guy 6ac7b50cda Patch level :
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Commento            :
Aggiunto supporto per chiavi software SSA
Aggiunto supporto per ricerche alternative con prefisso %

git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
2012-02-22 17:03:39 +00:00

509 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#include <xvt.h>
#include <currency.h>
#include <diction.h>
#include <prefix.h>
#include <recarray.h>
#include <xvt.h>
#include <statbar.h>
// DowJones
class TDowJones : public TFile_cache
struct TExchangeData : public TObject
real _chg; // Cambio
int _dec; // Decimali per gli importi normali
int _dec_prices; // Decimali per i prezzi unitari
int _dec_change; // Decimali per i cambi
bool _is_euro; // E' l'EURO in persona
const TExchangeData& operator=(const TExchangeData& d)
_chg = d._chg; _dec = d._dec; _dec_prices = d._dec_prices;
_is_euro = d._is_euro;
return d;
: _chg(UNO), _dec(0), _dec_prices(0), _is_euro(false) { }
long _codditta;
TString4 _firm_val, _euro_val;
virtual TObject* rec2obj(const TRectype& rec) const;
void test_cache();
const TExchangeData& get(const char* key);
const TString& get_firm_val();
const TString& get_euro_val();
void force_firm_val(const char* val);
const char* expand_value(const char* val);
const char* normalize_value(const char* val, const real& chg);
real exchange(const real& num,
const char* fromval, const real& fromchg,
const char* toval, const real& tochg,
int price = 0);
real exchange(const real& num, const TExchange& frval, const TExchange& toval, int price = 0);
int get_dec(const char* val, bool prices = FALSE);
const real& get_change(const char* val);
virtual void flush();
TDowJones() : TFile_cache("%VAL"), _codditta(0) { }
virtual ~TDowJones() { }
} DowJones;
TObject* TDowJones::rec2obj(const TRectype& rec) const
TExchangeData* data = new TExchangeData;
const TString4 codval = rec.get("CODTAB");
data->_chg = rec.get_real("S4");
if (data->_chg <= ZERO)
data->_chg = rec.get_real("R10");
if (data->_chg <= ZERO)
#ifdef DBG
if (codval.not_empty() && codval != _firm_val)
TString msg = TR("Codice valuta senza cambio");
msg << ": " << codval;
statbar_set_title(TASK_WIN, msg);
data->_chg = UNO;
if (codval.full())
data->_dec = rec.get_int("I0");
data->_dec_prices = rec.get_int("I1");
if (data->_dec_prices < data->_dec)
data->_dec_prices = data->_dec;
data->_dec_change = rec.get_int("I2");
data->_is_euro = rec.get_bool("B0");
return data;
void TDowJones::flush()
void TDowJones::test_cache()
// Controllo se e' cambiata la ditta
const long newfirm = prefix().get_codditta();
if (newfirm != _codditta)
_codditta = newfirm;
_firm_val = prefix().firm().codice_valuta();
if (_euro_val.empty())
FOR_EACH_ASSOC_OBJECT(_cache, hash, key, obj) if (*key)
const TExchangeData& data = *(const TExchangeData*)obj;
if (data._is_euro && _euro_val.empty())
_euro_val = key;
if (_euro_val.empty()) // Si son dimenticati dell'EURO?
TExchangeData* euro = new TExchangeData;
euro->_chg = UNO; euro->_dec = euro->_dec_prices = 2;
euro->_is_euro = true;
_euro_val = "EUR";
_cache.add(_euro_val, euro);
_firm_val = prefix().firm().codice_valuta();
const char* TDowJones::expand_value(const char* val)
if (val && (*val > ' ' || *val < '\0'))
if (*val == '_')
if (xvt_str_compare_ignoring_case(val, "_FIRM") == 0)
val = get_firm_val(); else
if (xvt_str_compare_ignoring_case(val, "_EURO") == 0)
val = get_euro_val();
// Leave code as is
val = get_firm_val();
return val;
const TDowJones::TExchangeData& TDowJones::get(const char* val)
return (const TExchangeData&)query(expand_value(val));
const TString& TDowJones::get_firm_val()
return _firm_val;
const TString& TDowJones::get_euro_val()
return _euro_val;
void TDowJones::force_firm_val(const char* val)
_firm_val = val;
real TDowJones::exchange(const real& num, // Importo da convertire
const char* frval, // Dalla valuta
const real& frchg, // Dal cambio
const char* toval, // Alla valuta
const real& tochg, // Al cambio
int price) // e' un prezzo ?
real n = num;
if (!n.is_zero())
const TExchangeData& datafr = get(frval);
const TExchangeData& datato = get(toval);
real fr = frchg;
if (fr <= ZERO) fr = datafr._chg;
real to = tochg;
if (to <= ZERO) to = datato._chg;
n = n * to / fr; // Nuovo modo
if (price == 0 || price == 1) // Arrotonda solo in caso normale
n.round(price ? datato._dec_prices : datato._dec);
return n;
real TDowJones::exchange(const real& num, // Importo da convertire
const TExchange& frval, // Dalla valuta
const TExchange& toval, // Alla valuta
int price) // e' un prezzo ?
const real& frch = frval.get_change();
const real& toch = toval.get_change();
return exchange(num, frval.get_value(), frch, toval.get_value(), toch, price);
int TDowJones::get_dec(const char* val, bool price)
const TExchangeData& data = get(val);
return price ? data._dec_prices : data._dec;
const real& TDowJones::get_change(const char* val)
const TExchangeData& data = get(val);
return data._chg;
const char* TDowJones::normalize_value(const char* val, const real& /*exch*/)
return expand_value(val);
// TExchange
void TExchange::copy(const TExchange& exc)
strcpy(_val, exc._val);
_exchange = exc._exchange;
const real& TExchange::get_change() const
if (_exchange.is_zero())
return DowJones.get_change(_val);
return _exchange;
int TExchange::compare(const TSortable& obj) const
const TExchange& exc = (const TExchange&)obj;
int cmp = strcmp(_val, exc._val);
if (cmp == 0)
const real diff = get_change() - exc.get_change();
cmp = diff.sign();
return cmp;
bool TExchange::same_value_as(const TExchange& exc) const
return strcmp(_val, exc._val) == 0;
bool TExchange::is_firm_value() const
return DowJones.get_firm_val() == _val;
bool TExchange::is_euro_value() const
return DowJones.get_euro_val() == _val;
int TExchange::decimals(bool price) const
return DowJones.get_dec(_val, price);
void TExchange::set(const char* val, const real& chg)
val = DowJones.normalize_value(val, chg);
strncpy(_val, val, 4);
_val[3] = '\0';
_exchange = chg;
void TExchange::set(const TRectype& rec)
const TString4 codval = rec.get("CODVAL");
const real chg = rec.get_real("CAMBIO");
set(codval, chg);
TExchange::TExchange(const char* val, const real& chg)
set(val, chg);
TExchange::TExchange(const TRectype& rec)
// TCurrency
const TString& TCurrency::get_firm_val()
return DowJones.get_firm_val();
const TString& TCurrency::get_euro_val()
return DowJones.get_euro_val();
int TCurrency::get_firm_dec(bool price)
return DowJones.get_dec(get_firm_val(), price);
int TCurrency::get_euro_dec(bool price)
return DowJones.get_dec(get_euro_val(), price);
void TCurrency::force_firm_val(const char* val)
void TCurrency::force_cache_update()
void TCurrency::force_value(const char* newval, const real& newchange)
_chg.set(newval, newchange);
void TCurrency::change_value(const TExchange& exc)
if (!_num.is_zero() && _chg != exc)
_num =, _chg, exc, is_price());
_chg = exc;
void TCurrency::change_value(const char* val, const real& newchange)
const TExchange exc(val, newchange);
int TCurrency::decimals() const
return DowJones.get_dec(get_value(), is_price());
int TCurrency::compare(const TSortable& s) const
const TCurrency& cur = (const TCurrency&)s;
if (same_value_as(cur))
return _num == cur._num ? 0 : (_num > cur._num ? +1 : -1);
TCurrency curr(cur);
return _num == curr._num ? 0 : (_num > curr._num ? +1 : -1);
void TCurrency::copy(const TCurrency& cur)
_chg = cur._chg;
_num = cur._num;
_price = cur._price;
const char* TCurrency::string(bool dotted) const
if (dotted)
TString16 picture;
picture.format(".%d", decimals());
return _num.string(picture);
return _num.stringa(0, decimals());
TCurrency& TCurrency::operator+=(const TCurrency& cur)
CHECK(is_price() == cur.is_price(), "Somma di pere e mele!");
if (!cur._num.is_zero())
if (same_value_as(cur))
_num += cur._num;
real n =, cur._chg, _chg, is_price());
_num += n;
return *this;
TCurrency TCurrency::operator+(const TCurrency& num) const
TCurrency cur(*this);
cur += num;
return cur;
TCurrency& TCurrency::operator-=(const TCurrency& cur)
CHECK(is_price() == cur.is_price(), "Sottrazione di pere e mele!");
if (same_value_as(cur))
_num -= cur._num;
real n =, cur._chg, _chg, is_price());
_num -= n;
return *this;
TCurrency TCurrency::operator-(const TCurrency& num) const
TCurrency cur(*this);
cur -= num;
return cur;
TCurrency& TCurrency::operator*=(const real& num)
_num *= num;
return *this;
TCurrency TCurrency::operator*(const real& num) const
TCurrency cur(*this);
cur *= num;
return cur;
TCurrency TCurrency::abs() const
if (_num.sign() < 0)
TCurrency k(-_num, _chg, is_price());
return k;
return *this;
bool TCurrency::is_firm_value() const
return _chg.is_firm_value();
TCurrency::TCurrency(const real& num, const char* val, const real& exchg, bool price)
: _num(num), _price(price)
force_value(val, exchg);
TCurrency::TCurrency(const real& num, const TExchange& exc, bool price)
: _chg(exc), _num(num), _price(price)
bool same_values(const char * valuea, const char * valueb)
if (valuea == NULL || *valuea <= ' ')
valuea = TCurrency::get_firm_val();
if (valueb == NULL || *valueb <= ' ')
valueb = TCurrency::get_firm_val();
return xvt_str_compare_ignoring_case(valuea, valueb) == 0;
real change_currency(const real& num,
const char* fromval, const real& fromchg,
const char* toval, const real& tochg,
int price)
return, fromval, fromchg, toval, tochg, price);