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| PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly |
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/* $Id: pc_encoding.h,v 1.3 2008-10-20 14:35:00 guy Exp $
* Encoding data structures and routines
* Symbolic names for predefined font encodings. 0 and above are used
* as indices in the pdc_encodingvector array. The encodings starting at
* pdc_firstvarenc have no enumeration name, because they are loaded
* dynamically.
* The predefined encodings must not be changed or rearranged.
* The order of encodings here must match that of pdc_core_encodings
* and pdc_fixed_encoding_names in pc_encoding.c.
typedef enum
pdc_invalidenc = -5,
pdc_glyphid = -4,
pdc_unicode = -3,
pdc_builtin = -2,
pdc_cid = -1,
pdc_winansi = 0,
pdc_macroman = 1,
pdc_macroman_apple = 2,
pdc_ebcdic = 3,
pdc_ebcdic_37 = 4,
pdc_ebcdic_winansi = 5,
pdc_pdfdoc = 6,
pdc_stdenc = 7,
pdc_macexpert = 8,
pdc_firstvarenc = 9,
pdc_encmax = PDC_INT_MAX
/* Predefined character collections */
typedef enum
cc_none = 0,
/* treatment of non-resolvable character references */
typedef enum
text_nocheck = -2,
text_error = -1,
text_replace = 0
#define PDC_EBCDIC_NAME "ebcdic"
#define PDC_EBCDIC_ENC pdc_ebcdic
typedef struct pdc_charclass_tab_s pdc_charclass_tab;
typedef struct pdc_code_map_s pdc_code_map;
typedef struct pdc_encoding_info_s pdc_encoding_info;
typedef struct pdc_encoding_stack_s pdc_encoding_stack;
typedef struct pdc_encodingvector_s pdc_encodingvector;
typedef struct pdc_priv_glyphtab_s pdc_priv_glyphtab;
typedef struct pdc_glyph_tab_s pdc_glyph_tab;
struct pdc_encodingvector_s
char *apiname; /* PDFlib's name of the encoding at the API */
pdc_ushort codes[256]; /* unicode values */
char *chars[256]; /* character names */
char given[256]; /* flags for kind of given character name */
pdc_byte *sortedslots; /* slots for sorted unicode values */
int nslots; /* number of sorted slots */
unsigned long flags; /* flags, see PDC_ENC_... */
struct pdc_encoding_info_s
pdc_encodingvector *ev; /* encoding vector */
pdc_id id; /* encoding object id */
pdc_id tounicode_id; /* tounicode object ids */
pdc_bool used_in_formfield; /* encoding is in use in form field */
pdc_bool stored; /* encoding is stored in PDF */
struct pdc_code_map_s
pdc_ushort src; /* source code */
pdc_ushort dst; /* destination code */
struct pdc_glyph_tab_s
pdc_ushort code;
const char *name;
#define PDC_ENC_INCORE (1L<<0) /* encoding from in-core */
#define PDC_ENC_FILE (1L<<1) /* encoding from file */
#define PDC_ENC_HOST (1L<<2) /* encoding from host system */
#define PDC_ENC_USER (1L<<3) /* encoding from user */
#define PDC_ENC_FONT (1L<<4) /* encoding from font resp. for a font*/
#define PDC_ENC_GENERATE (1L<<5) /* encoding generated from Unicode page */
#define PDC_ENC_USED (1L<<6) /* encoding already used */
#define PDC_ENC_SETNAMES (1L<<7) /* character names are set */
#define PDC_ENC_ALLOCCHARS (1L<<8) /* character names are allocated */
#define PDC_ENC_STDNAMES (1L<<9) /* character names are all Adobe standard */
#define PDC_ENC_TEMP (1L<<10) /* temporary generated encoding */
#define PDC_ENC_MODSEPAR "_" /* separator of modified encoding */
#define PDC_ENC_MODWINANSI "winansi_" /* prefix of modified winansi enc */
#define PDC_ENC_MODMACROMAN "macroman_" /* prefix of modified macroman enc */
#define PDC_ENC_MODEBCDIC "ebcdic_" /* prefix of modified ebcdic enc */
#define PDC_ENC_ISO8859 "iso8859-" /* begin of iso8859 enc name */
#define PDC_ENC_CP125 "cp125" /* begin of ANSI enc name */
#define PDC_ENC_TEMPNAME "__temp__enc__" /* name of temporary encoding */
/* Adobe glyph names can have maximal 7 components */
#define PDC_MAX_UVLIST 8
/* maximal length of glyph names */
/* types of glyph names */
#define PDC_GLF_ISUNDEF (1<<0) /* is undefined (unknown Unicode(s) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISAGL12NAME (1<<1) /* is AGL 1.2' name (without ambiguity) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISAGL20NAME (1<<2) /* is AGL 2.0 and not AGL 1.2' */
#define PDC_GLF_ISZADBNAME (1<<3) /* is ZapfDingbats name */
#define PDC_GLF_ISUNINAME (1<<4) /* is a "uni" name (with single Unicode) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISAMBIG (1<<5) /* is ambiguous name (double mapping) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISVARIANT (1<<6) /* is glyphic variant (contains period) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISDECOMP (1<<7) /* is decomposed glyph (contains underscores
* or more than one Unicode values) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISCUS (1<<8) /* is a glyph from Unicode's Corporate
* Use Subarea (CUS) used by Adobe
* (U+F600 - U+F8FF) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISLIGATURE (1<<9) /* is a Latin or Armenian ligature glyph */
#define PDC_GLF_ISSURROGAT (1<<10) /* is a surrogate glyph */
#define PDC_GLF_ISMISNAMED (1<<11) /* is misnamed (see tab_misnamed2uni) */
#define PDC_GLF_ISINCORE (1<<12) /* is incore (AGL, ZapfDingabts, misnamed)*/
#define PDC_GLF_ISPRIVATE (1<<13) /* is private glyph (in supplied glyphtab)
* or a heuristic determined character */
#define PDC_GLF_REDVARIANT (1<<0) /* reduce glyphic variant */
#define PDC_GLF_DECOMPNAME (1<<1) /* decompose glyph name */
#define PDC_GLF_CONVUNINAME (1<<2) /* convert unixxxx name */
#define PDC_GLF_RESOLCUS (1<<3) /* resolve CUS value */
#define PDC_GLF_RESOLLIGAT (1<<4) /* resolve ligature value */
#define PDC_GLF_ALTGREEKMAP (1<<5) /* take alternative greek mapping */
#define PDC_GLF_ALTMAPPING (1<<6) /* take alternative mapping */
#define PDC_GLF_STDTYPE3MAP (1<<7) /* standard Type3 glyph name mapping */
/* standard flags */
/* standard flags with keeping standard ligatures and CUS values */
/* pc_chartabs.c */
int pdc_glyphname2codelist(const char *glyphname, const pdc_glyph_tab *glyphtab,
int tabsize, pdc_ushort *codelist);
int pdc_glyphname2code(const char *glyphname, const pdc_glyph_tab *glyphtab,
int tabsize);
const char *pdc_code2glyphname(pdc_ushort code, const pdc_glyph_tab *glyphtab,
int tabsize);
int pdc_code2codelist(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_ushort code,
const pdc_code_map *codemap, int tabsize, pdc_ushort *codelist,
int listsize);
const char *pdc_glyphname2glyphname(const char *glyphname,
const pdc_glyph_tab *glyphtab, int tabsize);
int pdc_adobe2unicode(const char *glyphname);
const char *pdc_unicode2adobe(pdc_ushort uv);
const char *pdc_get_notdef_glyphname(void);
int pdc_zadb2unicode(const char *glyphname);
const char *pdc_unicode2zadb(pdc_ushort uv);
int pdc_newadobe2unicodelist(const char *glyphname, pdc_ushort *uvlist);
const char *pdc_unicode2newadobe(pdc_ushort uv);
const char *pdc_get_newadobe_glyphname(const char *glyphname);
int pdc_glyphname2altunicode(const char *glyphname);
pdc_bool pdc_is_std_charname(const char *glyphname);
void pdc_delete_missingglyph_bit(pdc_ushort uv, pdc_ulong *bmask);
pdc_ushort pdc_get_alter_glyphname(pdc_ushort uv, pdc_ulong bmask,
char **glyphname);
int pdc_string2unicode(pdc_core *pdc, const char *text, int i_flags,
const pdc_keyconn *keyconn, pdc_bool verbose);
pdc_bool pdc_is_linebreaking_relchar(pdc_ushort uv);
/* pc_core.c */
void pdc_set_encodingstack_ptr(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encoding_stack *encstack);
pdc_encoding_stack *pdc_get_encodingstack_ptr(pdc_core *pdc);
void pdc_set_pglyphtab_ptr(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_priv_glyphtab *pglyphtab);
pdc_priv_glyphtab *pdc_get_pglyphtab_ptr(pdc_core *pdc);
/* pc_encoding.c */
void pdc_init_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *ev,
const char *name);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_new_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *name);
void pdc_cleanup_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *ev);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_copy_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *evfrom,
const char *name);
int pdc_get_encoding_bytecode(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *ev,
pdc_ushort uv);
pdc_byte pdc_transform_bytecode(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *evto,
pdc_encodingvector *evfrom, pdc_byte code);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_copy_core_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *encoding);
const char *pdc_get_fixed_encoding_name(pdc_encoding enc);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_read_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *encoding,
const char *filename, pdc_bool verbose);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_generate_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *encoding);
void pdc_encoding_logg_protocol(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *ev);
pdc_encoding_stack *pdc_new_encodingstack(pdc_core *pdc);
void pdc_delete_encodingstack(pdc_core *pdc);
pdc_encoding pdc_insert_encoding_vector(pdc_core *pdc,
pdc_encodingvector *ev);
pdc_encoding pdc_get_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *encoding,
int *codepage, pdc_bool verbose);
pdc_encoding pdc_insert_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *encoding,
int *codepage, pdc_bool verbose);
void pdc_remove_encoding_vector(pdc_core *pdc, int slot);
pdc_encoding pdc_find_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, const char *encoding);
void pdc_set_encoding_glyphnames(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encoding enc);
pdc_bool pdc_get_encoding_isstdflag(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encoding enc);
pdc_bool pdc_is_encoding_subset(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encodingvector *testev,
pdc_encodingvector *refev);
int pdc_get_encodingstack_number(pdc_core *pdc);
pdc_encoding_info *pdc_get_encoding_info(pdc_core *pdc,
pdc_encoding enc);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_get_encoding_vector(pdc_core *pdc,
pdc_encoding enc);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_get_encoding_vector_direct(pdc_core *pdc,
pdc_encoding enc);
const char *pdc_get_user_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_encoding enc);
void pdc_init_encoding_info_ids(pdc_core *pdc);
const char *pdc_get_pdf_encoding_name(int enc);
int pdc_get_pdf_encoding_code(const char *encname);
pdc_encodingvector *pdc_generate_pdfencoding(pdc_core *pdc,
const char *pdfname);
pdc_priv_glyphtab *pdc_new_pglyphtab(pdc_core *pdc);
void pdc_delete_pglyphtab(pdc_core *pdc);
pdc_ushort pdc_register_glyphname(pdc_core *pdc,
const char *glyphname, pdc_ushort uv, pdc_bool forcepua);
int pdc_privglyphname2unicode(pdc_core *pdc, const char *glyphname);
int pdc_glyphname2unicodelist(pdc_core *pdc, const char *glyphname,
pdc_ushort *uvlist);
int pdc_glyphname2unicode(pdc_core *pdc, const char *glyphname);
int pdc_glyphname2utf32(pdc_core *pdc, const char *glyphname);
const char *pdc_glyphname2privglyphname(pdc_core *pdc, const char *glyphname);
const char *pdc_unicode2glyphname(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_ushort uv);
pdc_ushort pdc_insert_glyphname(pdc_core *pdc, const char *glyphname);
const char *pdc_insert_unicode(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_ushort uv);
#endif /* PC_ENCODING_H */