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// Description: This module acts as the interface between the Info-ZIP code and
// our Windows code in WINMAIN.CPP. We expose the needed
// functions to query a file list, test file(s), extract file(s),
// and display a zip file comment. The windows code is never
// bothered with understanding the Globals structure.
// This module also catches all the callbacks from the Info-ZIP
// code, cleans up the data provided in the callback, and then
// forwards the information to the appropriate function in the
// windows code. These callbacks include status messages, file
// lists, comments, password prompt, and file overwrite prompts.
// Finally, this module implements the few functions that the
// Info-ZIP code expects the port to implement. These functions are
// OS dependent and are mostly related to validating file names and
// directoies, and setting file attributes and dates of saved files.
// Copyright: All the source files for Pocket UnZip, except for components
// written by the Info-ZIP group, are copyrighted 1997 by Steve P.
// Miller. The product "Pocket UnZip" itself is property of the
// author and cannot be altered in any way without written consent
// from Steve P. Miller.
// Disclaimer: All project files are provided "as is" with no guarantee of
// their correctness. The authors are not liable for any outcome
// that is the result of using this source. The source for Pocket
// UnZip has been placed in the public domain to help provide an
// understanding of its implementation. You are hereby granted
// full permission to use this source in any way you wish, except
// to alter Pocket UnZip itself. For comments, suggestions, and
// bug reports, please write to stevemil@pobox.com.
// Functions: DoListFiles
// DoExtractOrTestFiles
// DoGetComment
// SetExtractToDirectory
// InitGlobals
// FreeGlobals
// IsFileOrDirectory
// SmartCreateDirectory
// ExtractOrTestFilesThread
// CheckForAbort
// SetCurrentFile
// UzpMessagePrnt2
// UzpInput2
// UzpMorePause
// UzpPassword
// UzpReplace
// UzpSound
// SendAppMsg
// win_fprintf
// mapattr
// utimeToFileTime
// GetFileTimes
// close_outfile
// do_wild
// mapname
// test_NT
// checkdir
// match
// iswild
// IsOldFileSystem
// Date Name History
// -------- ------------ -----------------------------------------------------
// 02/01/97 Steve Miller Created (Version 1.0 using Info-ZIP UnZip 5.30)
#if 0 // The following information and structure are here just for reference
// The Windows CE version of Unzip builds with the following defines set:
// WIN32
// POCKET_UNZIP (Main define - Always set)
// DLL
// USE_SMITH_CODE (optional - See COPYING document)
// USE_UNSHRINK (optional - See COPYING document)
// DEBUG (When building for Debug)
// _DEBUG (When building for Debug)
// NDEBUG (When building for Retail)
// _NDEBUG (When building for Retail)
// _WIN32_WCE=100 (When building for Windows CE native)
// This causes our Globals structure to look like the following. The only
// things we care about is this Globals structure, the process_zipfiles()
// function, and a few callback functions. The Info-ZIP code has not been
// been modified in any way.
struct Globals {
int zipinfo_mode; // behave like ZipInfo or like normal UnZip?
int aflag; // -a: do ASCII-EBCDIC and/or end-of-line translation
int cflag; // -c: output to stdout
int C_flag; // -C: match filenames case-insensitively
int dflag; // -d: all args are files/dirs to be extracted
int fflag; // -f: "freshen" (extract only newer files)
int hflag; // -h: header line (zipinfo)
int jflag; // -j: junk pathnames (unzip)
int lflag; // -12slmv: listing format (zipinfo)
int L_flag; // -L: convert filenames from some OSes to lowercase
int overwrite_none; // -n: never overwrite files (no prompting)
int overwrite_all; // -o: OK to overwrite files without prompting
int P_flag; // -P: give password on command line (ARGH!)
int qflag; // -q: produce a lot less output
int sflag; // -s: convert spaces in filenames to underscores
int volflag; // -$: extract volume labels
int tflag; // -t: test (unzip) or totals line (zipinfo)
int T_flag; // -T: timestamps (unzip) or dec. time fmt (zipinfo)
int uflag; // -u: "update" (extract only newer/brand-new files)
int vflag; // -v: (verbosely) list directory
int V_flag; // -V: don't strip VMS version numbers
int X_flag; // -X: restore owner/protection or UID/GID or ACLs
int zflag; // -z: display the zipfile comment (only, for unzip)
int filespecs; // number of real file specifications to be matched
int xfilespecs; // number of excluded filespecs to be matched
int process_all_files;
int create_dirs; // used by main(), mapname(), checkdir()
int extract_flag;
int newzip; // reset in extract.c; used in crypt.c
LONGINT real_ecrec_offset;
LONGINT expect_ecrec_offset;
long csize; // used by decompr. (NEXTBYTE): must be signed
long ucsize; // used by unReduce(), explode()
long used_csize; // used by extract_or_test_member(), explode()
int filenotfound;
int redirect_data; // redirect data to memory buffer
int redirect_text; // redirect text output to buffer
unsigned _wsize;
int stem_len;
int putchar_idx;
uch *redirect_pointer;
uch *redirect_buffer;
unsigned redirect_size;
char **pfnames;
char **pxnames;
char sig[5];
char answerbuf[10];
min_info info[DIR_BLKSIZ];
min_info *pInfo;
union work area; // see unzpriv.h for definition of work
ulg near *crc_32_tab;
ulg crc32val; // CRC shift reg. (was static in funzip)
uch *inbuf; // input buffer (any size is OK)
uch *inptr; // pointer into input buffer
int incnt;
ulg bitbuf;
int bits_left; // unreduce and unshrink only
int zipeof;
char *argv0; // used for NT and EXE_EXTENSION
char *wildzipfn;
char *zipfn; // GRR: MSWIN: must nuke any malloc'd zipfn...
int zipfd; // zipfile file handle
LONGINT ziplen;
LONGINT cur_zipfile_bufstart; // extract_or_test, readbuf, ReadByte
LONGINT extra_bytes; // used in unzip.c, misc.c
uch *extra_field; // Unix, VMS, Mac, OS/2, Acorn, ...
uch *hold;
char local_hdr_sig[5]; // initialize sigs at runtime so unzip
char central_hdr_sig[5]; // executable won't look like a zipfile
char end_central_sig[5];
local_file_hdr lrec; // used in unzip.c, extract.c
cdir_file_hdr crec; // used in unzip.c, extract.c, misc.c
ecdir_rec ecrec; // used in unzip.c, extract.c
struct stat statbuf; // used by main, mapname, check_for_newer
int mem_mode;
uch *outbufptr; // extract.c static
ulg outsize; // extract.c static
int reported_backslash; // extract.c static
int disk_full;
int newfile;
int didCRlast; // fileio static
ulg numlines; // fileio static: number of lines printed
int sol; // fileio static: at start of line
int no_ecrec; // process static
FILE *outfile;
uch *outbuf;
uch *realbuf;
uch *outbuf2; // main() (never changes); else malloc'd
uch *outptr;
ulg outcnt; // number of chars stored in outbuf
char *filename;
char *pwdarg; // pointer to command-line password (-P option)
int nopwd; // crypt static
ulg keys[3]; // crypt static: keys defining pseudo-random sequence
char *key; // crypt static: decryption password or NULL
unsigned hufts; // track memory usage
struct huft *fixed_tl; // inflate static
struct huft *fixed_td; // inflate static
int fixed_bl
int fixed_bd; // inflate static
unsigned wp; // inflate static: current position in slide
ulg bb; // inflate static: bit buffer
unsigned bk; // inflate static: bits in bit buffer
MsgFn *message;
InputFn *input;
PauseFn *mpause;
PasswdFn *decr_passwd;
ReplaceFn *replace;
SoundFn *sound;
int incnt_leftover; // so improved NEXTBYTE does not waste input
uch *inptr_leftover;
// These are defined in PUNZIP.H.
char matchname[FILNAMSIZ]; // used by do_wild()
int notfirstcall; // used by do_wild()
char *zipfnPtr;
char *wildzipfnPtr;
#endif // #if 0 - This struct is here just for reference
extern "C" {
#define __INTRFACE_CPP__
#include "unzip.h"
#include "crypt.h" // Needed to pick up CRYPT define
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "intrface.h"
#include "winmain.h"
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <process.h> // _beginthreadex() and _endthreadex()
#include <tchar.h> // Must be outside of extern "C" block
//***** "Local" Global Variables
static USERFUNCTIONS g_uf;
static DCL g_dcl;
static EXTRACT_INFO *g_pExtractInfo = NULL;
static FILE_NODE *g_pFileLast = NULL;
static CHAR g_szExtractToDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
static BOOL g_fOutOfMemory;
//***** Local Function Prototypes
extern "C" {
// Our exposed interface functions to the Info-ZIP core.
BOOL DoListFiles(LPCSTR szZipFile);
BOOL DoExtractOrTestFiles(LPCSTR szZipFile, EXTRACT_INFO *pei);
BOOL DoGetComment(LPCSTR szFile);
BOOL SetExtractToDirectory(LPTSTR szDirectory);
// Internal functions.
struct Globals* InitGlobals(LPCSTR szZipFile);
void FreeGlobals(Globals *pG);
int IsFileOrDirectory(LPCTSTR szPath);
BOOL SmartCreateDirectory(struct Globals *pG, LPCSTR szDirectory);
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
DWORD WINAPI ExtractOrTestFilesThread(LPVOID lpv);
unsigned __stdcall ExtractOrTestFilesThread(void *lpv);
void CheckForAbort(struct Globals *pG);
void SetCurrentFile(struct Globals *pG);
// Callbacks from Info-ZIP code.
int UzpMessagePrnt2(zvoid *pG, uch *buffer, ulg size, int flag);
int UzpInput2(zvoid *pG, uch *buffer, int *size, int flag);
void UzpMorePause(zvoid *pG, const char *szPrompt, int flag);
int UzpPassword(zvoid *pG, int *pcRetry, char *szPassword, int nSize,
const char *szZipFile, const char *szFile);
int WINAPI UzpReplace(char *szFile);
void WINAPI UzpSound(void);
void WINAPI SendAppMsg(ulg dwSize, ulg dwCompressedSize, int ratio, int month,
int day, int year, int hour, int minute, int uppercase,
char *szPath, char *szMethod, ulg dwCRC);
int win_fprintf(FILE *file, unsigned int dwCount, char far *buffer);
// Functions that Info-ZIP expects the port to write and export.
void utimeToFileTime(time_t ut, FILETIME *pft, BOOL fOldFileSystem);
int GetFileTimes(struct Globals *pG, FILETIME *pftCreated, FILETIME *pftAccessed,
FILETIME *pftModified);
int mapattr(struct Globals *pG);
void close_outfile(struct Globals *pG);
char* do_wild(struct Globals *pG, char *wildspec);
int mapname(struct Globals *pG, int renamed);
int test_NT(struct Globals *pG, uch *eb, unsigned eb_size);
int checkdir(struct Globals *pG, char *pathcomp, int flag);
// Check for FAT, VFAT, HPFS, etc.
BOOL IsOldFileSystem(char *szPath);
} // extern "C"
//***** Our exposed interface functions to the Info-ZIP core
int DoListFiles(LPCSTR szZipFile) {
int result;
// Create our Globals struct and fill it in whith some default values.
struct Globals *pG = InitGlobals(szZipFile);
if (!pG) {
return PK_MEM;
pG->vflag = 1; // verbosely: list directory (for WIN32 it is 0 or 1)
pG->process_all_files = TRUE; // improves speed
g_pFileLast = NULL;
g_fOutOfMemory = FALSE;
// We wrap some exception handling around the entire Info-ZIP engine to be
// safe. Since we are running on a device with tight memory configurations,
// all sorts of problems can arise when we run out of memory.
__try {
// Call the unzip routine. We will catch the file information in a
// callback to SendAppMsg().
result = process_zipfiles(pG);
// Make sure we didn't run out of memory in the process.
if (g_fOutOfMemory) {
result = PK_MEM;
// Catch any exception here.
DebugOut(TEXT("Exception 0x%08X occurred in DoListFiles()"),
result = PK_EXCEPTION;
g_pFileLast = NULL;
// It is possible that the ZIP engine change the file name a bit (like adding
// a ".zip" if needed). If so, we will pick up the new name.
if ((result != PK_EXCEPTION) && pG->zipfn && *pG->zipfn) {
strcpy(g_szZipFile, pG->zipfn);
// Free our globals.
return result;
BOOL DoExtractOrTestFiles(LPCSTR szZipFile, EXTRACT_INFO *pei) {
// WARNING!!! This functions hands the EXTRACT_INFO structure of to a thread
// to perform the actual extraction/test. When the thread is done, it will
// send a message to the progress dialog. The calling function must not
// delete the EXTRAT_INFO structure until it receives the message. Currently,
// this is not a problem for us since the structure lives on the stack of the
// calling thread. The calling thread then displays a dialog that blocks the
// calling thread from clearing the stack until the dialog is dismissed, which
// occurs when the dialog receives the message.
// Create our globals so we can store the file name.
struct Globals *pG = InitGlobals(szZipFile);
if (!pG) {
pei->result = PK_MEM;
return FALSE;
// Store a global pointer to the Extract structure so it can be reached from
// our thread and callback functions.
g_pExtractInfo = pei;
// Spawn our thread
DWORD dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
// On CE, we use good old CreateThread() since the WinCE CRT does not
// allocate per-thread storage.
hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ExtractOrTestFilesThread, pG, 0, &dwThreadId);
// On NT, we need use the CRT's thread function so that we don't leak any
// CRT allocated memory when the thread exits.
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ExtractOrTestFilesThread, pG, 0,
// Bail out if our thread failed to create.
if (!hThread) {
DebugOut(TEXT("CreateThread() failed [%u]"), GetLastError());
// Set our error as a memory error.
g_pExtractInfo->result = PK_MEM;
// Free our globals.
// Tell the progress dialog that we are done.
g_pExtractInfo = NULL;
return FALSE;
// Close our thread handle since we have no use for it.
return TRUE;
int DoGetComment(LPCSTR szFile) {
int result;
// Create our Globals struct and fill it in whith some default values.
struct Globals *pG = InitGlobals(szFile);
if (!pG) {
return PK_MEM;
pG->zflag = TRUE; // display the zipfile comment
// We wrap some exception handling around the entire Info-ZIP engine to be
// safe. Since we are running on a device with tight memory configurations,
// all sorts of problems can arise when we run out of memory.
__try {
// Call the unzip routine. We will catch the comment string in a callback
// to win_fprintf().
result = process_zipfiles(pG);
// Catch any exception here.
DebugOut(TEXT("Exception 0x%08X occurred in DoGetComment()"),
result = PK_EXCEPTION;
// Free our globals.
return result;
BOOL SetExtractToDirectory(LPTSTR szDirectory) {
BOOL fNeedToAddWack = FALSE;
// Remove any trailing wack from the path.
int length = _tcslen(szDirectory);
if ((length > 0) && (szDirectory[length - 1] == TEXT('\\'))) {
szDirectory[--length] = TEXT('\0');
fNeedToAddWack = TRUE;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// Check to see if a root directory was specified.
if ((length == 2) && isalpha(szDirectory[0]) && (szDirectory[1] == ':')) {
// If just a root is specified, we need to only verify the drive letter.
if (!(GetLogicalDrives() & (1 << (tolower(szDirectory[0]) - (int)'a')))) {
// This drive does not exist. Bail out with a failure.
return FALSE;
} else
// We only verify path if length is >0 since we know "\" is valid.
if (length > 0) {
// Verify the the path exists and that it is a directory.
if (IsFileOrDirectory(szDirectory) != 2) {
return FALSE;
// Store the directory for when we do an extract.
wcstombs(g_szExtractToDirectory, szDirectory, countof(g_szExtractToDirectory));
// We always want a wack at the end of our path.
strcat(g_szExtractToDirectory, "\\");
// Add the wack back to the end of the path.
if (fNeedToAddWack) {
_tcscat(szDirectory, TEXT("\\"));
return TRUE;
//***** Internal functions
struct Globals* InitGlobals(LPCSTR szZipFile) {
// Store a global pointer to our USERFUNCTIONS structure so that LIST.C,
// PROCESS.C, and WINMAIN can access it.
lpUserFunctions = &g_uf;
// Clear our USERFUNCTIONS structure and assign our SendAppMsg() function.
ZeroMemory(&g_uf, sizeof(g_uf));
g_uf.SendApplicationMessage = SendAppMsg;
// Store a global pointer to our DCL structure so that EXTRACT.C can access it.
lpDCL = &g_dcl;
// Clear our DCL structure.
ZeroMemory(&g_dcl, sizeof(g_dcl));
// Create our global structure - pG
// Bail out if we failed to allocate our Globals structure.
if (!pG) {
return NULL;
// Fill in all our callback functions.
pG->message = UzpMessagePrnt2;
pG->input = UzpInput2;
pG->mpause = UzpMorePause;
pG->replace = UzpReplace;
pG->sound = UzpSound;
pG->decr_passwd = UzpPassword;
// Match filenames case-sensitively. We can do this since we can guarentee
// exact case because the user can only select files via our UI.
pG->C_flag = FALSE;
// Allocate and store the ZIP file name in pG->zipfn
if (!(pG->zipfnPtr = new char[FILNAMSIZ])) {
return NULL;
pG->zipfn = pG->zipfnPtr;
strcpy(pG->zipfn, szZipFile);
// Allocate and store the ZIP file name in pG->zipfn. This needs to done
// so that do_wild() does not wind up clearing out the zip file name when
// it returns in process.c
if (!(pG->wildzipfnPtr = new char[FILNAMSIZ])) {
return NULL;
pG->wildzipfn = pG->wildzipfnPtr;
strcpy(pG->wildzipfn, szZipFile);
return pG;
void FreeGlobals(Globals *pG) {
// Free our ZIP file name
if (pG->zipfnPtr) {
delete[] pG->zipfnPtr;
pG->zipfnPtr = pG->zipfn = NULL;
// Free our wild name buffer
if (pG->wildzipfnPtr) {
delete[] pG->wildzipfnPtr;
pG->wildzipfnPtr = pG->wildzipfn = NULL;
// Free everything else.
int IsFileOrDirectory(LPCTSTR szPath) {
// Geth the attributes of the item.
DWORD dwAttribs = GetFileAttributes(szPath);
// Bail out now if we could not find the path at all.
if (dwAttribs == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
return 0;
// Return 1 for file and 2 for directory.
return ((dwAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? 2 : 1);
BOOL SmartCreateDirectory(struct Globals *pG, LPCSTR szDirectory) {
// Copy path to a UNICODE buffer.
TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH];
mbstowcs(szBuffer, szDirectory, countof(szBuffer));
int x = IsFileOrDirectory(szBuffer);
// Create the directory if it does not exist.
if (x == 0) {
if (!CreateDirectory(szBuffer, NULL)) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, "error creating directory: %s\n", szDirectory));
return FALSE;
// If there is a file with the same name, then display an error.
} else if (x == 1) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
"cannot create %s as a file with same name already exists.\n",
return FALSE;
// If the directory already exists or was created, then return success.
return TRUE;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
// On WinCE, we declare our thread function the way CreateThread() likes it.
DWORD WINAPI ExtractOrTestFilesThread(LPVOID lpv) {
// On WinNT, we declare our thread function the way _beginthreadex likes it.
unsigned __stdcall ExtractOrTestFilesThread(void *lpv) {
struct Globals *pG = (struct Globals*)lpv;
if (g_pExtractInfo->fExtract) {
pG->extract_flag = TRUE;
switch (g_pExtractInfo->overwriteMode) {
case OM_NEWER:
pG->uflag = TRUE; // Update (extract only newer/brand-new files)
pG->overwrite_all = TRUE; // OK to overwrite files without prompting
case OM_NEVER:
pG->overwrite_none = TRUE; // Never overwrite files (no prompting)
g_dcl.PromptToOverwrite = TRUE; // Force a prompt
// Throw away paths if requested.
pG->jflag = !g_pExtractInfo->fRestorePaths;
} else {
pG->tflag = TRUE;
if (g_pExtractInfo->szFileList) {
pG->filespecs = g_pExtractInfo->dwFileCount;
pG->pfnames = g_pExtractInfo->szFileList;
} else {
// Improves performance if all files are being extracted.
pG->process_all_files = TRUE;
// All args are files/dirs to be extracted.
pG->dflag = TRUE;
// Invalidate our file offset to show that we are starting a new operation.
g_pExtractInfo->dwFileOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// We wrap some exception handling around the entire Info-ZIP engine to be
// safe. Since we are running on a device with tight memory configurations,
// all sorts of problems can arise when we run out of memory.
__try {
// Put a jump marker on our stack so the user can abort.
int error = setjmp(dll_error_return);
// If setjmp() returns 0, then we just set our jump marker and we can
// continue with the operation. If setjmp() returned something else,
// then we reached this point because the operation was aborted and
// set our instruction pointer back here.
if (error > 0) {
// We already called process_zipfiles() and were thrown back here.
g_pExtractInfo->result = (error == 1) ? PK_BADERR : error;
} else {
// Entering Info-ZIP... close your eyes.
g_pExtractInfo->result = process_zipfiles(pG);
// Catch any exception here.
DebugOut(TEXT("Exception 0x%08X occurred in ExtractOrTestFilesThread()"),
g_pExtractInfo->result = PK_EXCEPTION;
// Free our globals.
// Tell the progress dialog that we are done.
// Clear our global pointer as we are done with it.
g_pExtractInfo = NULL;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// On NT, we need to free any CRT allocated memory.
return 0;
void CheckForAbort(struct Globals *pG) {
if (g_pExtractInfo->fAbort) {
// Add a newline to our log if we are in the middle of a line of text.
if (!g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText) {
SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_ADD_TEXT_TO_EDIT, (LPARAM)"\n");
// Make sure whatever file we are currently processing gets closed.
if (((int)pG->outfile != 0) && ((int)pG->outfile != -1)) {
if (g_pExtractInfo->fExtract && *pG->filename) {
// Make sure the user is aware that this file is screwed.
(LPARAM)"warning: ");
(LPARAM)" is probably truncated.\n");
// Close the file.
// Display an aborted message in the log
(LPARAM)"Operation aborted by user.\n");
// I hate to do this... Take a giant step out of here.
longjmp(dll_error_return, PK_ABORTED);
void SetCurrentFile(struct Globals *pG) {
// Reset all our counters as we about to process a new file.
g_pExtractInfo->dwFileOffset = (DWORD)pG->pInfo->offset;
g_pExtractInfo->dwBytesWrittenThisFile = 0;
g_pExtractInfo->dwBytesWrittenPreviousFiles += g_pExtractInfo->dwBytesTotalThisFile;
g_pExtractInfo->dwBytesTotalThisFile = pG->ucsize;
g_pExtractInfo->szFile = pG->filename;
g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText = TRUE;
// Pass control to our GUI thread to do a full update our progress dialog.
// Check our abort flag.
//***** Callbacks from Info-ZIP code.
int UzpMessagePrnt2(zvoid *pG, uch *buffer, ulg size, int flag) {
// Some ZIP files cause us to get called during DoListFiles(). We only handle
// messages while processing DoExtractFiles().
if (!g_pExtractInfo) {
if (g_hWndEdit) {
} else {
DebugOut(TEXT("Unhandled call to UzpMessagePrnt2(\"%S\")"), buffer);
return 0;
// When extracting, mapname() will get called for every file which in turn
// will call SetCurrentFile(). For testing though, mapname() never gets
// called so we need to be on the lookout for a new file.
if (g_pExtractInfo->dwFileOffset != (DWORD)((struct Globals*)pG)->pInfo->offset) {
SetCurrentFile((struct Globals*)pG);
// Make sure this message was inteded for us to display.
if (!MSG_NO_WGUI(flag) && !MSG_NO_WDLL(flag)) {
// Insert a leading newline if requested to do so.
if (MSG_LNEWLN(flag) && !g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText) {
SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_ADD_TEXT_TO_EDIT, (LPARAM)"\n");
g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText = TRUE;
// Since we use a proportional font, we need to do a little cleanup of the
// text we are passed since it assumes a fixed font and adds padding to try
// to line things up. We remove leading whitespace on any new line of text.
if (g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText) {
while (*buffer == ' ') {
// We always remove trailing whitespace.
LPSTR psz = (LPSTR)buffer + strlen((LPSTR)buffer) - 1;
while ((psz >= (LPSTR)buffer) && (*psz == ' ')) {
*(psz--) = '\0';
// Determine if the next line of text will be a new line of text.
g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText = ((*psz == '\r') || (*psz == '\n'));
// Change all forward slashes to back slashes in the buffer
// Add the cleaned-up text to our extraction log edit control.
SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_ADD_TEXT_TO_EDIT, (LPARAM)buffer);
// Append a trailing newline if requested to do so.
if (MSG_TNEWLN(flag) || MSG_MNEWLN(flag) && !g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText) {
SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_ADD_TEXT_TO_EDIT, (LPARAM)"\n");
g_pExtractInfo->fNewLineOfText = TRUE;
return 0;
int UzpInput2(zvoid *pG, uch *buffer, int *size, int flag) {
DebugOut(TEXT("WARNING: UzpInput2(...) called"));
return 0;
void UzpMorePause(zvoid *pG, const char *szPrompt, int flag) {
DebugOut(TEXT("WARNING: UzpMorePause(...) called"));
int UzpPassword(zvoid *pG, int *pcRetry, char *szPassword, int nSize,
const char *szZipFile, const char *szFile)
// Return Values:
// IZ_PW_ENTERED got some PWD string, use/try it
// IZ_PW_CANCEL no password available (for this entry)
// IZ_PW_CANCELALL no password, skip any further PWD request
// IZ_PW_ERROR failure (no mem, no tty, ...)
// Build the data structure for our dialog.
di.retry = *pcRetry;
di.szPassword = szPassword;
di.nSize = nSize;
di.szFile = szFile;
// Clear the password to be safe.
*di.szPassword = '\0';
// On our first call for a file, *pcRetry == 0. If we would like to allow
// for retries, then we set the value of *pcRetry to the number of retries we
// are willing to allow. We will be recalled as neccessary, each time with
// *pcRetry being decremented once. 1 is the last retry we will get.
*pcRetry = (*pcRetry == 0) ? MAX_PASSWORD_RETRIES : (*pcRetry - 1);
// Pass control to our GUI thread which will prompt the user for a password.
return SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD, (LPARAM)&di);
return -2;
int WINAPI UzpReplace(char *szFile) {
// Pass control to our GUI thread which will prompt the user to overwrite.
return SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_PROMPT_TO_REPLACE, (LPARAM)szFile);
void WINAPI UzpSound(void) {
// Do nothing.
// Called from LIST.C
void WINAPI SendAppMsg(ulg dwSize, ulg dwCompressedSize, int ratio, int month,
int day, int year, int hour, int minute, int uppercase,
char *szPath, char *szMethod, ulg dwCRC)
// If we are out of memory, then just bail since we will only make things worse.
if (g_fOutOfMemory) {
// We get our Globals structure and then retrieve the real file name.
szPath = pG->filename;
// Allocate a FILE_NODE large enough to hold this file.
int length = strlen(szPath) + strlen(szMethod);
g_pFileLast = (FILE_NODE*)new BYTE[sizeof(FILE_NODE) + (sizeof(TCHAR) * length)];
// Bail out if we failed to allocate the node.
if (!g_pFileLast) {
DebugOut(TEXT("Failed to create a FILE_NODE for \"%S\"."), szPath);
g_fOutOfMemory = TRUE;
// Fill in our node.
g_pFileLast->dwSize = dwSize;
g_pFileLast->dwCompressedSize = dwCompressedSize;
g_pFileLast->dwCRC = dwCRC;
g_pFileLast->szComment = NULL;
g_pFileLast->szType = NULL;
// Fix the year value to contain the real year.
year += 1900;
// Year: 0 - 4095 (12) 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (0xFFF00000)
// Month: 1 - 12 ( 4) 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 (0x000F0000)
// Day: 1 - 31 ( 5) 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1000 0000 0000 (0x0000F800)
// Hour: 0 - 23 ( 5) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1100 0000 (0x000007C0)
// Minute: 0 - 59 ( 6) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111 (0x0000003F)
// Do some bit shifting to make the date and time fit in a DWORD.
g_pFileLast->dwModified = (((DWORD)(year & 0x0FFF) << 20) |
((DWORD)(month & 0x000F) << 16) |
((DWORD)(day & 0x001F) << 11) |
((DWORD)(hour & 0x001F) << 6) |
((DWORD)(minute & 0x003F)));
// We need to get our globals structure to determine our attributes and
// encryption information.
g_pFileLast->dwAttributes = (pG->crec.external_file_attributes & 0xFF);
if (pG->crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 1) {
g_pFileLast->dwAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED;
// Store the path and method in our string buffer.
strcpy(g_pFileLast->szPathAndMethod, szPath);
strcpy(g_pFileLast->szPathAndMethod + strlen(szPath) + 1, szMethod);
// Pass the file object to our windows code to have it added to our list.
int win_fprintf(FILE *file, unsigned int dwCount, char far *buffer) {
// win_fprintf() is used within Info-ZIP to write to a file as well as log
// information. If the "file" is a real file handle (not stdout or stderr),
// then we write the data to the file and return.
if ((file != stdout) && (file != stderr)) {
DWORD dwBytesWriten = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
// On WinCE all FILEs are really HANDLEs. See WINCE.CPP for more info.
WriteFile((HANDLE)file, buffer, dwCount, &dwBytesWriten, NULL);
dwBytesWriten = fwrite(buffer, 1, dwCount, file);
// Update our bytes written count.
g_pExtractInfo->dwBytesWrittenThisFile += dwBytesWriten;
// Pass control to our GUI thread to do a partial update our progress dialog.
// Check our abort flag.
return dwBytesWriten;
// Check to see if we are expecting a extraction progress string
if (g_pExtractInfo) {
// Most of our progress strings come to our UzpMessagePrnt2() callback,
// but we occasionally get one here. We will just forward it to
// UzpMessagePrnt2() as if it never came here. To do this, we need to
// get a pointer to our Globals struct. Calling GETGLOBALS() sort of
// breaks us from be REENTRANT, but we don't support that anyway.
UzpMessagePrnt2(pG, (uch*)buffer, dwCount, 0);
return dwCount;
// Check to see if we are expecting a zip file comment string.
if (g_hWndEdit) {
// Change all forward slashes to back slashes in the buffer
SendMessage(g_hWndMain, WM_PRIVATE, MSG_ADD_TEXT_TO_EDIT, (LPARAM)buffer);
return dwCount;
// Check to see if we are expecting a compressed file comment string.
if (g_pFileLast) {
// Calcalute the size of the buffer we will need to store this comment.
// We are going to convert all ASC values 0 - 31 (excpet tab, new line,
// and CR) to ^char.
int size = 1;
for (char *p2, *p1 = buffer; *p1; p1++) {
size += ((*p1 >= 32) || (*p1 == '\t') || (*p1 == '\r') || (*p1 == '\n')) ? 1 : 2;
// Allocate a comment buffer and assign it to the last file node we saw.
if (g_pFileLast->szComment = new CHAR[size]) {
// Copy while formatting.
for (p1 = buffer, p2 = (char*)g_pFileLast->szComment; *p1; p1++) {
if ((*p1 >= 32) || (*p1 == '\t') || (*p1 == '\r') || (*p1 == '\n')) {
*(p2++) = *p1;
} else {
*(p2++) = '^';
*(p2++) = 64 + *p1;
*p2 = '\0';
// Update the attributes of the file node to incldue the comment attribute.
g_pFileLast->dwAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMMENT;
// Clear the file node so we don't try to add another bogus comment to it.
g_pFileLast = NULL;
return dwCount;
if (dwCount >= _MAX_PATH) {
buffer[_MAX_PATH] = '\0';
DebugOut(TEXT("Unhandled call to win_fprintf(\"%S\")"), buffer);
return dwCount;
//***** Functions that Info-ZIP expects the port to write and export.
//***** Some of this code was stolen from the WIN32 port and highly modified.
int mapattr(struct Globals *pG) {
// Check to see if we are extracting this file for viewing. Currently, we do
// this by checking the szMappedPath member of our extract info stucture
// since we know OnActionView() is the only one who sets this member.
if (g_pExtractInfo && g_pExtractInfo->szMappedPath) {
// If we are extracting for view only, then we ignore the file's real
// attributes and force the file to create as read-only. We make the file
// read-only to help prevent the user from making changes to the temporary
// file and then trying to save the changes back to a file that we will
// eventually delete.
pG->pInfo->file_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
} else {
// Store the attribute exactly as it appears for normal extraction/test.
pG->pInfo->file_attr = (unsigned)pG->crec.external_file_attributes & 0xff;
return PK_OK;
void utimeToFileTime(time_t ut, FILETIME *pft, BOOL fOldFileSystem) {
// time_t is a 32-bit value for the seconds since January 1, 1970
// FILETIME is a 64-bit value for the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since
// January 1, 1601
// DWORDLONG is a 64-bit int that we can use to perform large math operations.
// time_t has minimum of 1/1/1970. Many file systems, such as FAT, have a
// minimum date of 1/1/1980. If extracting to one of those file systems and
// out time_t is less than 1980, then we make it 1/1/1980.
// (365 days/yr * 10 yrs + 3 leap yr days) * (60 secs * 60 mins * 24 hrs).
if (fOldFileSystem && (ut < 0x12CFF780)) {
ut = 0x12CFF780;
// Compute the FILETIME for the given time_t.
DWORDLONG dwl = ((DWORDLONG)116444736000000000 +
((DWORDLONG)ut * (DWORDLONG)10000000));
// Store the return value.
*pft = *(FILETIME*)&dwl;
// Now for the next fix for old file systems. If we are in Daylight Savings
// Time (DST) and the file is not in DST, then we need subtract off the DST
// bias from the filetime. This is due to a bug in Windows (NT, CE, and 95)
// that causes the DST bias to be added to all file times when the system
// is in DST, even if the file is not in DST. This only effects old file
// systems since they store local times instead of UTC times. Newer file
// systems like NTFS and CEFS store UTC times.
if (fOldFileSystem) {
// We use the CRT's localtime() and Win32's FileTimeToLocalTime()
// functions to compute the DST bias. This works because localtime()
// correctly adds the DST bias only if the file time is in DST.
// FileTimeToLocalTime() always adds the DST bias to the time.
// Therefore, if the functions return different results, we know we
// are dealing with a non-DST file during a system DST.
FILETIME ftCRT, ftWin32;
// Get the CRT result - result is a "tm" struct.
struct tm *ptmCRT = localtime(&ut);
// Convert the "tm" struct to a FILETIME.
ZeroMemory(&stCRT, sizeof(stCRT));
stCRT.wYear = ptmCRT->tm_year + 1900;
stCRT.wMonth = ptmCRT->tm_mon + 1;
stCRT.wDay = ptmCRT->tm_mday;
stCRT.wHour = ptmCRT->tm_hour;
stCRT.wMinute = ptmCRT->tm_min;
stCRT.wSecond = ptmCRT->tm_sec;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&stCRT, &ftCRT);
// Get the Win32 result - result is a FILETIME.
if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime(pft, &ftWin32)) {
// Subtract the difference from our current filetime.
*(DWORDLONG*)pft -= *(DWORDLONG*)&ftWin32 - *(DWORDLONG*)&ftCRT;
int GetFileTimes(struct Globals *pG, FILETIME *pftCreated, FILETIME *pftAccessed,
FILETIME *pftModified)
// We need to check to see if this file system is limited. This includes
// FAT, VFAT, and HPFS. It does not include NTFS and CEFS. The limited
// file systems can not support dates < 1980 and they store file local times
// for files as opposed to UTC times.
BOOL fOldFileSystem = IsOldFileSystem(pG->filename);
#ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME // Always true for WinCE build
if (pG->extra_field) {
// Structure for Unix style actime, modtime, creatime
iztimes z_utime;
// Get any date/time we can. This can return 0 to 3 unix time fields.
unsigned eb_izux_flg = ef_scan_for_izux(pG->extra_field,
0, &z_utime, NULL);
// We require at least a modified time.
if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_MTIME) {
// We know we have a modified time, so get it first.
utimeToFileTime(z_utime.mtime, pftModified, fOldFileSystem);
// Get the accessed time if we have one.
if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_ATIME) {
utimeToFileTime(z_utime.atime, pftAccessed, fOldFileSystem);
// Get the created time if we have one.
if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_CTIME) {
utimeToFileTime(z_utime.ctime, pftCreated, fOldFileSystem);
// Return our flags.
return (int)eb_izux_flg;
#endif // USE_EF_UT_TIME
// If all else fails, we can resort to using the DOS date and time data.
time_t ux_modtime = dos_to_unix_time(G.lrec.last_mod_file_date,
utimeToFileTime(ux_modtime, pftModified, fOldFileSystem);
*pftAccessed = *pftModified;
void close_outfile(struct Globals *pG) {
// Get the 3 time stamps for the file.
FILETIME ftCreated, ftAccessed, ftModified;
int timeFlags = GetFileTimes(pG, &ftCreated, &ftAccessed, &ftModified);
mbstowcs(szFile, pG->filename, countof(szFile));
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
// Cast the outfile to a HANDLE (since that is really what it is), and
// flush the file. We need to flush, because any unsaved data that is
// written to the file during CloseHandle() will step on the work done
// by SetFileTime().
HANDLE hFile = (HANDLE)pG->outfile;
// Close the file and then re-open it using the Win32 CreateFile() call.
// SetFileTime() requires a Win32 file HANDLE created with GENERIC_WRITE
// access.
// Set the file's date and time.
// Make sure we retrieved some valid time stamp(s)
if (timeFlags) {
// Set the various date and time fields.
if (!SetFileTime(hFile,
(timeFlags & EB_UT_FL_CTIME) ? &ftCreated : NULL,
(timeFlags & EB_UT_FL_ATIME) ? &ftAccessed : NULL,
(timeFlags & EB_UT_FL_MTIME) ? &ftModified : NULL))
DebugOut(TEXT("SetFileTime() failed [%u]"), GetLastError());
} else {
DebugOut(TEXT("GetFileTimes() failed"));
// Close out file.
} else {
DebugOut(TEXT("CreateFile() failed [%u]"), GetLastError());
// If the file was successfully written, then set the attributes.
if (!pG->disk_full && !g_pExtractInfo->fAbort) {
if (!SetFileAttributes(szFile, G.pInfo->file_attr & 0x7F)) {
DebugOut(TEXT("SetFileAttributes() failed [%u]"), GetLastError());
// Clear outfile so we know it is closed.
pG->outfile = 0;
// Called by PROCESS.C
char* do_wild(struct Globals *pG, char *wildspec) {
// This is a very slimmed down version of do_wild() taken from WIN32.C.
// Since we don't support wildcards, we basically just return the wildspec
// passed in as the filename.
// First call - must initialize everything.
if (!pG->notfirstcall) {
pG->notfirstcall = TRUE;
return strcpy(pG->matchname, wildspec);
// Last time through - reset for new wildspec.
pG->notfirstcall = FALSE;
return (char*)NULL;
// Called from EXTRACT.C
// returns: 1 - (on APPEND_NAME) truncated filename
// 2 - path doesn't exist, not allowed to create
// 3 - path doesn't exist, tried to create and failed; or
// path exists and is not a directory, but is supposed to be
// 4 - path is too long
// 10 - can't allocate memory for filename buffers
// IZ_VOL_LABEL - Path was a volume label, skip it.
// IZ_CREATED_DIR - Created a directory.
int mapname(struct Globals *pG, int renamed) {
// mapname() is a great place to reset all our status counters for the next
// file to be processed since it is called for every zip file member before
// any work is done with that member.
// If Volume Label, skip the "extraction" quietly
if (pG->pInfo->vollabel) {
return IZ_VOL_LABEL;
CHAR szBuffer[countof(pG->filename)] = "", *pIn, *pOut, *pLastSemi = NULL;
// Initialize file path buffer with our "extract to" path.
strcpy(szBuffer, g_szExtractToDirectory);
pOut = szBuffer + strlen(szBuffer);
// Point pIn to beginning of our internal pathname.
// If we are junking paths, then locate the file portion of the path.
pIn = (pG->jflag) ? (CHAR*)GetFileFromPath(pG->filename) : pG->filename;
// Begin main loop through characters in filename.
for ( ; *pIn; pIn++) {
// Make sure we don't overflow our output buffer.
if (pOut >= (szBuffer + countof(szBuffer) - 2)) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char*)slide, "path too long: %s\n", pG->filename));
return 4;
// Examine the next character in our input buffer.
switch (*pIn) {
// Check for a directory wack.
case '/':
case '\\':
*pOut = '\0';
if (!SmartCreateDirectory(pG, szBuffer)) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char*)slide, "failure extracting: %s\n",
return 3;
*(pOut++) = '\\';
pLastSemi = NULL; // Leave any directory semi-colons alone
// Check for illegal characters and replace with underscore.
case ':':
case '*':
case '?':
case '"':
case '<':
case '>':
case '|':
*(pOut++) = '_';
// Check for start of VMS version.
case ';':
pLastSemi = pOut; // Make note as to where we are.
*(pOut++) = *pIn; // Leave the semi-colon alone for now.
// Allow European characters and spaces in filenames.
*(pOut++) = ((*pIn >= 0x20) ? *pIn : '_');
// Done with output buffer, terminate it.
*pOut = '\0';
// Remove any VMS version numbers if found (appended ";###").
if (pLastSemi) {
// Walk over all digits following the semi-colon.
for (pOut = pLastSemi + 1; (*pOut >= '0') && (*pOut <= '9'); pOut++) {
// If we reached the end, then nuke the semi-colon and digits.
if (!*pOut) {
*pLastSemi = '\0';
// Copy the mapped name back to the internal path buffer
strcpy(pG->filename, szBuffer);
// Fill in the mapped name buffer if the original caller requested us to.
if (g_pExtractInfo->szMappedPath) {
strcpy(g_pExtractInfo->szMappedPath, szBuffer);
// If it is a directory, then display the "creating" status text.
if ((pOut > szBuffer) && (pOut[-1] == TEXT('\\'))) {
Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "creating: %s\n", pG->filename));
return PK_OK;
// Called from EXTRACT.C
int test_NT(struct Globals *pG, uch *eb, unsigned eb_size) {
// This function is called when an NT security descriptor is found in the
// extra field. We have nothing to do, so we just return success.
return PK_OK;
// Called from PROCESS.C
int checkdir(struct Globals *pG, char *pathcomp, int flag) {
// This function is only called by free_G_buffers() from PROCESS.C with the
// flag set to END. We have nothing to do, so we just return success.
return PK_OK;
// Called from EXTRACT.C and LIST.C
int match(char *string, char *pattern, int ignore_case) {
// match() for the other ports compares a file in the Zip file with some
// command line file pattern. In our case, we always pass in exact matches,
// so we can simply do a string compare to see if we have a match.
return (strcmp(string, pattern) == 0);
// Called from PROCESS.C
int iswild(char *pattern) {
// Our file patterns never contain wild characters. They are always exact
// matches of file names in our Zip file.
return FALSE;
//***** Functions to correct time stamp bugs on old file systems.
// Borrowed/Modified from win32.c
BOOL IsOldFileSystem(char *szPath) {
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
char szRoot[10];
// Get the first nine characters of the path.
strncpy(szRoot, szPath, 9);
szRoot[9] = '\0';
// Convert to uppercase to help with compare.
// PC Cards are mounted off the root in a directory called "\PC Cards".
// PC Cards are FAT, no CEOS. We need to check if the file is being
// extracted to the PC card.
return !strcmp(szRoot, "\\PC CARD\\");
char szRoot[_MAX_PATH] = "\0\0\0", szFS[64];
// Check to see if our path contains a drive letter.
if (isalpha(szPath[0]) && (szPath[1] == ':') && (szPath[2] == '\\')) {
// If so, then just copy the drive letter, colon, and wack to our root path.
strncpy(szRoot, szPath, 3);
} else {
// Expand the path so we can get a drive letter.
GetFullPathNameA(szPath, sizeof(szRoot), szRoot, NULL);
// Make sure we actually got a drive letter back in our root path buffer..
if (!isalpha(szRoot[0]) || (szRoot[1] != ':') || (szRoot[2] != '\\')) {
// When in doubt, return TRUE.
return TRUE;
// NULL terminate after the wack to ensure we have just the root path.
szRoot[3] = '\0';
// Get the file system type string.
GetVolumeInformationA(szRoot, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, szFS, sizeof(szFS));
// Ensure that the file system type string is uppercase.
// Return true for (V)FAT and (OS/2) HPFS format.
return !strncmp(szFS, "FAT", 3) ||
!strncmp(szFS, "VFAT", 4) ||
!strncmp(szFS, "HPFS", 4);
#endif // _WIN32_WCE