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1034 lines
37 KiB
Executable File
| PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly |
| Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. |
| |
| This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the |
| public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are |
| available, please check |
| |
/* $Id: p_intern.h,v 1.3 2008-10-20 14:34:15 guy Exp $
* PDFlib internal definitions
#ifndef P_INTERN_H
#define P_INTERN_H
#include "pdflib.h"
#include "ft_font.h"
#include "pc_file.h"
#include "pc_contain.h"
#include "p_keyconn.h"
/* ------------------------ PDFlib feature configuration ------------------- */
/* changing the following is not recommended, and not supported */
/* BMP image support */
/* GIF image support */
/* JPEG image support */
/* JPEG2000 image support */
/* PNG image support, requires HAVE_LIBZ */
/* TIFF image support */
/* -------------------------------- macros ------------------------------- */
* Allocation chunk sizes. These don't affect the generated documents
* in any way. In order to save initial memory, however, you can lower
* the values. Increasing the values will bring some performance gain
* for large documents, but will waste memory for small ones.
#define PAGES_CHUNKSIZE 512 /* pages */
#define PNODES_CHUNKSIZE 64 /* page tree nodes */
#define CONTENTS_CHUNKSIZE 64 /* page content streams */
#define FONTS_CHUNKSIZE 16 /* document fonts */
#define XOBJECTS_CHUNKSIZE 128 /* document xobjects */
#define IMAGES_CHUNKSIZE 128 /* document images */
#define OUTLINE_CHUNKSIZE 256 /* document outlines */
#define NAMES_CHUNKSIZE 256 /* names */
#define PDI_CHUNKSIZE 16 /* PDI instances */
#define COLORSPACES_CHUNKSIZE 16 /* color spaces */
#define PATTERN_CHUNKSIZE 4 /* pattern */
#define SHADINGS_CHUNKSIZE 4 /* shadings */
#define EXTGSTATE_CHUNKSIZE 4 /* external graphic states */
#define T3GLYPHS_CHUNKSIZE 256 /* type 3 font glyph table */
#define ICCPROFILE_CHUNKSIZE 4 /* ICC profiles */
#define STRINGLISTS_CHUNKSIZE 128 /* document stringlists */
#define ITEMS_CHUNKSIZE 256 /* PDFlib items */
#define ITEMS_KIDS_CHUNKSIZE 64 /* PDFlib item's kids */
#define ITEMS_MC_CHUNKSIZE 16 /* PDFlib item mc sequences */
#define LAYER_DEP_CHUNKSIZE 16 /* PDFlib layer dependencies */
#define RESLIST_CHUNKSIZE 16 /* per page resource list */
/* Acrobat 4 allows only 12 levels, but Acrobat 5 increases the limit to 28 */
#define PDF_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL 28 /* max number of save levels */
#define PDF_MAX_PARAMSTRING 256 /* image parameter string */
#define PDF_MAX_NAMESTRING 127 /* maximum name length */
#define PDF_MAX_EVENTS 16 /* maximum number of events */
#define PDF_MAX_DASHLENGTH 8 /* maximum number of dashes */
/* default PDF compatibility */
/* ------------------------ typedefs and enums --------------------------- */
/* PDFlib error numbers.
#ifndef P_GENERR_H
#define pdf_genNames 1
#include "p_generr.h"
#define pdf_state_content \
(pdf_state) (pdf_state_page | pdf_state_pattern | \
pdf_state_template | pdf_state_glyph)
#define pdf_state_all \
(pdf_state) (pdf_state_object | pdf_state_document | pdf_state_page | \
pdf_state_pattern | pdf_state_template | pdf_state_path | \
pdf_state_font | pdf_state_glyph | pdf_state_glyphmetrics | \
/* function-like macros.
** must behave well wherever function calls are syntactically legal.
#define PDF_GET_STATE(p) \
#define PDF_SET_STATE(p, s) \
((p)->state_stack[(p)->state_sp] = (s))
/* statement-like macros.
** must behave well wherever statements are syntactically legal.
#define PDF_CHECK_STATE(p, s) \
if ((((p)->state_stack[(p)->state_sp] & (s)) != 0)) { \
} else pdc_error((p)->pdc, \
PDF_E_DOC_SCOPE, pdf_current_scope(p), 0, 0, 0)
#define PDF_PUSH_STATE(p, fn, s) \
if ((p)->state_sp == PDF_STATE_STACK_SIZE - 1) \
pdc_error((p)->pdc, PDF_E_INT_SSTACK_OVER, fn, 0, 0, 0); \
else \
(p)->state_stack[++(p)->state_sp] = (s)
#define PDF_POP_STATE(p, fn) \
if ((p)->state_sp == 0) \
pdc_error((p)->pdc, PDF_E_INT_SSTACK_UNDER, fn, 0, 0, 0); \
else \
/* -------------------------- structs ------------------------------ */
typedef struct PDI_s PDI; /* The opaque PDI type */
typedef struct pdi_pcos_s pdi_pcos;
typedef struct pdi_props_s pdi_props;
typedef struct
pdc_bool info_mode;
PDI * pi;
pdc_byte * data;
pdi_pcos * pcc;
} pdf_pdi;
/* Opaque types which are detailed in the respective modules
in alphabetical order */
typedef struct pdf_category_s pdf_category;
typedef struct pdf_colorspace_s pdf_colorspace;
typedef struct pdf_cstate_s pdf_cstate;
typedef struct pdf_dest_s pdf_dest;
typedef struct pdf_document_s pdf_document;
typedef struct pdf_extgstateresource_s pdf_extgstateresource;
typedef struct pdf_font_options_s pdf_font_options;
typedef struct pdf_font_s pdf_font;
typedef struct pdf_formfields_s pdf_formfields;
typedef struct pdf_iccprofile_s pdf_iccprofile;
typedef struct pdf_image_s pdf_image;
typedef struct pdf_info_s pdf_info;
typedef struct pdf_layers_s pdf_layers;
typedef struct pdf_linearopts_s pdf_linearopts;
typedef struct pdf_mbox_s pdf_mbox;
typedef struct pdf_name_s pdf_name;
typedef struct pdf_outline_s pdf_outline;
typedef struct pdf_pages_s pdf_pages;
typedef struct pdf_pattern_s pdf_pattern;
typedef struct pdf_reslist_s pdf_reslist;
typedef struct pdf_shading_s pdf_shading;
typedef struct pdf_t3font_s pdf_t3font;
typedef struct pdf_tags_s pdf_tags;
typedef struct pdf_text_options_s pdf_text_options;
typedef struct pdf_tstate_s pdf_tstate;
typedef struct pdf_widget_s pdf_widget;
typedef struct pdf_xobject_s pdf_xobject;
/* -------------------- special graphics state -------------------- */
typedef struct {
pdc_matrix ctm; /* current transformation matrix */
pdc_scalar x; /* current x coordinate */
pdc_scalar y; /* current y coordinate */
pdc_scalar startx; /* starting x point of the subpath */
pdc_scalar starty; /* starting y point of the subpath */
pdc_scalar lwidth; /* line width */
int lcap; /* line cap style */
int ljoin; /* line join style */
pdc_scalar miter; /* miter limit */
pdc_scalar flatness; /* path flatness */
pdc_bool dashed; /* line dashing in effect */
} pdf_gstate;
/* ---------------------- page/pattern/template ----------------------- */
typedef struct
/* graphics, text, and color state.
int sl; /* current save level */
pdf_gstate gstate[PDF_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL]; /* graphics state */
pdf_tstate *tstate; /* text state */
pdf_cstate *cstate; /* color state */
pdf_text_options *currto; /* current text options */
pdf_fillrule fillrule; /* nonzero or evenodd fill rule */
pdc_vtr * mboxes; /* matchbox chain */
/* in update mode, the resource numbers generally don't start
** with 0, but with a bias value derived from the original
** page's resources.
int cs_bias; /* colorspaces */
int eg_bias; /* extended gstates */
int fn_bias; /* fonts */
int pt_bias; /* patterns */
int sh_bias; /* shadings */
int xo_bias; /* xobjects */
} pdf_ppt;
/* Force graphics or color operator output, avoiding the optimization
* which checks whether the new value might be the same as the old.
* This is especially required for Type 3 glyph descriptions which
* inherit the surrounding page description's gstate parameters,
* and therefore even must write default values.
#define PDF_FORCE_OUTPUT() (PDF_GET_STATE(p) == pdf_state_glyph)
* *************************************************************************
* The core PDF context descriptor
* *************************************************************************
struct PDF_s {
/* -------------------------- general stuff ------------------------ */
unsigned long magic; /* poor man's integrity check */
void (*freeproc)(PDF *p, void *mem);
pdc_core *pdc; /* core context */
int compatibility; /* PDF version number * 10 */
pdf_errpol errorpolicy; /* error policy */
pdf_state state_stack[PDF_STATE_STACK_SIZE];
int state_sp; /* state stack pointer */
/* ------------------- PDF Catalog dictionary --------------------- */
pdf_document *document; /* document struct */
/* ------------------- PDF Info dictionary entries ----------------- */
pdf_info *userinfo; /* list of user-defined entries */
/* -------------- I/O, error handling and memory management ------------- */
size_t (*writeproc)(PDF *p, void *data, size_t size);
void (*errorhandler)(PDF *p, int level, const char* msg);
void *opaque; /* user-specific, opaque data */
/* ------------------------- PDF import ---------------------------- */
pdf_pdi *pdi; /* PDI context array */
int pdi_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
pdc_pagebox pdi_usebox;
pdc_bool pdi_strict; /* strict PDF parser mode */
pdc_bstr * pdi_parmbuf; /* string buffer for pdi parms */
/* ------------ stuff for hypertext functions ---------- */
pdc_encoding hypertextencoding; /* encoding of hypertexts */
pdc_text_format hypertextformat; /* format of hypertexts */
int hypertextcodepage; /* OEM multi byte code-page number */
pdc_bool usercoordinates; /* interprete rectangle coordinates */
/* of hypertext funcs. in user space */
pdc_bool usehyptxtenc; /* use hypertextencoding */
/* for name strings */
/* ------------------- PDF output bookkeeping ------------------- */
pdc_id procset_id; /* id of constant ProcSet array */
pdc_output *out; /* output manager */
pdc_id length_id; /* id of current stream's length*/
pdc_flush_state flush; /* flush state */
/* ------------------- page bookkeeping ------------------- */
pdf_pages *doc_pages; /* document wide page management */
/* ------------------- document resources ------------------- */
pdf_font *fonts; /* all fonts in document */
int fonts_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int fonts_number; /* next available font number */
int t3slot; /* slot of temporary type 3 font */
fnt_cmap_stack *cmst; /* CMap stack handle */
pdf_xobject *xobjects; /* all xobjects in document */
int xobjects_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int xobjects_number; /* next available xobject slot */
pdf_colorspace *colorspaces; /* all color space resources */
int colorspaces_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int colorspaces_number; /* next available color space number */
pdf_pattern *pattern; /* all pattern resources */
int pattern_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int pattern_number; /* next available pattern number */
pdf_shading *shadings; /* all shading resources */
int shadings_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int shadings_number; /* next available shading number */
pdf_extgstateresource *extgstates; /* all ext. graphic state resources */
int extgstates_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int extgstates_number; /* next available extgstate number */
pdf_image *images; /* all images in document */
int images_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
pdc_vtr *actions; /* all actions in document */
/* ------------------ utilities ------------------- */
char ***stringlists; /* string lists */
int stringlists_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int stringlists_number; /* next available string list number */
int *stringlistsizes; /* sizes of string lists */
int utilstrlist_index; /* index of utility string list */
int utilstring_number; /* next available utility string */
/* ------------------- document outline tree ------------------- */
pdf_outline *outlines; /* dynamic array of outlines */
int outline_capacity; /* currently allocated size */
int outline_count; /* total number of outlines */
/* ------------------- name tree ------------------- */
pdf_name *names; /* page ids */
int names_capacity;
int names_number; /* next available names number */
/* -------------- page/pattern/template specific stuff -------------- */
pdf_ppt * curr_ppt; /* current ppt descriptor */
pdc_id res_id; /* id of this pattern/templ res dict */
pdc_scalar ydirection; /* direction of y axis of default */
/* system rel. to viewport (1 or -1) */
pdf_renderingintent rendintent; /* RenderingIntent */
pdc_bool preserveoldpantonenames;/* preserve old PANTONE names */
pdc_bool spotcolorlookup; /* use internal look-up table for
* color values */
/* ------------------------ template stuff ----------------------- */
int templ; /* current template if in templ. state*/
/* --------------- other font and text stuff ---------------- */
pdf_font_options *currfo; /* current font settings */
pdc_glyphcheck glyphcheck; /* check for unavailable glyphs */
pdc_text_format textformat; /* text storage format */
pdc_bool in_text; /* currently in BT/ET section */
/* ------------------------ miscellaneous ------------------------ */
char debug[256]; /* debug flags */
/* ------- deprecated stuff because of deprecated parameter ---------- */
pdf_borderstyle border_style;
pdc_scalar border_width;
pdc_scalar border_red;
pdc_scalar border_green;
pdc_scalar border_blue;
pdc_scalar border_dash1;
pdc_scalar border_dash2;
pdf_dest *bookmark_dest;
char *launchlink_parameters;
char *launchlink_operation;
char *launchlink_defaultdir;
/* Data source for images, compression, ASCII encoding, fonts, etc. */
typedef struct PDF_data_source_s PDF_data_source;
struct PDF_data_source_s {
pdc_byte *next_byte;
size_t bytes_available;
void (*init)(PDF *, PDF_data_source *src);
int (*fill)(PDF *, PDF_data_source *src);
void (*terminate)(PDF *, PDF_data_source *src);
pdc_byte *buffer_start;
size_t buffer_length;
void *private_data;
long offset; /* start of data to read */
long length; /* length of data to read */
long total; /* total bytes read so far */
/* ------ Private functions for library-internal use only --------- */
(((((OpenVMS porting note)))))
Symbols are restricted to <= 31 bytes on OpenVMS systems....
Please truncate new function names to fit this silly restriction!
(((((OpenVMS porting note)))))
* p_actions.c
int pdf__create_action(PDF *p, const char *type, const char *optlist);
void pdf_delete_actions(PDF *p);
int pdf_get_max_action(PDF *p);
pdc_bool pdf_parse_and_write_actionlist(PDF *p, pdf_event_object eventobj,
pdc_id *act_idlist, const char *optlist);
pdc_bool pdf_write_action_entries(PDF *p, pdf_event_object eventobj,
pdc_id *act_idlist);
* p_annots.c
void pdf__add_launchlink(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *filename);
void pdf__add_locallink(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, int page, const char *optlist);
void pdf__add_note(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *contents, int len_cont,
const char *title, int len_title, const char *icon, int kopen);
void pdf__add_pdflink(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *filename, int page,
const char *optlist);
void pdf__add_weblink(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *url);
void pdf__attach_file(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *filename, int len_filename,
const char *description, int len_descr, const char *author,
int len_auth, const char *mimetype, const char *icon);
void pdf__create_annotation(PDF *p, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *type, const char *optlist);
void pdf__set_border_color(PDF *p, pdc_scalar red, pdc_scalar green,
pdc_scalar blue);
void pdf__set_border_dash(PDF *p, pdc_scalar b, pdc_scalar w);
void pdf__set_border_style(PDF *p, const char *style, pdc_scalar width);
void pdf_init_annot_params(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_annot_params(PDF *p);
pdc_id pdf_write_annots_root(PDF *p, pdc_vtr *annots, pdf_widget *widgetlist);
void pdf_write_page_annots(PDF *p, pdc_vtr *annots);
void pdf_create_link(PDF *p, const char *type, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly,
pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury, const char *annopts,
const char *utext, int len);
* p_color.c
void pdf__setcolor(PDF *p, const char *fstype, const char *colorspace,
pdc_scalar c1, pdc_scalar c2, pdc_scalar c3, pdc_scalar c4);
void pdf_init_cstate(PDF *p);
void pdf_save_cstate(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_page_cstate(PDF *p, pdf_ppt *ppt);
void pdf_init_colorspaces(PDF *p);
void pdf_set_default_color(PDF *p, pdc_bool reset);
void pdf_write_page_colorspaces(PDF *p);
void pdf_mark_page_colorspace(PDF *p, int n);
void pdf_write_doc_colorspaces(PDF *p);
void pdf_write_colorspace(PDF *p, int slot, pdc_bool direct);
void pdf_cleanup_colorspaces(PDF *p);
void pdf_write_colormap(PDF *p, int slot);
* p_document.c
int pdf__begin_document(PDF *p, const char *filename, int len,
const char *optlist);
void pdf__begin_document_callback(PDF *p, writeproc_t writeproc,
const char *optlist);
void pdf__end_document(PDF *p, const char *optlist);
void pdf_cleanup_document(PDF *p);
void pdf_fix_openmode(PDF *p);
void pdf_insert_name(PDF *p, const char *name, pdf_nametree_type type,
pdc_id obj_id);
pdc_id pdf_get_id_from_nametree(PDF *p, pdf_nametree_type type,
const char *name);
char *pdf_parse_and_write_metadata(PDF *p, const char *optlist, pdc_bool output,
int *outlen);
pdc_off_t pdf_check_file(PDF *p, const char *filename, pdc_bool verbose);
void pdf_embed_file(PDF *p, pdc_id obj_id, const char *filename,
const char *mimetype, pdc_off_t filesize);
/* deprecated functions: */
void pdf_set_flush(PDF *p, const char *flush);
void pdf_set_uri(PDF *p, const char *uri);
void pdf_set_compatibility(PDF *p, const char *compatibility);
void pdf_set_openmode(PDF *p, const char *openmode);
void pdf_set_openaction(PDF *p, const char *openaction);
void pdf_set_viewerpreference(PDF *p, const char *viewerpreference);
const char *pdf__get_buffer(PDF *p, long *size);
* p_draw.c
void pdf__arc(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y,
pdc_scalar r, pdc_scalar alpha, pdc_scalar beta);
void pdf__arcn(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y,
pdc_scalar r, pdc_scalar alpha, pdc_scalar beta);
void pdf__circle(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y, pdc_scalar r);
void pdf__clip(PDF *p);
void pdf__closepath(PDF *p);
void pdf__closepath_fill_stroke(PDF *p);
void pdf__closepath_stroke(PDF *p);
void pdf__curveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x_1, pdc_scalar y_1,
pdc_scalar x_2, pdc_scalar y_2, pdc_scalar x_3, pdc_scalar y_3);
void pdf__endpath(PDF *p);
void pdf__fill(PDF *p);
void pdf__fill_stroke(PDF *p);
void pdf__lineto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y);
void pdf__rlineto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y);
void pdf__moveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y);
void pdf__rcurveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x_1, pdc_scalar y_1,
pdc_scalar x_2, pdc_scalar y_2, pdc_scalar x_3, pdc_scalar y_3);
void pdf__rect(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y,
pdc_scalar width, pdc_scalar height);
void pdf__rmoveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y);
void pdf__stroke(PDF *p);
void pdf_rrcurveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x_1, pdc_scalar y_1,
pdc_scalar x_2, pdc_scalar y_2, pdc_scalar x_3, pdc_scalar y_3);
void pdf_hvcurveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x_1, pdc_scalar x_2,
pdc_scalar y_2, pdc_scalar y_3);
void pdf_vhcurveto(PDF *p, pdc_scalar y_1, pdc_scalar x_2,
pdc_scalar y_2, pdc_scalar x_3);
* p_encoding.c
void pdf__encoding_set_char(PDF *p, const char *encoding, int slot,
const char *glyphname, int uv);
pdc_encoding pdf_get_hypertextencoding_param(PDF *p, int *codepage);
pdc_encoding pdf_get_hypertextencoding(PDF *p, const char *encoding,
int *codepage, pdc_bool verbose);
* p_filter.c
int pdf_data_source_buf_fill(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src);
void pdf_data_source_file_init(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src);
int pdf_data_source_file_fill(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src);
void pdf_data_source_file_terminate(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src);
void pdf_copy_stream(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src, pdc_bool compress);
* p_font.c
double pdf__info_font(PDF *p, int ifont, const char *keyword,
const char *optlist);
int pdf__load_font(PDF *p, const char *fontname, int len,
const char *encoding, const char *optlist);
void pdf_init_font_options(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo);
void pdf_cleanup_font_curroptions(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_font_options(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo);
void pdf_init_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, pdf_font_options *fo);
void pdf_cleanup_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font);
void pdf_init_fonts(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_fonts(PDF *p);
int pdf_insert_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font);
void pdf_write_doc_fonts(PDF *p);
void pdf_write_page_fonts(PDF *p);
void pdf_get_page_fonts(PDF *p, pdf_reslist *rl);
void pdf_mark_page_font(PDF *p, int ft);
* p_gstate.c
void pdf__concat(PDF *p, pdc_scalar a, pdc_scalar b, pdc_scalar c, pdc_scalar d,
pdc_scalar e, pdc_scalar f);
void pdf__initgraphics(PDF *p);
void pdf__restore(PDF *p);
void pdf__rotate(PDF *p, pdc_scalar phi);
void pdf__save(PDF *p);
void pdf__scale(PDF *p, pdc_scalar sx, pdc_scalar sy);
void pdf__setdash(PDF *p, pdc_scalar b, pdc_scalar w);
void pdf__setdashpattern(PDF *p, const char *optlist);
void pdf__setflat(PDF *p, pdc_scalar flatness);
void pdf__setlinecap(PDF *p, int linecap);
void pdf__setlinejoin(PDF *p, int linejoin);
void pdf__setlinewidth(PDF *p, pdc_scalar width);
void pdf__setmatrix(PDF *p, pdc_scalar a, pdc_scalar b, pdc_scalar c,
pdc_scalar d, pdc_scalar e, pdc_scalar f);
void pdf__setmiterlimit(PDF *p, pdc_scalar miter);
void pdf__skew(PDF *p, pdc_scalar alpha, pdc_scalar beta);
void pdf__translate(PDF *p, pdc_scalar tx, pdc_scalar ty);
void pdf_setmatrix_e(PDF *p, pdc_matrix *n);
void pdf_init_gstate(PDF *p);
void pdf_concat_raw(PDF *p, pdc_matrix *m);
void pdf_reset_gstate(PDF *p);
void pdf_set_topdownsystem(PDF *p, pdc_scalar height);
void pdf_setdashpattern_internal(PDF *p, pdc_scalar *darray, int length,
pdc_scalar phase);
* p_hyper.c
int pdf__add_bookmark(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, int parent, int open);
void pdf__add_nameddest(PDF *p, const char *name, int len, const char *optlist);
int pdf__create_bookmark(PDF *p, const char *text, int len,
const char *optlist);
void pdf__set_info(PDF *p, const char *key, const char *value, int len);
pdf_dest *pdf_init_destination(PDF *p);
pdf_dest *pdf_parse_destination_optlist(PDF *p, const char *optlist,
int page, pdf_destuse destuse);
void pdf_cleanup_destination(PDF *p, pdf_dest *dest);
void pdf_write_destination(PDF *p, pdf_dest *dest);
pdf_dest *pdf_get_option_destname(PDF *p, pdc_resopt *resopts,
pdc_encoding hypertextencoding, int hypertextcodepage);
void pdf_init_outlines(PDF *p);
void pdf_write_outlines(PDF *p);
void pdf_write_outline_root(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_outlines(PDF *p);
void pdf_feed_digest_info(PDF *p);
pdc_id pdf_write_info(PDF *p, pdc_bool moddate);
void pdf_cleanup_info(PDF *p);
* p_image.c
void pdf__add_thumbnail(PDF *p, int image);
void pdf__close_image(PDF *p, int image);
void pdf__fit_image(PDF *p, int image, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y,
const char *optlist);
int pdf__load_image(PDF *p, const char *imagetype, const char *filename,
const char *optlist);
void pdf_grow_images(PDF *p);
void pdf_put_image(PDF *p, int im, pdc_bool firststrip,
pdc_bool checkcontentstream);
void pdf_put_inline_image(PDF *p, int im);
void pdf_init_images(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_images(PDF *p);
void pdf_cleanup_image(PDF *p, int im);
void pdf_get_image_size(PDF *p, int im, pdc_scalar *width, pdc_scalar *height);
void pdf_get_image_resolution(PDF *p, int im, pdc_scalar *dpi_x,
pdc_scalar *dpi_y);
int pdf_get_image_colorspace(PDF *p, int im);
* p_mbox.c
double pdf__info_matchbox(PDF *p, const char *boxname, int len, int num,
const char *keyword);
pdc_vtr *pdf_new_mboxes(PDF *p, pdf_mbox *mbox, pdc_vtr *mboxes);
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