328 lines
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/* d4index.c (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1988-1996. All rights reserved. */
#include "d4all.h"
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifdef P4ARGS_USED
#pragma argsused
int S4FUNCTION d4freeBlocks( DATA4 *data )
#ifdef S4INDEX_OFF
return 0 ;
#ifndef S4CLIENT
int rc ;
TAG4 *tagOn ;
#ifdef E4PARM_HIGH
if ( data == 0 )
return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E93001 ) ;
#ifdef S4CLIENT
return 0 ;
rc = 0 ;
for( tagOn = 0 ;; )
tagOn = (TAG4 *)d4tagNext( data, tagOn ) ;
if ( tagOn == 0 )
return rc ;
if ( tfile4freeAll( tagOn->tagFile ) < 0 )
rc = -1 ;
#endif /* S4CLIENT */
/* should compare full name, adding extension if required */
#ifdef P4ARGS_USED
#pragma argsused
INDEX4 *S4FUNCTION d4index( DATA4 *data, const char *indexName )
#ifdef S4INDEX_OFF
return 0 ;
char *current ;
char indexLookup[258], ext[4] ;
#ifndef S4CLIENT
char indexLookup2[258] ;
INDEX4 *indexOn ;
unsigned int i, extIndex = 0;
int doAlias, hasExt, hasPath ;
#ifdef S4VBASIC
if ( c4parm_check( data, 2, E93002 ) )
return 0 ;
#endif /* S4VBASIC */
#ifdef E4PARM_HIGH
if ( data == 0 )
error4( 0, e4parm_null, E93002 ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( indexName == 0 )
doAlias = 1 ;
if ( indexName[0] == 0 )
doAlias = 1 ;
doAlias = 0 ;
if ( doAlias == 1 )
u4ncpy( indexLookup, d4alias( data ), sizeof(indexLookup) ) ;
u4ncpy( indexLookup, indexName, sizeof(indexLookup) ) ;
#ifndef S4CASE_SEN
c4upper( indexLookup ) ;
u4nameExt( indexLookup, sizeof(indexLookup), code4indexExtension( data->codeBase ), 0 ) ;
for( hasPath = 0, i = 0, hasExt = 0 ; i < sizeof( indexLookup ) ; i++ )
switch( indexLookup[i] )
case 0: /* done */
i = sizeof( indexLookup ) ;
break ;
/* */
case ':':
/* */
case S4DIR:
i = sizeof( indexLookup ) ;
hasPath = 1 ;
break ;
case '.':
hasExt = 1 ;
memset( ext, 0, sizeof( ext ) ) ;
extIndex = 0 ;
break ;
if ( hasExt == 1 ) /* part of extension, so copy */
if ( extIndex < 3 ) /* ignore rest */
ext[extIndex] = indexLookup[i] ;
extIndex++ ;
break ;
for( indexOn = 0 ;; )
indexOn = (INDEX4 *)l4next( &data->indexes, indexOn) ;
if ( indexOn == 0 )
return 0 ;
#ifdef S4CLIENT
current = indexOn->alias ;
current = indexOn->accessName ;
if ( current[0] == 0 ) /* use data file name */
u4namePiece( indexLookup2, sizeof(indexLookup2), data->dataFile->file.name, hasPath, 0 ) ;
current = indexLookup2 ;
if ( !strcmp( current, indexLookup ) ) /* check out data->alias? */
return indexOn ;
if ( doAlias == 1 ) /* check with just alias (no extension) */
if ( !strcmp( current, d4alias( data ) ) )
return indexOn ;
else /* also check in case of extension specific */
/* do by not examining the extension (last 4 bytes) of copied memory
this is to avoid the non-upper-case possible input scenario */
/* but first ensure that the extension is normalized (if it exists) */
/* 03/25/96 AS */
if ( hasExt )
#ifndef S4CASE_SEN
c4upper( ext ) ;
if ( memcmp( code4indexExtension( data->codeBase ), ext, 3 ) != 0 )
continue ; /* means extension is different, so must include in examination */
if ( !memcmp( current, indexLookup, strlen( indexLookup ) - 4 ) )
return indexOn ;
#ifndef N4OTHER
#ifdef P4ARGS_USED
#pragma argsused
INDEX4FILE *dfile4index( DATA4FILE *data, const char *indexName )
#ifdef S4INDEX_OFF
return 0 ;
char indexLookup[258] ;
INDEX4FILE *indexOn ;
#ifdef E4PARM_LOW
if ( data == 0 || indexName == 0 )
error4( 0, e4parm_null, E91102 ) ;
return 0 ;
#ifdef S4CLIENT
#ifdef E4ANALYZE
if ( strlen( indexName ) >= sizeof( indexLookup ) )
error4( 0, e4struct, E91102 ) ;
return 0 ;
u4ncpy( indexLookup, indexName, sizeof( indexLookup ) ) ;
u4nameCurrent( indexLookup, sizeof( indexLookup ), indexName ) ;
#ifndef S4CASE_SEN
c4upper( indexLookup ) ;
for( indexOn = 0 ;; )
indexOn = (INDEX4FILE *)l4next( &data->indexes, indexOn ) ;
if ( indexOn == 0 )
return 0 ;
#ifdef S4CLIENT
if ( !strcmp( indexLookup, indexOn->accessName ) ) /* check out data->alias? */
return indexOn ;
if ( !strcmp( indexLookup, indexOn->file.name ) ) /* check out data->alias? */
return indexOn ;
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int S4FUNCTION d4reindex( DATA4 *data )
#ifdef S4INDEX_OFF
return 0 ;
int rc ;
CODE4 *c4 ;
#ifdef S4CLIENT
CONNECTION4 *connection ;
INDEX4 *indexOn ;
int hasOpt ;
#ifdef S4VBASIC
if ( c4parm_check( data, 2, E93004 ) )
return -1 ;
#endif /* S4VBASIC */
#ifdef E4PARM_HIGH
if ( data == 0 )
return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E93004 ) ;
c4 = data->codeBase ;
if ( error4code( c4 ) < 0 )
return e4codeBase ;
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
rc = d4updateRecord( data, 0 ) ;
if ( rc )
return rc ;
if ( data->readOnly == 1 )
return error4describe( c4, e4write, E80606, d4alias( data ), 0, 0 ) ;
rc = 0 ;
#ifdef S4CLIENT
connection = data->dataFile->connection ;
if ( connection == 0 )
return e4connection ;
connection4assign( connection, CON4REINDEX, data4clientId( data ), data4serverId( data ) ) ;
rc = connection4repeat( connection, -2, -1, -1, data ) ;
if ( rc == r4locked )
return r4locked ;
if ( rc != 0 )
return connection4error( connection, c4, rc, E93004) ;
if ( connection4len( connection ) != sizeof( CONNECTION4REINDEX_INFO_OUT ) )
return error4( c4, e4packetLen, E93004 ) ;
out = (CONNECTION4REINDEX_INFO_OUT *)connection4data( connection ) ;
if ( out->lockedDatafile == 1 )
data->dataFile->fileLock = data ;
data->recNum = -1 ;
data->recNumOld = -1 ;
memset( data->record, ' ', dfile4recWidth( data->dataFile ) ) ;
return rc ;
hasOpt = c4->hasOpt && c4->opt.numBuffers ;
if ( hasOpt )
code4optSuspend( c4 ) ;
for ( indexOn = 0 ;; )
indexOn = (INDEX4 *)l4next( &data->indexes, indexOn ) ;
if ( indexOn == 0 )
break ;
rc = i4reindex( indexOn ) ;
if ( rc != 0 ) /* error or r4unique */
break ;
if ( hasOpt )
code4optRestart( c4 ) ;
return rc ;
#endif /* S4CLIENT */
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */
#ifdef S4VB_DOS
INDEX4 *d4index_v( DATA4 *d4, char *indexName )
return d4index( d4, c4str(indexName) ) ;