wxPGDefaultRenderer Class Reference

Default cell renderer, that can handles the common scenarios. More...

#include <propgrid.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxPGDefaultRenderer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual wxSize GetImageSize (const wxPGProperty *property, int column, int item) const
 Returns size of the image in front of the editable area.
virtual void Render (wxDC &dc, const wxRect &rect, const wxPropertyGrid *propertyGrid, wxPGProperty *property, int column, int item, int flags) const

Detailed Description

Default cell renderer, that can handles the common scenarios.

Member Function Documentation

virtual wxSize wxPGDefaultRenderer::GetImageSize ( const wxPGProperty property,
int  column,
int  item 
) const [virtual]

Returns size of the image in front of the editable area.

If property is NULL, then this call is for a custom value. In that case the item is index to wxPropertyGrid's custom values.

Reimplemented from wxPGCellRenderer.

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Generated on Sun Aug 22 12:42:14 2010 for wxPropertyGrid by  doxygen 1.6.3