Alessandro Bonazzi e075990ed3 Patch level : 12.0 no-patch
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Aggiunto il preprocessore c++ mcpp per sostituire il compilatore nella compilazione delle maschere.
2020-11-28 16:24:08 +01:00

37 lines
1011 B

/* n_24.c: # operator in macro definition. */
#include "defs.h"
main( void)
fputs( "started\n", stderr);
/* 24.1: */
#define str( a) # a
assert( strcmp( str( a+b), "a+b") == 0);
/* 24.2: White spaces between tokens of operand are converted to one space.
assert( strcmp( str( ab /* comment */ +
cd ), "ab + cd") == 0);
/* 24.3: \ is inserted before \ and " in or surrounding literals and no
other character is inserted to anywhere. */
assert( strcmp( str( '"' + "' \""), "'\"' + \"' \\\"\"") == 0);
/* 24.4: Line splicing by <backslash><newline> is done prior to token
parsing. */
assert( strcmp( str( "ab\
c"), "\"abc\"") == 0);
/* 24.5: Token separator inserted by macro expansion should be removed.
(Meanwhile, tokens should not be merged. See 21.2.) */
#define xstr( a) str( a)
#define f(a) a
assert( strcmp( xstr( x-f(y)), "x-y") == 0);
fputs( "success\n", stderr);
return 0;