alex 714dd74636 Archive Library versione 2.00
git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
1997-10-09 16:09:54 +00:00

133 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File

* Header file for ArchiveLib 2.0
* Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* This header file contains the class declaration for ALTimeDate.
* ALTimeDate
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
* August 10, 1994 1.0B : Added #ifdefs to exclude the DOS functions
* when compiled under UNIX.
* February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release
#ifndef _TIMEDATE_H
#define _TIMEDATE_H
#include <time.h>
* class
* class ALTimeDate is used strictly to keep track of the time/date
* stamp of an ALStorage object. The only place this class appears is
* as the mTimeDate member of ALStorage. It has a number of conversion
* utilities for loading and exporting its values in various formats.
* Since most of the ways we have to set time stamps for objects
* are not ANSI standard, we end up with quite a few conversion utilities.
* miYear : The year just like you would expect, e.g 1994. A value of
* 0 in this field indicates an invalid time.
* miMonth : The month, 1-12.
* miDate : The date, 1-31.
* miHour : In 2400 format, 0 - 23.
* miMinute : 0 - 59
* miSecond : 0 -59,
* ALTimeDate() : The constructor, sets all members to 0.
* ~ALTimeDate() : The destructor, has no work to do.
* operator new() : The memory allocation operator, only used
* when the library is inside a DLL.
* ToJulian() : Convert the internal m/d/y members to
* a julian day number.
* FromJulian() : Convert a julian day number to internal
* data members m/d/y.
* GetUnixTime() : Convert all members to a long in unix format,
* total seconds since 1/1/1970.
* GetDosTime() : Convert h:m:s data members to the unsigned int
* used in certain DOS commands.
* GetDosDate() : Convert m/d/y data members to the unsigned int
* used in certain DOS commands.
* SetTimeDate(long) : Set internal data members from a UNIX long.
* SetTimeDate(struct tm*) : Set internal data members from a DOS
* struct tm *.
* GetTimeDate() : Convert internal data members to a DOS struct tm *.
* Valid() : Indicate if a valid time has been set.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
* February 14, 1996 2.0: New release
#ifdef __cplusplus
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALTimeDate { /* Tag public class */
* Constructors, destructors, declarations, assignment operator
public :
AL_PROTO ALTimeDate();
AL_PROTO ~ALTimeDate();
#if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size );
* I usually hide the copy constructor and assignment operators,
* but in this case they are OK
* Member functions
public :
long AL_PROTO ToJulian();
void AL_PROTO FromJulian( long jdn );
long AL_PROTO GetUnixTime();
unsigned short int AL_PROTO GetDosTime();
unsigned short int AL_PROTO GetDosDate();
void AL_PROTO SetTimeDate( long unix_time );
void AL_PROTO SetTimeDate( struct tm AL_DLL_FAR *tblock );
void AL_PROTO GetTimeDate( struct tm AL_DLL_FAR *tblock );
int AL_PROTO Valid();
* Data members
protected :
short int miYear; /* What you expect, e.g. 1995 */
short int miMonth; /* 1-12 */
short int miDate; /* 1-31 */
short int miHour; /* 0-23 */
short int miMinute; /* 0-59 */
short int miSecond; /* 0-59 */
#include "timedate.inl"
#else /* #ifdef __cplusplus ... */
#endif /* #ifdef __cplusplus ... #else ...*/