Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
wxArrayStringPropertyProperty that manages a list of strings
wxBaseEnumPropertyDerive dynamic custom properties with choices from this class
wxBoolPropertyBasic property with boolean value
wxColourPropertyValueBecause text, background and other colours tend to differ between platforms, wxSystemColourProperty must be able to select between system colour and, when necessary, to pick a custom one
wxCursorPropertyProperty representing wxCursor
wxCustomPropertyThis is a somewhat inefficient but versatile property class
wxDatePropertyProperty representing wxDateTime
wxDirPropertyLike wxLongStringProperty, but the button triggers dir selector instead
wxEditEnumPropertyWxEnumProperty with wxString value and writable combo box editor
wxEnumPropertyYou can derive custom properties with choices from this class
wxFilePropertyLike wxLongStringProperty, but the button triggers file selector instead
wxFlagsPropertyRepresents a bit set that fits in a long integer
wxFloatPropertyBasic property with double-precision floating point value
wxFontPropertyProperty representing wxFont
wxImageFilePropertyProperty representing image file(name)
wxIntPropertyBasic property with integer value
wxLongStringPropertyLike wxStringProperty, but has a button that triggers a small text editor dialog
wxMultiChoicePropertyProperty that manages a value resulting from wxMultiChoiceDialog
wxPGAttributeStorageWxPGAttributeStorage is somewhat optimized storage for key=variant pairs (ie
wxPGCellBase class for simple wxPropertyGrid cell information
wxPGCellRendererBase class for wxPropertyGrid cell renderers
wxPGChoiceEntryAttributes of a single wxPGChoices choice
wxPGChoicesHelper class for managing choices for properties
wxPGCommonValueWxPropertyGrid stores information about common values in these records
wxPGDefaultRendererDefault cell renderer, that can handles the common scenarios
wxPGEditorBase for property editor classes
wxPGEditorDialogAdapterDerive a class from this to adapt an existing editor dialog or function to be used when editor button of a property is pushed
wxPGInDialogValidatorCreates and manages a temporary wxTextCtrl for validation purposes
wxPGMultiButtonThis class can be used to have multiple buttons in a property editor
wxPGPaintDataContains information relayed to property's OnCustomPaint
wxPGPropArgClsMost property grid functions have this type as their argument, as it can convey a property by either a pointer or name
wxPGPropertyWxPGProperty is base class for all wxPropertyGrid properties
wxPGRootPropertyRoot parent property
wxPGValidationInfoUsed to convey validation information to and from functions that actually perform validation
wxPGVariantDataWxVariantData with additional functionality
wxPGVIteratorAbstract implementation of a simple iterator
wxPGVIteratorBaseBase class to derive new viterators
wxPropertyCategoryCategory (caption) property
wxPropertyGridWxPropertyGrid is a specialized two-column grid for editing properties such as strings, numbers, flagsets, fonts, and colours
wxPropertyGridConstIteratorConst version of wxPropertyGridIterator
wxPropertyGridEventA propertygrid event holds information about events associated with wxPropertyGrid objects
wxPropertyGridHitTestResultWxPropertyGridHitTestResult, a return value from wxPropertyGrid::HitTest(), contains all you need to know about an arbitrary location on the grid
wxPropertyGridInterfaceIn order to have most same base methods, both wxPropertyGrid and wxPropertyGridManager must derive from this
wxPropertyGridIteratorPreferable way to iterate through contents of wxPropertyGrid, wxPropertyGridManager, and wxPropertyGridPage
wxPropertyGridIteratorBaseBase for wxPropertyGridIterator classes
wxPropertyGridManagerWxPropertyGridManager is an efficient multi-page version of wxPropertyGrid, which can optionally have toolbar for mode and page selection, and help text box
wxPropertyGridPageHolder of property grid page information
wxPropertyGridPopulatorAllows populating wxPropertyGrid from arbitrary text source
wxPropertyGridStateContains information of a single wxPropertyGrid page
wxStringPropertyBasic property with string value
wxSystemColourPropertyHas dropdown list of wxWidgets system colours
wxUIntPropertyBasic property with unsigned integer value
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Generated on Sun Aug 22 12:42:14 2010 for wxPropertyGrid by  doxygen 1.6.3