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Executable File

// Source file for ArchiveLib 1.0
// Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994
// All Rights Reserved
// newALMemory()
// ALMemoryGetBufferOwner()
// ALMemorySetBufferOwner()
// ALMemoryGetHandle()
// ALMemoryGetBufferSize()
// ALMemoryGetBuffer()
// This file contains the C and VB translation routines to access
// class ALMemory. Most of the ALStorage routines need to be called
// via the base class, so most of the functions to use ALMemory
// from C or VB will be found in CXL_STOR.CPP.
// As always, these translation routines are extremely uninformative.
// To get the real lowdown on what is happening, look first at the C++
// member functions in MEMSTORE.CPP, then STORAGE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#include "arclib.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "al.h"
#include "alcxl.h"
// Windows:
// extern "C" hALStorage newALMemory( char *buffer_name,
// char AL_HUGE *user_buffer,
// DWORD user_buffer_size )
// MS-DOS:
// extern "C" hALStorage newALMemory( char *buffer_name,
// char *user_buffer,
// int user_buffer_size )
// name : A character string containing an arbitrary name
// name for the memory buffer.
// user_buffer : If you want to supply a buffer of your own, pass it
// here. Otherwise, set it to 0, and the ALMemory
// class will allocate storage as needed.
// user_buffer_size : If you are supplying a buffer, you have to say how
// long it is.
// A handle for (pointer to) a newly created ALMemory object.
// This C/VB translation function provides access to the ALMemory
// constructor. Note that the constructor has the same name under
// MS-DOS and Windows, but it does have slightly different capabilities.
// Because of this, the Windows version also has different argument types.
// This function passes all of its arguments to the C++ constructor
// in unchanged form. It then takes the return from the function, casts
// it to a C/VB acceptable type, and returns it otherwise unchanged.
// This function is like all of the other translation routines in that
// it is fairly uninformative. To get the real information about what
// is happening in the constructor, take a look at the source for the
// C++ functions in MEMSTORE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_MEMORY )
extern "C" hALStorage AL_FUNCTION
newALMemory( char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer_name,
char AL_HUGE *user_buffer,
DWORD user_buffer_size )
if ( user_buffer_size == 0 )
return (hALStorage) new ALMemory( buffer_name );
return (hALStorage) new ALMemory( buffer_name, user_buffer, user_buffer_size );
extern "C" hALStorage AL_FUNCTION newALMemory( char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer_name,
char AL_DLL_FAR *user_buffer,
int user_buffer_size )
if ( user_buffer_size == 0 )
return (hALStorage) new ALMemory( buffer_name );
return (hALStorage) new ALMemory( buffer_name, user_buffer, user_buffer_size );
// extern "C" int ALMemoryGetBufferOwner( hALStorage this_object )
// this_object : A handle for (pointer to) an ALMemory object.
// An integer flag indicating whether the user owns the buffer.
// This C/VB translation function provides access to the C++ data member
// ALMemory::mfUserOwnsBuffer.
// This function first tests its only argument for correct type (when in
// debug mode), then casts and accesses the data member. The value of
// the data member is then returned unchanged to the calling C or VB
// procedure.
// This function is like all of the other translation routines in that
// it is fairly uninformative. To get the real information about what
// is happening in the constructor, take a look at the source for the
// C++ functions in MEMSTORE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBufferOwner( hALStorage this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemoryGetBufferOwner" );
return ( (ALMemory *) this_object )->mfUserOwnsBuffer;
// extern "C" void ALMemorySetBufferOwner( hALStorage this_object,
// int user_owns_buffer )
// this_object : A handle for (pointer to) an ALMemory object.
// user_owns_buffer : The new setting of the flag.
// Nothing.
// This C/VB translation function provides access to the C++ data member
// ALMemory::mfUserOwnsBuffer. Why would you want to change this
// data member? Well, if the ALMemory object is currently the buffer
// owner, the buffer will be deleted when the ALMemory object is destroyed.
// You can set the owner of the buffer to be you, the user, and copy
// the pointer to it. Then you get to keep it long after the ALMemory
// object is done with it.
// This function first tests its only argument for correct type (when in
// debug mode), then casts and modifies the data member.
// This function is like all of the other translation routines in that
// it is fairly uninformative. To get the real information about what
// is happening in the constructor, take a look at the source for the
// C++ functions in MEMSTORE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" void AL_FUNCTION ALMemorySetBufferOwner( hALStorage this_object,
int user_owns_buffer )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemorySetBufferOwner" );
( (ALMemory *) this_object )->mfUserOwnsBuffer = user_owns_buffer;
// extern "C" UINT ALMemoryGetHandle( hALStorage this_object )
// this_object : A handle for (pointer to) an ALMemory object.
// A UINT windows memory handle.
// This C/VB translation function provides access to the C++ data member
// ALMemory::mhUserMemoryHandle. Under C++, this is a public data
// member that the programmer is free to access or modify.
// This function first tests its only argument for correct type (when in
// debug mode), then casts and accesses the data member. The value of
// the data member is then returned unchanged to the calling C or VB
// procedure.
// This function is like all of the other translation routines in that
// it is fairly uninformative. To get the real information about what
// is happening in the constructor, take a look at the source for the
// C++ functions in MEMSTORE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_MEMORY )
extern "C" UINT AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetHandle( hALStorage this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemorySetBufferOwner" );
return (UINT) ( (ALMemory *) this_object )->mhUserMemoryHandle;
// WINDOWS Version
// extern "C" long ALMemoryGetBufferSize( hALStorage this_object )
// MS-DOS Real Mode version
// extern "C" size_t ALMemoryGetBufferSize( hALStorage this_object )
// this_object : A handle for (pointer to) an ALMemory object.
// The size of the memory buffer being uses as a storage object. The
// type of the the size differs between Windows and Real mode DOS, simply
// because Windows can access a lot more memory, especially when
// using Win32s.
// This C/VB translation function provides access to the C++ data member
// ALMemory::muUserBufferSize. Under C++, this is a public data
// member that the programmer is free to access or modify.
// This function first tests its only argument for correct type (when in
// debug mode), then casts and accesses the data member. The value of
// the data member is then returned unchanged to the calling C or VB
// procedure.
// This function is like all of the other translation routines in that
// it is fairly uninformative. To get the real information about what
// is happening in the constructor, take a look at the source for the
// C++ functions in MEMSTORE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_MEMORY )
extern "C" long AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBufferSize( hALStorage this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemoryGetBufferSize" );
return ( (ALMemory *) this_object )->muUserBufferSize;
extern "C" size_t AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBufferSize( hALStorage this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemoryGetBufferSize" );
return ( (ALMemory *) this_object )->muUserBufferSize;
// WINDOWS Version
// extern "C" char AL_HUGE * ALMemoryGetBuffer( hALStorage this_object )
// MS-DOS Real Mode version
// extern "C" char *ALMemoryGetBuffer( hALStorage this_object )
// this_object : A handle for (pointer to) an ALMemory object.
// A pointer to the memory buffer being uses as a storage object. The
// type of the the pointer differs between the various modes of our
// library. Under Real Dos, it is just a normal pointer. Under Win16
// it is a _huge pointer. Under Win32s, it is a flat model pointer.
// This C/VB translation function provides access to the C++ data member
// ALMemory::mpcUserBuffer. Under C++, this is a public data
// member that the programmer is free to access or modify.
// This function first tests its only argument for correct type (when in
// debug mode), then casts and accesses the data member. The value of
// the data member is then returned unchanged to the calling C or VB
// procedure.
// This function is like all of the other translation routines in that
// it is fairly uninformative. To get the real information about what
// is happening in the constructor, take a look at the source for the
// C++ functions in MEMSTORE.CPP.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_MEMORY )
extern "C" char AL_HUGE * AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBuffer( hALStorage this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemoryGetBuffer" );
return ( (ALMemory *) this_object )->mpcUserBuffer;
extern "C" char AL_DLL_FAR *AL_FUNCTION ALMemoryGetBuffer( hALStorage this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALMemory, "ALMemoryGetBuffer" );
return ( (ALMemory *) this_object )->mpcUserBuffer;