alex 714dd74636 Archive Library versione 2.00
git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
1997-10-09 16:09:54 +00:00

242 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable File

* Header file for ArchiveLib 2.0
* Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* This header file contains the definitions for class ALEntry.
* ALEntry objects contain the information needed to insert or
* extract an object from an archive, such as its name, size, etc.
* The entries are gathered together into an ALEntryList, which is
* typically passed as an argument to an archiving function.
* In addition to the information about a file that is either in an
* archive or is going to go into an archive, the job entry also
* has a special mark. Each job entry is created in the marked state.
* All of the archive functions that accept a list as an argument only
* work on marked files, they ignore items in the list that aren't marked.
* Various member functions can be used to clear or set marks on files.
* There are several criteria you might use to clear or set marks,
* such as matching a wild card specification, being older than a
* certain date, or being a certain size.
* ALEntry : A description of an entry in an Archive.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
* February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release
#ifndef _ARCENTRY_H
#define _ARCENTRY_H
#if defined( __cplusplus )
* Forward declarations.
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALEntryList;
* class ALEntry
* ALEntry objects describe an entry in an archive. When you read in
* the directory from an archive, it consists of a list of ALEntry
* objects. The description can also refer to objects that you
* want to put in an archive.
* An ALEntry object has pointers to both a compression engine and
* a storage object. It also has the position of an object in an archive,
* its CRC-32, and more. Some of this data will not be filled in when
* you pass a list of these objects as an argument to an Archive command
* like Create().
* mszComment : The comment stored with the archive.
* mpNextItem : A pointer to the next ALEntry object in
* the list. (Note that ALEntry items are
* always in a list.)
* mpPreviousItem : A pointer to the previous item in the list.
* mrList : A reference to the list that the ALEntry
* guy is a member of.
* mlCompressedSize : How big the object is after it is compressed.
* If you are inserting an object for the first
* time, you will have to wait for the ALArchiveBase
* member function to fill this guy in after
* the insertion takes place.
* mlCompressedObjectPosition : Where the object is found in the archive.
* Another field that gets filled in during
* insertion.
* mlCrc32 : The CRC-32 of the uncompressed object. This
* gets filled in during compression.
* miMark : The object's mark. If the mark is not set,
* most of the archive commands will ignore
* this entry.
* mpStorageObject : A pointer to the storage object associated
* with this entry. This is a public member,
* so you can dink with it. It will be destroyed
* by the ALEntry destructor!
* mpCompressor : A pointer to the compression engine associated
* with this archive entry.
* mpDecompressor : A pointer to the decompression engine associated
* with this archive entry. Note that either of
* the two engine pointers can be set to 0 if
* the program doesn't need them.
* ALEntry() : The constructor.
* ~ALEntry() : The destructor.
* operator new() : Memory allocation operator, only used when the
* constructor is inside the DLL.
* InsertBefore() : A private function used when updating an
* ALEntrylist
* GetNextEntry() : A routine used when interating an ALEntrylist.
* GetCompressedSize() : An access routine to get a protected member.
* GetCompressedObjectPosition() : Ditto.
* GetCrc32() : An access routine to get a protected member.
* GetComment() : An access routine to get a protected member.
* SetMark() : Set the mark for an ALEntry, the default state is set.
* ClearMark() : Clear the mark for an ALEntry.
* SetMarkState() : Private function to set or clear the mark.
* SetComment() : Set the comment for an entry.
* GetMark() : Get the current state of the mark.
* CompressionRatio() : Calculate the compression ratio for an object.
* Duplicate() : Test to see if an entry is found in a list.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
struct AL_CLASS_TYPE ALZipDir;
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALEntry { /* Tag public class */
* Constructors, destructors, friends
friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALArchive;
friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALPkArchive;
friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALGlArchive;
friend void AL_FUNCTION _UpdateEntry( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR * entry,
ALZipDir AL_DLL_FAR * z );
public :
ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR *,
ALCompressor AL_DLL_FAR *,
ALDecompressor AL_DLL_FAR * );
AL_PROTO ~ALEntry();
#if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size );
* The copy constructor and assignment operator are not supported. I
* declare them here because I don't want the compiler to generate
* default versions for me.
protected :
AL_PROTO operator=( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & );
* Member functions
protected :
void AL_PROTO InsertBefore( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & );
public :
ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO GetNextEntry();
long AL_PROTO GetCompressedSize() const;
long AL_PROTO GetCompressedObjectPosition() const;
long AL_PROTO GetCrc32() const;
const char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO GetComment();
void AL_PROTO SetMark();
void AL_PROTO ClearMark();
void AL_PROTO SetMarkState( short int new_state );
int AL_PROTO SetComment( const char AL_DLL_FAR *comment );
int AL_PROTO GetMark();
int AL_PROTO CompressionRatio();
int AL_PROTO Duplicate( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
* Data members
protected :
char AL_DLL_FAR *mszComment;
ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR *mpNextItem;
ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR *mpPreviousItem;
ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &mrList;
long mlCompressedSize;
long mlCompressedObjectPosition;
long mlCrc32;
short int miMark;
public :
ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR *mpStorageObject;
ALCompressor AL_DLL_FAR *mpCompressor;
ALDecompressor AL_DLL_FAR *mpDecompressor;
AL_CLASS_TAG( _ALEntryTag );
#include "arcentry.inl"
#else /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) ... */
AL_LINKAGE long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetCompressedSize( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetCompressedPosition( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetCrc32( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE char *AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetComment( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetMark( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE void AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetMark( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE void AL_FUNCTION ALEntryClearMark( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE void AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetMarkState( hALEntry this_object, short int new_state );
AL_LINKAGE hALEntry AL_FUNCTION newALEntry( hALEntryList list,
hALStorage storage,
hALCompressor compressor,
hALDecompressor decompressor );
AL_LINKAGE void AL_FUNCTION deleteALEntry( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE hALEntry AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetNextEntry( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryCompressionRatio( hALEntry this_object );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryDuplicate( hALEntry this_object,
hALEntryList list );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetComment( hALEntry this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *comment );
AL_LINKAGE hALStorage AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetStorage( hALEntry this_object );
ALEntrySetStorage( hALEntry this_object, hALStorage storage );
ALEntryGetCompressor( hALEntry this_object );
ALEntryGetDecompressor( hALEntry this_object );
ALEntrySetCompressor( hALEntry this_object, hALCompressor compressor );
ALEntrySetDecompressor( hALEntry this_object, hALDecompressor decompressor );
#endif /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) ... #else ... */
#endif /* #ifdef _ARCENTRY_H */