alex 714dd74636 Archive Library versione 2.00
git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
1997-10-09 16:09:54 +00:00

335 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

* Header file for ArchiveLib 2.0
* Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* This header file contains the definitions for the base class
* ALArchive.
* ALArchive : The base class definition for an Archive.
* Both PK format and Greenleaf format archives
* are derived from ALArchive.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
#ifndef _ARC_H
#define _ARC_H
#if defined( __cplusplus )
* class ALArchive
* This is the base class for both types of Archives supported
* by ArchiveLib. As much functionality as possible is kept in
* the base class. Ideally, this should mean that you can switch
* archive types with just a single line of code in your program.
* mpArchiveStorageObject : A pointer to the storage object that the
* archive resides in.
* mComment : The commetn associated with the archive.
* mlDirectoryOffset : The offset of the archive directory in the
* storage object. Not valid until some operation
* that reads or writes the directory takes place.
* miVersion : The archive version. Read or written to the file.
* miCount : The count of objects in the directory. Once
* again, only valid after some operation that
* reads or writes the directory.
* mfDeleteStorageObject : If this flag is true, the C++ destructor for
* the storage object is called from the archive's
* destructor.
* mfStripPathOnInsert : If this member is set, the path names of the
* input objects will be stripped as they are
* written to the directory.
* mfStripPathOnExtract : If this member is set, the path names of the
* internal objects will be stripped as they are
* extracted from the archive.
* mStatus : The status object that most objects in this
* library have.
* ALArchive() : The constructor, which requires a storage
* obect as an argument.
* CalculateJobSize() : This function is called before major archive
* operations. Knowing the total job size lets
* the monitor functions update progress bars
* with real numbers.
* CalculateCompressedJobSize() : Ditto
* ScanStatus : This protected function is used to check on
* operation status after public operations/
* PreCreate() : The base class calls this virtual function before
* creating a new archive.
* PostCreate() : The base class calls this virtual function after
* creating a new archive.
* PreCompress() : The base class calls this virtual function before
* compressing an object and placing it into the
* archive.
* PostCompress() : The base class calls this virtual function after
* compressing an object and placing it into the
* archive.
* PreDecompress() : The base class calls this virtual function before
* decompressing an object and extracting it from the
* archive.
* PostDecompress() : The base class calls this virtual function after
* decompressing an object and extracting it from the
* archive.
* PreWriteDir() : The base class calls this virtual function just
* before writing the directory.
* WriteDirEntry() : This virtual function writes out a single directory
* entry.
* PostWriteDir() : The base class calls this virtual function just
* after writing the directory.
* PreCopyInput() : The base class calls this virtual function before
* copying a compressed object from one archive to another.
* PostCopyInput() : The base class calls this virtual function after
* copying a compressed object from one archive to another.
* CompressJobs() : This base class function is called to compress a
* batch of files. The base class tries to do the
* work with the help of a few virtual functions.
* CopyJobs() : This base class function is called to copy a
* batch of files from one archive to another. The
* base class tries to do most of the work with
* the help of a few virtual functions.
* WriteArchiveData() : Derived classes can override this function in order
* to write class specific data out to an archive.
* Not a PKZIP archive, thought.
* ReadArchiveData() : Ditto.
* Create() : The two versions of this function are part of the
* public interface. They create a new archive given
* a list of input objects.
* Append() : Two versions of this, just like Create(). They are
* the public functions used to add new objects to
* an existing archive.
* Extract() : The public API function used to extract objects from
* an archive.
* Delete() : The public API function used to delete objects
* from an archive.
* SetComment() : The base class function that sets the comment for
* an archive. Doesn't write it out to the file,
* however.
* ReadDirectory() : This virtual function reads the directory from an
* archive into an ALEntryList.
* WriteDirectory() : This function writes the directory back out to an
* archive, using a couple of virtual functions.
* GetVersion() : Returns a copy of the version.
* GetStorageObject() : Returns a copy of the storage object where the
* archive resides.
* FillListBox() : This user interface function is used to dumpp the
* contents of an archive out to a list box, using
* either OS/2 or Windows functions.
* ClearError() : Clears the error from the mStatus member.
* February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALArchive { /* Tag public class */
* Constructors, destructors, declarations, and friends
protected :
public :
AL_PROTO ALArchive( ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR *, short int delete_in_dtor );
virtual AL_PROTO ~ALArchive();
#if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size );
/* The copy constructor and assignment operator do not exist. */
protected :
AL_PROTO ALArchive( const ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR & );
ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR & AL_PROTO operator=( ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR &rhs );
* Member functions
protected :
long AL_PROTO CalculateJobSize( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
long AL_PROTO CalculateCompressedJobSize( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
void AL_PROTO ScanStatus( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
* The virtual functions used by the base class to implement
* the high level functions
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PreCreate(){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PostCreate(){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PreCompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & /* entry */ ){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PostCompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & /* entry */ ){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PreDecompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & /* entry */ ){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PostDecompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & /* entry */ ){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PreWriteDir(){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO WriteDirEntry( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR &entry ) = 0;
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PostWriteDir(){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PreCopyInput( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & /* entry */ ){;}
virtual void AL_INLINE_PROTO PostCopyInput( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR & /* entry */ ){;}
int AL_PROTO CompressJobs( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
int AL_PROTO CopyJobs( ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR &source_archive,
ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &source_list );
protected :
virtual int AL_PROTO WriteArchiveData();
virtual int AL_PROTO ReadArchiveData();
* These functions provide the public API to an archive
public :
int AL_PROTO Create( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
int AL_PROTO Create( ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR &source_archive,
ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &source_list );
* This used to be a virtual function, but I'm moving it
* to the base class
int AL_PROTO Append( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
int AL_PROTO Append( ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR &source_archive,
ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &source_list );
int AL_PROTO Extract( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
int AL_PROTO Delete( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list,
ALArchive AL_DLL_FAR &output_archive );
const char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO GetComment();
int AL_PROTO SetComment( char AL_DLL_FAR *comment );
virtual int AL_PROTO ReadDirectory( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list ) = 0;
int AL_PROTO WriteDirectory( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
short AL_PROTO GetVersion();
ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO GetStorageObject();
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS ) || defined( AL_OS2 )
int AL_PROTO FillListBox( HWND hWnd, int list_box_id = -1 );
void AL_PROTO ClearError();
* Data members
protected :
ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR *mpArchiveStorageObject;
ALName mComment;
long mlDirectoryOffset;
short miVersion;
int miCount;
const int mfDeleteStorageObject : 1;
public :
int mfStripPathOnInsert : 1;
int mfStripPathOnExtract : 1;
ALStatus mStatus;
AL_CLASS_TAG( _ALArchiveTag );
#include "arc.inl"
#else /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) */
AL_LINKAGE void AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveClearError( hALArchive this_object );
AL_LINKAGE char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetComment( hALArchive this_object );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetVersion( hALArchive this_object );
AL_LINKAGE hALStorage AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveGetStorage( hALArchive this_object );
AL_LINKAGE void AL_FUNCTION deleteALArchive( hALArchive this_object );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveAppend( hALArchive this_object, hALEntryList list );
ALArchiveAppendFromArchive( hALArchive this_object,
hALArchive input_archive,
hALEntryList list );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveCreate( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list );
ALArchiveCreateFromArchive( hALArchive this_object,
hALArchive input_archive,
hALEntryList list );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveDelete( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list,
hALArchive output_archive );
ALArchiveExtract( hALArchive this_object, hALEntryList list );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveSetComment( hALArchive this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *comment );
AL_LINKAGE int AL_FUNCTION ALArchiveWriteDirectory( hALArchive this_object,
hALEntryList list );
ALArchiveReadDirectory( hALArchive this_object, hALEntryList list );
ALArchiveSetError( hALArchive this_object,
int error,
char AL_DLL_FAR *text );
ALArchiveGetStatusCode( hALArchive this_object );
ALArchiveGetStatusString( hALArchive this_object );
ALArchiveGetStatusDetail( hALArchive this_object );
#if defined( AL_OS2 ) || defined( AL_WINDOWS )
ALArchiveFillListBox( hALArchive this_object,
HWND hWnd,
int list_box_id );
ALArchiveSetStripOnInsert( hALArchive this_object, int flag );
ALArchiveSetStripOnExtract( hALArchive this_object, int flag );
#endif /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) */
#endif /* #ifndef _ARC_H */