guy 6a0d7b3256 Patch level : 10.0
Files correlati     : lurch.exe authoriz.exe
Ricompilazione Demo : [ ]
Commento            :
Aggiunto comando DongleInfo che riassume in se DongleNumber+DongleYear+DongleModules in modo da ridurre il traffico di rete col server

git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
2010-02-16 16:33:08 +00:00

129 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

#include "baseserv.h"
class TCoffeeServer : public TBaseServerApp
virtual const wxChar* GetAppName() const;
virtual bool ProcessCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs);
bool IsMagicName(wxString& strFilename) const;
void GenerateFile(wxString& strFilename);
// Implementare almeno queste due funzioni pure virtuali
const wxChar* TCoffeeServer::GetAppName() const
return "Coffee";
bool TCoffeeServer::IsMagicName(wxString& strFilename) const
wxString strName;
wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, &strName, NULL);
const int q = strName.Find('?');
if (q > 0)
if (strName == "index")
strFilename = strName;
return true;
if (strName == "log")
strFilename = GetLogFileName();
if (strName == "buy")
return true;
return false;
void TCoffeeServer::GenerateFile(wxString& strFilename)
wxString strName, strArgs;
wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, &strName, NULL);
const int q = strFilename.Find('?');
if (q > 0)
strArgs = strFilename.Mid(q+1);
const char* items[] = { "Coffee", "Cappuccino", "Chocolate", "Milk", "Tea", "Brioche", NULL };
if (strName == "index")
TXmlItem html;
TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html).AddChild("center");
body.AddChild("h1") << "Welcome to the virtual coffee machine";
TXmlItem& table = body.AddChild("table");
table.SetAttr("width", "50%").SetAttr("border", "1");
for (int i = 0; items[i]; i++)
TXmlItem& row = table.AddChild("tr");
TXmlItem& a = row.AddChild("td").AddChild("a");
a.SetAttr("href", wxString::Format("buy.cgi?%d", i));
a.AddChild("img").SetAttr("src", "rbutton.gif").SetAttr("border", "0");
row.AddChild("td") << items[i];
strFilename = GetTempFilename();
if (strName == "buy")
TXmlItem html;
TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html).AddChild("center");
const int nItem = atoi(strArgs);
const wxString strItemCode = wxString::Format("Item%d", nItem);
const int nSold = GetConfigInt(strItemCode)+1;
SetConfigInt(strItemCode, nSold);
body.AddChild("h1") << wxString::Format("%d %ss sold.", nSold, items[nItem]);
body.AddChild("h2") << "You'll be billed 1 Euro on your next wage :-)";
AddLinkButton(body, "Return to main page", "index.htm");
strFilename = GetTempFilename();
if (strName == "log")
strFilename = GetLogFileName();
bool TCoffeeServer::ProcessCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs)
if (cmd.StartsWith("GET "))
const int stop = cmd.Find(" HTTP");
wxString str = cmd.Mid(4, stop-4).Trim();
if (str == "/")
str += "index.htm";
wxString strFilename = GetDocumentRoot() + str;
if (IsMagicName(strFilename))
SendFile(strFilename, outs);
return true;
return TBaseServerApp::ProcessCommand(cmd, outs); // Gestisce PING!
// Istanziare l'applicazione principale