which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
129 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
129 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
# Makefile for UnZip 5.30 using Manx Aztec C 5.2, last revised 15 May 97.
# Define EXTRA=xxx on the Make command line for e.g. -dUSE_UNSHRINK.
CC = cc
VERNUMS = -d __VERSION__=5 -d __REVISION__=2
CFLAGS = -ps -sabfmnpu -wcpr0u -d AMIGA $(EXTRA)
# -ps means short ints, -sabfmnpu is optimizations, -wcpr0u is type checking
# option flags MORE and ASM_* are now set in the Aztec section of amiga/amiga.h;
# it's cleaner, and that way any changes forces a recompile.
LD = ln
LDFLAGS = +q -m
LDLIBS = -lc16
# linker arg -m suppresses warnings about overriding c.lib functions
OBJS = unzip.o process.o crypt.o ttyio.o envargs.o explode.o \
unshrink.o extract.o zipinfo.o inflate.o match.o unreduce.o \
fileio.o list.o globals.o crctab.o amiga/amiga.o amiga/crc_68.o \
XOBJS = unzip.xo process.xo crypt.o ttyio.o extract.xo fileio.o \
inflate.o match.o globals.o crctab.o amiga/flate.o amiga/amiga.xo \
FOBJS = funzip.o crypt.fo ttyio.fo inflate.fo globals.fo \
amiga/flate.fo amiga/crc_68.o amiga/filedate.fo
.c.o :
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $*.c
$(CC) -o $@ -d SFX $(CFLAGS) $*.c
$(CC) -o $@ -d FUNZIP $(CFLAGS) $*.c
all : UnZip UnZipSFX fUnZip MakeSFX
u : UnZip
f : fUnZip
x : UnZipSFX
m : MakeSFX
UnZip : $(OBJS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(XOBJS) $(LDLIBS)
fUnZip : $(FOBJS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(FOBJS) $(LDLIBS)
MakeSFX : amiga/makesfx.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o t:makesfx.o amiga/makesfx.c
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o MakeSFX t:makesfx.o $(LDLIBS)
-@delete t:makesfx.o
clean :
-delete $(OBJS)
-delete $(XOBJS)
-delete $(FOBJS)
-delete amiga/G_offs.a amiga/G_offs.fa amiga/mkGoff amiga/FmkGoff
cleaner : clean
-delete UnZip fUnZip UnZipSFX MakeSFX
$(OBJS) $(XOBJS) $(FOBJS) : unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h \
amiga/amiga.h amiga/z-stat.h
crypt.o crypt.fo ttyio.o ttyio.fo : zip.h
inflate.o inflate.fo : inflate.h
fileio.o : ebcdic.h
funzip.o : tables.h
crypt.o crypt.fo ttyio.o ttyio.fo unzip.o unzip.xo funzip.o : crypt.h
fileio.o extract.o extract.xo inflate.o inflate.fo amiga/filedate.fo : crypt.h
amiga/mkGoff amiga/FmkGoff : crypt.h
crypt.o crypt.fo ttyio.o ttyio.fo funzip.o fileio.o : ttyio.h
unzip.o unzip.xo : version.h consts.h
# Special case object files:
amiga/amiga.o : amiga/filedate.c amiga/stat.c amiga/amiga.c
rx > env:VersionDate "say '""'translate(date('E'), '.', '/')'""'"
$(CC) -o amiga/amiga.o $(CFLAGS) $(VERNUMS) amiga/amiga.c
amiga/amiga.xo : amiga/filedate.c amiga/stat.c amiga/amiga.c
$(CC) -o amiga/amiga.xo $(CFLAGS) $(VERNUMS) -d SFX amiga/amiga.c
amiga/crc_68.o : amiga/crc_68.a
as -n -o amiga/crc_68.o amiga/crc_68.a
amiga/flate.o : amiga/flate.a amiga/G_offs.a
as -n -o amiga/flate.o -eINT16 amiga/flate.a
amiga/flate.fo : amiga/flate.a amiga/G_offs.fa
as -n -o amiga/flate.fo -eINT16 -eFUNZIP -eAZTEC amiga/flate.a
# These special files are generated on the fly by a program we compile and
# then run, and then included into amiga/flate.a to provide definitions for it:
amiga/G_offs.a : amiga/mkGoff
amiga/mkGoff > amiga/G_offs.a
amiga/G_offs.fa : amiga/FmkGoff
amiga/FmkGoff > amiga/G_offs.fa
amiga/mkGoff : amiga/mkGoff.c globals.h crypt.h
$(CC) -o t:mkgoff.o $(CFLAGS) amiga/mkGoff.c
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o amiga/mkGoff t:mkgoff.o $(LDLIBS)
-@delete t:mkgoff.o
amiga/FmkGoff : amiga/mkGoff.c globals.h crypt.h
$(CC) -o t:mkgoff.o $(CFLAGS) -d FUNZIP amiga/mkGoff.c
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o amiga/FmkGoff t:mkgoff.o $(LDLIBS)
-@delete t:mkgoff.o