1211 lines
46 KiB
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#include "d4all.h"
#ifndef E4OFF_STRING
/* e4string.h (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1988-1996. All rights reserved. */
/* contains 2nd error number info */
/* ABCDE: */
/* DE = LOCAL AREA ID # */
/* Do not renumber error #'s 88004-89004 or insert within that range */
/* without also modifying c4comws.c & c4comws.h */
#ifdef S4VBASIC
static ERROR4INFO_ARRAY error4array4[] =
{ 00000L, "" },
{ 40101L, "code4autoOpen()" },
{ 40102L, "code4createError()" },
{ 40103L, "code4dateFormatVB()" },
{ 40104L, "code4defaultUniqueError()" },
{ 40105L, "code4errorCode()" },
{ 40106L, "code4exclusive()" },
{ 40107L, "code4exprError()" },
{ 40108L, "code4fieldNameError()" },
{ 40109L, "code4goError()" },
{ 40110L, "code4hInst()" },
{ 40111L, "code4hWnd()" },
{ 40112L, "code4lockAttempts()" },
{ 40113L, "code4memExpandBlock()" },
{ 40114L, "code4memExpandData()" },
{ 40115L, "code4memExpandIndex()" },
{ 40116L, "code4memExpandTag()" },
{ 40117L, "code4memSizeBlock()" },
{ 40118L, "code4memSizeBuffer()" },
{ 40119L, "code4memSizeMemo()" },
{ 40120L, "code4memSizeMemoExpr()" },
{ 40121L, "code4memSizeSortBuffer()" },
{ 40122L, "code4memSizeSortPool()" },
{ 40123L, "code4memStartBlock()" },
{ 40124L, "code4memStartMax()" },
{ 40125L, "code4memStartData()" },
{ 40126L, "code4memStartIndex()" },
{ 40127L, "code4memStartTag()" },
{ 40128L, "code4offError()" },
{ 40129L, "code4openError()" },
{ 40130L, "code4optimize()" },
{ 40131L, "code4optimizeWrite()" },
{ 40132L, "code4readLock()" },
{ 40133L, "code4readOnly()" },
{ 40134L, "code4relateError()" },
{ 40135L, "code4safety()" },
{ 40136L, "code4skipError()" },
{ 40137L, "code4tagNameError()" },
{ 40138L, "code4d4initUndo()" },
{ 40139L, "d4fileName()" },
{ 40140L, "relate4data()" },
{ 40141L, "relate4dataTag()" },
{ 40142L, "relate4master()" },
{ 40143L, "relate4topMaster()" },
{ 40144L, "relate4masterExpr()" },
{ 40145L, "report4relate()" },
{ 40146L, "tag4alias()" },
{ 40147L, "tag4descending()" },
{ 40148L, "tag4expr()" },
{ 40149L, "tag4filter()" },
{ 40150L, "tag4unique()" },
{ 40151L, "tag4uniqueError()" },
{ 40152L, "code4fileFlush()" },
{ 40153L, "t4descending()" },
{ 40154L, "code4log()" },
{ 40201L, "report4do()" },
{ 40155L, "report4screenBreaks()" },
{ 40156L, "code4unlockAuto()" },
{ 40157L, "code4unlockAutoSet()" }
#ifdef S4TESTING
static ERROR4INFO_ARRAY error4array5[] =
{ 00000L, "" },
{ 50101L, "testing error: expected memDisplay not initialized" }
#ifdef S4CBPP
static ERROR4INFO_ARRAY error4array6[] =
{ 00000L, "" },
{ 60101L, "Code4::Code4" },
{ 60102L, "Code4::calcCreate" },
{ 60103L, "Code4::closeAll" },
{ 60104L, "Code4::data" },
{ 60105L, "Code4::error" },
{ 60106L, "Code4::errorLog" },
{ 60107L, "Code4::errorSet" },
{ 60108L, "Code4::errorStack" },
{ 60109L, "Code4::exit" },
{ 60110L, "Code4::flush" },
{ 60111L, "Code4::freeBlocks" },
{ 60112L, "Code4::init" },
{ 60113L, "Code4::initUndo" },
{ 60114L, "Code4::lock" },
{ 60115L, "Code4::optAll()" },
{ 60116L, "Code4::optStart" },
{ 60117L, "Code4::optSuspend" },
{ 60118L, "Code4::reset" },
{ 60119L, "Code4::unlock" },
{ 60120L, "Code4::unlockAuto" },
{ 60121L, "Code4::calcReset" },
{ 60201L, "Field4::lockCheck()" },
{ 60280L, "Field4info::operator[]" },
{ 60281L, "Field4info::del" },
{ 60601L, "Expr4::parse called before Expr4::free" },
{ 61001L, "Str4::operator char" },
{ 61002L, "Str4::operator double" },
{ 61003L, "Str4::operator int" },
{ 61004L, "Str4::operator long" },
{ 61005L, "Str4::operator ==" },
{ 61006L, "Str4::operator <" },
{ 61007L, "Str4::operator <=" },
{ 61008L, "Str4::operator >" },
{ 61009L, "Str4::operator >=" },
{ 61010L, "Str4::operator []" },
{ 61011L, "Str4::add" },
{ 61012L, "Str4::assign" },
{ 61013L, "Str4::assignDouble" },
{ 61014L, "Str4::assignLong" },
{ 61015L, "Str4::at" },
{ 61016L, "Str4::changed" },
{ 61017L, "Str4::decimals" },
{ 61018L, "Str4::descend" },
{ 61019L, "Str4::encode" },
{ 61020L, "Str4::endPtr" },
{ 61021L, "Str4::init" },
{ 61022L, "Str4::insert" },
{ 61023L, "Str4::left" },
{ 61024L, "Str4::len" },
{ 61025L, "Str4::lower" },
{ 61026L, "Str4::maximum" },
{ 61027L, "Str4::ncpy" },
{ 61028L, "Str4::replace" },
{ 61029L, "Str4::right" },
{ 61030L, "Str4::set" },
{ 61031L, "Str4::setLen" },
{ 61032L, "Str4::setMax" },
{ 61033L, "Str4::str" },
{ 61034L, "Str4::substr" },
{ 61035L, "Str4::trim" },
{ 61036L, "Str4::true" },
{ 61037L, "Str4::upper" },
{ 61038L, "s4assert_no_overlap" },
{ 61040L, "Str4char::Str4char" },
{ 61041L, "Str4char::ptr" },
{ 61042L, "Str4char::len" },
{ 61050L, "Str4flex::Str4flex" },
{ 61051L, "Str4flex::operator =" },
{ 61052L, "Str4flex::free" },
{ 61053L, "Str4flex::setMax" },
{ 61060L, "Str4large::Str4large" },
{ 61061L, "Str4large::ptr" },
{ 61070L, "Str4len::Str4len" },
{ 61071L, "Str4len::len" },
{ 61080L, "Str4max::Str4max" },
{ 61081L, "Str4max::maximum" },
{ 61082L, "Str4max::setLen" },
{ 61093L, "Str4ptr::Str4ptr" },
{ 61091L, "Str4ptr::ptr" },
{ 61098L, "Str4ten::Str4ten" },
{ 61099L, "Str4ten::ptr" },
{ 61101L, "Date4::Date4" },
{ 61102L, "Date4::operator double" },
{ 61103L, "Date4::operator long" },
{ 61104L, "Date4::operator ++" },
{ 61105L, "Date4::operator --" },
{ 61106L, "Date4::operator +" },
{ 61107L, "Date4::operator -" },
{ 61108L, "Date4::operator +=" },
{ 61109L, "Date4::operator -=" },
{ 61110L, "Date4::assign" },
{ 61111L, "Date4::cdow" },
{ 61112L, "Date4::cmonth" },
{ 61113L, "Date4::day" },
{ 61114L, "Date4::dow" },
{ 61115L, "Date4::format" },
{ 61116L, "Date4::isLeap" },
{ 61117L, "Date4::len" },
{ 61118L, "Date4::month" },
{ 61119L, "Date4::ptr" },
{ 61120L, "Date4::today" },
{ 61121L, "Date4::year" },
{ 61201L, "Field4::Field4" },
{ 61202L, "Field4::assignField" },
{ 61203L, "Field4::changed" },
{ 61204L, "Field4::data" },
{ 61205L, "Field4::decimals" },
{ 61206L, "Field4::init" },
{ 61207L, "Field4::isValid" },
{ 61208L, "Field4::len" },
{ 61209L, "Field4::name" },
{ 61210L, "Field4::number" },
{ 61211L, "Field4::ptr" },
{ 61212L, "Field4::type" },
{ 60524L, "Field4memo::isMemo" },
{ 60701L, "Index4::addTag" },
{ 60702L, "Index4::create" },
{ 60703L, "Index4::close" },
{ 60704L, "Index4::data" },
{ 60705L, "Index4::fileName" },
{ 60706L, "Index4::isProduction" },
{ 60707L, "Index4::isValid" },
{ 60708L, "Index4::init" },
{ 60709L, "Index4::open" },
{ 60710L, "Index4::reindex" },
{ 60711L, "Index4::tag" },
{ 60712L, "Index4::Index4" },
{ 60790L, "Index4iterator::Index4iterator" },
{ 60791L, "Index4iterator::operator()" },
{ 60792L, "Index4iterator::operator=" },
{ 60793L, "Index4iterator::init" },
{ 60801L, "Data4::Data4" },
{ 60802L, "Data4::alias" },
{ 60803L, "Data4::append" },
{ 60804L, "Data4::appendBlank" },
{ 60805L, "Data4::appendStart" },
{ 60806L, "Data4::blank" },
{ 60807L, "Data4::bof" },
{ 60808L, "Data4::bottom" },
{ 60809L, "Data4::changed" },
{ 60810L, "Data4::check" },
{ 60811L, "Data4::close" },
{ 60812L, "Data4::create" },
{ 60813L, "Data4::deleted" },
{ 60814L, "Data4::deleteRec" },
{ 60815L, "Data4::eof" },
{ 60816L, "Data4::fieldNumber" },
{ 60817L, "Data4::fileName" },
{ 60818L, "Data4::flush" },
{ 60819L, "Data4::flushData" },
{ 60820L, "Data4::freeBlocks" },
{ 60821L, "Data4::go" },
{ 60822L, "Data4::goData" },
{ 60823L, "Data4::goEof" },
{ 60824L, "Data4::index" },
{ 60825L, "Data4::isValid" },
{ 60826L, "Data4::lock" },
{ 60827L, "Data4::lockAdd" },
{ 60828L, "Data4::lockAddAll" },
{ 60829L, "Data4::lockAddAppend" },
{ 60830L, "Data4::lockAddFile" },
{ 60831L, "Data4::lockAppend" },
{ 60832L, "Data4::lockFile" },
{ 60833L, "Data4::lockIndex" },
{ 60834L, "Data4::lockTest" },
{ 60835L, "Data4::lockTestAppend" },
{ 60836L, "Data4::lockTestFile" },
{ 60837L, "Data4::lockTestIndex" },
{ 60838L, "Data4::memoCompress" },
{ 60839L, "Data4::numFields" },
{ 60840L, "Data4::open" },
{ 60841L, "Data4::optimize" },
{ 60842L, "Data4::optimizeWrite" },
{ 60843L, "Data4::pack" },
{ 60844L, "Data4::packData" },
{ 60845L, "Data4::position" },
{ 60846L, "Data4::read" },
{ 60847L, "Data4::readOld" },
{ 60848L, "Data4::recall" },
{ 60849L, "Data4::recCount" },
{ 60850L, "Data4::recNo" },
{ 60851L, "Data4::record" },
{ 60852L, "Data4::recPosition" },
{ 60853L, "Data4::recWidth" },
{ 60854L, "Data4::refresh" },
{ 60855L, "Data4::refreshRecord" },
{ 60856L, "Data4::reindex" },
{ 60857L, "Data4::remove" },
{ 60858L, "Data4::seek" },
{ 60859L, "Data4::seekNext" },
{ 60860L, "Data4::select" },
{ 60861L, "Data4::skip" },
{ 60862L, "Data4::top" },
{ 60863L, "Data4::unlock" },
{ 60864L, "Data4::validateMemo" },
{ 60865L, "Data4::write" },
{ 60866L, "Data4::writeData" },
{ 60867L, "Data4::zap" },
{ 60868L, "Data4::zapData" },
{ 60890L, "Data4iterator::Data4iterator" },
{ 60891L, "Data4iterator::operator()" },
{ 60892L, "Data4iterator::operator=" },
{ 60893L, "Data4iterator::init" },
{ 60900L, "Tag4::Tag4" },
{ 60901L, "Tag4::alias" },
{ 60902L, "Tag4::dump" },
{ 60903L, "Tag4::expr" },
{ 60904L, "Tag4::filter" },
{ 60905L, "Tag4::freeAll" },
{ 60906L, "Tag4::init" },
{ 60907L, "Tag4::initDefault" },
{ 60908L, "Tag4::initSelected" },
{ 60909L, "Tag4::isValid" },
{ 60910L, "Tag4::key" },
{ 60911L, "Tag4::open" },
{ 60912L, "Tag4::uniqueError" },
{ 60991L, "Tag4info::add" },
{ 60982L, "Tag4info::del" },
{ 60990L, "Tag4iterator::Tag4iterator" },
{ 60992L, "Tag4iterator::next" },
{ 60993L, "Tag4iterator::prev" },
{ 60994L, "Tag4iterator::operator=" }
#ifdef S4SERVER
static ERROR4INFO_ARRAY error4array7[] =
{ 00000L, "" },
{ 70101L, "failure to initialize server" },
{ 70102L, "server failure" },
{ 70103L, "server4securityInit" },
{ 70104L, "invalid table authorization file" },
{ 70105L, "server4init" },
{ 70106L, "failure to initialize transactions" },
{ 70107L, "failure to initialize catalog client" },
{ 70108L, "could not open server configuration file" },
{ 70109L, "Invalid configuration file (could not correctly position to top)" },
{ 70110L, "SERVERID field is invalid ( blank )" },
{ 70111L, "CATNAME field not found" },
{ 70112L, "TRANSNAME field not found" },
{ 70113L, "LOGNAME field not found" },
{ 70114L, "AUTHNAME field not found" },
{ 70115L, "TBAUTHNAME field not found" },
{ 70116L, "ERRNAME field not found" },
{ 70117L, "MEMXBLOCK field not found" },
{ 70118L, "MEMXBLOCK invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70119L, "MEMXCLIENT field not found" },
{ 70120L, "MEMXCLIENT invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70121L, "MEMXDATA field not found" },
{ 70122L, "MEMXDATA invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70123L, "KEEPOPEN field not found" },
{ 70124L, "MEMXDFILE invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70125L, "MEMXINDEX field not found" },
{ 70126L, "MEMXINDEX invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70127L, "MEMXIFILE field not found" },
{ 70128L, "MEMXIFILE invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70129L, "MEMXLOCK field not found" },
{ 70130L, "MEMXLOCK invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70131L, "MEMXTAG field not found" },
{ 70132L, "MEMXTAG invalid value ( < 1 )" },
{ 70133L, "MEMSZBLOCK field not found" },
{ 70134L, "MEMSZBLOCK invalid value ( <512 or not divisible by 512 )" },
{ 70135L, "MEMSZBUF field not found" },
{ 70136L, "MEMSZBUF invalid value ( <1024 or not divisible by 1024 )" },
{ 70137L, "MEMSZMEMO field not found" },
{ 70138L, "MEMSZMEMO invalid value" },
{ 70139L, "MEMSZSB field not found" },
{ 70140L, "MEMSZSB invalid value ( <2048 or not divisible by 2048 )" },
{ 70141L, "MEMSZSP field not found" },
{ 70142L, "MEMSZSP invalid value ( MEMSZSP must be >= MEMSZSB )" },
{ 70143L, "MEMSTBLOCK field not found" },
{ 70144L, "MEMSTBLOCK invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70145L, "MEMSTCLIEN field not found" },
{ 70146L, "MEMSTCLIEN invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70147L, "MEMSTLOCK field not found" },
{ 70148L, "MEMSTLOCK invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70149L, "MEMSTMAX field not found" },
{ 70150L, "MEMSTMAX invalid value ( MEMSTMAX must be >= MEMSZBUF )" },
{ 70151L, "MEMSTDATA field not found" },
{ 70152L, "MEMSTDATA invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70153L, "MEMSTDFILE field not found" },
{ 70154L, "MEMSTDFILE invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70155L, "MEMSTINDEX field not found" },
{ 70156L, "MEMSTINDEX invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70157L, "MEMSTIFILE field not found" },
{ 70158L, "MEMSTIFILE invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70159L, "MEMSTTAG field not found" },
{ 70160L, "MEMSTTAG invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70161L, "OPTIMIZE field not found" },
{ 70162L, "OPTIMIZE invalid value ( <-1 or >1 )" },
{ 70163L, "OPTIMIZEWR field not found" },
{ 70164L, "OPTIMIZEWR invalid value ( <-1 or >1 )" },
{ 70165L, "IDHANDLING field not found" },
{ 70166L, "IDHANDLING invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70167L, "Failure to initialize transactions" },
{ 70168L, "Failure to initialize catalog client" },
{ 70169L, "Failure to initialize communications" },
{ 70170L, "server4initUndo" },
{ 70171L, "server4clientDbAuthorize" },
{ 70172L, "dbAuthorize database field error" },
{ 70173L, "server4connect" },
{ 70174L, "server4executeLogData" },
{ 70175L, "server4verify" },
{ 70176L, "server4close" },
{ 70177L, "server4create" },
{ 70178L, "server4open" },
{ 70179L, "server4processMessage" },
{ 70180L, "attempt to perform a new action on a partially completed transaction" },
{ 70181L, "server4closeAll" },
{ 70182L, "catalog file in use but non-existant" },
{ 70183L, "failure to open catalog file" },
{ 70184L, "catalog file check failure" },
{ 70185L, "user authorization table open failed" },
{ 70186L, "table authorization table open failed" },
{ 70187L, "MEMSTTFILE field not found" },
{ 70188L, "MEMSTTFILE invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70189L, "MEMXTFILE field not found" },
{ 70190L, "MEMXTFILE invalid value ( <1 )" },
{ 70191L, "Cannot start server because transaction file in use" },
{ 70192L, "server4tranRestart" },
{ 70193L, "server4tranEofHalt" },
{ 70194L, "server4tranEof" },
{ 70195L, "SERVERID field is invalid ( contains blanks )" },
{ 70196L, "DEFPATH field not found" },
{ 70197L, "DEFPATH default path not available" },
{ 70198L, "DEFPATH default path drive not available" },
{ 70199L, "Could not open existing error file" },
{ 70200L, "Could not create error file" },
{ 70201L, "D4CREATE field not found" },
{ 70203L, "I4CREATE field not found" },
{ 70204L, "PROCESSID field not found" },
{ 70205L, "D4REINDEX field not found" },
{ 70206L, "blank PROTOCOL field is invalid" },
{ 70207L, "D4PACK field not found" },
{ 70208L, "PROTOCOL field not found" },
{ 70209L, "D4ZAP field not found" },
{ 70210L, "OPENMODE field not found" },
{ 70211L, "D4CHECK field not found" },
{ 70212L, "OPENMODE invalid value ( <0 or >2 )" },
{ 70213L, "D4COMPRESS field not found" },
{ 70214L, "ADDCATALOG field not found" },
{ 70215L, "ADDCATALOG invalid value( <0 or >3 )" },
{ 70216L, "USECATALOG field not found" },
{ 70217L, "USECATALOG invalid value( <0 or >2 )" },
{ 70218L, "Security Database Not Initialized" },
{ 70219L, "Security Database Has Invalid Field" },
{ 70220L, "Security Database Invalid" },
{ 70221L, "LOG invalid value ( <0 or >2 )" },
{ 70222L, "LOG field not found" },
{ 70223L, "Server integrity violated, memory corruption detected" },
{ 70224L, "Exceeded maximum client count on server" },
{ 70225L, "Creating server thread failed" },
{ 70226L, "Waiting on server thread failed" },
{ 70227L, "Closing server thread handle failed" }
static ERROR4INFO_ARRAY error4array8[] =
{ 00000L, "" },
{ 80101L, "SPX already connected" },
{ 80102L, "SPX part number out of sequence" },
{ 80103L, "SPX message received from non-existant client" },
{ 80201L, "SPX not installed" },
{ 80202L, "SPX connection failure - socket or connection table full (try increasing in shell.cfg)" },
{ 80203L, "SPX connection failure - command cancelled" },
{ 80204L, "SPX connection failure - socket closed or not opened" },
{ 80205L, "SPX failure to open socket" },
{ 80206L, "SPX connection failure - invalid fragment count/length" },
{ 80207L, "SPX connection failure - unknown failure" },
{ 80208L, "SPX structure size mismatch" },
{ 80209L, "SPX invalid connection" },
{ 80210L, "SPX query services failure" },
{ 80211L, "SPX connection failure - no answer from server" },
{ 80212L, "SPX malformed packet" },
{ 80213L, "SPX ecb corrupt" },
{ 80214L, "SPX expected connection does not exist" },
{ 80215L, "SPX ecb already active" },
{ 80216L, "SPX attempt to shutdown with active connections" },
{ 80219L, "SPX client has excess receive messages in queue" },
{ 80220L, "server has forcefully disconnected from client" },
{ 80221L, "SPX a server with the same name already exists" },
{ 80222L, "SPX workstation error" },
{ 80223L, "SPX requestion/shell error" },
{ 80224L, "SPX netware error" },
{ 80225L, "SPX no such segment" },
{ 80226L, "SPX unable to obtain double byte information" },
{ 80227L, "SPX shell failure/rem failure" },
{ 80228L, "SPX server not available" },
{ 80229L, "connection failure - server failed acknowledgement" },
{ 80301L, "SPX ipx not installed" },
{ 80302L, "SPX connection failure - socket already open" },
{ 80303L, "SPX netware calls initialization failed" },
{ 80304L, "failed to get default connection" },
{ 80305L, "SPX failed to get objects id" },
{ 80306L, "SPX expected SINGLE server connection not found" },
{ 80307L, "SPX failure to cancel event" },
{ 80401L, "corrupt index block" },
{ 80402L, "duplicate key insert into unique index" },
{ 80403L, "block pointer duplication error" },
{ 80404L, "block pointer value exceeds index eof value" },
{ 80405L, "block branch/leaf block type inconsistent" },
{ 80406L, "block ordering invalid" },
{ 80501L, "invalid field type" },
{ 80502L, "expected memo field non-existant" },
{ 80601L, "attempt to alter a readOnly file" },
{ 80602L, "file corruption" },
{ 80603L, "uncreated file attempted flush" },
{ 80604L, "exiting from within lock wait" },
{ 80605L, "error creating temporary working file" },
{ 80606L, "attempt to write to a read-only file" },
{ 80607L, "attempt to change file length of a read-only file" },
{ 80608L, "attempt to lock an unopened file" },
{ 80609L, "process fork error" },
{ 80901L, "unknown field type" },
{ 80902L, "failure in logical field index" },
{ 80903L, "unexpected null string detected" },
{ 80904L, "CODE4->stored_key_len too small" },
{ 80905L, "expecting logical result" },
{ 80906L, "function" },
{ 80907L, "invalid value detected in record buffer's deleted flag" },
{ 80908L, "expression data context does not share the same datafile" },
{ 80909L, "expression for index tag use cannot refer to database alias's" },
{ 81001L, "server connection failed" },
{ 81002L, "catalog file open failure" },
{ 81003L, "stack length variable _stklen below minimum" },
{ 81004L, "no valid CODE4 structures exist." },
{ 81005L, "protocol name too long or missing (ensure compile with communication option set)" },
{ 81006L, "Communications timed out" },
{ 81101L, "memo file not open for append" },
{ 81102L, "server index file format unsupported by client" },
{ 81103L, "d4appendStart() was not completed" },
{ 81301L, "code4init has not been called" },
{ 81302L, "attempt to create open data file" },
{ 81303L, "unable to connect to a server which will open data file" },
{ 81304L, "attempt to create file which is opened by another client" },
{ 81305L, "data has link but not the expected trans member" },
{ 81306L, "cannot create production index file for non-exclusive opened data handle" },
{ 81401L, "datafile already open" },
{ 81402L, "required catalog file not open" },
{ 81403L, "catalog file invalid" },
{ 81404L, "illegal field data" },
{ 81405L, "too many fields" },
{ 81406L, "tag not found" },
{ 81407L, "create failed on unnamed temporary file" },
{ 81408L, "too many fields on unnamed temporary file" },
{ 81409L, "field function not supported for given field type" },
{ 81502L, "cannot compress memo file due to a transaction conflict" },
{ 81503L, "cannot zap data file due to a transaction conflict" },
{ 81504L, "cannot perform action due to other user transaction conflicts" },
{ 81505L, "invalid lock type" },
{ 81506L, "invalid unlockAuto type" },
{ 81507L, "structure size mismatch. Compiler not supported" },
{ 81508L, "invalid user authorization file" },
{ 81509L, "attempt to append a record using the write function" },
{ 81510L, "data name referred to (in relation) doesn't exist" },
{ 81511L, "tag name referred to (in relation) doesn't exist" },
{ 81512L, "unexpected null expression invalid" },
{ 81513L, "failure to create relation" },
{ 81514L, "relation referred to by client not found" },
{ 81515L, "relation set-up failed*/" },
{ 81516L, "relate referred to by client not found" },
{ 81517L, "cannot perform d4check due to a transaction conflict" },
{ 81518L, "cannot perform d4pack due to a transaction conflict" },
{ 81519L, "cannot perform d4remove due to a transaction conflict" },
{ 81521L, "cannot perform d4remove within a transaction" },
{ 81522L, "cannot perform i4close within a transaction" },
{ 81523L, "WAIT4EVER lock conflicts with own local impeding lock" },
{ 81601L, "corrupt index file" },
{ 81602L, "illegal file block reference" },
{ 81603L, "block memory corruption" },
{ 81604L, "illegal position" },
{ 81605L, "S4SINGLE library cannot have out of date index file--index file must be corrupt" },
{ 81606L, "index file is exclusive, locked, or dos read-only--index file must be corrupt" },
{ 81607L, "index file is exclusive, locked, or dos read-only--parent leaf mismatch invalid" },
{ 81608L, "cannot perform t4uniqueSet within a transaction" },
{ 81609L, "cannot assign a unqiue setting to a non-unique tag" },
{ 81610L, "code page unsupported. foreign language support required" },
{ 81701L, "communication receive failure" },
{ 81702L, "attempt to close an unopened index file" },
{ 81703L, "index file already open" },
{ 81704L, "unable to connect to a server which will open index file" },
{ 81705L, "invalid connection type" },
{ 81707L, "expected compound (.cdx) file is of single (.idx) type" },
{ 81708L, "set CODE4::autoOpen to 'off' as a group file to open does not exist" },
{ 81709L, "error reading group file" },
{ 81710L, "error closing group file" },
{ 81711L, "unique flag data is an unrecognized value" },
{ 81712L, "flag should be 'r4descending'" },
{ 81713L, "tag already exists in index file" },
{ 81714L, "root <= 0L, or typeCode < 32" },
{ 81715L, "unexpected null file name found" },
{ 81716L, "index file verification checks failed" },
{ 81717L, "empty string invalid" },
{ 81718L, "Code4::errDefaultUnique is set to an invalid value" },
{ 81719L, "t4open()/t4close() unsupported for given server (due to index file format)" },
{ 81720L, "Invalid extension on file name to i4create() to create a group file (try t4create instead)" },
{ 81801L, "error in quick sort" },
{ 81901L, "sort4initAlloc() called but sort is already initialized" },
{ 82101L, "corrupt S4FOX .idx file" },
{ 82102L, "expression key is larger than maximum I4MAX_KEY_SIZE characters" },
{ 82103L, "error creating tag" },
{ 82104L, "invalid number of keys in block" },
{ 82105L, "block Size too Large for Indexing" },
{ 82106L, "expression source length > max allowable chars for index" },
{ 82107L, "key length is not a multiple of 2" },
{ 82501L, "CODE4 optimization initialization values too small" },
{ 82502L, "invalid mode" },
{ 82503L, "optimized file corruption" },
{ 82601L, "attempt to d4write record to a non-existant record" },
{ 82602L, "internal error has caused index file corruption. Stop execution and reindex files." },
{ 82901L, "invalid key type in index file" },
{ 82902L, "wrong TAG4 type" },
{ 83101L, "server returned incorrect record" },
{ 83201L, "number records unknown at update time" },
{ 83301L, "invalid deletion flag detected" },
{ 83501L, "duplicate alias" },
{ 83601L, "invalid catalog file" },
{ 83602L, "catalog file - entry does not exist" },
{ 83603L, "invalid catalog entry type" },
{ 83701L, "invalid expression length" },
{ 83702L, "memory out of range" },
{ 83703L, "expression incongruity" },
{ 83704L, "incompatible bitmaps" },
{ 83705L, "corrupt bitmap detected" },
{ 83801L, "invalid transaction file - run recovery utility" },
{ 83802L, "invalid transaction position" },
{ 83803L, "failure to find specified transIdno" },
{ 83804L, "expected record lock missing" },
{ 83805L, "database corruption detected" },
{ 83806L, "unexpected record d4go failure" },
{ 83807L, "transactions/logging not enabled" },
{ 83808L, "no active transaction to rollback" },
{ 83809L, "corrupted transaction file detected" },
{ 83810L, "attempt to re-commit partially committed transaction" },
{ 83811L, "attempt to complete non-partial transaction" },
{ 83812L, "no active transaction to commit" },
{ 83813L, "an active transaction already exists (cannot start a new one)" },
{ 83814L, "cannot begin transactions because CODE4::logOpen is zero" },
{ 83815L, "invalid transaction file--cannot use a backed up transaction file for transactions" },
{ 83816L, "exceeded maximum allowable users for transaction file" },
{ 83901L, "invalid lock type" },
{ 84301L, "input name exceeds allowable length" },
{ 84302L, "default server unavailable" },
{ 84303L, "required server unavailable" },
{ 84304L, "invalid communication message type received" },
{ 84305L, "invalid communication data received" },
{ 84306L, "data file shorter than required header length (corrupt or invalid)" },
{ 84307L, "attempt to get an additional handle on an open data file but with a more restrictive access level not supported" },
{ 84308L, "input name is longer than allowable" },
{ 84309L, "data file has no fields" },
{ 84401L, "relation client initialization failed" },
{ 84402L, "input relate must be created with relate4init(), not relate4createSlave()" },
{ 84403L, "Called relate4createSlave() with a database that already exists in another part of the relation" },
{ 84404L, "relate4createSlave() - master expression type does not match tag type" },
{ 84405L, "input relate must be created with relate4createSlave(), not relate4init()" },
{ 84406L, "relate4top() must be called first" },
{ 84407L, "invalid error action" },
{ 84408L, "data file name not found" },
{ 84409L, "exitting from within lock wait" },
{ 84410L, "RELATE4->master is unexpectedly null" },
{ 84411L, "RELATE4->errorAction is invalid" },
{ 84412L, "relate4matchLen() can only be called with a character expression" },
{ 84413L, "Non-freed data list" },
{ 84414L, "attempt to create relations accross multiple servers is disallowed" },
{ 84415L, "empty relation tree" },
{ 84416L, "invalid relation type" },
{ 84417L, "backwards skip attempted without calling relate4skipEnable()" },
{ 84501L, "expected environment variable not set to a valid value" },
{ 84801L, "skip must be made from valid record number" },
{ 84901L, "expression length doesn't match tag length" },
{ 84902L, "expression length too long for tag" },
{ 84903L, "non-logical filter type invalid" },
{ 84904L, "tag failed opening verification checks" },
{ 84905L, "expression/header length mismatch" },
{ 84906L, "error in key evaluation" },
{ 84907L, "unsupported collating sequence" },
{ 85201L, "'CODE4.memSizeBlock' is an illegal value" },
{ 85202L, "invalid memo size (too small or too large for operating system)" },
{ 85203L, "corrupt memo file" },
{ 85204L, "memo block used twice" },
{ 85205L, "wasted space in memo file" },
{ 85301L, "invalid unique flag data" },
{ 85302L, "invalid descending flag data (should be 0 or r4descending)" },
{ 85303L, "tag expression is missing" },
{ 85304L, "expression/filter source length > max allowable chars for index" },
{ 85305L, "block size is less than 1024 bytes" },
{ 85306L, "too many tags" },
{ 85307L, "For S4NDX version, filter and descending should be 0" },
{ 85308L, "tag file already open" },
{ 85309L, "Unable to obtain required data file lock" },
{ 85401L, "unexpected empty tag block" },
{ 85402L, "record number mismatch" },
{ 85403L, "t4split distribution incorrect" },
{ 85404L, "t4strToVFPKey() returned an invalid result" },
{ 85701L, "corrupted free block chain in index file" },
{ 85702L, "lost block in index file" },
{ 85703L, "incorrect record number in tag" },
{ 85704L, "unexpected key evaluation length" },
{ 85705L, "tag is out of date" },
{ 85706L, "tag is out of order" },
{ 85707L, "record numbers out of order for equal keys" },
{ 85708L, "identical keys in unique key tag" },
{ 85709L, "clipper incompatible index file detected" },
{ 85710L, "database file is empty but tag has entries" },
{ 85711L, "expected record is missing" },
{ 85712L, "tag is corrupt" },
{ 85801L, "invalid data4log file" },
{ 85802L, "unable to open data log file" },
{ 85901L, "corrupt memory pointer" },
{ 85902L, "S4MEMDBF related failure" },
{ 85903L, "zero paramater unexpected" },
{ 85904L, "S4LOCK_CHECK cannot be used with 'mem4reset'" },
{ 85905L, "freed memory not allocated" },
{ 86001L, "expression too large" },
{ 86101L, "locking overlap detected" },
{ 86102L, "removing lock which was never placed" },
{ 86201L, "corrupt linked list" },
{ 86202L, "link not on list" },
{ 86401L, "cannot call dfile4remove from within a transaction" },
{ 86402L, "cannot call dfile4remove for a datafile with open data handles" },
{ 87001L, "CodeBase Define Switches Mismatch between Application and Library/DLL" },
{ 88004L, "Blocking socket call cancelled" },
{ 88009L, "WSABADF" },
{ 88013L, "Broadcast address without correct flag" },
{ 88014L, "Argument size too small" },
{ 88022L, "Invalid function call" },
{ 88024L, "No more file descriptors are available" },
{ 88035L, "Socket would block" },
{ 88036L, "Blocking socket call in progress" },
{ 88037L, "Winsock call has already completed" },
{ 88038L, "Descriptor is not a socket" },
{ 88039L, "Destination address required" },
{ 88040L, "Datagram size too large" },
{ 88041L, "Protocol wrong type for socket" },
{ 88042L, "Protocol option not supported for socket type" },
{ 88043L, "Protocol not supported" },
{ 88044L, "Socket type not supported" },
{ 88045L, "Socket type does not support option" },
{ 88047L, "Address family not supported by socket type" },
{ 88048L, "Local address already in use" },
{ 88049L, "Local address not available" },
{ 88050L, "TCP/IP network subsystem is down" },
{ 88051L, "TCP/IP network can not be reached" },
{ 88052L, "TCP/IP network dropped connection" },
{ 88053L, "Connection was aborted" },
{ 88054L, "Connection was reset by other side" },
{ 88055L, "No buffer space is available" },
{ 88056L, "Socket is already connected" },
{ 88057L, "Socket is not connected" },
{ 88058L, "Socket has been shutdown" },
{ 88060L, "Connection request timed out" },
{ 88061L, "Connection refused, no server running on host machine" },
{ 88062L, "WSAELOOP" },
{ 88064L, "WSAEHOSTDOWN" },
{ 88066L, "WSAENOTEMPTY" },
{ 88067L, "WSAEPROCLIM" },
{ 88068L, "WSAEUSERS" },
{ 88069L, "WSAEDQUOT" },
{ 88070L, "WSAESTALE" },
{ 88071L, "WSAEREMOTE" },
{ 88091L, "TCP/IP network subsystem not ready" },
{ 88092L, "Winsock DLL does not support requested API version" },
{ 88093L, "Winsock not initialised" },
{ 89001L, "Authoritive DNS answer host not found" },
{ 89002L, "Nonauthoritive DNS answer host not found" },
{ 89003L, "Winsock unrecoverable operation" },
{ 89004L, "Host name unknown, no DNS data" }
static ERROR4INFO_ARRAY error4array9[] =
{ 00000L, "" },
{ 90122L, "d4socket" },
{ 90124L, "connection4id" },
{ 90155L, "code4unlockSet" },
{ 90159L, "packet4...()" },
{ 90160L, "connection4...()" },
{ 90161L, "socket4...()" },
{ 90201L, "socket4net...()" },
{ 90208L, "socket4netShutdownAdvertising" },
{ 90235L, "socket4netYield" },
{ 90236L, "socket4netFree" },
{ 90313L, "ipx4...()" },
{ 90314L, "spx4...()" },
{ 90438L, "b4...()" },
{ 90439L, "x4...()" },
{ 90501L, "f4assignField" },
{ 90502L, "f4assignChar" },
{ 90503L, "f4char" },
{ 90504L, "f4assignDouble" },
{ 90505L, "f4double" },
{ 90506L, "f4double2" },
{ 90507L, "f4assignPtr" },
{ 90508L, "f4blank" },
{ 90509L, "f4data" },
{ 90510L, "f4decimals" },
{ 90511L, "f4len" },
{ 90512L, "f4name" },
{ 90513L, "f4type" },
{ 90514L, "f4assignInt" },
{ 90515L, "f4int" },
{ 90516L, "f4assignLong" },
{ 90517L, "f4long" },
{ 90518L, "f4memoAssign" },
{ 90519L, "f4memoAssignN" },
{ 90520L, "f4memoFlush" },
{ 90521L, "f4memoFree" },
{ 90522L, "f4memoLen" },
{ 90523L, "f4memoNcpy" },
{ 90524L, "f4memoPtr" },
{ 90525L, "f4memoRead" },
{ 90526L, "f4memoReadLow" },
{ 90527L, "f4memoReset" },
{ 90528L, "f4memoSetLen" },
{ 90529L, "f4memoStr" },
{ 90530L, "f4memoUpdate" },
{ 90531L, "f4memoWrite" },
{ 90532L, "f4ptr" },
{ 90533L, "f4assign" },
{ 90534L, "f4assignN" },
{ 90535L, "f4ncpy" },
{ 90536L, "f4str" },
{ 90537L, "f4true" },
{ 90538L, "f4number" },
{ 90539L, "f4assignNull" },
{ 90540L, "f4null" },
{ 90541L, "f4assignCurrency" },
{ 90542L, "f4currency" },
{ 90543L, "f4dateTime" },
{ 90601L, "file4close" },
{ 90602L, "file4create" },
{ 90603L, "filelength" },
{ 90604L, "file4changeSize" },
{ 90605L, "file4len" },
{ 90606L, "file4lenSet" },
{ 90607L, "file4read" },
{ 90608L, "file4readAll" },
{ 90609L, "file4replace" },
{ 90610L, "file4lowFlush" },
{ 90611L, "file4flush" },
{ 90612L, "file4refresh" },
{ 90613L, "file4lock" },
{ 90614L, "file4unlock" },
{ 90615L, "file4open" },
{ 90616L, "file4optimize" },
{ 90617L, "file4optimizeWrite" },
{ 90618L, "file4tempLow" },
{ 90619L, "file4write" },
{ 90620L, "file4lockHook" },
{ 90621L, "file4readError" },
{ 90622L, "file4createLow" },
{ 90623L, "file4temp" },
{ 90624L, "file4writeDelay" },
{ 90701L, "file4seqRead" },
{ 90702L, "file4seqReadSll" },
{ 90703L, "file4seqReadInit" },
{ 90704L, "file4seqWrite" },
{ 90705L, "file4seqWriteFlush" },
{ 90706L, "file4seqWriteInit" },
{ 90707L, "file4seqWriteRepeat" },
{ 90812L, "f4flag...()" },
{ 90901L, "e4massage" },
{ 90902L, "e4addConstant" },
{ 90903L, "e4functionAdd" },
{ 90904L, "expr4parse" },
{ 90905L, "e4getOperator" },
{ 90906L, "e4lookup" },
{ 90907L, "opToExpr" },
{ 90908L, "expr4parseExpr" },
{ 90909L, "expr4parseFunction" },
{ 90910L, "expr4parseValue" },
{ 90911L, "s4stackPushStr" },
{ 90912L, "expr4execute" },
{ 90913L, "expr4key" },
{ 90914L, "expr4double" },
{ 90915L, "expr4keyLen" },
{ 90916L, "expr4vary" },
{ 90917L, "expr4true" },
{ 90918L, "expr4context" },
{ 90919L, "expr4str" },
{ 90920L, "expr4calcCreate" },
{ 90921L, "expr4calcReset" },
{ 91001L, "code4init" },
{ 91002L, "code4initUndo" },
{ 91003L, "code4closeAll" },
{ 91004L, "code4connect" },
{ 91005L, "code4userConnect" },
{ 91006L, "code4timeout" },
{ 91007L, "code4timeoutSet" },
{ 91008L, "code4lock" },
{ 91009L, "code4lockNetworkId" },
{ 91010L, "code4lockUserId" },
{ 91011L, "code4lockFileName" },
{ 91012L, "code4lockItem" },
{ 91013L, "code4logCreate" },
{ 91014L, "code4logFileName" },
{ 91015L, "code4logOpen" },
{ 91016L, "code4logOpenOff" },
{ 91017L, "code4passwordSet" },
{ 91018L, "code4lockClear" },
{ 91101L, "d4lockAppendRecord" },
{ 91102L, "dfile4...()" },
{ 91103L, "d4append" },
{ 91104L, "d4appendBlank" },
{ 91105L, "d4appendData" },
{ 91107L, "d4appendStart" },
{ 91108L, "d4unappend" },
{ 91110L, "code4indexFormat" },
{ 91111L, "code4version" },
{ 91112L, "code4serverName" },
{ 91201L, "d4bottom" },
{ 91302L, "d4close" },
{ 91304L, "code4dataFileCloseAll" },
{ 91401L, "d4create" },
{ 91403L, "d4createTemp" },
{ 91521L, "data4authorize" },
{ 91530L, "server4client...()" },
{ 91601L, "t4uniqueSet" },
{ 91603L, "tfile4outOfDate" },
{ 91604L, "i4readBlock" },
{ 91630L, "tfile4key" },
{ 91635L, "tfile4doVersionCheck" },
{ 91636L, "tfile4extend" },
{ 91637L, "t4close" },
{ 91638L, "tfile4close" },
{ 91639L, "t4unique" },
{ 91640L, "t4alias" },
{ 91641L, "t4expr" },
{ 91642L, "tfile4...()" },
{ 91643L, "t4strToVFPKey" },
{ 91701L, "i4close" },
{ 91702L, "index4close" },
{ 91703L, "index4extend" },
{ 91704L, "index4flush" },
{ 91705L, "index4update" },
{ 91706L, "i4open" },
{ 91707L, "index4open" },
{ 91708L, "index4shrink" },
{ 91709L, "i4tag" },
{ 91710L, "index4updateHeader" },
{ 91711L, "i4versionCheck" },
{ 91712L, "index4versionCheck" },
{ 91713L, "i4flush" },
{ 91714L, "index4isProduction" },
{ 91715L, "i4next" },
{ 91716L, "i4addOneTag" },
{ 91717L, "i4tagAdd" },
{ 91718L, "i4tagAssociate" },
{ 91719L, "i4setup" },
{ 91720L, "i4fileName" },
{ 91801L, "s4flush" },
{ 91802L, "sort4get" },
{ 91803L, "sort4put" },
{ 91804L, "sort4free" },
{ 91901L, "sort4getMemInit" },
{ 91902L, "sort4getInit" },
{ 91903L, "sort4spoolsInit" },
{ 91904L, "sort4init" },
{ 91905L, "sort4initSet" },
{ 91906L, "sort4initAlloc" },
{ 91907L, "sort4initPointers" },
{ 91908L, "s4nextSpoolEntry" },
{ 91909L, "relate4freeBitmaps" },
{ 91910L, "sort4freeExtra" },
{ 91911L, "sort4getInitFree" },
{ 91912L, "sort4initFree" },
{ 92001L, "d4password" },
{ 92101L, "i4reindex" },
{ 92102L, "r4reindex...()" },
{ 92201L, "d4fieldInfo" },
{ 92301L, "d4top" },
{ 92401L, "d4tag" },
{ 92403L, "d4tagDefault" },
{ 92405L, "d4tagNext" },
{ 92407L, "d4tagPrev" },
{ 92409L, "d4tagSelect" },
{ 92411L, "d4tagSelected" },
{ 92501L, "code4optStart" },
{ 92502L, "code4optRestart" },
{ 92503L, "code4optSuspend" },
{ 92504L, "d4optimize" },
{ 92506L, "d4optimizeWrite" },
{ 92508L, "opt4...()" },
{ 92510L, "code4freeBlocks" },
{ 92530L, "d4updatePrio" },
{ 92531L, "code4optAll" },
{ 92601L, "d4write" },
{ 92602L, "d4writeData" },
{ 92604L, "d4writeKeys" },
{ 92605L, "d4unwriteKeys" },
{ 92701L, "d4lock" },
{ 92702L, "d4lockAll" },
{ 92703L, "d4lockTest" },
{ 92704L, "d4lockTestAppend" },
{ 92705L, "d4lockTestFile" },
{ 92706L, "d4lockTestIndex" },
{ 92707L, "d4lockIndex" },
{ 92708L, "d4lockAppend" },
{ 92709L, "d4lockFile" },
{ 92719L, "d4lockAddAppend" },
{ 92720L, "d4lockAddFile" },
{ 92721L, "d4lockAdd" },
{ 92722L, "request4lockTest" },
{ 92723L, "d4localLockSet" },
{ 92724L, "d4lock_group" },
{ 92725L, "d4lock_group" },
{ 92801L, "d4unlock" },
{ 92802L, "d4unlockAppend" },
{ 92803L, "d4unlockData" },
{ 92804L, "d4unlockFile" },
{ 92805L, "d4unlockRecord" },
{ 92806L, "d4unlockRecords" },
{ 92807L, "code4unlock" },
{ 92903L, "d4seekN" },
{ 92904L, "d4seekDouble" },
{ 92905L, "d4seekNextN" },
{ 92906L, "d4seekServer" },
{ 92907L, "d4seek" },
{ 92908L, "d4seekNext" },
{ 92909L, "d4seekNextDouble" },
{ 93001L, "d4freeBlocks" },
{ 93002L, "d4index" },
{ 93004L, "d4reindex" },
{ 93101L, "d4go" },
{ 93103L, "d4goEof" },
{ 93104L, "d4goBof" },
{ 93205L, "d4fileName" },
{ 93301L, "d4alias" },
{ 93302L, "d4aliasSet" },
{ 93303L, "d4blank" },
{ 93304L, "d4bof" },
{ 93305L, "d4delete" },
{ 93306L, "d4deleted" },
{ 93307L, "d4eof" },
{ 93308L, "d4numFields" },
{ 93309L, "d4read" },
{ 93310L, "d4readOld" },
{ 93311L, "d4recall" },
{ 93312L, "d4recCount" },
{ 93313L, "d4recNo" },
{ 93314L, "d4record" },
{ 93315L, "d4recPosition" },
{ 93316L, "d4recWidth" },
{ 93317L, "d4verify" },
{ 93318L, "d4recCountLessEq" },
{ 93319L, "d4log" },
{ 93401L, "code4logInit" },
{ 93402L, "code4logInitUndo" },
{ 93403L, "code4log" },
{ 93601L, "cat4...()" },
{ 93701L, "bitmap4...()" },
{ 93704L, "const4...()" },
{ 93719L, "bmf4...()" },
{ 93801L, "tran4...()" },
{ 93802L, "code4tranInit" },
{ 93804L, "code4tranInitUndo" },
{ 93827L, "code4invalidate" },
{ 93828L, "code4tranCommit" },
{ 93829L, "code4tranStart" },
{ 93830L, "code4tranRollback" },
{ 93832L, "code4transVerify" },
{ 93834L, "code4tranInitLow" },
{ 93835L, "code4transInitUndo" },
{ 93836L, "code4transInit" },
{ 93901L, "code4verify" },
{ 93903L, "lock4verify" },
{ 93904L, "message4alloc" },
{ 94001L, "d4field" },
{ 94002L, "d4fieldJ" },
{ 94003L, "d4fieldNumber" },
{ 94101L, "d4changed" },
{ 94102L, "d4flush" },
{ 94105L, "d4flushData" },
{ 94107L, "code4flush" },
{ 94109L, "d4update" },
{ 94110L, "d4updateRecord" },
{ 94201L, "d4refresh" },
{ 94203L, "d4refreshRecord" },
{ 94301L, "d4open" },
{ 94302L, "client4indexSetup" },
{ 94401L, "relate4bottom" },
{ 94402L, "relate4changed" },
{ 94403L, "relate4createSlave" },
{ 94404L, "relate4do" },
{ 94405L, "relate4doOne" },
{ 94406L, "relate4eof" },
{ 94407L, "relate4errorAction" },
{ 94408L, "relate4free" },
{ 94409L, "relate4dataOpen" },
{ 94410L, "relate4init" },
{ 94411L, "relate4lock" },
{ 94412L, "relate4lookup" },
{ 94413L, "relate4matchLen" },
{ 94414L, "relate4next" },
{ 94415L, "relate4nextRecordInScan" },
{ 94416L, "relate4prevRecordInScan" },
{ 94417L, "relate4readRest" },
{ 94418L, "relate4skip" },
{ 94419L, "relate4sort" },
{ 94420L, "relate4add" },
{ 94421L, "relate4clientInit" },
{ 94422L, "relate4top" },
{ 94423L, "relate4type" },
{ 94424L, "relate4unlock" },
{ 94425L, "relate4unpack" },
{ 94426L, "relate4optimizeable" },
{ 94427L, "relate4dataOpen" },
{ 94428L, "relate4querySet" },
{ 94429L, "relate4sortSet" },
{ 94501L, "u4allocAgainDefault" },
{ 94502L, "u4ncpy" },
{ 94503L, "u4environ" },
{ 94504L, "u4remove" },
{ 94505L, "u4rename" },
{ 94506L, "u4nameRetExt" },
{ 94507L, "u4nameExt" },
{ 94508L, "u4namePiece" },
{ 94509L, "u4nameCurrent" },
{ 94510L, "u4nameFix" },
{ 94511L, "u4writeErr" },
{ 94601L, "d4pack" },
{ 94602L, "d4packData" },
{ 94604L, "d4zap" },
{ 94605L, "d4zapData" },
{ 94701L, "d4position" },
{ 94702L, "d4positionSet" },
{ 94801L, "d4skipRecno" },
{ 94802L, "d4skip" },
{ 94803L, "d4tagSync" },
{ 94901L, "t4flush" },
{ 94902L, "t4dump" },
{ 94903L, "t4open" },
{ 94904L, "t4init" },
{ 94905L, "t4dumpDo" },
{ 94906L, "tfile4open" },
{ 95001L, "e4hook" },
{ 95101L, "c4descendNum" },
{ 95102L, "c4descendStr" },
{ 95103L, "c4descendDate" },
{ 95104L, "c4descend" },
{ 95105L, "c4bcdFromA" },
{ 95106L, "c4dtoa45" },
{ 95201L, "d4memoCompress" },
{ 95203L, "d4validateMemoIds" },
{ 95204L, "memo4lenPart" },
{ 95205L, "memo4fileChainSkip" },
{ 95206L, "f4memoCheck" },
{ 95207L, "memo4fileCreate" },
{ 95208L, "memo4fileWritePart" },
{ 95209L, "memo4fileWrite" },
{ 95210L, "memo4fileRead" },
{ 95301L, "i4create" },
{ 95302L, "t4create" },
{ 95401L, "i4getLastKey" },
{ 95402L, "t4add" },
{ 95403L, "t4addCalc" },
{ 95404L, "t4remove" },
{ 95405L, "t4removeCalc" },
{ 95406L, "t4balanceBranch" },
{ 95407L, "t4balanceBranchLeaf" },
{ 95501L, "i4tagInfo" },
{ 95601L, "code4index" },
{ 95602L, "index4lock" },
{ 95603L, "index4unlock" },
{ 95604L, "i4lock" },
{ 95605L, "i4unlock" },
{ 95606L, "tfile4unlock" },
{ 95607L, "tfile4lock" },
{ 95701L, "c4checkRecord" },
{ 95702L, "d4check" },
{ 95703L, "t4check" },
{ 95704L, "flag4blocks" },
{ 95705L, "i4check" },
{ 95706L, "t4blockCheck" },
{ 95801L, "data4logOpen" },
{ 95901L, "mem4pushPointer" },
{ 95902L, "mem4popPointer" },
{ 95903L, "mem4checkMemory" },
{ 95904L, "mem4freeCheck" },
{ 95905L, "mem4allocDefault" },
{ 95906L, "mem4createDefault" },
{ 95907L, "mem4freeDefault" },
{ 95908L, "u4allocFixedDefault" },
{ 95909L, "u4allocErDefault" },
{ 95910L, "u4freeDefault" },
{ 95911L, "mem4reset" },
{ 96001L, "dataList4remove" },
{ 96002L, "log4true" },
{ 96101L, "code4info" },
{ 96102L, "l4lockSave" },
{ 96201L, "l4add" },
{ 96202L, "l4addAfter" },
{ 96203L, "l4addBefore" },
{ 96204L, "l4check" },
{ 96205L, "l4first" },
{ 96206L, "l4last" },
{ 96207L, "l4next" },
{ 96208L, "l4pop" },
{ 96209L, "l4prev" },
{ 96210L, "l4remove" },
{ 96211L, "l4seek" },
{ 96301L, "date4assign" },
{ 96302L, "code4dateFormatSet" },
{ 96303L, "code4dateFormat" },
{ 96401L, "d4remove" },
{ 96501L, "d4tagUniqueSync" },
{ 96601L, "error4set()" },
{ 96602L, "error4code()" },
{ 96701L, "d4...()" },
{ 99999L, "Testing Only" },
#endif /* E4OFF_STRING */
#include "e4str2.c"