDF")
gen(0, 1907, INT_ILLFLOAT, "Bad floating point number for PDF")
gen(2, 1908, INT_BADFORMAT, "Unknown vsprintf() format '$1' ($2)")
gen(1, 1910, INT_ALLOC0,
"Tried to allocate 0 or negative number of bytes in function $1")
/* Unused. See 1502
gen(1, 1912, INT_UNICODEMEM, "Too few bytes allocated in Unicode function $1")
gen(1, 1914, INT_INVMATRIX, "Matrix [$1] not invertible")
gen(1, 1916, INT_REALLOC_TMP, "Illegal call to realloc_tmp() in function $1")
gen(0, 1918, INT_FREE_TMP, "Illegal call to free_tmp()")
gen(2, 1920, INT_ILLSWITCH, "Unexpected switch value $1 in function $2")
#undef gen
#undef pdc_genNames
#undef pdc_genInfo