Files correlati : tp0.exe Ricompilazione Demo : [ ] Commento : 0001323: Trasferimento Pack: aggiornare anche la data del documento (DATADOC) in Campo nel caso di ritrasferimento di una bolla Nel caso in Pack venga modificata una bolla tra cui la data del documento quando viene effettuato il ritrasferimento delle bolle il programma deve aggiornare anche la data del documento (DATADOC) della bolla in CAMPO Dalla versione 3.2 git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
887 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
887 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
#include "tp0100.h"
#include "../mg/codcorr.h"
// Assegna sottocategoria e peso di una classe CONAI solo se non vuoti
bool TArticolo_pack::set_conai(TCONAI_class cc, const TString& scat, const real& weight)
const bool ok = conai_configured_class(cc) && scat.full() && !weight.is_zero();
if (ok)
_conai_scat[cc] = scat;
_conai_peso[cc] = weight;
return ok;
TArticolo_pack::TArticolo_pack(const TRectype& anamag) : TRectype(anamag)
const TFieldref anamag_sotcat(conai_sottocat_name(cc, LF_ANAMAG), LF_ANAMAG);
const TFieldref anamag_weight(conai_peso_name(cc, LF_ANAMAG), LF_ANAMAG);
const TString4 sotcat = anamag_sotcat.read(anamag); // Usually CA40
const real peso = anamag_weight.read(anamag); // Should be > 0
set_conai(cc, sotcat, peso); // Validates all parameters
TArticolo_pack::TArticolo_pack() : TRectype(LF_ANAMAG)
{ }
class TCache_art : public TCache_tp
TLocalisamfile _anamag;
virtual TObject* key2obj(const char* key);
virtual const TString& decode(const TToken_string& tok);
int get_extra_info(const char* key, TArticolo_pack& art);
const TArticolo_pack& articolo();
TCache_art(TPack_ddt* ddt) : TCache_tp(ddt), _anamag(LF_ANAMAG) {}
int TCache_art::get_extra_info(const char* key, TArticolo_pack& art)
TString qry(512), article_code;
qry = query_header();
qry << "SELECT Paper_Composition_Group.CompDesc, Mag_Existing_Article.ArticleCustCode, Mag_Existing_Article.ArticleCode\n"
<< "FROM Mag_Existing_Article, Articles_Composition, Paper_Composition_Group\n"
<< "WHERE (Mag_Existing_Article.ArtCode='" << key << "') AND "
<< "(Mag_Existing_Article.ArticleCode=Articles_composition.ArticleCode) AND "
<< "(Articles_Composition.CompCode=Paper_Composition_Group.CompCode);";
TODBC_recordset paperset(qry);
int info = paperset.move_first() ? 1 : 0;
if (info)
const TString pc = paperset.get(0u).as_string(); // Paper composition
const TString cc = paperset.get(1).as_string(); // Customer code
article_code = paperset.get(2).as_string(); // ArticleCode for Articles_environmentTax
if (cc.full())
int righe = 0;
bool found = false;
{ //per far chiudere il file CODCORR
alternative.set_var("#COD", TVariant(key));
righe = alternative.items();
for (bool ok = alternative.move_first(); ok && !found; ok = alternative.move_next())
found = alternative.get(CODCORR_CODARTALT).as_string() == cc;
if (!found)
TLocalisamfile codcorr(LF_CODCORR);
codcorr.put(CODCORR_CODART, key);
codcorr.put(CODCORR_NRIGA, righe+1);
codcorr.put(CODCORR_TIPO, 'C');
codcorr.put(CODCORR_CODARTALT, cc);
if (article_code.full()) // Ho trovato un articolo di magazzino, carico CONAI info
qry = query_header();
qry << "SELECT SubclassCode,Weight\n"
<< "FROM Articles_environmentTax\n"
<< "WHERE Articles_environmentTax.ArticleCode=" << article_code << ';';
TODBC_recordset envtax(qry);
for (bool et = envtax.move_first(); et; et = envtax.move_next())
const TString& sc = envtax.get(0u).as_string();
const real wkg = envtax.get(1).as_real();
const TCONAI_class cc = conai_str2class(sc);
if (art.set_conai(cc, sc, wkg))
info = 2;
if (info == 2) // Ho trovato dati sul CONAI
bool update = false;
const TFieldref anamag_sotcat(conai_sottocat_name(cc, LF_ANAMAG), LF_ANAMAG);
const TFieldref anamag_weight(conai_peso_name(cc, LF_ANAMAG), LF_ANAMAG);
const TString4 sotcat = anamag_sotcat.read(art);
const TString8 peso = anamag_weight.read(art); // Faccio i confronti su stringa per evitare decimali impazziti
if (sotcat != art.conai_subclass(cc) || peso != art.conai_weight(cc).string())
anamag_sotcat.write(art.conai_subclass(cc), art);
anamag_weight.write(art.conai_weight(cc).string(), art);
update = true;
if (update) // Aggiorno anagrafica se necessario
_anamag.curr() = art;
return info;
TObject* TCache_art::key2obj(const char* key)
// Non salvo i codici vuoti presenti nelle righe descrizione
if (key == NULL || *key <= ' ')
return new TArticolo_pack; // Articolo nullo
_anamag.put(ANAMAG_CODART, key);
if (_anamag.read() != NOERR)
_anamag.put(ANAMAG_CODART, key);
const TString& desc = get_str("ArtDesc");
_anamag.put(ANAMAG_DESCR, desc);
TString4 conai_class = get_str("SubclassCode");
if (conai_class.blank())
conai_class = get_str("ClassCode");
if (conai_class.full())
conai_class << 99;
// Basic CONAI info
const TCONAI_class cc = conai_str2class(conai_class);
if (conai_configured_class(cc))
const TFieldref fld_sc(conai_sottocat_name(cc, LF_ANAMAG), LF_ANAMAG);
fld_sc.write(conai_class, _anamag.curr());
const TFieldref fld_wt(conai_peso_name(cc, LF_ANAMAG), LF_ANAMAG);
fld_wt.write(get_real_str("WeightETUnit"), _anamag.curr());
const long gruconto = get_long("AccountCode");
const long sottoconto = get_long("AccountSubCode");
_anamag.put(ANAMAG_GRUPPOV, gruconto / 1000);
_anamag.put(ANAMAG_CONTOV, gruconto % 1000);
_anamag.put(ANAMAG_SOTTOCV, sottoconto);
if (_anamag.curr().get(ANAMAG_CODART) == "48422")
int i = 1;
TArticolo_pack* art = new TArticolo_pack(_anamag.curr());
get_extra_info(key, *art); // CustomerCode, PaperComposition, CONAI infos
return art;
const TArticolo_pack& TCache_art::articolo()
TString80 codart = get_str("ArtCode");
if (codart.empty()) // Se non ho un codice articolo lo creo in base al conto
const long gruconto = get_long("AccountCode");
const long sottoconto = get_long("AccountSubCode");
if (gruconto > 0 && sottoconto > 0)
codart << "*" << gruconto << '*' << sottoconto;
return *(const TArticolo_pack*)objptr(codart);
const TString& TCache_art::decode(const TToken_string& tok)
const TArticolo_pack& rec = *(const TArticolo_pack*)objptr(tok);
return rec.get(ANAMAG_CODART);
// Cache unita' di misura degli articoli
class TCache_umart : public TCache_tp
TLocalisamfile _umart;
virtual TObject* key2obj(const char* key);
const TString& decode(const TToken_string& key) { return *(const TString*)objptr(key); }
TCache_umart(TPack_transfer* pt) : TCache_tp(pt), _umart(LF_UMART) {}
TObject* TCache_umart::key2obj(const char* key)
TToken_string code(key);
TString80 codart; code.get(0, codart);
TString4 um; code.get(1, um);
umart.set_var("#COD", TVariant(codart));
bool found = false;
TRecnotype i = 0;
for (i = 0; umart.move_to(i) && !found; i++)
found = umart.get("UM").as_string() == um;
if (!found)
_umart.put(UMART_CODART, codart);
_umart.put(UMART_NRIGA, i+1);
_umart.put(UMART_UM, um);
_umart.put(UMART_FC, 1);
return code.dup();
// TPack_ddt
bool TPack_ddt::signal_row_error(const char* m)
const long numrig = get_long("CDocRow");
TString msg; msg << m << TR(" sulla riga ") << numrig;
return log_error(msg);
bool TPack_ddt::get_tipodoc(TString& codnum, TString& tipodoc)
bool ok = true;
const TString& book = get_str("ReceiptBook");
if (book.full())
codnum = config().get(book, "CODNUM");
if (codnum.blank())
TString msg;
msg << TR("Non esite una numerazione corrispondente al codice ") << book;
ok = log_error(msg);
ok = log_error("Impossibile determinare la numerazione");
if (codnum.blank())
codnum = "B01"; // Uso la prima numerazione che mi viene in mente
const TString& tipo = get_str("StoreDocType");
if (tipo.full())
tipodoc = config().get(tipo, "TIPODOC");
if (tipodoc.blank())
TString msg;
msg << TR("Non esite un tipo documento corrispondente al codice ") << tipo;
ok = log_error(msg);
ok = log_error("Impossibile determinare il tipo del documento");
if (tipodoc.blank())
tipodoc = codnum;
return ok;
bool TPack_ddt::get_um_qta(TString& um, real& qta)
const long flag_um = get_long("FlagUMPrice");
const char* field_um = NULL;
const char* field_qta = NULL;
switch (flag_um)
case 0:
field_qta = "Quantity1";
field_um = "UMDesc1";
case 2:
field_qta = "Quantity2";
field_um = "UMDesc2";
field_qta = "Quantity";
field_um = "UMDesc";
um = decode_field("%UMS", field_um);
qta = recordset().get(field_qta).as_real();
const bool ok = um.full();
if (!ok)
signal_row_error(TR("Impossibile determinare l'unita' di misura"));
return ok;
const TArticolo_pack& TPack_ddt::get_articolo(TString& um, real& qta, TString& custcode)
if (_art == NULL)
_art = new TCache_art(this);
const TArticolo_pack& rec = _art->articolo();
get_um_qta(um, qta);
custcode = rec.customer_code();
if (!rec.empty() && um.full())
if (_umart == NULL)
_umart = new TCache_umart(this);
TToken_string key;
key = rec.get(ANAMAG_CODART);
return rec;
bool TPack_ddt::save_doc(TDocumento* &doc, const int doccode)
bool ok = false;
if (doc != NULL)
if (write_enabled())
CHECK(doccode != 0, "Codice documento nullo");
const int err = doc->write();
if (err == NOERR)
ok = true;
TString cmd;
cmd << "UPDATE PDdT_Header SET StatusFlag=0 WHERE DocCode=" << doccode;
TString msg; msg.format("Errore %d durante la scrittura del documento", err);
ok = log_error(msg);
delete doc;
doc = NULL;
return ok;
bool TPack_ddt::get_clifo(char& tipocf, long& codcf)
tipocf = ' ';
codcf = 0;
const char flag = get_str("FlagCustSupp")[0];
TToken_string code = get_str("CodContab");
switch (flag)
case 'D':
case 'C': tipocf = 'C';
code.get(0, codcf);
case 'N':
case 'S': tipocf = 'F';
code.get(0, codcf);
default : break;
if (codcf > 0 && (tipocf == 'C' || tipocf == 'F'))
const int err = _cli.read(tipocf, codcf);
if (err != NOERR)
TString msg; msg.format("Errore %d durante la lettura del %s %ld ", err, tipocf == 'C' ? "Cliente" : "Fornitore", codcf);
return log_error(msg);
return true;
return log_error(TR("Impossibile determinare il codice del cliente/fornitore"));
const TString& TPack_ddt::get_indsped() const
TToken_string cod_ind = get_str("DestCodContab");
return get_tmp_string() = cod_ind.get(1);
void TPack_ddt::activate_customer_code(bool cc)
_cust_code = cc && !cache().get("%TRI", "14").empty();
const TString& TPack_ddt::get_codice_iva(const TDate& datadoc)
if (_cli.use_lettere() && _cli.read_lettera(datadoc))
const TString& codiva = _cli.vendite().get(CFV_ASSFIS);
if (codiva.full())
return codiva; // Codice IVA di Campo gia' decodificato!
TString8 codiva; // Codice IVA di PACK da decodificare!
TString qry(256);
qry << query_header() << "SELECT * FROM IVA WHERE IVACode=#CODIVA";
TODBC_recordset iva(qry);
const TString& codivani = get_str("CodIvaNI");
if (codivani.full() && codivani != "0")
iva.set_var("#CODIVA", TVariant(codivani));
if (iva.move_first())
const TVariant& percent = iva.get("IVAValue");
if (percent.is_empty())
codiva = codivani;
if (codiva.blank())
codiva = get_str("IVACode");
iva.set_var("#CODIVA", TVariant(codiva));
if (iva.move_first())
const TVariant& v = iva.get("xCode");
if (!v.is_empty())
return decode_value("%TPI", codiva);
const TString& TPack_ddt::get_customer_reference() const
const TString& rcr = get_str("RowCustReference"); // Provo a leggerlo dalla riga
if (rcr.full())
return rcr;
const TString& hcr = get_str("CustReference"); // Provo a leggerlo dalla testata
return hcr;
bool TPack_ddt::get_paper_from_order(TString& desc) const
const TString16 ndoc = get_str("CDocNumber");
const long nrow = get_long("CDocRow");
if (ndoc.blank() || nrow <= 0)
return false;
TString qry(256);
qry << query_header();
qry << "SELECT Paper_Composition_Group.CompDesc\n"
"FROM CDoc_Rows, Paper_Composition_Group\n"
"WHERE (CDoc_Rows.DocNumber=#NDOC)AND(CDoc_Rows.RowNumber=#NROW)"
TODBC_recordset paper(qry);
paper.set_var("#NDOC", TVariant(ndoc));
paper.set_var("#NROW", TVariant(nrow));
if (paper.move_first())
desc = paper.get(0u).as_string();
return desc.full();
bool TPack_ddt::trasferisci()
TString query =
"PDdT_Header.DocCode, PDdT_Header.StoreDocType, PDdT_Header.DocRefNumber, "
"PDdT_Header.DocDate, Store_Year.SyReferenceYear, PDdT_Header.CustSuppCode, "
"Customers_Suppliers.FlagCustSupp, Customers_Suppliers.CodContab, Customers_Suppliers.CategoryCode, Customers_Suppliers.ZoneCode, "
"Customers_Suppliers_1.CodContab AS AgentCode, "
"PDdT_Header.Change, CAMPOCurrencies.UMDesc AS Currency, "
"PDdT_Header.PaymentCode, PDdT_Header.ApplyEnvTax, PDdT_Header.DiscountOnPayment, "
"CausaliTrasporto.Code AS CodTrasporto, Porto.Code AS CodResa, CausaliTrasporto.Description1 AS TipoTrasporto, "
"Porto.Description1 AS TipoResa, PDdT_Header.Appearance, PDdT_Header.GrossWeight, PDdT_Header.NetWeight, "
"PDdT_Header.ShiverNumber, (select case when PDdT_Header.BankDesc is null Or [PDdT_Header].[BankDesc]<>''then "
"PDdT_Header.BankDesc else customers_suppliers.bankname end) AS BankDesc, PDdT_Header.CodIvaNI, "
"Customers_Suppliers_2.CustSuppCode AS DestCode, Customers_Suppliers_2.FlagCustSupp AS FlagDestCode, "
"Customers_Suppliers_2.CodContab AS DestCodContab, "
"Customers_Suppliers_2.TradeName1, Customers_Suppliers_2.Address, Customers_Suppliers_2.Locality, "
"Customers_Suppliers_2.ZipCode, Customers_Suppliers_2.Region, PDdT_Row.DocRow, PDdT_Row.ArtCode, "
"PDdT_Row.ArtDesc, PDdT_Row.CDocNumber, PDdT_Row.CDocRow, CDoc_Rows.CustReference AS RowCustReference, CDoc_Header.CustReference, PDdT_Row.Provv, "
"PDdT_Row.DiscountRowDesc, CDoc_Header.DocDate AS OrderDate, " /* "PDdT_Row.Discount2, PDdT_Row.Discount3, " */
"PDdT_Row.Quantity, Unit_Measure.UMDesc, PDdT_Row.Quantity1, Unit_Measure_1.UMDesc AS UMDesc1, "
"PDdT_Row.Quantity2, Unit_Measure_2.UMDesc AS UMDesc2, PDdT_Row.AdvanceSale, PDdT_Row.Price, "
"PDdT_Row.DefPrice, PDdT_Row.PriceNet, PDdT_Row.PriceNetDef, PDdT_Row.AmountNet, PDdT_Row.AmountNetDef, "
"PDdT_Row.Amount, PDdT_Row.AmountDef, PDdT_Row.FlagUMPrice, IVA.IVACode, PDdT_Row.AccountCode, "
"PDdT_Row.AccountSubCode, PDdT_Row.WeightETUnit, PDdT_Row.ClassCode, PDdT_Row.SubclassCode, "
"PDdT_Row.DDTRowType, PDdT_Header.StatusFlag, PDdT_Row.Report, PDdT_Row.FamilyCode,"
"Mag_Existing_Article.ArtType, Mag_Existing_Article.Height, Mag_Existing_Article.Width, Mag_Existing_Article.Lenght, "
"(select case when [Modalit<69> Fornitura Bancali].[Value1] is null then 1 else [Modalit<69> Fornitura Bancali].[Value1] end) AS FornituraBancali, "
"PDdT_Header.InvoicingType, PDdT_Header.DocProvv, PDdT_Header.ReceiptBook\n"
"FROM ((((((PDdT_Header LEFT JOIN Customers_Suppliers ON PDdT_Header.CustSuppCode = Customers_Suppliers.CustSuppCode) "
"LEFT JOIN Unit_Measure AS CAMPOCurrencies ON (CAMPOCurrencies.UMcode=PDdT_Header.CurrencyCode AND CAMPOCurrencies.UMType='9') "
"LEFT JOIN Customers_Suppliers AS Customers_Suppliers_1 ON PDdT_Header.AgentCode = Customers_Suppliers_1.CustSuppCode) "
"LEFT JOIN Porto ON PDdT_Header.PortCode = Porto.Code) "
"LEFT JOIN Store_Year ON PDdT_Header.DocYear = Store_Year.SyCode) "
"LEFT JOIN Customers_Suppliers AS Customers_Suppliers_2 ON PDdT_Header.DestCode = Customers_Suppliers_2.CustSuppCode) "
"LEFT JOIN CausaliTrasporto ON PDdT_Header.DocCausalCode = CausaliTrasporto.Code) "
"RIGHT JOIN (Mag_Existing_Article RIGHT JOIN ((CDoc_Header "
"RIGHT JOIN (((IVA RIGHT JOIN (((CDoc_Rows RIGHT JOIN PDdT_Row ON (CDoc_Rows.DocNumber = PDdT_Row.CDocNumber) "
"AND (CDoc_Rows.RowNumber = PDdT_Row.CDocRow)) "
"LEFT JOIN Unit_Measure ON PDdT_Row.UMQty = Unit_Measure.UMCode) "
"LEFT JOIN [Modalit<69> Fornitura Bancali] ON PDdT_Row.DeliveryPalletType = [Modalit<69> Fornitura Bancali].Code) "
"ON IVA.IVACode = PDdT_Row.IVACode) LEFT JOIN Unit_Measure AS Unit_Measure_1 ON PDdT_Row.UMQta1 = Unit_Measure_1.UMCode) "
"LEFT JOIN Unit_Measure AS Unit_Measure_2 ON PDdT_Row.UMQta2 = Unit_Measure_2.UMCode) "
"ON CDoc_Header.DocNumber = CDoc_Rows.DocNumber) "
"LEFT JOIN CDoc_Rows_Detail ON (CDoc_Rows.RowNumber = CDoc_Rows_Detail.RowNumber) AND "
"(CDoc_Rows.DocNumber = CDoc_Rows_Detail.DocNumber)) "
"ON Mag_Existing_Article.ArtCode = PDdT_Row.ArtCode) ON PDdT_Header.DocCode = PDdT_Row.DocCode\n"
"WHERE (((PDdT_Row.DDTRowType)='0' Or (PDdT_Row.DDTRowType)='2') AND "
"((PDdT_Header.StatusFlag)='1' OR (PDdT_Header.StatusFlag)='2' Or (PDdT_Header.StatusFlag)='3') AND "
"((select case when [Modalit<69> Fornitura Bancali].[Value1] is null then 1 else [Modalit<69> Fornitura Bancali].[Value1] end)=1) AND "
"((PDdT_Header.InvoicingType) Is Not Null) AND ((PDdT_Header.DocProvv)<>-1))"
"\nORDER BY PDdT_Header.DocRefNumber, PDdT_Row.DocRow"
if (_extended_discount)
const TFixed_string discount("PDdT_Row.DiscountRowDesc, ");
const int pos = query.find(discount);
query.insert("PDdT_Row.Discount2, PDdT_Row.Discount3, ", pos+discount.len());
TRecordset& recset = create_recordset(query);
TDocumento* doc = NULL;
long curr_ndoc = 0; // Numero in Campo
long curr_code = 0; // Numero in Pack
TString str; // jolly
TString last_custref;
TPack_iterator ri(this);
while (++ri)
const long code = get_long("DocCode");
const long ndoc = get_long("DocRefNumber");
const TDate datadoc = recset.get("DocDate").as_date();
if (_data_limite.ok() && datadoc > _data_limite)
if (ndoc != curr_ndoc)
str.format(FR("Importazione documento %ld del %s"), ndoc, datadoc.string());
save_doc(doc, curr_code);
curr_ndoc = ndoc;
curr_code = code;
last_custref.cut(0); // Azzera documento di riferimento
TString4 codnum, tipodoc;
get_tipodoc(codnum, tipodoc);
doc = new TDocumento('D', datadoc.year(), codnum, ndoc);
const bool isnew = doc->rows() == 0;
if (isnew)
doc->put(DOC_TIPODOC, tipodoc);
doc->put(DOC_STATO, 1);
doc->put(DOC_DATADOC, datadoc);
// Aggiunto a malincuore supporto per cambio data documento ID=00011323
if (doc->get_date(DOC_DATADOC) != datadoc)
doc->put(DOC_DATADOC, datadoc); // Aggiorno la data documento
TToken_string key; // Cerco il documento precedente
const TRectype& prev = cache().get(LF_DOC, key);
if (!prev.empty()) // Se lo trovo ...
const TDate prevdate = prev.get_date(DOC_DATADOC);
if (datadoc < prevdate) // ... controllo la congruenza delle date
TString msg;
msg.format("La data del documento %ld del %s precede quella del documento %ld del %s",
ndoc, datadoc.string(), ndoc-1, prevdate.string());
log(msg, 1); // Segnalo un warning se non congruente
char tipocf = ' ';
long codcf = 0;
if (get_clifo(tipocf, codcf))
doc->put(DOC_TIPOCF, tipocf);
doc->put(DOC_CODCF, codcf);
doc->put(DOC_CODINDSP, get_indsped());
if (isnew)
TToken_string tok; tok.add(tipocf); tok.add(codcf);
const TRectype& cfven = cache().get(LF_CFVEN, tok);
doc->put(DOC_RAGGR, cfven.get(CFV_RAGGDOC));
doc->put(DOC_RAGGREFF, cfven.get(CFV_RAGGEFF));
doc->put(DOC_ADDBOLLI, cfven.get(CFV_ADDBOLLI));
doc->put(DOC_PERCSPINC, cfven.get(CFV_PERCSPINC));
const TRectype& clifo = cache().get(LF_CLIFO, tok);
doc->put(DOC_CODABIA, clifo.get(CLI_CODABI));
doc->put(DOC_CODCABA, clifo.get(CLI_CODCAB));
doc->put(DOC_IBAN, clifo.get(CLI_IBAN));
doc->put(DOC_ZONA, decode_field("ZON", "ZoneCode")); // Crea anche la zona se necessario
TToken_string forn_age = get_str("AgentCode");
doc->put(DOC_CODAG, forn_age.get(1));
doc->put(DOC_SCONTOPERC, get_real_str("DiscountOnPayment"));
const TString& codval = get_str("Currency");
if (is_firm_value(codval))
doc->put(DOC_CODVAL, codval);
doc->put(DOC_CAMBIO, get_real_str("Change"));
doc->put(DOC_CODPAG, get_str("PaymentCode")); // Il codice pagamento va' gia' bene cosi'
doc->put(DOC_CODPORTO, decode_field("%TPP", "PortCode")); // Codice porto decodificato tremite %TPP
doc->put(DOC_CODSPMEZZO, decode_field("%TPM", "CodTrasporto")); // Codice porto decodificato tremite %TPM
if (_cust_ref)
const TString& custref = get_customer_reference();
// Aggiungi una riga di descrizione col riferimento cliente se e' cambiato
if (custref.full() && custref != last_custref)
last_custref = custref;
TRiga_documento& rdoc = doc->new_row("05"); // Crea una riga descrizione
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCR, custref);
TString4 um;
real qta;
TString custcode;
const TArticolo_pack& art = get_articolo(um, qta, custcode);
TString4 rowtype = "01"; // Riga merce
bool bIsMerce = true;
if (qta.is_zero())
rowtype = "05"; // Se la qta e' nulla allora e' una descrizione
bIsMerce = false;
if (_cust_code && custcode.full())
rowtype = "14";
TRiga_documento& rdoc = doc->new_row(rowtype); // Crea una riga del tipo appropriato
TString descr = get_str("ArtDesc");
const bool bIsSingleSheet = bIsMerce && get_long("ArtType") == 4; // Foglio singolo?
if (bIsSingleSheet)
if (_order_paper_info)
if (bIsSingleSheet && descr.find('(') < 0) // E' un foglio singolo senza dimensioni?
TString80 misure;
misure << get_str("Height") << " x " << get_str("Width");
if (misure[0] > '0')
descr << " (" << misure << ')';
if (descr.len() <= 50)
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCR, descr);
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCR, descr.left(50));
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCLUNGA, "X");
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCEST, descr.mid(50));
if (bIsMerce) // Ho creato una riga articolo?
const TString& codart = art.get(ANAMAG_CODART);
if (codart.full()) // Esistono righe merce senza articolo
rdoc.put(RDOC_CODART, rowtype == "01" ? codart : custcode);
rdoc.put(RDOC_CODARTMAG, codart);
rdoc.put(RDOC_CHECKED, "X");
rdoc.put(RDOC_UMQTA, um);
rdoc.put(RDOC_QTA, qta);
rdoc.put(RDOC_CODIVA, get_codice_iva(datadoc));
rdoc.put(RDOC_PREZZO, get_real_str("Price"));
TString sconto = get_real_str("DiscountRowDesc");
if (_extended_discount)
sconto << ' ' << get_real_str("Discount2");
sconto << ' ' << get_real_str("Discount3");
sconto.trim(); sconto.replace(' ', '+');
rdoc.put(RDOC_SCONTO, sconto);
rdoc.put(RDOC_PERCPROV, get_real_str("Provv"));
if (bIsSingleSheet)
rdoc.put("NUMFOGLI", get_real_str("Quantity")); // Ex QTAGG3
TString8 tok;
tok.format("%c|%ld", doc->get_char(DOC_TIPOCF), doc->get_long(DOC_CODCF));
const TRectype& cfven = cache().get(LF_CFVEN, tok);
// Copia tutte le sottocategorie CONAI dall'anagrafica alla riga documento
real peso_imballo_anamag;
int pesi_anamag = 0;
const TString& cs = art.conai_subclass(cc); // Codice sottocategoria su ANAMAG
if (cs.full()) // la presenza della sottoclasse implica anche un peso positivo
const real& weight = art.conai_weight(cc); // Peso imballo su ANAMAG
rdoc.put(conai_sottocat_name(cc, LF_RIGHEDOC), cs);
rdoc.put(conai_peso_name(cc, LF_RIGHEDOC), weight); // ex QTAGG1
rdoc.put(conai_esenzione_name(cc, LF_RIGHEDOC),
cfven.get(conai_esenzione_name(cc, LF_CFVEN))); // ex QTAGG2
peso_imballo_anamag += weight;
// La sottocategoria della bolla prevale su quella anagrafica impostata sopra
const TString4 conai_subclass = get_str("SubclassCode");
const TCONAI_class ct = conai_str2class(conai_subclass);
if (ct == CONAI_CARTA && conai_subclass.len() == 4)
rdoc.put(conai_sottocat_name(ct, LF_RIGHEDOC), conai_subclass);
real peso_imballo_ddt = get_real_str("WeightETUnit");
if (peso_imballo_ddt.is_zero())
peso_imballo_ddt = peso_imballo_anamag;
if (pesi_anamag > 1) // Con imballi composti da vari materiali devo riportare o riproporzionare
// Arrotondo la eventuale differenza di pesi al grammo
real diff = peso_imballo_ddt - peso_imballo_anamag; diff.round(3);
// Il peso in bolla e' diverso da quello in anagrafica: devo riproporzionarli
if (!diff.is_zero() && !peso_imballo_ddt.is_zero())
TGeneric_distrib d(peso_imballo_ddt, 3);
rdoc.put(conai_peso_name(cc), d.get());
// Il peso in bolla coincide con quello in anagrafica: devo riportarli
rdoc.put(conai_peso_name(cc), art.conai_weight(cc));
// Caso semplice della sola carta
rdoc.put(conai_peso_name(CONAI_CARTA), peso_imballo_ddt);
rdoc.put("FAMILY", get_str("FamilyCode")); // Uso campo virtuale RG1:FAMILY
TString info;
if (_paper_info)
const TString& pap_comp = art.paper_composition();
if (pap_comp.full())
info << "\n" << pap_comp;
if (_paper_size)
TString80 misure;
misure << get_str("Height") << 'x' << get_str("Width") << 'x' << get_str("Lenght");
if (misure[0] > '0')
info << "\nMISURE: " << misure;
if (_ref_info)
const TString& custref = get_customer_reference();
if (custref.full())
info << '\n' << custrif() << " " << custref;
TString80 docnum = get_str("CDocNumber"); docnum.trim();
if (docnum.full())
info << '\n' << ordrif() << " " << docnum << '.' << get_str("CDocRow") ;
if (order_date())
info << " del " << get_str("OrderDate");
if (info.full())
TString descest;
descest << rdoc.get(RDOC_DESCEST) << info;
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCLUNGA, "X");
rdoc.put(RDOC_DESCEST, descest);
if (_cms_ref)
TString ref = get_str("CustReference").before(' '); // Leggo inizio testata es: "1203 DEL 16 02 2006"
if (ref.full())
const TString& r_ref = get_str("RowCustReference"); // Leggo dalla riga
if (r_ref.full())
ref << '/' << r_ref << '/' << art.customer_code();
rdoc.put(RDOC_CODCMS, ref);
save_doc(doc, curr_code); // Salva l'eventuale ultimo documento pendente
return write_enabled();
: _art(NULL), _umart(NULL),
_cust_ref(false), _paper_info(false), _ref_info(true), _cust_code(false)
{ }
if (_umart != NULL)
delete _umart;
if (_art != NULL)
delete _art;