331 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
331 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
#ifndef __CONTROLS_H
#define __CONTROLS_H
#ifndef __STRINGS_H
#include <strings.h>
class TWindow; // __WINDOW_H
class TMask_field; // __MASKFLD_H
#ifndef INCL_XI
#include <xi.h>
void init_controls();
void free_controls();
XVT_FNTID xvt_default_font(bool bold = FALSE);
WINDOW create_interface(WINDOW parent, short x, short y, short dx, short dy,
const char* caption, TWindow* mask, bool tags);
void attach_interface(WINDOW win, COLOR back = COLOR_WHITE);
short get_focus_id(WINDOW win);
// Custom control
// @doc INTERNAL
// @class TControl | Classe per la creazione di controlli
class TControl : public TObject
// @author:(INTERNAL) Guido
// @access:(INTERNAL) Private Member
// @access Protected Member
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Puntatore al controllo creato
XI_OBJ* _obj;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Puntatore al TMask_field eventualmente associato
TMask_field* _fld;
// @cmember Ricava l'interfaccia da una finestra
XI_OBJ* get_interface(WINDOW win = NULL_WIN) const;
// @cmember Cerca un controllo operabile (in avanti o all'indietro)
TControl& find_operable_ctl(bool forward) const;
// @cmember Setta l'identificatore del prossimo controllo per il tasto TAB
void set_tab_cid(short id);
void coord2rct(WINDOW win, short left, short top, short width, short height, RCT& rct) const;
unsigned long flags2attr(const char* flags) const;
void update_tab_cid();
const char* parse_caption(const char* cap, bool& bold, COLOR& color) const;
void change_attrib(unsigned long attr, bool on, XI_OBJ* obj = NULL);
bool notify_key(KEY k);
// @access Public Member
virtual ~TControl();
static KEY xiev_to_key(const XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* ep);
bool is_edit_key(KEY k) const;
// @cmember Ritorna l'identificatore assegnato al controllo
short id() const { return _obj->cid; }
WINDOW parent() const;
XI_OBJ_TYPE type() const { return _obj->type; }
// @cmember Ritorna il prompt del controllo
const char* caption() const;
// @cmember Setta il prompt del controllo
virtual void set_caption(const char* c);
// @cmember Abilita/disabilita il controllo
virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE);
void disable() { enable(FALSE); }
// @cmember Mostra/nasconde il controllo
virtual void show(bool on = TRUE);
void hide() { show(FALSE); }
void autoselect(bool on);
// @cmember Forza il focus al controllo
virtual void set_focus() const;
RCT& get_rect(RCT& r) const;
virtual void set_rect(const RCT& r);
bool on_key(KEY k);
class TText_control : public TControl
public: // TControl
virtual void set_caption(const char* text);
TText_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TText_control() {}
class TGroupbox_control : public TText_control
XI_OBJ* _rct; // Rettangolo del gruppo
public: // TControl
virtual void show(bool on);
TGroupbox_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TGroupbox_control() {}
class TField_control : public TControl
bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
void create(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top,
short width, short height, short maxlen,
const char* flags, const char* text, bool button);
TField_control() {}
// @cmember Mostra o nasconde il bottone associato
void show_button(bool on);
// @cmember Forza il focus al controllo
virtual void set_focus() const;
TField_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top,
short width, short maxlen,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TField_control() {}
class TMultiline_control : public TField_control
TMultiline_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top,
short width, short height, short maxlen,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TMultiline_control() {}
class TButton_control : public TControl
void create(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text,
WIN_TYPE wc, XI_OBJ* container);
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* ep);
virtual void set_rect(const RCT& r);
bool checked() const;
void check(bool on = TRUE);
void uncheck() { check(FALSE); }
bool toggle();
XI_BTN_TYPE button_type() const;
XI_OBJ* container() const;
TButton_control() {}
virtual ~TButton_control() {}
class TPushbutton_control : public TButton_control
short _bmp_up, _bmp_dn;
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual void update();
void set_bmp(short up, short dn);
TPushbutton_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text,
short bmp_up = 0, short _bmp_dn = 0);
virtual ~TPushbutton_control() {}
class TRadiobutton_control : public TButton_control
protected: // TControl
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual void set_focus() const;
TRadiobutton_control() { } // To be derived
// @cmember Abilita/disabilita il controllo
virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE);
// @cmember Mostra/nasconde il controllo
virtual void show(bool on = TRUE);
byte get_checked() const;
void check_button(byte b);
void show_button(byte b, bool on = TRUE);
void hide_button(byte b) { show_button(b, FALSE); }
TRadiobutton_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TRadiobutton_control() {}
class TTagbutton_control : public TRadiobutton_control
protected: // TControl
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
TTagbutton_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text, int tag);
virtual ~TTagbutton_control() {}
class TCheckbox_control : public TButton_control
TCheckbox_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TCheckbox_control() {}
class TDropDownList : public TObject
XI_OBJ* _obj;
XI_OBJ* _xi_lst;
TToken_string _codes;
TToken_string _values;
int _selected;
int _width;
bool _open;
bool _displayed;
bool _in_cell;
static void ddl_str_eh (XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
const int selected() const { return _selected; }
void open();
void close();
bool is_open() const { return _open; }
bool displayed() const { return _displayed; }
const char* item(int i) { return _values.get(i); }
int items() const { return _values.items(); }
long row2rec(int) const;
int rec2row(long rec) const;
void set_values(const char* c, const char* v);
bool select(int i, bool force = FALSE);
bool select_by_initial(char c);
bool select_by_ofs(int n);
TDropDownList(XI_OBJ* o, const char* codes, const char* values, int wid);
virtual ~TDropDownList() {}
class TListbox_control : public TField_control
friend class TDropDownList;
TDropDownList* _ddl;
void drop_down();
protected: // TTField_control
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
void set_values(const char* c, const char* v);
int items() const { return _ddl->items(); }
bool select(int i) { return _ddl->select(i); }
bool select_by_initial(char c) { return _ddl->select_by_initial(c); }
bool select_by_ofs(int i) { return _ddl->select_by_ofs(i); }
int selected() const { return _ddl->selected(); }
TListbox_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width,
const char* flags, const char* text,
const char* codes, const char* values);
virtual ~TListbox_control();