wxPGVIterator Class Reference

Abstract implementation of a simple iterator. More...

#include <propgrid.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool AtEnd () const
wxPGPropertyGetProperty () const
void Next ()
const wxPGVIteratoroperator= (const wxPGVIterator &it)
void UnRef ()
 wxPGVIterator (const wxPGVIterator &it)
 wxPGVIterator (wxPGVIteratorBase *obj)

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

Abstract implementation of a simple iterator.

Can only be used to iterate in forward order, and only through the entire container. Used to have functions dealing with all properties work with both wxPropertyGrid and wxPropertyGridManager.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator
Generated on Sun Aug 22 12:42:14 2010 for wxPropertyGrid by  doxygen 1.6.3