Files correlati : Ricompilazione Demo : [ ] Commento : Aggiunte utili per gestione dizionario assoc.cpp Aggiunta possibilita' di selezionare un elemento causale di un assoc controls.cpp Corretta gestione scrollbar dei listbox diction.cpp Migliorata selezione caratteri da trimmare dalle traduzioni isam.cpp Corretto azzeramento dei memo (non azzerava il TString_array corrispondente) msksheet.cpp Resa personalizzabile la larghezza della colonna col numero di riga netsock.cpp Migliorata gestione "a capo" in protocollo soap progind.cpp Corretto posizionamento progind sovrapposte relapp.cpp Cambiato un messaggio di richiesta annullamento git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
356 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable File
356 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable File
#ifndef __CONTROLS_H
#define __CONTROLS_H
#ifndef __STRINGS_H
#include <strings.h>
class TWindow; // __WINDOW_H
class TMask_field; // __MASKFLD_H
#ifndef XVT_INCL_XVT
#include <xvt.h>
#ifndef INCL_XI
struct XI_OBJ;
struct XI_EVENT;
void init_controls();
void free_controls();
XVT_FNTID xvt_default_font(bool bold = FALSE);
XVT_FNTID xvt_load_default_font();
WINDOW create_interface(WINDOW parent, short x, short y, short dx, short dy,
const char* caption, TWindow* mask, bool tags);
void attach_interface(WINDOW win, COLOR back);
short low_get_focus_id(WINDOW win);
void low_set_focus_id(WINDOW win, short cid);
// Custom control
// @doc INTERNAL
// @class TControl | Classe per la creazione di controlli
class TControl : public TObject
// @author:(INTERNAL) Guido
// @access:(INTERNAL) Private Member
// @access Protected Member
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Puntatore al controllo creato
XI_OBJ* _obj;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Puntatore al TMask_field eventualmente associato
TMask_field* _fld;
// @cmember Ricava l'interfaccia da una finestra
XI_OBJ* get_interface(WINDOW win = 0L) const;
// @cmember Cerca un controllo operabile (in avanti o all'indietro)
XI_OBJ* find_operable(XI_OBJ* container, bool forward, bool normal) const;
// @cmember Setta l'identificatore del prossimo controllo per il tasto TAB
void set_tab_cid(XI_OBJ* obj, short id) const;
void coord2rct(WINDOW win, short left, short top, short width, short height, RCT& rct) const;
unsigned long flags2attr(const char* flags) const;
void update_tab_cid();
const char* parse_caption(const char* cap, bool& bold, COLOR& color) const;
void change_attrib(unsigned long attr, bool on, XI_OBJ* obj = NULL);
// @access Public Member
virtual ~TControl();
static KEY xiev_to_key(const XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* ep);
bool notify_key(KEY k);
bool is_edit_key(KEY k) const;
// @cmember Ritorna l'identificatore assegnato al controllo
short id() const;
WINDOW parent() const;
int type() const;
// @cmember Ritorna il prompt del controllo
virtual const char* caption() const;
// @cmember Setta il prompt del controllo
virtual void set_caption(const char* c);
// @cmember Abilita/disabilita il controllo
virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE);
void disable() { enable(FALSE); }
// @cmember Mostra/nasconde il controllo
virtual void show(bool on = TRUE);
void hide() { show(FALSE); }
virtual void set_rjust(bool on = TRUE);
void set_ljust() { set_rjust(FALSE); }
void autoselect(bool on);
// @cmember Forza il focus al controllo
virtual void set_focus() const;
RCT& get_rect(RCT& r) const;
virtual void set_rect(const RCT& r);
bool on_key(KEY k);
class TText_control : public TControl
public: // TControl
virtual void set_caption(const char* text);
TText_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TText_control() {}
class TGroupbox_control : public TText_control
XI_OBJ* _rct; // Rettangolo del gruppo
public: // TControl
virtual void show(bool on);
TGroupbox_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TGroupbox_control() {}
class TField_control : public TControl
bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
void create(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top,
short width, short height, short maxlen,
const char* flags, const char* text, bool button);
TField_control() {}
// @cmember Mostra o nasconde il bottone associato
void show_button(bool on);
// @cmember Forza il focus al controllo
virtual void set_focus() const;
bool read_only() const;
void set_read_only(bool on = TRUE);
void set_back_color(COLOR col);
// @cmember Costruttore
TField_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top,
short width, short maxlen,
const char* flags, const char* text);
// @cmember Distruttore
virtual ~TField_control() {}
class TMultiline_control : public TField_control
TMultiline_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top,
short width, short height, short maxlen,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TMultiline_control() {}
class TButton_control : public TControl
void create(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text,
WIN_TYPE wc, XI_OBJ* container);
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* ep);
bool checked() const;
void check(bool on = TRUE);
void uncheck() { check(FALSE); }
bool toggle();
int button_type() const;
XI_OBJ* container() const;
TButton_control() {}
virtual ~TButton_control() {}
class TPushbutton_control : public TButton_control
short _bmp_up, _bmp_dn;
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual void update();
// @cmember Setta il prompt del bottone
virtual void set_caption(const char* c);
void set_bmp(short up, short dn);
void set_central_icon(unsigned int hicon);
char mnemonic() const;
TPushbutton_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text,
short bmp_up = 0, short _bmp_dn = 0);
virtual ~TPushbutton_control();
class TRadiobutton_control : public TButton_control
protected: // TControl
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual void set_focus() const;
TRadiobutton_control() { } // To be derived
// @cmember Abilita/disabilita il controllo
virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE);
// @cmember Mostra/nasconde il controllo
virtual void show(bool on = TRUE);
byte get_checked() const;
void check_button(byte b);
void show_button(byte b, bool on = TRUE);
void hide_button(byte b) { show_button(b, FALSE); }
TRadiobutton_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TRadiobutton_control() {}
class TTagbutton_control : public TRadiobutton_control
protected: // TControl
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
virtual void set_caption(const char* text);
TTagbutton_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width, short height,
const char* flags, const char* text, int tag);
virtual ~TTagbutton_control() {}
class TCheckbox_control : public TButton_control
TCheckbox_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width,
const char* flags, const char* text);
virtual ~TCheckbox_control() {}
// TDropDownList
class TDropDownList : public TObject
XI_OBJ* _obj; // Owner cell or field
XI_OBJ* _xi_lst;
TToken_string _codes;
TToken_string _values;
int _selected;
bool _open;
static void ddl_str_eh (XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
void update_selection(XI_EVENT* xiev) const;
int calc_min_width();
void create();
void destroy();
const int selected() const { return _selected; }
void open();
void close();
bool is_open() const { return _open; }
const char* item(long i) { const char* s = _values.get(int(i)); return s ? s : ""; }
int items() const { return _values.items(); }
long row2rec(int) const;
int rec2row(long rec) const;
void set_values(const char* c, const char* v);
bool select(int i, bool force = FALSE);
bool select_by_initial(char c);
bool select_by_ofs(int n);
void on_mouse_down(const PNT& pt);
TDropDownList(XI_OBJ* o, const char* codes, const char* values);
virtual ~TDropDownList();
class TListbox_control : public TField_control
TDropDownList* _ddl;
void drop_down();
protected: // TTField_control
virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev);
void set_values(const char* c, const char* v);
int items() const;
bool select(int i);
bool select_by_initial(char c);
bool select_by_ofs(int i);
int selected() const;
TListbox_control(WINDOW win, short cid,
short left, short top, short width,
const char* flags, const char* text,
const char* codes, const char* values);
virtual ~TListbox_control();