alex 714dd74636 Archive Library versione 2.00
git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
1997-10-09 16:09:54 +00:00

181 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File

* Header file for BUILD 3.0A
* class bstring definition
* class options definition
* class item definition
* class file_name_item defintion
* class file_list definition
* ::function prototypes
* This header file is included by BUILD.CPP. It contains the class
* definitions and prototypes used by the BUILD.EXE 2.0 program.
* May 20, 1994 2.0A : First release
* January 5, 1995 3.0A : Lots and lots of changes. See BUILD.CPP.
#ifndef _BUILD_H
#define _BUILD_H
// class bstring is used throughout the BUILD program to manipulate
// various strings. I would rather use ANSI standard strings, but
// they aren't widely supported yet, so I had to build my own.
// This class has a couple of filename functions thrown in as well.
class bstring {
public :
bstring( const char *init = "" );
bstring( const bstring& );
bstring& operator = ( const bstring& );
bstring& operator = ( const char * );
bstring operator + ( const char * );
bstring operator + ( const bstring& );
int operator != ( const bstring& ) const;
int operator != ( const char * ) const;
int operator == ( const bstring& );
int operator == ( const char * );
operator const char *() const { return string; }
int operator[]( int ) const;
int index_from_end( int index ) const;
int first( char );
int first( const char * );
int last( char );
int length(){ return strlen( string ); }
int remove_after( int );
int remove_before( int );
bstring get_first_token( const char *delimiters = " ," );
bstring get_next_token( const char *delimiters = " ," );
bstring drive() const; // Returns "C:" or ""
bstring path() const; // Returns "\\comp1\\comp2\\" or ".\\"
bstring name() const; // Returns "name" or ""
bstring ext() const; // Returns ".ext" or ""
bstring& upper();
protected :
char *string;
char *tokenizer;
// class item holds a single tag and its associated value (plus optionally
// an executable file name.) This class should properly be a nested class
// of class options, but since not all of our compilers support nested
// classes yet there is no point. In any case, BUILD doesn't do anything
// with this class, it relies on the member functions of class options
// to deal with it.
class options;
class item {
friend class options;
public :
item( const char *name ) : name( name ), value(), run_mode( ONE_AT_A_TIME ) {;}
item *get_next_item(){ return next_item; }
bstring name;
bstring value;
enum { BATCH, ONE_AT_A_TIME } run_mode;
protected :
item *next_item;
// The options class contains all the options read in from the command
// line, as well as the BUILD.INI file. The two command line options
// are dry_run and model. The tags out of the BUILD.INI file all get
// stuffed into a linked list of class item.
class options {
public :
options( char *first, ... );
void add_option( const bstring &name, const bstring &value );
bstring *find_value( const char *tag );
item *find_item( const char *tag );
bstring model;
bstring ini_file;
int dry_run;
int keep_files;
int ignore;
enum { LIB, EXE, UNKNOWN } target;
item *get_first_item(){ return first_item; }
void erase_values();
protected :
item *first_item;
// class file_list contains a linked list of file names. The file
// names themselves go in these file_name_item objects. This should
// also be a nested class, BUILD should never dink with it, only the
// file_list class.
class file_name_item {
public :
bstring file_name;
file_name_item *next_item;
file_name_item( const char *s ) : file_name( s ){ next_item = 0; }
// The file_list class is used to hold the list of files that
// BUILD is going to compile.
class file_list {
public :
file_list(){ first_file = 0; }
void add_file( const char *name );
bstring *get_first_file();
bstring *get_next_file();
protected :
file_name_item *first_file;
file_name_item *current_item;
// Function prototypes for various guys that show up in BUILD.CPP.
int parse_args( int &argc, char **&argv, options &opts );
void dump_sections( options &opts );
int read_ini_file( options &opts );
int build_lib_file_list( int argc, char **argv, file_list &files, options& opts );
int build_exe_file_list( int argc, char **argv, file_list &files );
void dump_options( options &opts );
void build_lib_config_files( options &opts, file_list &files );
void build_wild_card_line( options &opts,
file_list &files,
fstream &config_file,
bstring &command_string );
void build_exe_config_files( options &opts, bstring &file );
int lib_batch_compiles( options &opts );
int compile_lib_files( options &opts, file_list &files );
int build_exe_files( options &opts, file_list &files );
int build_lib( options &opts );
int cleanup( file_list &files, options &opts );
SECTION_TYPE get_next_section( bstring &section, fstream &file );
int read_options( options &opts, fstream &file, const bstring& section_name );
int parse_option( options &opts, bstring &line, fstream &file );
void add_wild_cards( file_list &files, const bstring &wild_spec );
int build_config_file( options &opts,
const char *config_filename,
const char *subject_filename,
const bstring option_tag );
int build_lib_cmd( options &opts, file_list &files );
int target_file_exists( const bstring &file, const bstring &ext );
int execute( bstring &command, int dry_run );
#endif //#ifndef _BUILD_H