787 lines
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Executable File

// Source file for ArchiveLib 1.0
// Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994
// All Rights Reserved
// newALEntryList()
// ALEntryListGetFirstEntry()
// ALEntryListUnmarkDuplicates()
// ALEntryListSetMarksFromDialog()
// ALEntryListSetMarksFromWindow()
// ALEntryListFillListBoxWindow()
// ALEntryListFillListBoxDialog()
// deleteALEntryList()
// ALEntryListSetMarks()
// ALEntryListClearMarks()
// ALEntryListDeleteUnmarked()
// ALEntryListToggleMarks()
// ALEntryListGetStatusCode()
// ALEntryListGetStatusString()
// ALEntryListGetStatusDetail()
// ALEntryListGetStatusStringVB()
// ALEntryListGetStatusDetailVB()
// This file contains the translation layer for C and VB to the
// ALEntryList class. The translation routines are all real short
// functions that mostly cast things. If you want to see what is
// going on in ALEntryList, take a look at ARCENTRY.CPP for the
// details.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#include "arclib.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "al.h"
#include "alcxl.h"
// extern "C" hALEntryList newALEntryList( hALMonitor monitor )
// monitor : A handle for (pointer to) an ALMonitor object.
// The monitor will stay attached to the list, and will
// be used to provide feedback during all archiving operations.
// A handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object. It is possible to get
// back a 0 if the constructor fails for lack of memory. Not likely
// though.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// constructor ALEntryList::ALEntryList(). Like most of the translation
// functions, you don't get to see much here. For detailed information
// on what happens in the constructor, check ARCENTRY.CPP.
// This routine first performs type checking on all the passed object
// handles (in debug mode), then calls the constructor. The returned
// object pointer is then cast to a C/VB compatible type and returned
// to the calling routine.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" hALEntryList AL_FUNCTION newALEntryList( hALMonitor monitor )
if ( monitor != 0 )
AL_ASSERT( ((ALMonitor *) monitor)->GoodTag(),
"monitor argument is not a valid ALMonitor" );
ALEntryList *list = new ALEntryList( (ALMonitor *) monitor );
return (hALEntryList) list;
// extern "C" hALEntry ALEntryListGetFirstEntry( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// A handle for (pointer to) an ALEntry object. If there are no
// entries in the list you will get back a 0.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::GetFirstEntry(). This routine is
// the first one called when iterating through an entire list.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. The returned
// object pointer is then cast to a C/VB compatible type and returned
// to the calling routine.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" hALEntry AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListGetFirstEntry( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListGetFirstEntry" );
return (hALEntry) ( ((ALEntryList *) this_object )->GetFirstEntry() );
// extern "C" void ALEntryListUnmarkDuplicates( hALEntryList this_object,
// hALEntryList list,
// char *error_message )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// list : Handle for (pointer to) another ALEntryList object.
// (can be the same one, no problem).
// error_message : A character string giving an error message that
// will be attached to each entry that turns out
// to be a duplicate and gets unmarked.
// Nothing.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::UnmarkDuplicates(). This routine is
// used to remove the marks from any ALEntry objects in the list that
// are duplicated in another list.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handles (in debug mode), then calls the member function.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" void AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListUnmarkDuplicates( hALEntryList this_object,
hALEntryList list,
char *error_message )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListUnmarkDuplicates" );
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( list, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListUnmarkDuplicates" );
( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->UnmarkDuplicates( * (ALEntryList *) list, error_message );
// extern "C" int ALEntryListSetMarksFromDialog( hALEntryList this_object,
// HWND hDlg,
// int id )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// HDlg : Windows handle for a dialog box containing a list box
// control.
// id : The id of the list box in the dialog. The routine
// will set marks in the ALEntryList based on the
// names are set in the list box.
// The number of entries marked in the list box.
// This is C translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::SetMarksFromListBox(). This function is
// used to set marks in an ALEntryList based on selections made
// in a list box.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// Note that since this routine looks to a dialog for its input,
// it isn't useful to VB.
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListSetMarksFromDialog( hALEntryList this_object, HWND hDlg, int id )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListSetMarksFromDialog" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object)->SetMarksFromListBox( hDlg, id );
// extern "C" int ALEntryListSetMarksFromWindow( hALEntryList this_object,
// HWND hWnd )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// hWnd : Windows handle for a list box that contains names
// that are marked.
// The number of entries marked in the list box.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::SetMarksFromListBox(). This function is
// called to transfer the marks a user makes in a list box into
// the ALEntryList.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListSetMarksFromWindow( hALEntryList this_object, HWND hWnd )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListSetMarksFromWindow" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->SetMarksFromListBox( hWnd );
// extern "C" int ALEntryListFillListBoxWindow( hALEntryList this_object,
// HWND hWnd )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// hWnd : Windows handle for a list box that is going to get
// filled up.
// The number of entries placed in the list box.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::SetMarksFromListBox(). This function
// is used to transfer the selections a user made in a list box into
// marks in the list.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListFillListBoxWindow( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hWnd )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListFillListBoxWindow" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->FillListBox( hWnd );
// extern "C" int ALEntryListFillListBoxDialog( hALEntryList this_object,
// HWND hDlg,
// int list_box_id )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// HDlg : Windows handle for a dialog box containing a list box
// control.
// id : The id of the list box in the dialog. The routine
// will fill up this list box with the names of all
// the marked files in this_object.
// The number of entries added to the list box.
// This is C translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::FillListBox(). This routine is called
// to fill a list box with the names of storage objects in the list.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// Note that since this routine wants to use a list box that is
// embedded in a dialog box, it isn't much use to VB.
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListFillListBoxDialog( hALEntryList this_object,
HWND hDlg,
int list_box_id )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListFillListBoxDialog" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->FillListBox( hDlg, list_box_id );
// extern "C" void deleteALEntryList( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : A handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// None, a destructor.
// This is the C/VB translation routine for the ALEntryList destructor.
// You don't see much exciting code in this routine, so if you want to
// see exactly what is going on in the destructor, take a look at
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" void AL_FUNCTION deleteALEntryList( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "deleteALEntryList" );
delete (ALEntryList *) this_object;
// extern "C" int ALEntryListSetMarks( hALEntryList this_object,
// char *pattern )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// pattern : A regular expression (wildcard) that will be used as
// a pattern to set marks in the list.
// The number of entries marked in the list.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::SetMarks(). This function is used
// to set marks for ALEntry objects in the list that match the wild
// card pattern.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListSetMarks( hALEntryList this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *pattern )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListSetMarks" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->SetMarks( pattern );
// extern "C" int ALEntryListClearMarks( hALEntryList this_object,
// char *pattern )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// pattern : A regular expression (wildcard) that will be used as
// a pattern to clear marks in the list.
// The number of entries cleared in the list.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::ClearMarks(). It is used to clear
// the marks of entries in the list that match the wildcard pattern.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListClearMarks( hALEntryList this_object,
char AL_DLL_FAR *pattern )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListClearMarks" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->ClearMarks( pattern );
// extern "C" int ALEntryListDeleteUnmarked( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The number of entries deleted from the list.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::DeleteUnmarked(). This function is used
// to delete ALEntry objects from the list.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListDeleteUnmarked( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListDeleteUnmarked" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->DeleteUnmarked();
// extern "C" int ALEntryListToggleMarks( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The number of entries whose marks were toggled.
// This is C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALEntryList::ToggleMarks(). This function is used
// toggle the marks of *every* entry in the list.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION ALEntryListToggleMarks( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListToggleMarks" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->ToggleMarks();
// extern "C" int ALEntryListGetStatusCode( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The current status integer for the ALEntryList object.
// This is a C/VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALStatus::GetStatusCode(), for the mStatus data
// member for the ALEntryList object.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// returns the status integer unchanged to the calling procedure.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" int AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListGetStatusCode( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListGetStatusCode" );
return ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->mStatus.GetStatusCode();
// extern "C" char * ALEntryListGetStatusString( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The current status string translation for the ALEntryList object.
// Note that this return type is just not very good for VB people.
// They should use the VB specific function to get a real VB string
// back.
// This is C translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALStatus::GetStatusString(), for the mStatus data
// member for the ALEntryList object. This is the short string
// translation, not the status detail.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// then casts and returns the status string.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListGetStatusString( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListGetStatusString" );
const char *status = ( (ALEntryList *) this_object)->mStatus.GetStatusString();
if ( status == 0 )
status = "";
return (char AL_DLL_FAR *) status;
// extern "C" char * ALEntryListGetStatusDetail( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The current status string detail for the ALEntryList object.
// Note that this return type is just not very good for VB people.
// They should use the VB specific function to get a real VB string
// back.
// This is C translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALStatus::GetStatusDetail(), for the mStatus data
// member for the ALEntryList object. This is the detailed message,
// not to be confused with the short translation.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// then casts and returns the status string.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
extern "C" char AL_DLL_FAR * AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListGetStatusDetail( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListGetStatusString" );
const char *status = ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->mStatus.GetStatusDetail();
if ( status == 0 )
status = "";
return (char AL_DLL_FAR *) status;
// extern "C" long ALEntryListGetStatusStringVB( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The current status string translation for the ALEntryList object.
// Note that this function performs a translation of the string type to
// a VB string. It won't do you much good to call this from a C program.
// This is VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALStatus::GetStatusString(), for the mStatus data
// member for the ALEntryList object. This is the short string
// translation, not the status detail.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// then converts and returns the status string.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
extern "C" long AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListGetStatusStringVB( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryLisGetStatusStringVB" );
const char _far *status = ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->mStatus.GetStatusString();
if ( status == 0 )
status = "";
return ALCreateVBString( status, (unsigned short int) _fstrlen( status ) );
// extern "C" long ALEntryListGetStatusDetailVB( hALEntryList this_object )
// this_object : Handle for (pointer to) an ALEntryList object.
// The current status detail string for the ALEntryList object.
// Note that this function performs a translation of the string type to
// a VB string. It won't do you much good to call this from a C program.
// This is VB translation function that provides access to the C++
// member function ALStatus::GetStatusDetail(), for the mStatus data
// member for the ALEntryList object. This is the detailed status
// string, not the short status translation.
// Like most of the translation functions, you don't get to see much here.
// For detailed information on what happens in the member function, check
// This routine first performs type checking on the passed object
// handle (in debug mode), then calls the member function. It
// then converts and returns the status string.
// May 24, 1994 1.0A : First release
#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) && defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI ) && !defined( AL_FLAT_MODEL )
extern "C" long AL_FUNCTION
ALEntryListGetStatusDetailVB( hALEntryList this_object )
AL_ASSERT_OBJECT( this_object, ALEntryList, "ALEntryListGetStatusDetailVB" );
const char _far *status = ( (ALEntryList *) this_object )->mStatus.GetStatusDetail();
if ( status == 0 )
status = "";
return ALCreateVBString( status, (unsigned short int) _fstrlen( status ) );