wxPGComboBoxEditor Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for wxPGComboBoxEditor:
wxPGChoiceEditor wxPGEditor

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

GetName () const
 Returns pointer to the name of the editor.
virtual bool GetValueFromControl (wxVariant &variant, wxPGProperty *property, wxWindow *ctrl) const
 Returns value from control, via parameter 'variant'.
virtual bool OnEvent (wxPropertyGrid *propgrid, wxPGProperty *property, wxWindow *ctrl, wxEvent &event) const
 Handles events.
virtual void OnFocus (wxPGProperty *property, wxWindow *wnd) const
 Extra processing when control gains focus.
virtual void UpdateControl (wxPGProperty *property, wxWindow *ctrl) const
 Loads value from property to the control.

Member Function Documentation

virtual wxPG_DECLARE_CREATECONTROLS wxPG_CONST_WXCHAR_PTR wxPGComboBoxEditor::GetName (  )  const [virtual]

Returns pointer to the name of the editor.

For example, wxPG_EDITOR(TextCtrl) has name "TextCtrl". This method is autogenerated for custom editors.

Reimplemented from wxPGChoiceEditor.

virtual bool wxPGComboBoxEditor::GetValueFromControl ( wxVariant &  variant,
wxPGProperty property,
wxWindow *  ctrl 
) const [virtual]

Returns value from control, via parameter 'variant'.

Usually ends up calling property's StringToValue or IntToValue. Returns true if value was different.

Reimplemented from wxPGEditor.

virtual bool wxPGComboBoxEditor::OnEvent ( wxPropertyGrid propgrid,
wxPGProperty property,
wxWindow *  wnd_primary,
wxEvent &  event 
) const [virtual]

Handles events.

Returns true if value in control was modified (see wxPGProperty::OnEvent for more information).

Implements wxPGEditor.

virtual void wxPGComboBoxEditor::OnFocus ( wxPGProperty property,
wxWindow *  wnd 
) const [virtual]

Extra processing when control gains focus.

For example, wxTextCtrl based controls should select all text.

Reimplemented from wxPGEditor.

virtual void wxPGComboBoxEditor::UpdateControl ( wxPGProperty property,
wxWindow *  ctrl 
) const [virtual]

Loads value from property to the control.

Implements wxPGEditor.

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Generated on Sun Aug 22 12:42:14 2010 for wxPropertyGrid by  doxygen 1.6.3