Files correlati : Commento : - Creazione nuova cartella per contenere tutte le librerie esterne - Aggiunta nuova libreria sqlapi per interfacciare campo a vari DB git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
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1578 lines
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#if !defined(__SQLAPI_H__)
#define __SQLAPI_H__
#define SQLAPI_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define SQLAPI_API
#define SQLAPI_THROW(x) throw(x)
#define SQLAPI_THROW(x)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WINDOWS_)
#include <windows.h>
#if !defined(SQLAPI_WINDOWS) || defined (CYGWIN)
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef UNDER_CE
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
// 64-bit integer
typedef __int64 sa_int64_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 sa_uint64_t;
// SQLAPI callback naming
#define SQLAPI_CALLBACK __cdecl
// 64-bit integer
typedef long long int sa_int64_t;
typedef unsigned long long int sa_uint64_t;
// SQLAPI callback naming
#endif // ! SQLAPI_WINDOWS
#ifdef SA_USE_STL
#include <string>
#ifndef SIZE_MAX
class ISAClient;
class ISAConnection;
class ISACursor;
class SAMutex;
class SAConnection;
class SACommand;
struct sa_Commands;
class saOptions;
class SAParam;
class SAField;
class SAException;
class saPlaceHolder;
class SABytes;
class SALongBinary;
class SALongChar;
class SABLob;
class SACLob;
class SAValueRead;
//! \addtogroup enums SQLAPI++ defined enums
//! \{
enum eSAClient
//! DBMS client is not specified
//! ODBC
//! Oracle
//! Microsoft SQL Server
//! InterBase or Firebird
//! SQLBase
//! IBM DB2
//! Informix
//! Sybase ASE
//! MySQL
//! PostgreSQL
//! SQLite
//! SQL Anywere
_SA_Client_Reserverd = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SAClient_t;
enum eSAErrorClass
//! no error occurred
//! user-generated error
//! the Library-generated error
//! DBMS API error occured
_SA_ErrorClass_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SAErrorClass_t;
enum eSAIsolationLevel
//! the default(unknown) isolation level
SA_LevelUnknown = -1,
//! standard ANSI isolation level 0
//! standard ANSI isolation level 1
//! standard ANSI isolation level 2
//! standard ANSI isolation level 3
//! isolation level 'Read Uncommitted'
SA_ReadUncommitted = SA_ANSILevel0,
//! isolation level 'Read Committed'
SA_ReadCommitted = SA_ANSILevel1,
//! isolation level 'Repeatable Read'
SA_RepeatableRead = SA_ANSILevel2,
//! isolation level 'Serializable'
SA_Serializable = SA_ANSILevel3,
_SA_IsolationLevel_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SAIsolationLevel_t;
enum eSAAutoCommit
//! the default(unknown) auto-commit mode
SA_AutoCommitUnknown = -1,
//! auto-commit mode is off
//! auto-commit mode is on
_SA_AutoCommit_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SAAutoCommit_t;
enum eSADataType
_SA_DataType_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SADataType_t;
enum eSACommandType
//! command type is not defined
//! command is an SQL statement (with or without parameters)
//! command is a raw SQL statement and not interpreted by SQLAPI++
//! command is a stored procedure or a function
_SA_Cmd_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SACommandType_t;
enum eSAParamDirType
_SA_ParamDirType_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SAParamDirType_t;
enum eSALongOrLobReaderModes
_SA_LongOrLobReaderModes_Reserved = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SALongOrLobReaderModes_t;
enum eSAPieceType
SA_FirstPiece = 1,
SA_NextPiece = 2,
SA_LastPiece = 3,
SA_OnePiece = 4,
_SA_Reserved_PieceType = (int)(((unsigned int)(-1))/2)
} SAPieceType_t;
enum eSAConnectionHandlerType
//! The handles is called after DBMS connection structures is allocated
//! The handles is called after DBMS connection is esteblished
} SAConnectionHandlerType_t;
//! \}
//! \addtogroup typedefs SQLAPI++ defined types
//! \{
//! Callback for exception pre-handling
typedef bool (SQLAPI_CALLBACK *PreHandleException_t)(SAException &x, void* pAddlData);
//! Long or LOB writer callback, use for parameter binding
typedef size_t (SQLAPI_CALLBACK *saLongOrLobWriter_t)(SAPieceType_t &ePieceType, void *pBuf, size_t nLen, void *pAddlData);
//! Long or LOB reader callback, use for field fetching
typedef void (SQLAPI_CALLBACK *saLongOrLobReader_t)(SAPieceType_t ePieceType, void *pBuf, size_t nLen, size_t nBlobSize, void *pAddlData);
//! DBMS connection handling callback
typedef void (SQLAPI_CALLBACK *saConnectionHandler_t)(SAConnection &con, SAConnectionHandlerType_t eHandlerType);
//! \}
typedef void (SQLAPI_CALLBACK *EnumCursors_t)(ISACursor *, void *);
virtual ~saAPI();
class SQLAPI_API saConnectionHandles
virtual ~saConnectionHandles();
class SQLAPI_API saCommandHandles
virtual ~saCommandHandles();
#if defined(SA_UNICODE)
#define _TSA(x) L ## x
typedef wchar_t SAChar;
typedef char SAChar;
#define _TSA(x) x
struct SAStringData;
//! Provides support for manipulating character values
class SQLAPI_API SAString
// Constructors
//! Constructs an empty SAString
//! Copy constructor
SAString(const SAString &stringSrc);
//! Initializes SAString from a single character
SAString(SAChar ch, size_t nRepeat = 1);
//! Initializes SAString from an ANSI (multibyte) string (converts to SAChar)
SAString(const char *lpsz);
//! Initializes SAString from a UNICODE string (converts to SAChar)
SAString(const wchar_t *lpsz);
//! Initializes SAString from subset of characters from an ANSI (multibyte) string (converts to SAChar)
SAString(const char *lpch, size_t nLength);
//! Initializes SAString from subset of characters from a UNICODE string (converts to SAChar)
SAString(const wchar_t *lpch, size_t nLength);
//! Initializes SAString from unsigned characters (converts to SAChar)
SAString(const unsigned char *psz);
//! Special constructor for binary data (no converion to SAChar)
SAString(const void *pBuffer, size_t nLengthInBytes);
// Attributes & Operations
//! Get the data length (in characters).
size_t GetLength() const;
//! True if zero length
bool IsEmpty() const;
//! Clear contents to empty
void Empty();
//! Return pointer to const string
operator const SAChar *() const;
// overloaded assignment
//! Ref-counted copy from another SAString
const SAString &operator =(const SAString &sSrc);
//! Set string content to single character
const SAString &operator=(SAChar ch);
const SAString &operator=(char ch);
//! Copy string content from ANSI (multibyte) string (converts to SAChar)
const SAString &operator=(const char *lpsz);
//! Copy string content from UNICODE string (converts to SAChar)
const SAString &operator=(const wchar_t *lpsz);
//! Copy string content from unsigned chars
const SAString &operator=(const unsigned char *psz);
// string concatenation
//! Concatenate from another SAString
const SAString &operator+=(const SAString &string);
//! Concatenate a single character
const SAString &operator+=(SAChar ch);
// concatenate an ANSI character after converting it to SAChar
const SAString &operator+=(char ch);
//! Concatenate from a SAChar string
const SAString &operator+=(const SAChar *lpsz);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(const SAString &string1, const SAString &string2);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(const SAString &string, SAChar ch);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(SAChar ch, const SAString &string);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(const SAString &string, char ch);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(char ch, const SAString &string);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(const SAString &string, const SAChar *lpsz);
friend SAString SQLAPI_API operator+(const SAChar *lpsz, const SAString &string);
// string comparison
//! Straight character comparison
int Compare(const SAChar *lpsz) const;
//! Compare ignoring case
int CompareNoCase(const SAChar *lpsz) const;
#ifndef UNDER_CE
//! NLS aware comparison, case sensitive
int Collate(const SAChar *lpsz) const;
//! Convert the object to an uppercase
void MakeUpper();
//! Convert the object to an lowercase
void MakeLower();
// simple sub-string extraction
//! Return all characters starting at zero-based nFirst
SAString Mid(size_t nFirst) const;
//! Return nCount characters starting at zero-based nFirst
SAString Mid(size_t nFirst, size_t nCount) const;
//! Return first nCount characters in string
SAString Left(size_t nCount) const;
//! Return nCount characters from end of string
SAString Right(size_t nCount) const;
//! Return the character at the specified string position
SAChar GetAt(size_t nPos) const;
// trimming whitespace (either side)
//! Remove whitespace starting from right edge
void TrimRight();
//! Remove whitespace starting from left side
void TrimLeft();
// trimming anything (either side)
//! Remove continuous occurrences of chTarget starting from right
void TrimRight(SAChar chTarget);
//! Remove continuous occcurrences of characters in passed string,
// starting from right
void TrimRight(const SAChar *lpszTargets);
//! Remove continuous occurrences of chTarget starting from left
void TrimLeft(SAChar chTarget);
//! Remove continuous occcurrences of characters in
// passed string, starting from left
void TrimLeft(const SAChar *lpszTargets);
// advanced manipulation
// replace occurrences of substring lpszOld with lpszNew;
// empty lpszNew removes instances of lpszOld
size_t Replace(const SAChar *lpszOld, const SAChar *lpszNew);
// insert character at zero-based index; concatenates
// if index is past end of string
size_t Insert(size_t nIndex, SAChar ch);
// insert substring at zero-based index; concatenates
// if index is past end of string
size_t Insert(size_t nIndex, const SAChar *pstr);
// delete nCount characters starting at zero-based index
size_t Delete(size_t nIndex, size_t nCount = 1);
// searching
// find character starting at left, SIZ if not found
size_t Find(SAChar ch) const;
// find character starting at right
size_t ReverseFind(SAChar ch) const;
// find character starting at zero-based index and going right
size_t Find(SAChar ch, size_t nStart) const;
// find first instance of any character in passed string
size_t FindOneOf(const SAChar *lpszCharSet) const;
// find first instance of substring
size_t Find(const SAChar *lpszSub) const;
// find first instance of substring starting at zero-based index
size_t Find(const SAChar *lpszSub, size_t nStart) const;
// simple formatting
// printf-like formatting using passed string
void Format(const SAChar *lpszFormat, ...);
// printf-like formatting using variable arguments parameter
void FormatV(const SAChar *, va_list argList);
// Access to string implementation buffer as "C" character array
// get pointer to modifiable buffer at least as long as nMinBufLength
SAChar *GetBuffer(size_t nMinBufLength);
// release buffer, setting length to nNewLength (or to first null if SIZE_MAX)
void ReleaseBuffer(size_t nNewLength = SIZE_MAX);
// Use LockBuffer/UnlockBuffer to turn refcounting off
// turn refcounting off
SAChar *LockBuffer();
// turn refcounting back on
void UnlockBuffer();
// Special buffer access routines to manipulate binary data
// get binary data length (in bytes)
size_t GetBinaryLength() const;
// return pointer to const binary data buffer
operator const void *() const;
// get pointer to modifiable binary data buffer at least as long as nMinBufLengthInBytes
void *GetBinaryBuffer(size_t nMinBufLengthInBytes);
// release buffer, setting length to nNewLength (or to first nul if -1)
void ReleaseBinaryBuffer(size_t nNewLengthInBytes);
// return pointer to const Unicode string, convert if needed
const wchar_t *GetWideChars() const;
// get string length (in Unicode characters)
size_t GetWideCharsLength() const;
// return pointer to const multibyte string, convert if needed
const char *GetMultiByteChars() const;
// get string length (in multibyte characters)
size_t GetMultiByteCharsLength() const;
// Special conversion functions (multibyte <-> Unicode)
// return pointer to const UTF8 string
const char *GetUTF8Chars() const;
// get string length (in UTF8 characters)
size_t GetUTF8CharsLength() const;
// assing UTF8 data
void SetUTF8Chars(const char* szSrc, size_t nSrcLen = SIZE_MAX);
#endif // SA_UNICODE
// return pointer to const UTF16 string
const void *GetUTF16Chars() const;
// get string length (in UTF16 characters)
size_t GetUTF16CharsLength() const;
// assing UTF16 data
void SetUTF16Chars(const void* szSrc, size_t nSrcLen = SIZE_MAX);
// Implementation
SAChar *m_pchData; // pointer to ref counted string data
// implementation helpers
SAStringData *GetData() const;
void Init();
void AllocBuffer(size_t nLen);
void AssignBinaryCopy(size_t nSrcLenInBytes, const void *pSrcData);
void ConcatBinaryCopy(size_t nSrc1LenInBytes, const void *pSrc1Data, size_t nSrc2LenInBytes, const void *pSrc2Data);
void ConcatBinaryInPlace(size_t nSrcLen, const void *pData);
#endif // SA_UNICODE
void AssignCopy(size_t nSrcLen, const SAChar *lpszSrcData);
void ConcatCopy(size_t nSrc1Len, const SAChar *lpszSrc1Data, size_t nSrc2Len, const SAChar *lpszSrc2Data);
void ConcatInPlace(size_t nSrcLen, const SAChar *lpszSrcData);
void CopyBeforeWrite();
void AllocBeforeWrite(size_t nLen);
void Release();
static void Release(SAStringData *pData);
static size_t SafeStrlen(const SAChar *lpsz);
static void FreeData(SAStringData *pData);
#ifdef SA_USE_STL
SAString(const std::string &stringSrc);
SAString(const std::wstring &stringSrc);
const SAString &operator=(const std::string &stringSrc);
const SAString &operator=(const std::wstring &stringSrc);
const SAString &operator+=(const std::string &stringSrc);
const SAString &operator+=(const std::wstring &stringSrc);
// Compare helpers
bool SQLAPI_API operator==(const SAString &s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator==(const SAString &s1, const SAChar *s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator==(const SAChar *s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator!=(const SAString &s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator!=(const SAString &s1, const SAChar *s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator!=(const SAChar *s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator<(const SAString &s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator<(const SAString &s1, const SAChar *s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator<(const SAChar *s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator>(const SAString &s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator>(const SAString &s1, const SAChar *s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator>(const SAChar *s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator<=(const SAString &s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator<=(const SAString &s1, const SAChar *s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator<=(const SAChar *s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator>=(const SAString &s1, const SAString &s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator>=(const SAString &s1, const SAChar *s2);
bool SQLAPI_API operator>=(const SAChar *s1, const SAString &s2);
class SQLAPI_API SANumeric
void InitZero();
bool setFromPlainString(const SAChar *sVal);
bool setFromExpString(const SAString &sVal);
SANumeric(); // default constructor, initializes to zero
SANumeric(double dVal); // initializes from double
SANumeric &operator=(double); // reinitializes from double
operator double() const; // converts to double
SANumeric(sa_int64_t iVal); // initializes from 64-bit integer
SANumeric(sa_uint64_t iVal);
SANumeric &operator=(sa_int64_t); // reinitializes from 64-bit integer
SANumeric &operator=(sa_uint64_t);
operator sa_int64_t() const; // converts to 64-bit integer
operator sa_uint64_t() const;
SANumeric &operator=(const SAChar *sVal); // reinitializes from string
operator SAString() const; // converts to string
unsigned char precision; // the maximum number of digits in base 10
unsigned char scale; // the number of digits to the right of the decimal point
unsigned char sign; // the sign: 1 for positive numbers, 0 for negative numbers
// a number stored as SA_NUMERIC_MANTISSA_SIZE-byte scaled integer, with the least-significant byte on the left
unsigned char val[SA_NUMERIC_MANTISSA_SIZE];
class SQLAPI_API SAInterval
SAInterval(double dVal);
SAInterval(long nDays, int nHours, int nMins, int nSecs);
SAInterval(long nDays, int nHours, int nMins, int nSecs, unsigned int nNanoSeconds);
double GetTotalDays() const;
double GetTotalHours() const;
double GetTotalMinutes() const;
double GetTotalSeconds() const;
long GetDays() const;
long GetHours() const;
long GetMinutes() const;
long GetSeconds() const;
unsigned int Fraction() const;
SAInterval& operator=(double dVal);
SAInterval operator+(const SAInterval& interval) const;
SAInterval operator-(const SAInterval& interval) const;
SAInterval& operator+=(const SAInterval interval);
SAInterval& operator-=(const SAInterval interval);
SAInterval operator-() const;
operator double() const;
operator SAString() const;
void SetInterval(long nDays, int nHours, int nMins, int nSecs, unsigned int nNanoSeconds);
double m_interval;
unsigned int m_nFraction; // 0..999999999
//! Provides support for manipulating date/time values
class SQLAPI_API SADateTime
friend class SAValueRead;
static int m_saMonthDays[13];
static bool DateFromTm(
unsigned short wYear, unsigned short wMonth, unsigned short wDay,
unsigned short wHour, unsigned short wMinute, unsigned short wSecond,
unsigned int nNanoSecond,
double &dtDest);
static bool TmFromDate(
double dtSrc,
struct tm &tmDest, unsigned int &nNanoSecond);
void Init_Tm();
void Init(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec, unsigned int nFraction, const SAChar* timezone);
struct tm m_tm;
unsigned int m_nFraction; // 0..999999999
SAString m_timezone;
SADateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay);
SADateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec);
SADateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec, unsigned int nFraction);
SADateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec, const SAChar* timezone);
SADateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec, unsigned int nFraction, const SAChar* timezone);
SADateTime(int nHour, int nMin, int nSec, unsigned int nFraction);
SADateTime(const struct tm &tmValue);
SADateTime(double dt);
#ifndef UNDER_CE
SADateTime(const struct timeb &tmbValue);
SADateTime(const struct timeval &tmvValue);
SADateTime(const SADateTime &other);
operator struct tm &();
operator struct tm() const;
operator double() const;
operator SAString() const;
int GetYear() const; // year, f.ex., 1999, 2000
int GetMonth() const; // 1..12
int GetDay() const; // 1..31
int GetHour() const; // 0..23
int GetMinute() const; // 0..59
int GetSecond() const; // 0..59
int GetDayOfWeek() const; // 1..7, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on
int GetDayOfYear() const; // 1..366, where January 1 = 1
unsigned int &Fraction();
unsigned int Fraction() const;
SAString& Timezone();
const SAChar* Timezone() const;
#ifndef UNDER_CE
void GetTimeValue(struct timeb &tmv);
void GetTimeValue(struct timeval &tmv);
void GetTimeValue(SYSTEMTIME &st);
//! Return the current date/time value
static SADateTime SQLAPI_CALLBACK currentDateTime();
static SADateTime SQLAPI_CALLBACK currentDateTimeWithFraction();
SADateTime operator+(SAInterval interval) const;
SADateTime operator-(SAInterval interval) const;
SADateTime& operator+=(SAInterval interval);
SADateTime& operator-=(SAInterval interval);
SAInterval operator-(const SADateTime& dt) const;
friend class SACommand;
SAString m_sName;
SAPos(int nByID);
SAPos(const SAString& sByName);
class SQLAPI_API saOptions
int m_nOptionCount;
SAParam **m_ppOptions;
// disable copy constructor
saOptions(const saOptions &);
// disable assignment operator
saOptions &operator = (const saOptions &);
virtual ~saOptions();
SAString &operator[](const SAString &sOptionName);
SAString operator[](const SAString &sOptionName) const;
//! Represents an unique session with a data source
class SQLAPI_API SAConnection
friend class SACommand;
friend class SAField;
friend class SAParam;
friend class ISAConnection;
friend class Iora7Connection;
friend class Iora8Connection;
friend class ora8ExternalConnection;
// disable copy constructor
SAConnection(const SAConnection &);
// disable assignment operator
SAConnection &operator = (const SAConnection &);
SAClient_t m_eSAClient;
ISAConnection *m_pISAConnection;
SAMutex *m_pCommandsMutex;
sa_Commands *m_pCommands;
SAIsolationLevel_t m_eIsolationLevel;
SAAutoCommit_t m_eAutoCommit;
saOptions m_Options;
int nReserved;
void EnumCursors(EnumCursors_t fn, void *pAddlData);
void RegisterCommand(SACommand *pCommand);
void UnRegisterCommand(SACommand *pCommand);
ISACursor *GetISACursor(SACommand *pCommand);
virtual ~SAConnection();
void setClient(SAClient_t eSAClient) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAClient_t Client() const;
long ClientVersion() const SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
long ServerVersion() const SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAString ServerVersionString() const SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
bool isConnected() const;
bool isAlive() const;
void Connect(
const SAString &sDBString,
const SAString &sUserID,
const SAString &sPassword,
SAClient_t eSAClient = SA_Client_NotSpecified,
saConnectionHandler_t fHandler = NULL) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
void Disconnect() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
void Destroy();
void Reset();
void setIsolationLevel(SAIsolationLevel_t eIsolationLevel) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAIsolationLevel_t IsolationLevel() const;
void setAutoCommit(SAAutoCommit_t eAutoCommit) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAAutoCommit_t AutoCommit() const;
void Commit() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
void Rollback() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAString &setOption(const SAString &sOptionName);
SAString Option(const SAString &sOptionName) const;
saAPI *NativeAPI() const SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
saConnectionHandles *NativeHandles() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
// SAConnection options (common for at least several DBMS-es)
// Worksattion ID
// Application Name
//! Defines a specific command that you intend to execute against a data source.
class SQLAPI_API SACommand
friend class SAConnection;
friend class IibCursor;
friend class IsybCursor;
friend class IssDBLibCursor;
friend class IsbCursor;
friend class ImyCursor;
friend class IpgCursor;
friend class Iora8Connection;
friend class Iora8Cursor;
friend class Iora7Connection;
friend class Iora7Cursor;
// disable copy constructor
SACommand(const SACommand &);
// disable assignment operator
SACommand &operator = (const SACommand &);
SAConnection *m_pConnection;
SACommandType_t m_eCmdType;
SAString m_sCmd;
bool m_bPrepared;
bool m_bExecuted;
bool m_bFieldsDescribed;
bool m_bSelectBuffersSet;
bool m_bParamsKnown;
int m_nPlaceHolderCount;
saPlaceHolder **m_ppPlaceHolders;
int m_nParamCount;
SAParam **m_ppParams;
int m_nMaxParamID;
SAParam **m_ppParamsID;
int m_nCurParamID;
SAString m_sCurParamName;
int m_nFieldCount;
SAField **m_ppFields;
saOptions m_Options;
int nReserved;
void Init();
static int CompareIdentifier(
const SAString &sIdentifier1,
const SAString &sIdentifier2);
SAParam &CreateParam(
const SAString &sName,
SADataType_t eParamType,
int nNativeType,
size_t nParamSize,
int nParamPrecision,
int nParamScale,
SAParamDirType_t eDirType,
const SAString &sFullName,
size_t nStart, // param position in SQL statement
size_t nEnd); // param end position in SQL statemen
void GetParamsSP();
void UnDescribeParams();
void ParseInputMarkers(
SAString &sCmd,
bool *pbSpacesInCmd);
void DescribeFields() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
void CreateField(
const SAString &sName,
SADataType_t eFieldType,
int nNativeType,
size_t nFieldSize,
int nFieldPrecision,
int nFieldScale,
bool bFieldRequired);
void DestroyFields();
// parses sql statement and create bind parameters array if any (In)
// also cancels previous stsement if any
void ParseCmd(
const SAString &sSQL,
SACommandType_t eCmdType);
void UnSetCommandText();
void UnPrepare();
void UnExecute();
//! Construct command with no associated connection and SQL
//! Construct command based on the given connection and SQL
SAConnection *pConnection,
const SAString &sCmd = SAString(),
SACommandType_t eCmdType = SA_CmdUnknown);
virtual ~SACommand();
SAConnection *Connection() const;
void setConnection(SAConnection *pConnection);
virtual void Open() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
virtual bool isOpened();
virtual bool isExecuted();
virtual void Close() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
virtual void Destroy();
virtual void Reset();
void setCommandText(
const SAString &sSQL,
SACommandType_t eCmdType = SA_CmdUnknown);
SAString CommandText() const;
SACommandType_t CommandType() const;
virtual void Prepare() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
virtual void Execute() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
bool isResultSet() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
long RowsAffected() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException); // returns number of rows affected by last DML operation
bool FetchNext() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException); // returns true if new row is fetched
bool FetchPrior() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
bool FetchFirst() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
bool FetchLast() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
bool FetchPos(int offset, bool Relative = false) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
void Cancel() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAParam &CreateParam(
const SAString &sName,
SADataType_t eParamType,
SAParamDirType_t eDirType = SA_ParamInput);
SAParam &CreateParam(
const SAString &sName,
SADataType_t eParamType,
int nNativeType,
size_t nParamSize,
int nParamPrecision,
int nParamScale,
SAParamDirType_t eDirType);
void DestroyParams();
int ParamCount();
SAParam &ParamByIndex(int i); // zero based index of C array
SAParam &Param(int nParamByID); // id in SQL statement, not in C array
SAParam &Param(const SAString& sParamByName);
SACommand &operator << (const SAPos &pos);
SACommand &operator << (const SANull &null);
SACommand &operator << (bool Value);
SACommand &operator << (short Value);
SACommand &operator << (unsigned short Value);
SACommand &operator << (long Value);
SACommand &operator << (unsigned long Value);
SACommand &operator << (double Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SANumeric &Value);
SACommand &operator << (sa_int64_t Value);
SACommand &operator << (sa_uint64_t Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SADateTime &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SAChar *Value); // special overload for string constants
SACommand &operator << (const SAString &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SABytes &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SALongBinary &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SALongChar &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SABLob &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SACLob &Value);
SACommand &operator << (const SAValueRead &Value);
int FieldCount() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAField &Field(int nField) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException); // 1-based field number in result set
SAField &Field(const SAString &sField) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAField &operator[](int nField) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException); // 1-based field number in result set
SAField &operator[](const SAString &sField) SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
SAString &setOption(const SAString &sOptionName);
SAString Option(const SAString &sOptionName) const;
saCommandHandles *NativeHandles() SQLAPI_THROW(SAException);
void setBatchExceptionPreHandler(PreHandleException_t fnHandler, void* pAddlData);
// SACommand options (common for at least several DBMS-es)
// Prefertching rows
#define SACMD_PREFETCH_ROWS _TSA("PreFetchRows")
// Using scrollable cursor
#define SACMD_SCROLLABLE _TSA("Scrollable")
// Option values
#define SAOPT_TRUE _TSA("1")
class SQLAPI_API SAValueRead
friend class ISACursor;
friend class IibCursor;
friend class Iora7Cursor;
friend class Iora8Cursor;
friend class IsbCursor;
friend class IodbcCursor;
friend class IssDBLibCursor;
friend class IssOleDbCursor;
friend class Idb2Cursor;
friend class IinfCursor;
friend class IsybCursor;
friend class ImyCursor;
friend class IpgCursor;
friend class Isl3Cursor;
friend class IssNCliCursor;
friend class IasaCursor;
SALongOrLobReaderModes_t m_eReaderMode;
saLongOrLobReader_t m_fnReader;
size_t m_nReaderWantedPieceSize;
void *m_pReaderAddlData;
unsigned char *m_pReaderBuf;
size_t m_nReaderAlloc;
size_t m_nExpectedSizeMax;
size_t m_nReaderRead;
size_t m_nPieceSize;
size_t PrepareReader(
size_t nExpectedSizeMax, // to optimaze buf allocation for internal buffer, 0 = unknown
size_t nCallerMaxSize, // max Piece that can be proceeced by API
unsigned char *&pBuf,
saLongOrLobReader_t fnReader,
size_t nReaderWantedPieceSize,
void *pReaderAddlData,
bool bAddSpaceForNull = false);
void InvokeReader(
SAPieceType_t ePieceType,
unsigned char *&pBuf,
size_t nPieceLen);
SAString asLongOrLob() const;
SADataType_t m_eDataType;
// null indicator
bool *m_pbNull;
// scalar types
void *m_pScalar;
// an exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale
SANumeric *m_pNumeric;
// Date time
SADateTime *m_pDateTime;
// Time interval
SAInterval *m_pInterval;
// variable length types (string, bytes, Longs and Lobs)
SAString *m_pString;
// Cursor
SACommand *m_pCursor;
// null indicator
bool m_bInternalNull;
// scalar types
union uScalars
bool m_Bool;
short m_Short;
unsigned short m_uShort;
long m_Long;
unsigned long m_uLong;
double m_Double;
} m_InternalScalar;
SANumeric m_InternalNumeric;
SADateTime m_InternalDateTime;
SAInterval m_InternalInterval;
// variable length types (string, bytes, Longs and Lobs)
SAString m_InternalString;
// Cursor
SACommand m_InternalCursor;
SAValueRead(SADataType_t eDataType);
SAValueRead(const SAValueRead &vr);
virtual ~SAValueRead();
SAValueRead &operator =(const SAValueRead &vr);
SADataType_t DataType() const;
// Null type
bool isNull() const;
// scalar types
bool asBool() const;
short asShort() const;
unsigned short asUShort() const;
long asLong() const;
unsigned long asULong() const;
double asDouble() const;
// numeric
SANumeric asNumeric() const;
// date/time
SADateTime asDateTime() const;
// Interval
SAInterval asInterval() const;
// variable length types
SAString asString() const;
SAString asBytes() const;
SAString asLongBinary() const;
SAString asLongChar() const;
SAString asBLob() const;
SAString asCLob() const;
// cursor
SACommand *asCursor() const;
void setLongOrLobReaderMode(SALongOrLobReaderModes_t eMode);
SALongOrLobReaderModes_t LongOrLobReaderMode() const;
// operators for quick accessing values
// do not inline to prevent varnings
operator bool() const;
operator short() const;
operator unsigned short() const;
operator long() const;
operator unsigned long() const;
operator double() const;
operator SANumeric() const;
operator SADateTime() const;
operator SAInterval() const;
operator SAString() const;
operator SACommand *() const;
// data and indicator storage
void setIndicatorStorage(bool *pStorage);
void setDataStorage(void *pStorage, SADataType_t eDataType);
class SQLAPI_API SAValue : public SAValueRead
friend class ISACursor;
friend class IibCursor;
friend class IssDBLibCursor;
friend class Iora7Cursor;
friend class Iora8Cursor;
friend class IsbCursor;
friend class IodbcCursor;
friend class Idb2Cursor;
friend class IinfCursor;
friend class IsybCursor;
friend class ImyCursor;
friend class IpgCursor;
friend class Isl3Cursor;
friend class IssNCliCursor;
friend class IasaCursor;
bool m_bInternalUseDefault;
bool *m_pbUseDefault;
saLongOrLobWriter_t m_fnWriter;
size_t m_nWriterSize;
void *m_pWriterAddlData;
void *m_pWriterBuf;
size_t m_nWriterAlloc;
size_t m_nWriterWritten;
size_t InvokeWriter(
SAPieceType_t &ePieceType,
size_t nCallerMaxSize,
void *&pBuf);
SAValue(SADataType_t eDataType);
virtual ~SAValue();
// Sets NULL value
void setAsNull();
// Sets a flag to use default value
void setAsDefault();
// queries if "default value" flag is set
bool isDefault() const;
void setAsUnknown();
// scalar types
bool &setAsBool();
short &setAsShort();
unsigned short &setAsUShort();
long &setAsLong();
unsigned long &setAsULong();
double &setAsDouble();
// numeric
SANumeric &setAsNumeric();
// date/time
SADateTime &setAsDateTime();
// interval
SAInterval &setAsInterval();
// variable length types
SAString &setAsString();
SAString &setAsBytes();
SAString &setAsLongBinary(
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter = NULL,
size_t nWriterSize = 0, void *pAddlData = NULL);
SAString &setAsLongChar(
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter = NULL,
size_t nWriterSize = 0, void *pAddlData = NULL);
SAString &setAsBLob(
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter = NULL,
size_t nWriterSize = 0, void *pAddlData = NULL);
SAString &setAsCLob(
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter = NULL,
size_t nWriterSize = 0, void *pAddlData = NULL);
// cursor
SACommand *&setAsCursor();
// special set function(s)
SAValueRead &setAsValueRead();
class SQLAPI_API SAParam : public SAValue
friend class SACommand;
friend class saPlaceHolder;
friend class saOptions;
SACommand *m_pCommand;
SAString m_sName;
SADataType_t m_eParamType;
int m_nNativeType;
size_t m_nParamSize;
int m_nParamPrecision;
int m_nParamScale;
SAParamDirType_t m_eDirType;
saOptions m_Options;
// disable copy constructor
SAParam(const SAParam &);
// disable assignment operator
SAParam &operator = (const SAParam &);
SACommand *pCommand,
const SAString &sName,
SADataType_t eParamType,
int nNativeType,
size_t nParamSize,
int nParamPrecision,
int nParamScale,
SAParamDirType_t eDirType);
virtual ~SAParam();
const SAString &Name() const;
SADataType_t ParamType() const;
void setParamType(SADataType_t eParamType);
int ParamNativeType() const;
void setParamNativeType(int nNativeType);
size_t ParamSize() const;
void setParamSize(size_t nParamSize);
SAParamDirType_t ParamDirType() const;
void setParamDirType(SAParamDirType_t eParamDirType);
int ParamPrecision() const;
void setParamPrecision(int nParamPrecision);
int ParamScale() const;
void setParamScale(int nParamScale);
void ReadLongOrLob(
saLongOrLobReader_t fnReader,
size_t nReaderWantedSize,
void *pAddlData);
SAString &setOption(const SAString &sOptionName);
SAString Option(const SAString &sOptionName) const;
class SQLAPI_API saPlaceHolder
friend class SACommand;
SAString m_sFullName;
size_t m_nStart;
size_t m_nEnd;
SAParam *m_pParamRef;
const SAString &sFullName,
size_t nStart,
size_t nEnd,
SAParam *pParamRef);
virtual ~saPlaceHolder();
const SAString &getFullName() const;
size_t& getStart();
size_t& getEnd();
SAParam *getParam() const;
class SQLAPI_API SABytes : public SAString
SABytes(const SAString &sData);
class SQLAPI_API SALongOrLob : public SAString
friend class SACommand;
saLongOrLobWriter_t m_fnWriter;
size_t m_nWriterPieceSize;
void *m_pAddlData;
SALongOrLob(const SAString &sData);
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter,
size_t nWriterPieceSize,
void *pAddlData);
class SQLAPI_API SALongBinary : public SALongOrLob
SALongBinary(const SAString &sData);
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter,
size_t nWriterPieceSize,
void *pAddlData);
class SQLAPI_API SALongChar : public SALongOrLob
SALongChar(const SAString &sData);
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter,
size_t nWriterPieceSize,
void *pAddlData);
class SQLAPI_API SABLob : public SALongOrLob
SABLob(const SAString &sData);
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter,
size_t nWriterPieceSize,
void *pAddlData);
class SQLAPI_API SACLob : public SALongOrLob
SACLob(const SAString &sData);
saLongOrLobWriter_t fnWriter,
unsigned int nWriterPieceSize,
void *pAddlData);
class SQLAPI_API SAField : public SAValueRead
friend class SACommand;
SACommand *m_pCommand;
// as reported by describe API
int m_nPos; // 1-based
SAString m_sName;
SADataType_t m_eFieldType;
int m_nNativeType;
size_t m_nFieldSize;
int m_nFieldPrecision;
int m_nFieldScale;
bool m_bFieldRequired;
saOptions m_Options;
// disable copy constructor
SAField(const SAField &);
// disable assignment operator
SAField &operator = (const SAField &);
SACommand *pCommand,
int nPos, // 1-based
const SAString &sName,
SADataType_t eFieldType,
int nNativeType,
size_t nFieldSize,
int nFieldPrecision,
int nFieldScale,
bool bFieldRequired);
virtual ~SAField();
int Pos() const;
const SAString &Name() const;
SADataType_t FieldType() const;
int FieldNativeType() const;
size_t FieldSize() const;
int FieldPrecision() const;
int FieldScale() const;
bool isFieldRequired() const;
// !!!
void setFieldSize(int nSize);
void setFieldType(SADataType_t eType);
void ReadLongOrLob(
saLongOrLobReader_t fnReader,
size_t nReaderWantedSize,
void *pAddlData);
SAString &setOption(const SAString &sOptionName);
SAString Option(const SAString &sOptionName) const;
class SQLAPI_API SAException
friend class SAConnection;
friend class SACommand;
SAException* pNested,
SAErrorClass_t eError,
int nNativeError,
int nErrPos,
const SAString &sMsg);
SAException* pNested,
SAErrorClass_t eError,
int nNativeError,
int nErrPos,
const SAChar *lpszFormat, ...);
SAErrorClass_t eError,
int nNativeError,
int nErrPos,
const SAString &sMsg);
SAErrorClass_t eError,
int nNativeError,
int nErrPos,
const SAChar *lpszFormat, ...);
SAException(const SAException &other);
virtual ~SAException();
static void SQLAPI_CALLBACK throwUserException(
int nUserCode, const SAChar *lpszFormat, ...);
SAErrorClass_t ErrClass() const;
int ErrNativeCode() const;
int ErrPos() const;
SAString ErrMessage() const;
SAString ErrText() const;
const SAException* NestedException() const;
SAErrorClass_t m_eErrorClass;
int m_nNativeError;
int m_nErrPos;
SAString m_sMsg;
SAException* m_pNested;
int nReserved;
class SQLAPI_API SAUserException : public SAException
friend class SAException;
SAUserException(int nUserCode, const SAString &sMsg);
virtual ~SAUserException();
typedef enum eSATraceInfo
SA_Trace_None = 0,
SA_Trace_QueryText = 1 //! trace real DBMS API query text SQLAPI++ sends
} SATraceInfo_t;
//! Callback for tracing
typedef void (SQLAPI_CALLBACK *SATraceFunction_t)(
SATraceInfo_t traceInfo, //! tracing into label
SAConnection* pCon, //! related SAConnection or NULL
SACommand* pCmd, //! related SACommand or NULL
const SAChar* szTraceInfo, //! tracing text
void* pData); //! user provided data
//! Global SQLAPI++ settings
class SQLAPI_API SAGlobals
static char * SQLAPI_CALLBACK setlocale(int category, const char *locale);
static int GetVersionMajor();
static int GetVersionMinor();
static int GetVersionBuild();
static bool& UnloadAPI();
static const SAChar* ClientToString(SAClient_t eSAClient);
static SAClient_t StringToClient(const SAChar* szClientName);
static void SetTraceFunction(SATraceInfo_t traceInfo, SATraceFunction_t traceFunc, void* pData);
#endif // !defined(__SQLAPI_H__)