/********************************************************************* d4ex_win.c (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1990-1993. All rights reserved. This example program is a Windows application similar in operation to d4exampl.c *********************************************************************/ #include "d4all.h" #include <windows.h> #ifdef __TURBOC__ extern unsigned _stklen = 10000 ; #endif /*********** Structure Declarations **********************************/ typedef struct { #ifdef S4MEDIUM char *ptr ; #else LPSTR ptr ; #endif } D4PARSE_STR; typedef struct { HWND hWnd ; HANDLE hInst ; D4PARSE_STR parse_str ; int x,y ; TEXTMETRIC tm ; LPMSG lpmsg ; MSG msg ; /* Last Message */ int did_close ; int did_quit ; HCURSOR hSaveCursor ; } D4DISPLAY; FIELD4INFO field_info[] = { { "TEST_FIELD",'C',20,0 }, { 0,0,0,0 }, }; /*********** Function Prototype and Global Variable Declarations *****/ HCURSOR hHourGlass, hSaveCursor ; D4DISPLAY display ; extern MSG msg ; extern TEXTMETRIC tm ; int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTR, int) ; BOOL InitApplication(HANDLE) ; BOOL InitInstance(HANDLE, int) ; LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND, UINT, UINT, LONG) ; extern void verify_switches() ; void S4FUNCTION d4display_init( HWND ) ; void S4FUNCTION d4parsestring_init( D4PARSE_STR *, LPSTR ) ; void S4FUNCTION d4display_str( char *, int ) ; int S4FUNCTION d4display_quit() ; /*********** Windows initialization functions ************************/ BOOL InitApplication(HANDLE hInstance) { WNDCLASS wc; wc.style = (UINT) NULL; wc.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( (HINSTANCE) NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( (HINSTANCE) NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wc.lpszMenuName = "TestMenu"; wc.lpszClassName = "TestWClass"; return (RegisterClass(&wc)); } BOOL InitInstance( HANDLE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { HWND hWnd; hWnd = CreateWindow( "TestWClass", "Test CodeBase", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, (HWND) NULL, (HMENU) NULL, hInstance, NULL ); if (!hWnd) return (FALSE); SetTimer( hWnd, hWnd, 1000, NULL ) ; d4display_init( hWnd ) ; display.hInst = hInstance ; /* for t4filter.c */ ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow); UpdateWindow(hWnd); return (TRUE); } LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_CLOSE: display.did_close = 1 ; return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); default: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } return (long) NULL; } /************ display text in Windows functions ***********************/ void S4FUNCTION d4parsestring_init( D4PARSE_STR *p_str, LPSTR p ) { memset( p_str, 0, sizeof(D4PARSE_STR) ) ; #ifdef S4MEDIUM lstrcpy( pointer, p ) ; p_str->ptr = pointer ; #else p_str->ptr = p ; #endif } void S4FUNCTION d4display_init( HWND h ) { HDC hdc ; TEXTMETRIC tm ; memset( &display, 0, sizeof(D4DISPLAY) ) ; display.hWnd = h ; display.lpmsg = &(display.msg) ; hdc = GetDC(display.hWnd) ; GetTextMetrics( hdc, &tm ) ; display.tm = tm ; ReleaseDC(display.hWnd,hdc) ; display.x = 0 ; display.y = 0 ; display.did_close = 0 ; display.did_quit = 0 ; } void S4FUNCTION d4display_str( char *str, int is_new_line ) { RECT rect ; HDC hdc ; SIZE size; int len, height, width ; char blank_line[180] ; memset(blank_line, 32, 179) ; blank_line[179] = '\0' ; hdc = GetDC(display.hWnd) ; len = strlen(str) ; GetTextExtentPoint( hdc, str, len, &size ) ; height = size.cy ; width = size.cx ; if ( is_new_line ) { display.x = 0 ; display.y += height + display.tm.tmExternalLeading ; } GetClientRect( display.hWnd, &rect ) ; if ( (display.y+height) > rect.bottom ) { display.y = 0 ; InvalidateRect( display.hWnd, &rect, 1 ) ; } TextOut( hdc, display.x,display.y, str, len ) ; if ( (display.y+(2*height)) > rect.bottom ) TextOut( hdc, 0, 0, blank_line, strlen(blank_line) ) ; else TextOut( hdc, 0, (display.y+height+display.tm.tmExternalLeading), blank_line, strlen(blank_line) ) ; display.x += width ; ReleaseDC(display.hWnd,hdc) ; } int S4FUNCTION d4display_quit( ) { /* If there is a message, the message is processed. */ /* If the message says quit, then TRUE is returned. */ if ( display.did_quit ) return 1 ; for (;;) { if ( ! display.did_close ) if ( ! PeekMessage( display.lpmsg, display.hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) return 0 ; if ( ! GetMessage( display.lpmsg, display.hWnd, 0, 0 ) ) { MessageBox( display.hWnd, "", "Program Completed", MB_OK ) ; display.did_quit = 1 ; return 1 ; } TranslateMessage(display.lpmsg); DispatchMessage(display.lpmsg); } } /*********************************************************************/ int PASCAL WinMain( HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { int rc ; CODE4 cb ; if (!hPrevInstance) if (!InitApplication(hInstance)){ MessageBox(0,"","InitApplication Failed", MB_OK); return (FALSE); } if (!InitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow)){ MessageBox(0, "", "InitInstance Failed", MB_OK); return (FALSE); } d4parsestring_init( &display.parse_str, lpCmdLine ) ; d4init( &cb ) ; cb.hWnd = display.hWnd ; #ifdef S4DLL cb.hInst = display.hInst ; #endif verify_switches() ; d4display_str( "\nSwitches Verified Successfully!", 1 ) ; cb.auto_open = 0 ; cb.open_error = 0 ; if( d4open( &cb, "TEST.DBF" ) != 0 ) d4display_str( "\nTEST.DBF Opened", 1 ) ; else { if( d4create(&cb,"TEST.DBF",field_info,0) != 0 ) d4display_str( "\nTEST.DBF Created", 1) ; } d4close_all( &cb ) ; PostQuitMessage(0) ; for (;;) { if (d4display_quit() ) return (display.msg.wParam) ; } } void verify_switches() { long d4switch ; d4switch = u4switch() ; d4display_str( " ", 1 ) ; d4display_str( " ", 1 ) ; d4display_str( "Library Conditional Compilation Switches:", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 1 ) d4display_str( "S4FOX - FoxPro Index File Compatibility", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 2 ) d4display_str( "S4CLIPPER - Clipper Index File Compatibility", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 4 ) d4display_str( "S4MDX - dBASE IV Index File Compatibility", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 8 ) d4display_str( "S4NDX - dBASE III or III PLUS Index File Compatibility", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x10 ) d4display_str( "S4DLL - Microsoft Windows DLL (S4DLL_BUILD on Library Build)", 1 ) ; #ifdef S4DLL if( d4switch & 0x20 ) d4display_str( "S4DLL - Microsoft Windows Dynamic with DLL", 1 ) ; #else if( d4switch & 0x20 ) d4display_str( "S4WINDOWS - Microsoft Windows Static with Static Library", 1 ) ; #endif if( d4switch & 0x40 ) d4display_str( "S4OS2 - OS/2", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x40 ) d4display_str( "S4CODE_SCREENS - CodeScreens output Functions", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x100 ) d4display_str( "S4DEBUG - Extensive CodeBase Error Checking", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x200 ) d4display_str( "S4ERROR_HOOK - Custom Error Function", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x400 ) d4display_str( "\nS4LOCK_CHECK - Internal CodeBase Locking Diagnostics", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x800 ) d4display_str( "\nS4LOCK_HOOK - Custom Lock Failure Function", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x1000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4MAX - Maximum Memory Allocation Testing", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x2000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4MEMO_OFF - Memo File support source code removed", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x4000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4OLD_CODE - Support Functions from CodeBase 4.5", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x8000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4OPTIMIZE_OFF - Memory Optimization source code removed", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x10000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4PORTABLE - Maximum Portability", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x20000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4SAFE - Immediate File Length Updates", 1 ) ; if( d4switch & 0x40000 ) d4display_str( "\nS4SINGLE - Multi-user support source code removed", 1 ) ; #ifdef S4OPTIMIZE_OFF if( (d4switch & 0x8000) == 0 ) e4severe( e4result, "S4OPTIMIZE_OFF must be used in Library Build too." ) ; #else if( d4switch & 0x8000 ) e4severe( e4result, "S4OPTIMIZE_OFF must be off in Library Build too." ) ; #endif #ifdef S4FOX if( (d4switch & 1) == 0 ) e4severe( e4result, "S4FOX must be used in Library Build too." ) ; #endif #ifdef S4CLIPPER if( (d4switch & 2) == 0 ) e4severe( e4result, "S4CLIPPER must be used in Library Build too." ) ; #endif #ifdef S4MDX if( (d4switch & 4) == 0 ) e4severe( e4result, "S4MDX must be used in Library Build too." ) ; #endif #ifdef S4NDX if( (d4switch & 8) == 0 ) e4severe( e4result, "S4NDX must be used in Library Build too." ) ; #endif }