which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
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183 lines
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This is the Windows CE Info-ZIP port README, last updated 5 April 1997.
Contents of the "WinCE" subdirectory for UnZip 5.30 and later:
README This file.
Contents A file containing this Contents list.
punzip.dsp Visual C++ 5.0 project for WinCE (SH3 and MIPS) and WinNT.
punzip.h Main header file for the entire Pocket UnZip project.
winmain.cpp Contains the entire user interface and all Windows code.
winmain.h Header for winmain.cpp.
intrface.cpp The interface between the Windows code and Info-ZIP code.
intrface.h Header for intrface.cpp.
wince.cpp All the Win32 APIs and C runtimes called by Info-ZIP.
wince.h Header for wince.cpp.
punzip.rc Resource file for all dialogs, bitmaps, menus, icons, etc.
resource.h Resource header file for punzip.rc and other source modules.
punzip.rcv Version resource and version defines.
punzip.ic2 Windows CE app icons (16x16 and 32x32, both 2 bits/pixel).
zipfile.ic2 Windows CE zip icons (16x16 and 32x32, both 2 bits/pixel).
imglist.2bp Windows CE image list bitmap (2 bits/pixel).
ilmask.bmp Windows CE image list mask bitmap (1 bit/pixel).
toolbar.2bp Windows CE toolbar bitmap (2 bits/pixel).
punzip.ico Windows NT application icons (16x16 and 32x32, 16 bits/pixel).
zipfile.ico Windows NT zip file icons (16x16 and 32x32, 16 bits/pixel).
imglist.bmp Windows NT image list bitmap (16 bits/pixel including mask).
toolbar.bmp Windows NT toolbar bitmap (16 bits/pixel).
punzip.htp Windows CE help file (rename to punzip.html for WinNT).
inc\ Contains dummy headers that are called by Info-ZIP code.
Copyright and Disclaimer
All the source files for Pocket UnZip, except for components
written by the Info-ZIP group, are copyrighted 1997 by Steve P.
Miller. The product "Pocket UnZip" itself is property of the
author and cannot be altered in any way without written consent
from Steve P. Miller.
All project files are provided "as is" with no guarantee of
their correctness. The authors are not liable for any outcome
that is the result of using this source. The source for Pocket
UnZip has been placed in the public domain to help provide an
understanding of its implementation. You are hereby granted
full permission to use this source in any way you wish, except
to alter Pocket UnZip itself. For comments, suggestions, and
bug reports, please write to stevemil@pobox.com.
About the Windows CE Port (known as "Pocket UnZip")
The Windows CE port, known as Pocket UnZip, is designed to run on Microsoft's
Windows CE operating system. The port is completely contained in the files
listed above. There were very few minor modifications made to the Info-ZIP
code in order for this port to work. This was possible because the Info-ZIP
code is fairly generic and also because several hooks have already been placed
in the code from past Windows ports. The Windows CE port leverages off of
these efforts for two reasons. Mainly, I wanted to avoid modifying the
Info-ZIP core code since people don't like it when your changes break other
ports. Second, this makes the Windows CE port easy to upgrade when fixes and
features are released by the Info-ZIP group.
The port is made up of the project file (punzip.dsp), one global header
(punzip.h), three main source modules (winmain.cpp/h, intrface.cpp/h, and
wince.cpp/h), the resource script files (punzip.rc, punzip.rcv, and resource.h),
several resources (punzip.ic2, zipfile.ic2, imglist.2bp, ilmask.bmp,
toolbar.2bp, punzip.ico, zipfile.ico, imglist.bmp, and toolbar.bmp), and the
help file (punzip.htp).
The application's entry point is WinMain(), which is located in winmain.cpp
(what a surprise). winmain.cpp basically contains all the Windows code and the
user interface. It knows nothing about the Info-ZIP code or things like the
Globals struct. That stuff is the job of the intrface module. intrface.cpp
implements an easy (or at least easier) to understand interface to the Info-ZIP
routines. It also handles all the callbacks from Info-ZIP and relays the
appropriate information back to the code in winmain.cpp. The final module is
wince.cpp. This module implements all the Win32 APIs and C runtime functions
that are called by the rest of the code, but are not natively implemented on
Windows CE. Most all of this module is excluded for NT native builds.
Two preprocessor defines are used in conjunction with several defines from
the Info-ZIP code and from other ports. The two that are specific to the
Windows CE port are:
POCKET_UNZIP Always set for the Windows CE port (CE and NT).
_WIN32_WCE Set for Windows CE native; not set for Windows NT native.
These three defines are the minimum defines that must be addressed by the
project file in order to build this port. This port's main header, punzip.h,
gets included by all the Info-ZIP source files when POCKET_UNZIP is defined.
punzip.h in turn ensures that all the other relevant Info-ZIP defines are set
to correctly build the port. If you wish to alter the Info-ZIP defines used to
build this port, you can do so by altering punzip.h.
There are quite a few _WIN32_WCE checks throughout the source files for this
port. These checks allow the application to build natively for Windows NT for
debugging purposes, and just because it can with little effort due to the
similarities between the Windows CE API and the Windows NT API. Any non-Windows
CE code is assumed to be for Windows NT only. This project currently will not
work on Windows 95 because Windows CE is mostly UNICODE, and this port assumes
that all Win32 calls to the operating system take UNICODE parameters. I could
scatter a few dozen "#ifdef UNICODE" checks around and make it work on Windows
95, but I see no reason to complicate this port's code for that reason since
there is already a Windows 95 port of the Info-ZIP code.
Building the Windows CE Port (known as "Pocket UnZip")
At the time this README was written, Microsoft just released Visual C++ for
Windows CE version 1.0. This development kit uses the the standard Microsoft
Visual C++ version 5.0 development environment and project files (DSP files).
To build Windows CE binaries of Pocket UnZip, you will need version 1.0 or
later of Visual C++ for Windows CE.
This port's project file, punzip.dsp, contains the information for building all
the various binaries. These include Windows NT native, Windows CE native for
Hitachi SH-3 processors, and Windows CE native for MIPS processors. All
projects have Debug and Retail flavors as well. The following table lists the
Windows CE devices and which binary they run:
Manufacturer CPU Binary
--------------------- ------------ ------
Philips Electronics MIPS R3910 MIPS
Casio Computer Co. Hitachi SH-3 SH-3
Compaq Computer Corp. Hitachi SH-3 SH-3
Hewlett-Packard Co. Hitachi SH-3 SH-3
Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi SH-3 SH-3
LG Electronics Inc. Hitachi SH-3 SH-3
Before building Pocket UnZip, you will need to move some files around. If you
have just unzipped the Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.30 sources, you should have a root
directory with the core Info-ZIP files in it and several subdirectories under it
for the various ports, one of which is the WinCE directory. Move punzip.dsp
from the WinCE subdirectory to the Info-ZIP root and open it with Visual C++ for
Windows CE version 1.0 or later. The project file uses all the files in the
WinCE subdirectory as well as the following files in the Info-ZIP root:
api.c crypt.h globals.c process.c unzip.h
consts.h ebcdic.h globals.h ttyio.c unzpriv.h
crc32.c explode.c inflate.c ttyio.h version.h
crctab.c extract.c inflate.h unreduce.c zip.h
crypt.c fileio.c list.c unshrink.c
Contacting the Authors
The Info-ZIP group is made up of dozens of people, past and present, who
have devoted countless hours to providing the public with free and portable
compression software. The author of the Windows CE port, Pocket UnZip, is
Steve P. Miller.
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports concerning Pocket
UnZip itself, you can write Steve Miller at:
If you find a bug that appears to be more Info-ZIP related (i.e. the actual
decompression part of Pocket UnZip), you can send mail to:
For all other general discussion type questions or comments, you can send mail
to (as well as join) the following mailing list:
See the main UnZip README file for info on how to join the latter list.