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* Header file for ArchiveLib 1.0
* Copyright (c) 1994 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* This is the header file that C programmers need to include
* to have access to all of the C and VB translation functions.
* All C and VB translation functions.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
#ifndef _ALCXL_H
#define _ALCXL_H
#include <time.h>
#include "aldefs.h"
* The deal with these bogus structures is simply a convoluted way
* to provide some type checking when using these handles. As far
* as the C compiler can be concerned, they might as well all be
* void*, but then we wouldn't have as much type safety. This
* method is a lot like that used with STRICT in <windows.h>
* All we are doing is creating a purely arbitrary pointer type
* that will be used to communicate with C++ functions in ArchiveLib.
* As soon as we get inside ArchiveLib, we cast it to a more
* useful type.
#define DECLARE_AL_HANDLE( x ) \
struct x##_bogus_struct { \
int x##_bogus_unused_member; \
}; \
typedef struct x##_bogus_struct AL_DLL_FAR * x
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* ALEngine functions
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALEngine( hALEngine this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEngineCompress( hALEngine this_object,
hALStorage input_object,
hALStorage output_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEngineDecompress( hALEngine this_object,
hALStorage input_object,
hALStorage output_object,
long compressed_length );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetTypeCode( hALEngine this_object );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetTypeString( hALEngine this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetStatusCode( hALEngine this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEngineSetError( hALEngine this_object,
int error_code,
char AL_DLL_FAR *text );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetStatusString( hALEngine this_object );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetStatusDetail( hALEngine this_object );
* ALEngine functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetTypeStringVB( hALEngine this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetStatusStringVB( hALEngine this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALEngineGetStatusDetailVB( hALEngine this_object );
* ALCopyEngine
hALEngine AL_FUNCTION newALCopyEngine( void );
* ALGreenleafEngine
hALEngine AL_FUNCTION newALGreenleafEngine( int level );
* ALStorage functions
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALStorage( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageCompare( hALStorage this_object,
hALStorage test_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageIsOpen( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageReadChar( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageReadShort( hALStorage this_object,
short int AL_DLL_FAR *short_data );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageReadLong( hALStorage this_object,
long AL_DLL_FAR *long_data );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageWriteLong( hALStorage this_object, long long_data );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageWriteShort( hALStorage this_object,
short int short_data );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageWriteString( hALStorage this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *string_data );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetCrc32( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetSize( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageTell( hALStorage this_object );
size_t AL_FUNCTION ALStorageReadBuffer( hALStorage this_object,
unsigned char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer,
size_t length );
size_t AL_FUNCTION ALStorageWriteBuffer( hALStorage this_object,
unsigned char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer,
size_t length );
void AL_FUNCTION ALStorageInitCrc32( hALStorage this_object, long seed );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageClose( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageCreate( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageDelete( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageFlushBuffer( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageLoadBuffer( hALStorage this_object, long address );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageOpen( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageRename( hALStorage this_object,
char *new_name,
int delete_on_clash );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageRenameToBackup( hALStorage this_object,
int delete_on_clash );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageSeek( hALStorage this_object, long address );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageUnRename( hALStorage this_object,
int delete_on_clash );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageWriteChar( hALStorage this_object, int c );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetType( hALStorage this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALStorageSetMonitor( hALStorage this_object,
hALMonitor monitor );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetUnixTime( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageToJulian( hALStorage this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALStorageFromJulian( hALStorage this_object, long jdn );
ALStorageSetTimeDateFromStruc( hALStorage this_object,
struct tm AL_DLL_FAR * time_struct );
void AL_FUNCTION ALStorageSetTimeDateFromUnix( hALStorage this_object,
long unix_time );
ALStorageGetStrucFromTimeDate( hALStorage this_object,
struct tm AL_DLL_FAR * time_struct );
unsigned short int AL_FUNCTION
ALStoragePackedAttributes( hALStorage this_object );
ALStorageSetFromDosAttributes( hALStorage this_object,
unsigned short int dos_attributes );
ALStorageSetFromPackedAtts( hALStorage this_object,
unsigned short int packed_attributes );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetName( hALStorage this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALStorageSetName( hALStorage this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *object_name );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageWildCardMatch( hALStorage this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *pattern );
ALStorageChangeExtension( hALStorage this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *new_extension );
ALStorageChangeTrailingChar( hALStorage this_object,
char new_char );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetOldName( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetStatusCode( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageSetError( hALStorage this_object,
int error_code,
char AL_DLL_FAR * text );
ALStorageGetStatusString( hALStorage this_object );
ALStorageGetStatusDetail( hALStorage this_object );
unsigned short int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetDosTime( hALStorage this_object );
unsigned short int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetDosDate( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageValidTimeDate( hALStorage this_object );
#if defined( AL_WIN32S )
DWORD AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetWin32Attributes( hALStorage this_object );
#if !defined( AL_WIN32S )
unsigned short int AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetDosAttributes( hALStorage this_object );
* ALStorage functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
ALStorageChangeExtensionVB( hALStorage this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *new_extension );
ALStorageChangeTrailingCharVB( hALStorage this_object,
char new_char );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetNameVB( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetOldNameVB( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetStatusStringVB( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALStorageGetStatusDetailVB( hALStorage this_object );
* ALFile functions
hALStorage AL_FUNCTION newALFile( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
* ALMemory Functions
hALStorage AL_FUNCTION newALMemory( char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer_name,
char AL_HUGE *user_buffer,
DWORD user_buffer_size );
UINT AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetHandle( hALStorage this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBufferSize( hALStorage this_object );
char AL_HUGE *AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBuffer( hALStorage this_object );
hALStorage AL_FUNCTION newALMemory( char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer_name,
char AL_DLL_FAR *user_buffer,
int user_buffer_size );
size_t AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBufferSize( hALStorage this_object );
char AL_DLL_FAR *AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBuffer( hALStorage this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBufferOwner( hALStorage this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALMemorySetBufferOwner( hALStorage this_object,
int user_owns_buffer );
* ALMonitor functions
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALMonitor( hALMonitor this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALMonitorSetObjectSize( hALMonitor this_object,
long object_size );
long AL_FUNCTION ALMonitorSetObjectStart( hALMonitor this_object,
long object_start );
long AL_FUNCTION ALMonitorSetJobSize( hALMonitor this_object, long job_size );
long AL_FUNCTION ALMonitorSetJobSoFar( hALMonitor this_object,
long job_so_far );
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
newALWindowsMessage( enum ALMonitorType monitor_type,
HWND progress_text_window,
enum ALWindowsMessageType message_type,
HWND progress_number_window,
UINT windows_message );
hALMonitor newALBarGraph( enum ALMonitorType monitor_type );
hALMonitor newALSpinner( enum ALMonitorType );
* ALEntry functions
hALEntry AL_FUNCTION newALEntry( hALEntryList list,
hALStorage storage,
hALEngine engine );
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALEntry( hALEntry this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryDuplicate( hALEntry this_object, hALEntryList list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryCompressionRatio( hALEntry this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetMark( hALEntry this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetComment( hALEntry this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *comment );
long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetCompressedSize( hALEntry this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetCrc32( hALEntry this_object );
hALEntry AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetNextEntry( hALEntry this_object );
char AL_DLL_FAR *AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetComment( hALEntry this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALEntryClearMark( hALEntry this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetMark( hALEntry this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetMarkState( hALEntry this_object,
short int new_state );
hALStorage AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetStorage( hALEntry this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetStorage( hALEntry this_object,
hALStorage storage_object );
hALEngine AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetEngine( hALEntry this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALEntrySetEngine( hALEntry this_object, hALEngine engine );
* ALEntry functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryGetCommentVB( hALEntry this_object );
* ALEntryList functions
hALEntryList AL_FUNCTION newALEntryList( hALMonitor monitor );
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALEntryList( hALEntryList this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListClearMarks( hALEntryList this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *pattern );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListDeleteUnmarked( hALEntryList this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListSetMarks( hALEntryList this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *pattern );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListToggleMarks( hALEntryList this_object );
void AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListUnmarkDuplicates( hALEntryList this_object,
hALEntryList list, char
AL_DLL_FAR *error_message );
hALEntry AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListGetFirstEntry( hALEntryList this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListGetStatusCode( hALEntryList this_object );
ALEntryListGetStatusString( hALEntryList this_object );
ALEntryListGetStatusDetail( hALEntryList this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListAddWildCardFiles( hALEntryList this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *pattern,
int traverse );
* ALEntry functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryLisGetStatusStringVB( hALEntryList this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListGetStatusDetailVB( hALEntryList this_object );
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListAddFromDialog( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hWnd,
int list_box_id );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListAddFromWindow( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hWnd );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListSetMarksFromDialog( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hWnd,
int id );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListSetMarksFromWindow( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hWnd );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListFillListBoxWindow( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hWnd );
int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListFillListBoxDialog( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hDlg,
int list_box_id );
* ALArchiveBase Functions
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALArchive( hALArchive this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveCreate( hALArchive this_object, hALEntryList list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveCreateFromArchive( hALArchive this_object,
hALArchive source_archive,
hALEntryList source_list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveAppend( hALArchive this_object, hALEntryList list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveAppendFromArchive( hALArchive this_object,
hALArchive source_archive,
hALEntryList source_list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveExtract( hALArchive this_object, hALEntryList list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveDelete( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list,
hALArchive destination_archive );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetComment( hALArchive this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveSetComment( hALArchive this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *comment );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveReadDirectory( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveWriteDirectory( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetVersion( hALArchive this_object );
hALStorage AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetStorage( hALArchive this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetStatusCode( hALArchive this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveSetError( hALArchive this_object,
int error_code,
char AL_DLL_FAR *text );
ALArchiveGetStatusString( hALArchive this_object );
ALArchiveGetStatusDetail( hALArchive this_object );
* ALArchiveBase functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetCommentVB( hALArchive this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetStatusStringVB( hALArchive this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetStatusDetailVB( hALArchive this_object );
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveFillListBoxDialog( hALArchive this_object,
HWND hDlg,
int list_box);
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveFillListBoxWindow( hALArchive this_object,
HWND hWnd );
* ALArchive functions
hALArchive AL_FUNCTION newALArchive( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
hALArchive AL_FUNCTION newALArchiveFromStorage( hALStorage object );
* Note: this function has been replaced by the more properly
* named ALEntryListAddWildCardFiles. Calls the same C++ member fn.
int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveAddFilesToList( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list,
char AL_DLL_FAR * pattern,
int traverse_flag );
* ALCompressed functions
hALCompressed AL_FUNCTION newALCompressed( hALStorage storage,
hALEngine engine );
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALCompressed( hALCompressed this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALCompressedExtract( hALCompressed this_object,
hALStorage output_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALCompressedInsert( hALCompressed this_object,
hALStorage input_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALCompressedGetStatusCode( hALCompressed this_object );
int AL_FUNCTION ALCompressedSetError( hALCompressed this_object,
int error_code,
char AL_DLL_FAR *text );
ALCompressedGetStatusString( hALCompressed this_object );
ALCompressedGetStatusDetail( hALCompressed this_object );
* ALCompressed functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION ALCompressedGetStatusStringVB( hALCompressed this_object );
long AL_FUNCTION ALCompressedGetStatusDetailVB( hALCompressed this_object );
* ALWildCardExpander functions
hALExpander AL_FUNCTION newALExpander( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_list,
int traverse_flag,
enum ALCase name_case );
void AL_FUNCTION deleteALExpander( hALExpander this_object );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALExpanderGetNextFile( hALExpander this_object );
* ALWildCardExpander functions for Visual Basic only.
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION ALExpanderGetNextFileVB( hALExpander this_object );
* Utility
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION StripFileName( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION StripPath( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
* Utility functions for Visual Basic only
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
long AL_FUNCTION StripFileNameVB( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
long AL_FUNCTION StripPathVB( char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
void AL_CFUNCTION EditDisplay( HWND hDlg, int id, char AL_DLL_FAR *fmt, ... );
* Internal use for VB only
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
extern "C" long _far _pascal ALCreateVBString( const char _far *string, unsigned short int length );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* #ifndef _ALCXL_H */