guy 3bf951f42c Patch level : 10.0
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Aggiornata pdflib.dll alla versione 7.0.4

git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
2009-03-23 08:55:58 +00:00

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| PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly |
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/* $Id: pc_geom.h,v 1.4 2009-03-23 08:51:17 guy Exp $
* PDFlib core geometry utilities
#ifndef PC_GEOM_H
#define PC_GEOM_H
/* Unfortunately M_PI causes porting woes, so we use a private name */
#define PDC_M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#define PDC_DEG2RAD 0.0174532925199433
#define PDC_RAD2DEG 57.2957795130823070
/* Conversion factors */
#define PDC_INCH2METER 0.0254
#define PDC_METER2INCH 39.3701
/* same as PDF_SMALLREAL */
#define PDC_SMALLREAL (0.000015)
typedef double pdc_scalar;
typedef struct { pdc_scalar x, y; } pdc_vector;
typedef struct { pdc_vector ll, ur; } pdc_box;
typedef struct { pdc_scalar llx, lly, urx, ury; } pdc_rectangle;
typedef struct { int np; pdc_vector *p; } pdc_polyline;
typedef struct { pdc_scalar a, b, c, d, e, f; } pdc_matrix;
/* methods for fitting rectangle elements into a box */
typedef enum
pdc_nofit = 0, /* no fit, only positioning */
pdc_clip, /* no fit, only positioning with following condition:
* - the parts of element beyond the bounds of box
* are clipped */
pdc_slice, /* fit into the box with following conditions:
* - aspect ratio of element is preserved
* - entire box is covered by the element
* - the parts of element beyond the bounds of box
* are clipped */
pdc_meet, /* fit into the box with following conditions:
* - aspect ratio of element is preserved
* - entire element is visible in the box */
pdc_entire, /* fit into the box with following conditions:
* - entire box is covered by the element
* - entire element is visible in the box */
pdc_tauto /* automatic fitting. If element extends fit box in
* length, then element is shrinked, if shrink
* factor is greater than a specified value. Otherwise
* pdc_meet is applied. */
pdc_bool pdc_is_identity_matrix(pdc_matrix *m);
void pdc_identity_matrix(pdc_matrix *M);
void pdc_translation_matrix(pdc_scalar tx, pdc_scalar ty, pdc_matrix *M);
void pdc_scale_matrix(pdc_scalar sx, pdc_scalar sy, pdc_matrix *M);
void pdc_rotation_matrix(pdc_scalar angle, pdc_matrix *M);
void pdc_skew_matrix(pdc_scalar alpha, pdc_scalar beta, pdc_matrix *M);
void pdc_multiply_matrix(const pdc_matrix *M, pdc_matrix *N);
void pdc_multiply_matrix3(pdc_matrix *L, const pdc_matrix *M,
const pdc_matrix *N);
void pdc_multiply_6s_matrix(pdc_matrix *M, pdc_scalar a, pdc_scalar b,
pdc_scalar c, pdc_scalar d, pdc_scalar e, pdc_scalar f);
void pdc_invert_matrix(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_matrix *N, pdc_matrix *M);
void pdc_print_matrix(const char *name, const pdc_matrix *M);
pdc_scalar pdc_transform_scalar(const pdc_matrix *M, pdc_scalar s);
void pdc_transform_point(const pdc_matrix *M,
pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y, pdc_scalar *tx, pdc_scalar *ty);
void pdc_transform_vector(const pdc_matrix *M, pdc_vector *v, pdc_vector *tv);
void pdc_transform_rvector(const pdc_matrix *M, pdc_vector *v, pdc_vector *tv);
pdc_scalar pdc_get_vector_length(pdc_vector *start, pdc_vector *end);
void pdc_place_element(pdc_fitmethod method, pdc_scalar minfscale,
const pdc_box *fitbox, const pdc_vector *fitrelpos,
const pdc_vector *elemsize, const pdc_vector *elemrelpos,
pdc_box *elembox, pdc_vector *scale);
void pdc_box2polyline(const pdc_matrix *M, const pdc_box *box,
pdc_vector *polyline);
void *pdc_delete_polylinelist(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_polyline *polylinelist,
int nplines);
void pdc_init_box(pdc_box *box);
void pdc_adapt_box(pdc_box *box, const pdc_vector *v);
void pdc_normalize_box(pdc_box *box, pdc_scalar ydir);
void pdc_transform_box(const pdc_matrix *M, pdc_box *box, pdc_box *tbox);
pdc_bool pdc_rect_isnull(const pdc_rectangle *r);
pdc_bool pdc_rect_contains(const pdc_rectangle *r1, const pdc_rectangle *r2);
void pdc_rect_copy(pdc_rectangle *r1, const pdc_rectangle *r2);
void pdc_rect_init(pdc_rectangle *r,
pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly, pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury);
pdc_bool pdc_rect_intersect(pdc_rectangle *result,
const pdc_rectangle *r1, const pdc_rectangle *r2);
void pdc_rect_transform(const pdc_matrix *M,
const pdc_rectangle *r1, pdc_rectangle *r2);
void pdc_rect_normalize(pdc_rectangle *r);
void pdc_rect_normalize2(pdc_rectangle *dst, const pdc_rectangle *src);
void pdc_rect2polyline(const pdc_matrix *M, const pdc_rectangle *r,
pdc_vector *polyline);
void pdc_polyline2rect(const pdc_vector *polyline, int np, pdc_rectangle *r);
void pdc_print_rectangle(const char *name, const pdc_rectangle *r);
#endif /* PC_GEOM_H */