425 lines
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Executable File

* Header file for ArchiveLib 1.0
* Copyright (c) 1994 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* This file contains the class declaration for the very important
* base class ALStorage.
* ALStorage
* ALStorage::ReadChar()
* ALStorage::WriteChar()
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
#ifndef _STORAGE_H
#define _STORAGE_H
#if defined( __cplusplus )
#include <stddef.h> /* need for size_t */
#include "timedate.h"
#include "fileattr.h"
* class ALStorage
* ALStorage is a base class that defines the different types
* of storage objects used by Archive Library. The two most
* commonly used storage object types are file objects and memory
* objects, defined by the derived classes ALFile and
* ALMemory.
* ALStorage objects are used to store and retrieve objects from archives.
* They are also used to store and retrieve the archives themselves,
* allowing archives to be stored in files or directly in memory.
* The ALStorage adds buffering to the storage object, allowing for
* fast access to data presently cached in memory. This is very similar to
* the buffering provided for FILE types in stdio.h. Note that this
* buffering is generally only efficient/useful if lots of sequential
* reads or writes are being done, as opposed to random accessess.
* ALStorage objects give up a lot of flexibility in order to provide
* quick and efficient access to data. The primary way this affects
* use of the class is that the I/O buffer can only be used for reading
* or writing, but not both simultaneously. The class doesn't check
* for this at run time, so programmers need to enforce it themselves.
* When a read is initiated for the first time, the buffer is loaded up,
* and subsequent reads are performed out of the I/O buffer. To switch
* to writing mode, a call to FlushBuffer needs to be performed, which
* will reset the input and output indices. Likewise, when, done writing,
* a call to FlushBuffer() can be performed to clear the indices. A
* read can be done subsequently.
* mpcBuffer : This is the I/O buffer. I read big blocks of
* data into this buffer, then I can perform
* character reads from an inline functin that
* doesn't have to access any virtual fns. Speeds
* things up tremendously. Likewise, I write
* to this buffer using inline functions until it
* it is full. Only then do I call a virtual
* to flush it to disk, memory, or whatever.
* muBufferValidData : This keeps track of the end of valid data,
* both when reading and writing. When re
* read in a block of data, this index is set
* to the end of the data. When writing, this
* index is continually updated to reflect the
* end of the user written data.
* muWriteIndex : The index in the I/O buffer where the next byte
* is going to be written.
* muReadIndex : The index in the I/O buffer where the next read
* will come from.
* mlFilePointer : The current location of the read/write pointer
* in the underlying object, e.g. a file. This
* is the location where the data will be written
* out of the I/O buffer when a FlushBuffer() call
* is made. Or, if reading, it is where the next
* LoadBuffer() will read data from.
* mlSize : The size of the file/object. This will ordinarily
* be set to -1 when we create an object, because
* we don't know the size yet. When you call Open()
* for an existing object, the value will usually
* be loaded using some sort of system call. We
* also can figure out what the size is when we do
* a ReadDirectory call on an archive.
* mlCrc32 : The CRC-32 for the object. This value normally
* won't be known until an object has been placed
* in an archive, or when the information has
* been read out using in ReadDirectory().
* miUpdateCrcFlag : This flag is set to indicate that we are in the
* process of calculating the CRC while the file
* is being compressed.
* miCreated : This flag will be set if the file was opened
* using Create(), clear if it was opened using
* Open(). When miCreated is set, we will try
* to set the file time, date and attributes when
* we close the file. This is so we can set these
* attributes when we are recreating a file that
* was stored in an archive.
* miStorageObjectType : An integer that is assigned when the object was
* constructed. Usually one of the enumerated
* constants found in ALDEFS.H. This is the number
* that gets stored in the Archive directory with
* the object, so we can figure out what type of
* object to create when extracting.
* muBufferSize : The size of the I/O buffer.
* mpMonitor : A pointer to the monitor attached to this object.
* During the archiving process, this pointer gets
* set by the archive routine for each storage object
* as it is being processes. A value of 0 just
* means no monitor is watching this object at the
* moment.
* mTimeDate : The time and date stamp for the file, this usually
* gets set when the object is opened using Open(),
* it is also set when we read in a storage object's
* information using ReadDirectory().
* mAttributes : The attributes associated with the file. R/H/S/A.
* mName : The name of the storage object.
* mStatus : The current status of the object.
* ALStorage() : The constructor, creates the object, but doesn't
* necessarily create the file/whatever.
* operator=() : Assignment operator.
* operator new() : The memory allocation operator. This is only
* used if the library is in a DLL.
* ~ALStorage() : Virtual destructor.
* UpdateCrc() : Protected function used internally when the
* crc is being calculated
* ReadString() : Read a string in ArchiveLib's proprietary format.
* WriteStorageObjectData() : Protected function to write custom data needed
* for a particular derived classe.
* ReadStorageObjectData() : Protected function read that data back in.
* ReadChar() : Superfast inline function to read a bytee
* WriteChar() : Fast inline function to write a byte.
* ReadBuffer() : Function to read blocks of data.
* WriteBuffer() : Function to write blocks of data.
* Open() : Open() used to prepare an existing object for I/O.
* Create() : Create a new underlying object for I/O.
* Close() : Called when I/O is complete.
* LoadBuffer() : Called to reload the I/O buffer, used internally
* when ReadChar() runs out of stuff to read.
* FlushBuffer() : Called to flush the I/O buffer to the underlying
* object. Called when WriteChar() has gone too far.
* Seek() : Called to reposition the I/O pointer of the
* underlying object.
* YieldTime() : Called whenever a FlushBuffer() or LoadBuffer()
* takes place. Used to update the Monitor attached
* to the file, and to yield time to the O/S.
* Compare() : Compare two storage objects.
* InitCrc32() : Called to start calculating the CRC for an object.
* WritePortableShort() : Write 16 bit integer in little endian format.
* WritePortableLong() : Write 32 bit integer in little endian format.
* ReadPortableShort() : Read 16 bit integer in little endian format.
* ReadPortableLong() : Read 32 bit integer in little endian format.
* WriteString() : Write string in ArchiveLib format.
* Rename() : Rename the underlying object.
* UnRename() : Undo a rename operation.
* RenameToBackup() : Rename to a special backup name.
* Delete() : Delete an underlying storage object.
* GetCrc32() : Return value of the CRC member.
* GetSize() : Reeturn value of the size member.
* IsOpen() : Indicate if the file is open.
* Tell() : Indicate where the next read or write will
* take place.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
* Forward declaration
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALMonitor;
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALStorage {
public :
* Classes I trust
friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALArchiveBase;
friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALCompressedObject;
* Constructors, destructors, assignment operator
protected :
AL_PROTO ALStorage( const char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name,
size_t buffer_size,
const ALStorageType storage_type,
ALCase name_case = AL_MIXED );
ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR & AL_PROTO operator=( const ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR & );
#if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size );
public :
virtual AL_PROTO ~ALStorage();
* I don't want to allow the copy constructor to exist.
protected :
AL_PROTO ALStorage( const ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR & );
* Member functions, grouped somewhat
* Private member manipulation
protected :
void AL_PROTO UpdateCrc( size_t count );
* This is private, because it allocates memory in the DLL, so it
* must be deleted in the DLL as well.
private :
char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO ReadString();
virtual int AL_PROTO
WriteStorageObjectData( ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR * archive );
virtual int AL_PROTO
ReadStorageObjectData( ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR * archive );
* The file I/O access public interface
public :
int AL_PROTO ReadChar();
int AL_PROTO WriteChar( int c );
size_t AL_PROTO ReadBuffer( unsigned char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer,
size_t length );
/* Please keep this arg const, breaks WriteString o/w */
size_t AL_PROTO WriteBuffer( const unsigned char AL_DLL_FAR *buffer,
size_t length );
virtual int AL_PROTO Open();
virtual int AL_PROTO Create();
virtual int AL_PROTO Close();
virtual int AL_PROTO LoadBuffer( long address ) = 0;
virtual int AL_PROTO FlushBuffer() = 0;
virtual int AL_PROTO Seek( long address ) = 0;
virtual void AL_PROTO YieldTime();
int AL_PROTO Compare( ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR &test_object );
void AL_PROTO InitCrc32( unsigned long seed = 0xffffffffl );
int AL_PROTO WritePortableShort( short int short_data );
int AL_PROTO WritePortableLong( long long_data );
int AL_PROTO ReadPortableShort( short int AL_DLL_FAR &short_data );
int AL_PROTO ReadPortableLong( long AL_DLL_FAR &long_data );
int AL_PROTO WriteString( const char AL_DLL_FAR *string_data );
* File manipulation public interface
public :
virtual int AL_PROTO Rename( const char AL_DLL_FAR *new_name = 0,
int delete_on_clash = 1 ) = 0;
virtual int AL_PROTO UnRename( int delete_on_clash = 1 ) = 0;
virtual int AL_PROTO RenameToBackup( int delete_on_clash = 1 ) = 0;
virtual int AL_PROTO Delete() = 0;
* Access functions
public :
long AL_PROTO GetCrc32();
long AL_PROTO GetSize() const { return mlSize; }
int AL_PROTO IsOpen(){ return mpcBuffer != 0; }
long AL_PROTO Tell();
* Data members
protected :
unsigned char AL_DLL_FAR *mpcBuffer;
size_t muBufferValidData;
size_t muWriteIndex;
size_t muReadIndex;
long mlFilePointer;
long mlSize;
long mlCrc32;
short int miUpdateCrcFlag;
short int miCreated;
* Public members
public :
const ALStorageType miStorageObjectType;
const size_t muBufferSize;
ALMonitor AL_DLL_FAR *mpMonitor;
ALTimeDate mTimeDate;
ALFileAttributes mAttributes;
ALName mName;
ALStatus mStatus;
AL_CLASS_TAG( _ALStorageTag );
* It is really important to keep these guys inline.
* inline int ALStorage::ReadChar()
* None.
* Either the next character available from the I/O buffer, or
* This is an inline function that is able to quickly do buffered I/O.
* By utilizing an I/O buffer we can make this routine very fast, since
* it doesn't have to call a virtual function. The virtual function
* only has to be called when LoadBuffer() gets called.
* Different compilers have different abilities to make this code inline,
* so sometimes it needs to be tinkered with. If you see anything in here
* that looks funny, that probably explains why.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
inline int AL_PROTO ALStorage::ReadChar()
int result;
AL_ASSERT( muWriteIndex == 0, "ReadChar(): Attempt to read while in write mode" ); /*Can't read if I've done a write!*/
result = muBufferValidData - muReadIndex;
if ( result <= 0 )
result = LoadBuffer( mlFilePointer );
AL_ASSERT( mpcBuffer != 0, "ReadChar(): Attempt to read from closed file" ); /*Potential disaster*/
if ( result < 0 )
return result;
return mpcBuffer[ muReadIndex++ ] & 0xff;
* inline int ALStorage::WriteChar( int c )
* c : The character that is going to be written.
* Either the character that we just wrote out, or an error < AL_SUCCESS.
* This is an inline function that is able to quickly do buffered I/O.
* By utilizing an I/O buffer we can make this routine very fast, since
* it doesn't have to call a virtual function. The virtual function
* only has to be called when FlushBuffer() gets called.
* Different compilers have different abilities to make this code inline,
* so sometimes it needs to be tinkered with. If you see anything in here
* that looks funny, that probably explains why.
* May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release
inline int AL_PROTO ALStorage::WriteChar( int c )
int result;
/* assert( muReadIndex == 0 ); */ /* Can't write if I've done a read */
AL_ASSERT( mpcBuffer != 0, "WriteChar(): Attempt to write to closed file" ); /* Disaster! */
result = muBufferSize - muWriteIndex;
if ( result <= 0 )
result = FlushBuffer();
if ( result < 0 )
return mStatus;
return mpcBuffer[ muWriteIndex++ ] = (char) c;
#endif /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) */
#endif /* #ifndef _STORAGE_H */