1038 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
1038 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
#include <xvt.h>
#include <applicat.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <dongle.h>
#include <isamrpc.h>
#include <scanner.h>
#include <utility.h>
#include <xvtility.h>
#include <urldefid.h>
// Dongle stuff
//#define USERADR 26952
//#define AGAADR 26953
//#define REFKEY (unsigned char*)"CAMPOKEY"
//#define VERKEY (unsigned char*)"ìpÙˆ¬cê<"
// Current dongle
static TDongle* _dongle = NULL;
TDongle& dongle()
if (_dongle == NULL)
_dongle = new TDongle;
return *_dongle;
bool destroy_dongle()
bool ok = _dongle != NULL;
if (ok)
delete _dongle;
_dongle = NULL;
return ok;
// Bit helper functions
inline bool test_bit(word w, int b)
bool on = (w & (1 << b)) != 0;
return on;
inline void set_bit(word& w, int b, bool on = true)
if (on)
w |= 1 << b;
w &= ~(1 << b);
inline void reset_bit(word& w, byte b)
w &= ~(1 << b);
// TDongle
: _hardware(_dongle_unknown), _type(_no_dongle), _serno(0xFFFF),
_max_users(1), _year_assist(2015), _dirty(false), _OEM(-1)
memset(_eprom, 0, sizeof(_eprom));
if (_serno != 0xFFFF)
const TString& TDongle::administrator(TString* pwd) const
if (_admin.blank())
if (pwd)
*pwd = _admpwd;
return _admin;
// Data punta ad un array di 4 words
// Deve essere cosi' per problemi del C,
// non trasformare in array: pena di morte!
void TDongle::garble(word* data) const
xvt_dongle_sa_crypt(data); // Reversible XOR encryption
bool TDongle::already_programmed() const
return true;
void TDongle::set_developer_permissions()
if (_serno == 0 && is_power_station())
_module.set(255); // Last module on key
_module.set(); // Activate all modules
_module.set(0, true);
_max_users = 1;
_last_update = TDate(TODAY);
_year_assist = 3000;
bool TDongle::ssa_login(const char* mod)
if (mod && *mod)
return xvt_dongle_sa_login(mod) == 0;
_max_users = 1;
_last_update = TDate(TODAY);
_year_assist = _last_update.year();
_module.reset(); // Disattiva tutti i moduli ...
_module.set(long(BAAUT)); // ... tranne la base
const int err = xvt_dongle_sa_login(NULL);
_serno = (err >= 0) ? err : 0xFFFF;
if (_serno != 0xFFFF)
_hardware =_dongle_ssa;
_type = _serno ? _user_dongle : _developer_dongle;
if (_serno)
Tdninst dn;
if (dn.find_serno())
_year_assist = dn.assist_year();
_year_assist = 2091; // Vecchia versione
for (word m = BAAUT+1; m < ENDAUT; m++)
const TString& name = module_code2name(m);
if (xvt_dongle_sa_test(name) == 0)
// else log_message("ssa_login() failed with code %d", err);
return _serno != 0xFFFF;
bool TDongle::network_login(bool test_all_keys)
const char* appname = main_app().name();
if (network() && ok())
TString server = "";
if (!(xvt_sys_dongle_server_running() & 0x1))
server = ini_get_string(CONFIG_INSTALL, "Server", "Dongle");
// const char* guest = "******";
// const TString16 appname = main_app().name();
// const char* utente = (!main_app().is_running() && appname == "ba0100") ? guest : (const char *) user();
const char* utente = user();
bool ok = rpc_UserLogin(server, utente, "******", appname);
if (ok)
_hardware = _dongle_network;
_type = _user_dongle;
_max_users = 1;
_last_update = TDate(TODAY);
// Let's try to spare some network band!
ok = rpc_DongleInfo(_serno, _year_assist, _module);
if (!ok)
_serno = rpc_DongleNumber();
_year_assist = rpc_DongleYear();
ok = rpc_DongleModules(_module);
if (ok && main_app().name() == "ba0100")
warning_box(TR("ATTENZIONE! Il server di protezione non è aggiornato:\n"
"Controllare la corretta installazione del servizio"));
log_message("rpc_UserLogin(%s, %s) failed", (const char*)server, (const char*)utente);
return ok;
bool TDongle::login(bool test_all_keys)
bool ok = true;
if (_type != _no_dongle) // Already logged in
TDongleHardware hw = _hardware;
const int srv = xvt_sys_dongle_server_running();
if (srv != 0)
if (srv & 2)
hw = _dongle_ssanet;
hw = _dongle_network;
const TString& port = ini_get_string(CONFIG_SSA, "", "SSA-PORT");
if (port.full())
hw = _dongle_ssanet;
const TString& dongle = ini_get_string(CONFIG_INSTALL, "Server", "Dongle");
hw = dongle.full() ? _dongle_network : _dongle_ssa;
if (hw == _dongle_network)
ok = network_login(test_all_keys);
ok = ssa_login(NULL);
if (ok)
_hardware = hw;
ini_set_int(CONFIG_INSTALL, "Main", "Donglehw", (int)_hardware);
{ // DEMO
_hardware = _dongle_unknown;
_type = _no_dongle;
_serno = 0xFFFF; //numero di serie più alto possibile (65535 in esadecimale: non sarà mai raggiunto da chiavi clienti...magari!)
_max_users = 1;
_last_update = TDate(TODAY);
_year_assist = 3000; // anno di assistenza a 3000 per non avere problemi con le versioni nei vari anni
_module.set(ENDAUT); // Last module on key
_module.set(); // Activate all modules
if (!ok && local())
TString_array ssa;
const int n = list_files("*.ssa", ssa);
switch (n)
case 0: error_box(FR("Non esistono file SSA validi")); break;
case 1: error_box(FR("File SSA non valido:\n%s"),
(const char*)ssa.row(0));
error_box(FR("Sono presenti troppi file SSA:\n%s,%s,..."),
(const char*)ssa.row(0), (const char*)ssa.row(1));
return ok;
bool TDongle::login(const char* module)
const word code = module_name2code(module);
bool ok = active(code);
if (ok && _hardware == _dongle_ssa)
ok = ssa_login(module);
return ok;
bool TDongle::logout()
switch (_hardware)
case _dongle_network:
case _dongle_ssanet:
case _dongle_ssa:
_type = _no_dongle;
_serno = 0xFFFF;
return true;
int TDongle::oem() const
if (_OEM < 0)
TString& firm = (TString&) _reseller;
TString& campo = (TString&) _product;
TString& breve = (TString&) _shortname;
TString& admin = (TString&)_admin;
TString& admpwd = (TString&)_admpwd;
int& oem = (int&)_OEM;
//nuovo metodo di rilevamento producer (dalla 10.0 in avanti); il producer sta nel file oem.ini sotto la cartella
//setup, sia nel CD che soprattutto nel programma installato
TConfig ini(CONFIG_OEM, "MAIN");
oem = ini.get_int("OEM", NULL, -1, -1);
if (oem >= 0)
TString8 para; para << "OEM_" << oem;
campo = decode(ini.get("Product"));
firm = decode(ini.get("Reseller"));
breve = decode(ini.get("Name"));
admin = decode(ini.get("Administrator"));
admpwd = decode(ini.get("Password"));
if (firm.blank()) //vecchio metodo di rilevamento del producer: sta in install.ini
firm = decode(ini_get_string(CONFIG_GENERAL, "Main", "Producer"));
campo = breve = " ";
//nuovo metodo: cerca produttore (Name) e prodotto (Product)
if (firm.blank())
char* p = firm.get_buffer(80);
xvt_res_get_str(STR_FIRMNAME, p, firm.size());
if (admin.blank())
admin = decode(ini_get_string(CONFIG_GENERAL, "Main", "Administrator"));
if (admin.blank())
admin = "ADMIN";
admpwd = "ad.min";
if (admpwd.blank())
admpwd = decode(ini_get_string(CONFIG_GENERAL, "Main", "Password"));
if (admpwd.blank())
admpwd = admin;
admpwd.insert(".", 2);
if (campo.blank())
campo = "Campo Enterprise";
if (firm.blank())
firm = "Sirio Informatica e Sistemi s.p.a.";
if (breve.blank())
breve = "Campo";
if (oem < 0) oem = 1;
return _OEM;
// Ritorna il nome della ditta che vende il programma attuale
const TString& TDongle::reseller() const
if (_reseller.empty())
return _reseller;
const TString& TDongle::product() const
if (_product.empty())
return _product;
const TString& TDongle::short_name() const
if (_shortname.empty())
return _shortname;
const TString& TDongle::server_name() const
if (network() && !xvt_sys_dongle_server_running())
if (hardware() == _dongle_ssanet)
return ini_get_string(CONFIG_SSA, NULL, "Port");
return ini_get_string(CONFIG_INSTALL, "Server", "Dongle");
TString& tmp = get_tmp_string(50);
xvt_sys_get_host_name(tmp.get_buffer(), tmp.size());
return tmp;
bool TDongle::active(word module) const
const bool yes = (module < ENDAUT) && _module[module] && shown(module);
return yes;
bool TDongle::activate(word module, bool on)
bool ok = module < ENDAUT;
if (ok)
_module.set(module, on && shown(module));
_dirty = true;
return ok;
const TString_array& TDongle::info() const
if (_info.empty())
TScanner scanner("campo.aut");
for (int aut = 0; ; aut++)
const TString& row = scanner.line();
if (row.blank())
TToken_string* tok = new TToken_string;
tok->strncpy(row, 3);
const TString& name = row.mid(3);
if (name.full())
*tok << dictionary_translate(name);
return _info;
word TDongle::module_name2code(const char* mod) const
int i = BAAUT;
if (mod && *mod && !xvt_str_same(mod, "sy"))
if (real::is_natural(mod))
i = atoi(mod);
// Trasforma il numero 77 nel codice M77AUT
if (i == 77)
i = M77AUT;
const TString_array& modinfo = info();
for (i = modinfo.last(); i >= 0; i--)
const TString& autstr = modinfo.row(i);
if (autstr.starts_with(mod, true))
return word(i);
const TString& TDongle::module_code2name(word mod) const
const TString_array& modinfo = info();
if (mod < modinfo.items())
return modinfo.row(mod).left(2);
const TString& TDongle::module_code2desc(word mod) const
const TString_array& modinfo = info();
return mod < modinfo.items() ? modinfo.row(mod).mid(3) : EMPTY_STRING;
const TString& TDongle::module_name2desc(const char* mod) const
const word cod = module_name2code(mod);
if (cod == 0)
if (xvt_str_same(mod, "sy"))
return get_tmp_string() = TR("Sistema");
return module_code2desc(cod);
bool TDongle::shown(word code) const
bool yes = code < ENDAUT;
if (yes)
yes = _shown[code];
if (!yes) // Puo' voler dire "nascosto" ma anche "non ho mai controllato"
const TString4 mod = module_code2name(code);
yes = mod.not_empty();
if (yes && code > BAAUT && code < ENDAUT)
TAuto_token_string ee = ini_get_string(CONFIG_GENERAL, mod, "OEM"); // Modern OEM handling
if (ee.full())
yes = ee.get_pos(oem()) >= 0;
if (yes)
((TBit_array&)_shown).set(code); // Setto il flag di visibilta' per la prossima volta
return yes;
bool TDongle::demo() const
{ return hardware() == _dongle_unknown && type() == _no_dongle; }
// TEnigma_machine
#define DNINST_PATH "setup/dninst.zip"
class TEnigma_machine : public TObject
TScanner* _scan;
int _year_assist;
void init_key(char key[8]) const;
bool decode_string(const TString& datain, TString& dataout) const;
bool encode_string(const TString& linein, TString& lineout) const;
bool init();
void uninit();
virtual bool ok() const { return _scan != NULL && !_scan->eof(); }
bool line(TString& data);
bool find_serno(long serno);
int year_assist() const { return _year_assist; }
bool encode(const TString& txtfile); // dninst.txt -> dninst.zip
void TEnigma_machine::init_key(char key[8]) const
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
key[i] = 'A' + ::rand() % 26;
bool TEnigma_machine::decode_string(const TString& datain, TString& dataout) const
if (datain.not_empty())
char* tmp = dataout.get_buffer(datain.len());
char key[8]; init_key(key);
int i;
for (i = 0; datain[i]; i++)
tmp[i] = datain[i] - (i < 8 ? key[i] : tmp[i - 8]);
tmp[i] = '\0';
return dataout.full();
bool TEnigma_machine::encode_string(const TString& linein, TString& lineout) const
if (linein.full() && !linein.starts_with("//"))
char key[8]; init_key(key);
char* buf = lineout.get_buffer(linein.len());
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; linein[i]; i++)
buf[i] = linein[i] + (i < 8 ? key[i] : linein[i - 8]);
buf[i] = '\0';
return lineout.full();
bool TEnigma_machine::line(TString& data)
{ return _scan != NULL ? decode_string(_scan->line(), data) : false; }
bool TEnigma_machine::find_serno(long serno)
if (serno == 0)
return true;
TToken_string row(80, ';');
if (_year_assist > 2100)
TString8 para; para << '[' << serno << ']';
while (line(row))
if (row == para)
return true;
while (line(row))
if (row.get_long(0) == serno)
return true;
return false;
bool TEnigma_machine::encode(const TString& txtfile)
ofstream o(DNINST_PATH);
TString lineout;
TScanner s(txtfile);
const TString& year = s.line();
encode_string(year, lineout);
o << lineout << endl;
while (s.good())
const TString& linein = s.line();
if (linein.empty())
encode_string(linein, lineout);
o << lineout << endl;
return o.good();
void TEnigma_machine::uninit()
_year_assist = 0;
if (_scan != NULL)
delete _scan;
_scan = NULL;
bool TEnigma_machine::init()
if (fexist(DNINST_PATH))
_scan = new TScanner(DNINST_PATH);
TString4 l1; line(l1);
_year_assist = atoi(l1);
return _scan != NULL;
: _scan(NULL), _year_assist(0)
{ init(); }
{ uninit(); }
int Tdninst::assistance_year2solar(int ay) const
{ return (ay/1000)*1000 + (ay%1000)/10; }
int Tdninst::parse_date(const TString& line, TString& key, TDate& datascad) const
const int equal = line.find('=');
if (equal > 0 && equal <= 16)
key = line.left(equal); key.trim();
TString16 strdate = line.mid(equal+1, 16); strdate.trim();
if (strdate.empty())
datascad = TODAY; // Mettiamo una data valida comunque
return key.full() ? 1 : 0;
int d, m, y;
if (sscanf(strdate, "%2d-%2d-%4d", &d, &m, &y) == 3)
datascad = TDate(d, m, y);
return datascad.ok() ? 2 : 0;
return 0;
bool Tdninst::compare_cmdline(const TString& cmdline, const TString& pattern) const
if (cmdline == pattern)
return true;
bool is_pattern = false;
if (pattern.len() > 2)
for (int i = 2; pattern[i]; i++)
if (pattern[i]=='*' || pattern[i] == '?')
is_pattern = true;
if (is_pattern)
return cmdline.match(pattern, true);
return false;
int Tdninst::test_cmdline(const TString& cmdline, bool key_must_exist, TString& msg) const
const TDongle& don = dongle();
const long serno = don.number();
if (serno == 0)
if (is_power_station())
return 0; // Solo chiavi per uso interno Sirio
msg = TR("Chiave di sviluppo non autorizzata");
return 1;
const TString4 strmod = cmdline.left(2);
if (!key_must_exist) // Le personalizzazioni non hanno un modulo vero e proprio
const int space_pos = cmdline.find(' ');
if (space_pos < 0 || space_pos == 3)
const word codmod = don.module_name2code(strmod);
if (codmod == BAAUT)
return 0;
TEnigma_machine em;
const int dninst_ass = em.year_assist();
const TDate oggi(TODAY);
bool bFound = false;
if (dninst_ass > 2100)
if (em.find_serno(serno))
TString80 dninst_line;
TString16 key;
TDate datascad;
while (em.line(dninst_line))
if (dninst_line.empty() || dninst_line.starts_with("["))
break; // Fine file o paragrafo
if (parse_date(dninst_line, key, datascad))
const bool scaduto = datascad < oggi;
if (key == "*")
if (scaduto)
msg.format(FR("Chiave %ld scaduta il %s"), serno, datascad.string());
return 7;
} else
if (compare_cmdline(cmdline, key))
bFound = true;
if (scaduto)
msg << TR("Applicazione scaduta il ") << datascad;
return 8;
} else
if (key == strmod)
if (scaduto)
msg << TR("Modulo scaduto il ") << datascad;
return 9;
TToken_string dninst_line(80, ';');
while (em.line(dninst_line))
bFound = dninst_line.get_long(0) == serno;
if (bFound)
if (dninst_line.get_pos(strmod) > 0)
msg << TR("Modulo non attivo in dninst.zip : ") << strmod;
return 5;
if (!bFound && key_must_exist)
msg << TR("Impossibile trovare ") << cmdline << TR(" tra i programmi abilitati");
return 6;
return 0;
bool Tdninst::can_I_run(const bool is_personal_program, const bool verbose) const
const TApplication& app = main_app();
TFilename cmdline = app.argv(0);
cmdline = cmdline.name_only();
if (cmdline.starts_with("ba", true) || cmdline.ends_with("cnv", true))
return true;
const char* option = app.argc() > 1 ? app.argv(1) : "";
if (*option == '-' && isdigit(*(option+1)))
cmdline << ' ' << option;
TString msg;
bool ok = test_cmdline(cmdline, is_personal_program, msg) == 0;
if (!ok && verbose)
return ok;
bool Tdninst::find_serno() const
const word serno = dongle().number();
if (serno == 0)
return true;
const TDate oggi(TODAY);
bool good = false;
TEnigma_machine em;
if (em.ok())
if (em.year_assist() > 2100)
good = em.find_serno(serno);
TToken_string l(80, ';');
while (em.line(l))
if (l.get_long(0) == serno)
good = true;
return good;
bool Tdninst::find_killed(TToken_string& kill_list) const
const int serno = dongle().number();
if (serno == 0)
return true;
bool good = false;
TEnigma_machine em;
if (em.ok())
if (em.year_assist() > 2100)
TToken_string l(80, '=');
good = em.find_serno(serno);
if (good)
const TDate oggi(TODAY);
TString16 str;
TDate ds;
while (em.line(l))
if (l.empty() || l[0] == '[')
if (parse_date(l, str, ds) && ds < oggi)
TToken_string l(80, ';');
while (em.line(l))
if (l.get_long(0) == serno)
const int semicolon = l.find(l.separator());
if (semicolon > 0)
kill_list = l.mid(semicolon+1);
kill_list.replace(l.separator(), kill_list.separator());
good = true;
return good;
bool Tdninst::find_expiring(int days, TString& module, TDate& expires) const
const TDate oggi(TODAY);
expires = oggi; expires += days;
const word serno = dongle().number();
if (serno == 0)
return false;
TEnigma_machine em;
if (em.ok() && em.year_assist() > 2100 && em.find_serno(serno))
TToken_string l(80, '=');
TString16 str;
TDate ds;
while (em.line(l))
if (l.empty() || l[0] == '[')
if (parse_date(l, str, ds) && ds >= oggi && ds <= expires)
module = str;
expires = ds;
return module.full();
int Tdninst::check_customer() const
int error = 2; // Not found
const word serno = dongle().number();
if (serno == 0)
error = is_power_station() ? 0 : 2;
TEnigma_machine em;
if (em.ok() && em.year_assist() > 2100 && em.find_serno(serno))
error = 0;
TToken_string l(80, '=');
while (em.line(l) && error == 0)
if (l.empty() || l[0] == '[')
if (l[0]=='*' || l.starts_with("MustCall"))
const TDate oggi(TODAY);
TString16 str;
TDate ds;
if (parse_date(l, str, ds) && oggi >= ds)
error = (l[0] == '*') ? 2 : 1;
return error;
bool Tdninst::decode(const TString& f) const
ofstream o(f);
TEnigma_machine em;
o << em.year_assist() << endl;
size_t nlines = 0;
TString256 l;
while (em.line(l))
o << l << endl;
return nlines > 0;
bool Tdninst::encode(const TString& f) const
TEnigma_machine em;
return em.encode(f);
Tdninst::Tdninst() : _year_assist(0)
TEnigma_machine s;
_year_assist = s.year_assist(); // 2101, 2121, 2151