/* b4block.c  (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1988-1996.  All rights reserved. */

#include "d4all.h"
#ifdef __TURBOC__
   #pragma hdrstop
#endif  /* __TURBOC__ */

short S4FUNCTION x4reverseShort( const void *val )
   unsigned char out[2] ;
   const unsigned char *atVal ;

   atVal = (const unsigned char *)val ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( val == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90439 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   out[0] = atVal[1] ;
   out[1] = atVal[0] ;

   return (*(short *)out ) ;

S4LONG x4reverseLong( const void *val )
   unsigned char out[4] ;

   unsigned const char *atVal ;
   atVal = (const unsigned char *)val ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( val == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90439 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   #ifdef S4BYTEORDER_2301
      out[0] = atVal[2] ;
      out[1] = atVal[3] ;
      out[2] = atVal[0] ;
      out[3] = atVal[1] ;
      out[0] = atVal[3] ;
      out[1] = atVal[2] ;
      out[2] = atVal[1] ;
      out[3] = atVal[0] ;

   return *(S4LONG *)out ;

#ifndef S4CLIENT
int b4calcBlanks( const unsigned char *keyVal, const int len, const unsigned char pChar )
   int a ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( keyVal == 0 || len < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   for ( a = len ; a > 0; a-- )
      if ( keyVal[a-1] != pChar )
         return ( len - a ) ;
   return len ;  /* all blanks */
#endif /* S4CLIENT */

#ifndef S4INDEX_OFF
#ifndef S4CLIENT

B4BLOCK *b4alloc( TAG4FILE *t4, const long fb )
   B4BLOCK *b4 ;
   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      short offset ;
      int i ;
   #endif  /* S4CLIPPER */

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( t4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      b4 = (B4BLOCK *)mem4alloc2( t4->blockMemory, t4->codeBase ) ;
      b4 = (B4BLOCK *)mem4alloc2( t4->indexFile->blockMemory, t4->codeBase ) ;
   if ( b4 == 0 )
      error4( t4->codeBase, e4memory, E90438 ) ;
      return 0 ;

   b4->tag = t4 ;
   b4->fileBlock = fb ;

   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      offset = ( b4->tag->header.keysMax + 2 +
         (( b4->tag->header.keysMax / 2) * 2 != b4->tag->header.keysMax ) )
         * sizeof(short) ;
      for ( i = 0 ; i <= b4->tag->header.keysMax ; i++ )
         b4->pointers[i] = (short)(( b4->tag->header.groupLen * i )) + offset ;
      b4->data = (B4KEY_DATA *) ((char *)&b4->nKeys + b4->pointers[0]) ;  /* first entry */
   #endif  /* S4CLIPPER */

   #ifdef S4FOX
/*      b4->builtKey = (B4KEY_DATA *)u4allocEr( t4->codeBase, (long)sizeof(long) + t4->header.keyLen + 1 ) ; */
      b4->builtKey = (B4KEY_DATA *)mem4alloc2( t4->builtKeyMemory, t4->codeBase ) ;
      b4->builtOn = -1 ;
   #endif  /* S4FOX */

   return b4 ;

int b4free( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   #ifdef S4FOX
      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( b4->changed )
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;
      mem4free( b4->tag->builtKeyMemory, b4->builtKey ) ;
   #endif /* S4FOX */

   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      mem4free( b4->tag->blockMemory, b4 ) ;
      mem4free( b4->tag->indexFile->blockMemory, b4 ) ;
   return 0 ;

#ifdef S4MDX

/* S4MDX */
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4flush( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   int rc ;
   INDEX4FILE *i4 ;
   TAG4FILE *t4file ;
   #ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
      char *swap, *swapPtr ;
      int i ;
      S4LONG longVal ;
      short shortVal ;
   #endif  /* S4BYTE_SWAP */

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if ( b4->changed )
      #ifdef E4INDEX_VERIFY
         if ( b4verify( b4 ) == -1 )
            error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E90438, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;
      t4file = b4->tag ;
      i4 = t4file->indexFile ;

      #ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
         swap = (char *)u4allocEr( t4file->codeBase, t4file->indexFile->header.blockRw ) ;
         if ( swap == 0 )
            return error4stack( t4file->codeBase, e4memory, E90438 ) ;

         memcpy( (void *)swap, (void *)&b4->nKeys, t4file->indexFile->header.blockRw ) ;

         /* position swapPtr at beginning of B4KEY's */
         swapPtr = swap ;
         swapPtr += 6 + sizeof(short) ;

         /* move through all B4KEY's to swap 'long' */
         for ( i = 0 ; i < (*(short *)swap) ; i++ )
            longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;
            memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
            swapPtr += t4file->header.groupLen ;

         /* mark lastPointer */
         if ( !b4leaf( b4 ) )
            longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;
            memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;

         /* swap the numKeys value */
         shortVal = x4reverseShort( (void *)swap ) ;
         memcpy( swap, (void *) &shortVal, sizeof(short) ) ;

         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = t4file ;
         rc = file4write( &i4->file, (long)b4->fileBlock*I4MULTIPLY, swap, i4->header.blockRw ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = 0 ;
         u4free( swap ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = t4file ;
         rc = file4write( &i4->file, (long)b4->fileBlock*I4MULTIPLY, &b4->nKeys, i4->header.blockRw ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = 0 ;
      #endif  /* S4BYTE_SWAP */

      if ( rc < 0 )
         return error4stack( t4file->codeBase, rc, E90438 ) ;
      b4->changed = 0 ;
   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

/* S4MDX */
#ifndef S4INLINE
void b4goEof( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;
         return ;

   b4->keyOn = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;
#endif /* S4INLINE */

/* S4MDX */
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4insert( B4BLOCK *b4, const void *k, const long r )
   #ifdef S464BIT
      S4LONG tempR ;
   int leftLen ;
   B4KEY_DATA *dataPtr, *nextPtr ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || k == 0 || r <= 0L )
         return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   dataPtr = b4key( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
   nextPtr = b4key( b4, b4->keyOn+1 ) ;
   leftLen = b4->tag->indexFile->header.blockRw - ( b4->keyOn + 1 ) * b4->tag->header.groupLen - sizeof(short) - sizeof(char[6]) ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      if ( b4->keyOn < 0 || b4->keyOn > b4numKeys( b4 ) || leftLen < 0 )
         return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;

   c4memmove( nextPtr, dataPtr, leftLen ) ;
   b4->nKeys++ ;
   memcpy( dataPtr->value, k, b4->tag->header.keyLen ) ;
   #ifdef S464BIT
      tempR = (S4LONG) r ;
      memcpy( (void *)&dataPtr->num, (void *)&tempR, sizeof(tempR) ) ;
      memcpy( (void *)&dataPtr->num, (void *)&r, sizeof(r) ) ;
   b4->changed = 1 ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

/* S4MDX */
/* based on the actual stored-data (from file) only, determine whether or
   not a leaf.  Used by file optimization routines */
int b4dataLeaf( void *data, TAG4FILE *tag )
   short nKeys ;
   char *info ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( data == 0 || tag == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   nKeys = * ((short *)data) ;
   info = (char *)data + ( sizeof( short ) + 6 ) ;

   return ( ((B4KEY_DATA *)((char *)info + tag->header.groupLen * nKeys))->num == 0L ) ;

/* S4MDX */
#ifndef S4INLINE
B4KEY_DATA *b4key( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || iKey < 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   return (B4KEY_DATA *)((char *)&b4->info.num + b4->tag->header.groupLen * iKey) ;

/* S4MDX */
unsigned char *b4keyKey( B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || iKey < 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   return (unsigned char *)(((B4KEY_DATA *)((char *)&b4->info.num + b4->tag->header.groupLen * iKey ))->value ) ;

/* S4MDX */
int b4lastpos( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   return ( ( b4leaf( b4 ) ) ? ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ) : ( b4numKeys( b4 ) ) ) ;

/* S4MDX */
int b4leaf( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   return( b4key( b4, b4numKeys( b4 ) )->num == 0L ) ;

/* S4MDX */
long b4recNo( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int i )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || i < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   return b4key( b4, i )->num ;
#endif /* S4INLINE */

/* S4MDX */
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4remove( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   B4KEY_DATA *keyCur, *keyNext ;
   int leftLen ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   keyCur = b4key( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
   keyNext = b4key( b4, b4->keyOn + 1 ) ;

   leftLen = b4->tag->indexFile->header.blockRw - sizeof( b4->nKeys ) - sizeof( b4->dummy )
            - ( b4->keyOn + 1 ) * b4->tag->header.groupLen ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      if ( b4->keyOn < 0 || b4->keyOn > b4lastpos( b4 ) )
         return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;

   if ( leftLen > 0 )
      c4memmove( keyCur, keyNext, leftLen ) ;

   b4->nKeys-- ;
   b4->changed = 1 ;

   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      memset( b4keyKey( b4, b4numKeys( b4 ) ), 0, b4->tag->header.keyLen ) ;
   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) < b4->tag->header.keysMax )
            memset( b4keyKey( b4, b4numKeys( b4 ) ), 0, b4->tag->header.keyLen ) ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

/* S4MDX */
int b4seek( B4BLOCK *b4, const char *searchValue, const int len )
   int rc, keyLower, keyUpper, saveRc, keyCur ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || searchValue == 0 || len < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   /* keyCur must be between  keyLower and  keyUpper */
   keyLower = -1 ;
   keyUpper = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;

   cmp = b4->tag->cmp ;

   if ( keyUpper == 0 )
      b4->keyOn = 0 ;
      return r4after ;

   saveRc = 1 ;

   for( ;; )  /* Repeat until the key is found */
      keyCur  = (keyUpper + keyLower) / 2  ;
      rc = (*cmp)( b4keyKey(b4,keyCur), searchValue, len ) ;

      if ( rc >= 0 )
         keyUpper = keyCur ;
         saveRc = rc ;
         keyLower = keyCur ;

      if ( keyLower >= (keyUpper-1) )  /* then there is no exact match */
         b4->keyOn =  keyUpper ;
         if ( saveRc )
            return r4after ;
         return 0 ;

/* S4MDX */
int b4skip( B4BLOCK *b4, const long n )
   int numLeft ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   if ( n > 0 )
      numLeft = b4numKeys( b4 ) - b4->keyOn ;
      if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
         if ( numLeft != 0 )
            numLeft -- ;
      numLeft = -b4->keyOn ;

   if ( ( n <= 0L ) ? ( (long)numLeft <= n ) : ( (long)numLeft >= n) )
      b4->keyOn = b4->keyOn + (int)n ;
      return (int)n ;
      b4->keyOn = b4->keyOn + numLeft ;
      return numLeft ;
#endif  /* S4MDX */

#ifdef S4FOX

/* S4FOX */
void b4leafInit( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   TAG4FILE *t4 ;
   int tLen ;
   unsigned int cLen, keyLen ;
   unsigned long ff, rLen ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;
         return ;

   t4 = b4->tag ;
   keyLen = (unsigned int)t4->header.keyLen ;
   ff = 0xFFFFFFFFL ;

   for ( cLen = 0 ; keyLen ; keyLen >>= 1, cLen++ ) ;

   b4->nodeHdr.trailCntLen = b4->nodeHdr.dupCntLen = (unsigned char)cLen ;

   b4->nodeHdr.trailByteCnt = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)0xFF >> (8 - cLen % 8) ) ;
   b4->nodeHdr.dupByteCnt = b4->nodeHdr.trailByteCnt ;

   rLen = (unsigned long)dfile4recCount( b4->tag->indexFile->dataFile, -2L ) ;

   for ( cLen = 0 ; rLen ; rLen>>=1, cLen++ ) ;

   b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen = (unsigned char) (cLen + (( 8 - ( 2 * (unsigned int)b4->nodeHdr.trailCntLen % 8 )) % 8)) ;
   if ( b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen < 12 )
      b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen = 12 ;

   for( tLen = b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen + b4->nodeHdr.trailCntLen + b4->nodeHdr.dupCntLen ;
        (tLen / 8)*8 != tLen ; tLen++, b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen++ ) ;  /* make at an 8-bit offset */

   rLen = ff >> ( sizeof(long)*8 - b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen ) ;
   memcpy( (void *)&b4->nodeHdr.recNumMask[0], (void *)&rLen, sizeof(long) ) ;

   b4->nodeHdr.infoLen = (unsigned char)((unsigned int)(b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen + b4->nodeHdr.trailCntLen + b4->nodeHdr.dupCntLen) / 8) ;
   b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace = B4BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( B4STD_HEADER ) - sizeof( B4NODE_HEADER ) ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4calcDups( const unsigned char *ptr1, const unsigned char *ptr2, const int len )
   int a ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( ptr1 == 0 || ptr2 == 0 || len < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   for ( a = 0 ; a < len; a++ )
      if ( ptr1[a] != ptr2[a] )
         return a ;
   return len ;  /* all duplicates */

/* S4FOX */
long x4recNo( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int numInBlock )
   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      unsigned long longPtr ;
      unsigned long longVal ;
      unsigned long * lPtr ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         unsigned long longTemp ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || numInBlock < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90439 ) ;

   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      memcpy( (void *)&longPtr , b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen , sizeof(long) ) ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longPtr = (unsigned long)x4reverseLong( (void *)&longPtr ) ;
      memcpy( (void *)&longVal , (void *)&b4->nodeHdr.recNumMask[0], sizeof(unsigned long) ) ;
      return ( longPtr & longVal ) ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longTemp = *(unsigned long *)( b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ) ;
         longTemp = (unsigned long)x4reverseLong( (void *)&longTemp ) ;
         return ( longTemp & *(unsigned long *)&b4->nodeHdr.recNumMask[0] ) ;
         lPtr = (unsigned long *)( b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ) ;
         return ( *lPtr & *(unsigned long *)&b4->nodeHdr.recNumMask[0] ) ;

/* S4FOX */
int x4dupCnt( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int numInBlock )
   int pos ;
   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      unsigned long longPtr ;
      unsigned long *lPtr ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         unsigned long longVal ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || numInBlock < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90439 ) ;

   if ( b4->nodeHdr.infoLen > 4 )  /* > size of long, so must do careful shifting and copying */
      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen <= 16 )
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;
      #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
         memcpy( (void *)&longPtr , b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen + 2, sizeof(long) ) ;
         lPtr = (unsigned long *)( b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen + 2 ) ;
      pos = b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen - 16 ;
      #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
         memcpy( (void *)&longPtr , b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen , sizeof(long) ) ;
         lPtr = (unsigned long *)( b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ) ;
      pos = b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen ;

   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longPtr = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longPtr ) ;
      return (int)( ( longPtr >> pos ) & b4->nodeHdr.dupByteCnt ) ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longVal = *lPtr ;
         longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longVal) ;
         return (int)( ( longVal >> pos ) & b4->nodeHdr.dupByteCnt ) ;
         return (int)( ( *lPtr >> pos ) & b4->nodeHdr.dupByteCnt ) ;

/* S4FOX */
int x4trailCnt( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int numInBlock )
   int pos ;
   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      unsigned long longPtr ;
      unsigned long *lPtr ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         unsigned long longVal ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || numInBlock < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90439 ) ;

   if ( b4->nodeHdr.infoLen > 4 )  /* > size of long, so must do careful shifting and copying */
      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen <= 16 )
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;
      #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
         memcpy( (void *)&longPtr , b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen + 2, sizeof(long) ) ;
         lPtr = (unsigned long *)( b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen + 2 ) ;
      pos = b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen - 16 + b4->nodeHdr.dupCntLen ;
      #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
         memcpy( (void *)&longPtr , b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen , sizeof(long) ) ;
         lPtr = (unsigned long *)( b4->data + numInBlock * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ) ;
      pos = b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen + b4->nodeHdr.dupCntLen;

   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longPtr = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longPtr ) ;
      return (int)( ( longPtr >> pos ) & b4->nodeHdr.trailByteCnt ) ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longVal = *lPtr ;
         longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longVal) ;
         return (int)( ( longVal >> pos ) & b4->nodeHdr.trailByteCnt ) ;
      return (int)( ( *lPtr >> pos ) & b4->nodeHdr.trailByteCnt ) ;

/* S4FOX */
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE

int x4putInfo( const B4NODE_HEADER *b4nodeHdr, void *buffer, const long rec, const int trail, const int dupCnt )
   int pos ;
   #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
      #ifndef S4DATA_ALIGN
         long longTemp ;
   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      char unixBuf[6] ;
      char unixBuf2[4] ;
      long longVal, longTemp ;
      int doShift = 0 ;
      unsigned char *buf ;
      unsigned long *lPtr ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4nodeHdr == 0 || buffer == 0 || rec < 0 || trail < 0 || dupCnt < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90439 ) ;

   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      memset( unixBuf, 0, 6 ) ;
      memcpy( (void *)&longTemp , (void *)&b4nodeHdr->recNumMask[0], sizeof(long) ) ;
      longVal = rec & longTemp ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longVal ) ;
      memcpy( unixBuf, (void *)&longVal, sizeof(long) ) ;
      buf = (unsigned char *) buffer ;
      lPtr = (unsigned long *)buf ;
      memset( buf, 0, 6 ) ;
      *lPtr = rec & *(long *)&b4nodeHdr->recNumMask[0] ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         *lPtr = x4reverseLong( (void *)lPtr ) ;

   if ( b4nodeHdr->infoLen > 4 )  /* > size of long, so must do careful shifting and copying */
      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( b4nodeHdr->recNumLen <= 16 )
            return error4( 0, e4info, E80401 ) ;
      #ifndef S4DATA_ALIGN
         lPtr = (unsigned long *)( buf + 2 ) ;  /* start at new pos */
         doShift = 1 ;
      pos = b4nodeHdr->recNumLen - 16 ;
      pos = b4nodeHdr->recNumLen ;

   #ifdef S4DATA_ALIGN
      longVal = ((unsigned long)dupCnt) << pos ;
      pos += b4nodeHdr->dupCntLen ;
      longVal |= ((unsigned long)trail) << pos ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longVal ) ;
      memcpy( unixBuf2, (void *)&longVal, sizeof(long) ) ;
      if (doShift)
         unixBuf[2] |= unixBuf2[0] ;  /* must OR bytes 2 and 3 of 'buf' */
         unixBuf[3] |= unixBuf2[1] ;
         unixBuf[4] = unixBuf2[2] ;
         unixBuf[5] = unixBuf2[3] ;
         unixBuf[0] |= unixBuf2[0] ;
         unixBuf[1] |= unixBuf2[1] ;
         unixBuf[2] |= unixBuf2[2] ;
         unixBuf[3] |= unixBuf2[3] ;
      memcpy( (void *)buffer, unixBuf, 6 ) ;
      #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
         longTemp = ((unsigned long)dupCnt) << pos ;
         pos += b4nodeHdr->dupCntLen ;
         longTemp |= ((unsigned long)trail) << pos ;
         longTemp = x4reverseLong( (void *)&longTemp ) ;
         *lPtr |= longTemp ;
         *lPtr |= ((unsigned long)dupCnt) << pos ;
         pos += b4nodeHdr->dupCntLen ;
         *lPtr |= ((unsigned long)trail) << pos ;

   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4insertLeaf( B4BLOCK *b4, const void *vkeyData, const long rec )
   int leftBlanks, rightBlanks, leftDups, rightDups, leftLen, rightLen, reqdLen, movLen, oldRec, rc, oldRightDups, extraDups, saveDups ;
   unsigned char buffer[6], iLen ;
   unsigned char *keyData ;
   char *infoPos, a, b ;
   int keyLen ;
   unsigned int recLen ;
   unsigned long mask ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || vkeyData == 0 || rec < 0L )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   iLen = b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ;
   keyData = (unsigned char *)vkeyData ;
   keyLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;
   b4->builtOn = -1 ;

   /* if the record is > than the mask, must reset the block with new parameters: */
   b = sizeof( long ) * 8 ;
   mask = 0x01L << (b-1) ;    /* set leftmost bit  */

   for( recLen = 0, a = 0 ; a < b ; a++ )
      if ( rec & mask )
         recLen = (unsigned int)((int)b - a) ;
         break ;
      mask >>= 1 ;

   while ( recLen > b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen )
      oldRec = b4->keyOn ;
      saveDups = b4->curDupCnt ;
      rc = b4reindex( b4 ) ;
      if (rc )
         return rc ;
      iLen = b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ;
      b4top( b4 ) ;
      b4skip( b4, (long)oldRec ) ;
      b4->curDupCnt = saveDups ;

   if ( b4->tag->indexFile->dataFile->version != 0x30 && b4->tag->codeBase->compatibility == 26 )
      /* FoxPro 2.6 always has no blanks if filters exist (at least for
         character tags */
      if ( b4->tag->filter != 0 )
         leftBlanks = 0 ;
         leftBlanks = b4calcBlanks( keyData, keyLen, b4->tag->pChar ) ;
      leftBlanks = b4calcBlanks( keyData, keyLen, b4->tag->pChar ) ;

   if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) == 0 )
      if( b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace == 0 )  /* block needs initialization */
         b4leafInit( b4 ) ;
         iLen = b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ;
      leftDups = 0 ;
      reqdLen = keyLen - leftBlanks ;
      b4->keyOn = 0 ;
      b4->curPos = ((char *)&b4->header) + B4BLOCK_SIZE - reqdLen ;
      memcpy( b4->curPos, keyData, (unsigned int)reqdLen ) ;  /* key */
      x4putInfo( &b4->nodeHdr, buffer, rec, leftBlanks, 0 ) ;
      memcpy( b4->data, (void *)buffer, iLen ) ;
      if ( b4->keyOn == b4numKeys( b4 ) )  /* at end */
         leftDups = b4->curDupCnt ;
         reqdLen = keyLen - leftBlanks - b4->curDupCnt ;
         if ( (int)b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace < ( reqdLen + (int)iLen ) )  /* no room to add */
            return 1 ;
         b4->curPos -= reqdLen ;
         memcpy( b4->curPos, keyData + b4->curDupCnt, (unsigned int)reqdLen ) ;  /* key */
         x4putInfo( &b4->nodeHdr, buffer, rec, leftBlanks, leftDups ) ;
         memcpy( b4->data + b4->keyOn * iLen , (void *)buffer, iLen ) ;
         rightBlanks = x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;

         if ( b4->keyOn == 0 )   /* insert at top */
            oldRightDups = 0 ;
            rightDups = b4calcDups( keyData, (unsigned char *)b4->curPos, keyLen - ( rightBlanks > leftBlanks ? rightBlanks : leftBlanks ) ) ;
            extraDups = rightDups ;
            leftDups = 0 ;
         else /* insert in middle of block */
            oldRightDups = x4dupCnt( b4, b4->keyOn) ;
            extraDups = b4calcDups( keyData + oldRightDups, (unsigned char *)b4->curPos, keyLen - ( rightBlanks > leftBlanks ? rightBlanks : leftBlanks ) - oldRightDups ) ;
            rightDups = oldRightDups + extraDups ;
            leftDups = b4->curDupCnt ;

         #ifdef E4ANALYZE_ALL
            if ( b4->tag->header.typeCode & 0x01 )
               if ( leftDups == b4->tag->header.keyLen || rightDups == b4->tag->header.keyLen )
                  return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80402 ) ;

         rightLen = keyLen - rightBlanks - rightDups ;
         leftLen = keyLen - leftDups - leftBlanks ;
         reqdLen = leftLen - extraDups ;

         #ifdef E4ANALYZE
            if ( reqdLen < 0 )
               return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;

         if ( (int)b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace < (reqdLen + (int)iLen) )  /* no room to add */
            return 1 ;

         if ( reqdLen != 0 )  /* shift data over */
            movLen = B4BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( B4STD_HEADER ) - iLen * b4numKeys( b4 )
                      - sizeof( B4NODE_HEADER ) - b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace
                      - ( ( (char *)&b4->header ) + B4BLOCK_SIZE - b4->curPos ) ;

            #ifdef E4ANALYZE
               if ( movLen < 0 )
                  return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;

            /* move and put keys */
            c4memmove( b4->curPos - movLen - reqdLen, b4->curPos - movLen, (unsigned int)movLen ) ;
         b4->curPos += ( keyLen - rightBlanks - oldRightDups ) ;
         memcpy( b4->curPos - leftLen - rightLen, b4->curPos - ( keyLen - rightDups - rightBlanks ), (unsigned int)rightLen ) ;
         b4->curPos -= leftLen ;
         memcpy( b4->curPos, keyData + leftDups, (unsigned int)leftLen ) ;

         /* move and put info */
         infoPos = b4->data + ( b4->keyOn ) * iLen ;
         c4memmove( infoPos + iLen, infoPos, (unsigned int)(iLen * ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - b4->keyOn ) ) ) ;
         x4putInfo( &b4->nodeHdr, buffer, rec, leftBlanks, leftDups ) ;
         memcpy( infoPos, (void *)buffer, iLen ) ;
         x4putInfo( &b4->nodeHdr, buffer, x4recNo( b4, b4->keyOn + 1 ), rightBlanks, rightDups ) ;
         memcpy( infoPos + iLen, (void *)buffer, iLen ) ;

   b4->changed = 1 ;
   b4->header.nKeys++ ;
   b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace -= (short) (reqdLen + (int)iLen ) ;
   b4->curDupCnt = leftDups ;
   b4->curTrailCnt = leftBlanks ;
   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
/* returns 1 if unable to move keys around to make room */
static int b4insertBranchBalance( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   B4BLOCK *left, *right, *parent ;
   char *oPos, *nPos ;
   int gLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen + 2 * sizeof( long ) ;
   int rc ;

   if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) != 2 )   /* only perform in tight situations */
      return 1;

   parent = (B4BLOCK *)l4prev( &b4->tag->blocks, b4 ) ;
   if ( parent == 0 )   /* no parent, so working on a root block, allow split */
      return 1 ;

   if ( b4->keyOn == 0L )  /* try adding to right neighbor */
      if ( parent->keyOn == b4numKeys( parent ) - 1 )  /* parent doesn't share blocks */
         return 1 ;

      if ( b4->header.rightNode == 0 )  /* no neighbor */
         return 1 ;

      right = b4alloc( b4->tag, b4->header.rightNode ) ;
      if ( right == 0 )
         return 1 ;
      rc = i4readBlock( &b4->tag->indexFile->file, b4->header.rightNode, 0, right ) ;
      if ( rc < 0 )
         b4free( right ) ;
         return 1 ;

      if ( b4numKeys( right ) >= 2 )  /* already full */
         b4free( right ) ;
         return 1 ;

      nPos = ((char *)&right->nodeHdr) + gLen * b4numKeys( right ) ;
      oPos = ((char *)&right->nodeHdr) ;
      memcpy( nPos, oPos, gLen * b4numKeys( right ) ) ;

      nPos = ((char *)&right->nodeHdr)  ;
      oPos = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + gLen * ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ) ;
      memcpy( nPos, oPos, gLen ) ;
      b4->header.nKeys-- ;
      right->header.nKeys++ ;

      nPos = ((char *)&parent->nodeHdr) + gLen * ( parent->keyOn ) ;
      oPos = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr ) + gLen * ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ) ;
      memcpy( nPos, oPos, b4->tag->header.keyLen + sizeof( long ) ) ;
      parent->changed = 1 ;
      right->changed = 1 ;
      b4flush( right ) ;
      b4free( right ) ;
   else  /* try adding to left neighbor */
      if ( parent->keyOn == 0 )  /* parent doesn't share blocks */
         return 1 ;

      if ( b4->header.leftNode == 0 )  /* no neighbor */
         return 1 ;

      left = b4alloc( b4->tag, b4->header.leftNode ) ;
      if ( left == 0 )
         return 1 ;
      rc = i4readBlock( &b4->tag->indexFile->file, b4->header.leftNode, 0, left ) ;
      if ( rc < 0 )
         b4free( left ) ;
         return 1 ;

      if ( b4numKeys( left ) >= 2 )  /* already full */
         b4free( left ) ;
         return 1 ;

      nPos = ((char *)&left->nodeHdr) + gLen * b4numKeys( left ) ;
      oPos = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) ;
      memcpy( nPos, oPos, gLen ) ;

      b4->header.nKeys-- ;

      nPos = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) ;
      oPos = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + gLen * b4numKeys( b4 ) ;
      memcpy( nPos, oPos, gLen * b4numKeys( b4 ) ) ;

      b4->keyOn-- ;
      left->header.nKeys++ ;

      nPos = ((char *)&parent->nodeHdr) + gLen * ( parent->keyOn - 1 ) ;
      oPos = ((char *)&left->nodeHdr ) + gLen * ( b4numKeys( left ) - 1 ) ;
      memcpy( nPos, oPos, b4->tag->header.keyLen + sizeof( long ) ) ;
      parent->changed = 1 ;
      left->changed = 1 ;
      b4flush( left ) ;
      b4free( left ) ;

   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4insertBranch( B4BLOCK *b4, const void *k, const long r1, const long rin2, const char newFlag )
   int leftLen, moveLen, gLen ;
   char *dataPtr, *nextPtr ;
   long r, r2 ;

   gLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen + 2 * sizeof(long) ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || k == 0 || r1 <= 0L || rin2 < 0 )
         return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   leftLen = B4BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( b4->header ) - gLen * b4numKeys( b4 ) ;
   if ( leftLen < gLen )  /* not enough room */
      /* if only 2 keys in branch, try to do some swapping with neighbor */
      if ( b4insertBranchBalance( b4 ) == 1 )
         return 1 ;

   dataPtr = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + b4->keyOn * gLen ;
   nextPtr = dataPtr + gLen ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      if ( b4->keyOn < 0 || b4->keyOn > b4numKeys( b4 ) )
         return error4( 0, e4info, E90438 ) ;

   moveLen = gLen * ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - b4->keyOn ) ;

   c4memmove( nextPtr, dataPtr, (unsigned int)moveLen ) ;
   b4->header.nKeys++ ;
   memcpy( dataPtr, k, (unsigned int)b4->tag->header.keyLen ) ;
   memset( dataPtr + gLen - 2*sizeof(long), 0, sizeof(long) ) ;

   r2 = x4reverseLong( (void *)&rin2 ) ;
   memcpy( dataPtr + gLen - 2*sizeof(long), (void *)&r2, sizeof(long) ) ;

   r = x4reverseLong( (void *)&r1 ) ;

   if ( !newFlag &&  (b4->keyOn + 1) != b4numKeys( b4 ) )
      memcpy(  nextPtr + gLen - sizeof(long), (void *)&r, sizeof(long) ) ;
      memcpy( dataPtr + gLen - sizeof(long), (void *)&r, sizeof(long) ) ;

   b4->changed = 1 ;

   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
#ifndef S4INLINE
int b4insert( B4BLOCK *b4, const void *keyData, const long rec, const long rec2, const char newFlag )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || keyData == 0 || rec <= 0L || rec2 < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   return ( b4leaf( b4 ) ? b4insertLeaf( b4, keyData, rec ) : b4insertBranch( b4, keyData, rec, rec2, newFlag ) ) ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4reindex( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   int i, dupCnt, trail ;
   int niLen = b4->nodeHdr.infoLen + 1 ;
   unsigned char buffer[6] ;
   long rec ;
   int spaceReqd ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   spaceReqd = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;   /* 1 byte extra for each record */
   if ( spaceReqd > b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace )  /* not enough room */
      return 1 ;

   for ( i = b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
      dupCnt = x4dupCnt( b4, i ) ;
      trail = x4trailCnt( b4, i ) ;
      rec = x4recNo( b4, i ) ;
      memset( b4->data + i * niLen, 0, (unsigned int)niLen ) ;

      b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen += 8 ;  /* for the new info */
      b4->nodeHdr.infoLen++ ;
      x4putInfo( &b4->nodeHdr, buffer, rec, trail, dupCnt ) ;
      b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen -= 8 ;  /* to get the old info */
      b4->nodeHdr.infoLen-- ;
      memcpy( b4->data + i * niLen, (void *)buffer, (unsigned int)niLen ) ;

   memcpy( (void *)&rec, (void *)&b4->nodeHdr.recNumMask[0], sizeof(long) ) ;
   rec |= (0x000000FFL << b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen ) ;
   memcpy( (void *)&b4->nodeHdr.recNumMask[0], (void *)&rec, sizeof(long) ) ;

   b4->nodeHdr.infoLen++ ;
   b4->nodeHdr.recNumLen += 8 ;
   b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace -= b4numKeys( b4 ) ;
   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4flush( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   int rc ;
   INDEX4FILE *i4 ;
   TAG4FILE *t4file ;
   #ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
      char swap[B4BLOCK_SIZE] ;
      char *swapPtr ;
      int i ;
      S4LONG longVal ;
      short shortVal ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if ( b4->changed )
      t4file = b4->tag ;
      i4 = t4file->indexFile ;

      #ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
         memcpy( (void *)swap, (void *)&b4->header.nodeAttribute, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;

         /* position at either B4NODE_HEADER (leaf) or data (branch) */
         swapPtr = swap + 2 * sizeof( short) + 2 * sizeof(S4LONG) ;

         /* if block is a leaf */
         if (b4->header.nodeAttribute >= 2 )
            /* swap B4NODE_HEADER members */
            shortVal = x4reverseShort( (void *)swapPtr ) ; /* freeSpace */
            memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &shortVal, sizeof(short) ) ;
            swapPtr += sizeof(short) ;

            longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;   /* recNumMask */
            memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
         else /* if block is a branch */
            shortVal = t4file->header.keyLen + sizeof(S4LONG) ;

            /* position swapPtr to end of first key expression */
            swapPtr += t4file->header.keyLen ;

            /* move through all B4KEY's to swap 'long's */
            for ( i = 0 ; i < (int)b4numKeys( b4 ) ; i++ )
               longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;
               memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
               swapPtr += sizeof(S4LONG) ;
               longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;
               memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
               swapPtr += shortVal ;

         /* reposition to B4STD_HEADER and swap members */
         swapPtr = swap ;

         shortVal = x4reverseShort( (void *)swapPtr ) ; /* nodeAttribute */
         memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &shortVal, sizeof(short) ) ;
         swapPtr += sizeof(short) ;

         shortVal = x4reverseShort( (void *)swapPtr ) ; /* nKeys */
         memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &shortVal, sizeof(short) ) ;
         swapPtr += sizeof(short) ;

         longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;   /* leftNode */
         memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
         swapPtr += sizeof(S4LONG) ;

         longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;   /* rightNode */
         memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
         swapPtr += sizeof(S4LONG) ;

         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = t4file ;
         rc = file4write( &i4->file, (long)b4->fileBlock * I4MULTIPLY, swap, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = 0 ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = t4file ;
         rc = file4write( &i4->file, (long)b4->fileBlock * I4MULTIPLY, &b4->header.nodeAttribute, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            i4->readBlockTag = 0 ;

      if ( rc < 0 )
         return rc ;
      b4->changed = 0 ;
   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

#ifndef S4INLINE
/* S4FOX */
int b4go( B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || iKey < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   return b4skip( b4, iKey - b4->keyOn ) ;
#endif /* S4INLINE */

/* S4FOX */
int b4top( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   b4->keyOn = 0 ;
   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      b4->curDupCnt = 0 ;
      b4->curPos = ((char *)&b4->header) + B4BLOCK_SIZE - b4->tag->header.keyLen + x4trailCnt( b4, 0 ) ;

   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
void b4goEof( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;
         return ;

   b4->keyOn = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;
   b4->curPos = ((char *)&b4->header) + sizeof( B4STD_HEADER ) + sizeof( B4NODE_HEADER )
                 + b4numKeys( b4 ) * b4->nodeHdr.infoLen + b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace ;

/* S4FOX */
B4KEY_DATA *b4key( B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   int len, kLen ;
   char *val ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || iKey > b4numKeys( b4 ) || iKey < 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   if ( iKey == b4->builtOn )   /* already there! */
      return b4->builtKey ;

   val = (char *)(&b4->builtKey->value[0]) ;
   kLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;

   if ( b4->header.nodeAttribute >= 2 ) /* leaf */
      if ( b4->builtOn > iKey || b4->builtOn == -1 )
         b4->builtOn = -1 ;
         b4->builtPos = ((char *)&b4->header) + B4BLOCK_SIZE ;

      for ( ; b4->builtOn != iKey ; )
         b4->builtOn++ ;
         b4->curDupCnt = x4dupCnt( b4, b4->builtOn ) ;
         b4->curTrailCnt = x4trailCnt( b4, b4->builtOn ) ;
         len = kLen - b4->curDupCnt - b4->curTrailCnt ;
         #ifdef E4ANALYZE
            if (len < 0 || len > kLen || ( b4->builtPos - len ) < b4->data )
               error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;
               return 0 ;
         b4->builtPos -= len ;
         memcpy( val + b4->curDupCnt, b4->builtPos, (unsigned int)len ) ;
         memset( val + kLen - b4->curTrailCnt, b4->tag->pChar, (unsigned int)b4->curTrailCnt ) ;
      b4->builtKey->num = x4recNo( b4, iKey ) ;
   else /* branch */
      memcpy( val, (((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + iKey*(2*sizeof( long ) + kLen ) ), (unsigned int)kLen ) ;
      b4->builtKey->num = x4reverseLong( (void *)( ((unsigned char *)&b4->nodeHdr)
                          + (iKey+1)*(2*sizeof(long) + kLen) - sizeof(long) ) ) ;
   return b4->builtKey ;

/* S4FOX */
/* based on the actual stored-data (from file) only, determine whether or
   not a leaf.  Used by file optimization routines */
#ifdef P4ARGS_USED
   #pragma argsused
int b4dataLeaf( void *data, TAG4FILE *tag )
   B4STD_HEADER *header ;
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( data == 0 || tag == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   header = (B4STD_HEADER *)data ;

   return( header->nodeAttribute >= 2 ) ;

#ifndef S4INLINE
/* S4FOX */
unsigned char *b4keyKey( B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   return (unsigned char *)b4key( b4, iKey )->value ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4lastpos( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   return b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4leaf( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   return( b4->header.nodeAttribute >= 2 ) ;
#endif /* S4INLINE */

/* S4FOX */
long b4recNo( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int i )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || i < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if ( b4->header.nodeAttribute >= 2 ) /* leaf */
      return x4recNo( b4, i ) ;
   else /* branch */
       return (unsigned long)x4reverseLong( (void *)(((unsigned char *)&b4->nodeHdr) +
          i * (2*sizeof(long) + b4->tag->header.keyLen) + b4->tag->header.keyLen ) ) ;

/* S4FOX */
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4brReplace( B4BLOCK *b4, const unsigned char *str, const long r )
   int keyLen ;
   char *putPl ;
   long rec ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || str == 0 || r < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   keyLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;
   putPl = ( (char *)&b4->nodeHdr ) + b4->keyOn * ( 2 * sizeof( long ) + keyLen ) ;
   memcpy( putPl, str, (unsigned int)keyLen ) ;
   memcpy( b4->builtKey->value, str, (unsigned int)keyLen ) ;
   memset( putPl + keyLen, 0, sizeof(long) ) ;
   rec = x4reverseLong( (void *)&r ) ;
   memcpy( putPl + keyLen, (void *)&rec, sizeof(long) ) ;

   b4->changed = 1 ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

/* S4FOX */
int b4rBrseek( B4BLOCK *b4, const char *searchValue, const int len, const long recNo )
   int rc, keyLen ;
   #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
      long longVal, lrecNo ;
   #ifdef E4ANALYZE_ALL
      long swapped ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || searchValue == 0 || len < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE_ALL
      /* incoming rec is swapped, so unswap it to see if it is valid */
      swapped = recNo ;
      swapped = x4reverseShort( &swapped ) ;
      if ( swapped < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   rc = b4seek( b4, searchValue, len ) ;

   keyLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;
   if ( rc == 0 )   /* string matches, so search on recNo */
         #ifdef S4DO_BYTEORDER
            lrecNo = x4reverseLong( (void *)&recNo ) ;
            longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)(((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + b4->keyOn * ( 2 * sizeof(long) + keyLen) + keyLen ) ) ;
            if ( c4memcmp( (void *)&lrecNo, (void *)&longVal, sizeof(long) ) <= 0
            if ( c4memcmp( (void *)&recNo, ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + b4->keyOn * ( 2 * sizeof(long) + keyLen) + keyLen, sizeof(long) ) <= 0
            || b4->keyOn >= ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ) )  /* best match, so done */
               break ;
            if( b4->keyOn < b4numKeys( b4 ) )
               b4skip( b4, 1L ) ;

         if ( u4memcmp( (void *)b4keyKey(b4,b4->keyOn), searchValue, (unsigned int)len ) )   /* the key has changed, so stop here */
            break ;

   return rc ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4seek( B4BLOCK *b4, const char *searchValue, const int len )
   int rc, keyLower, keyUpper, saveRc, keyCur, groupVal ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || searchValue == 0 || len < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) == 0 )
      b4->keyOn = 0 ;
      return r4after ;

   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      return b4leafSeek( b4, searchValue, len ) ;

   /* keyCur must be between  keyLower and  keyUpper */
   keyLower = -1 ;
   keyUpper = b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ;

   saveRc = 1 ;
   groupVal = 2 * sizeof( long ) + b4->tag->header.keyLen ;

   for(;;)  /* Repeat until the key is found */
      keyCur = (keyUpper + keyLower) / 2 ;
      rc = u4memcmp( (((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + keyCur * groupVal ), searchValue, (unsigned int)len ) ;

      if ( rc >= 0 )
         keyUpper = keyCur ;
         saveRc = rc ;
         keyLower = keyCur ;

      if ( keyLower >= (keyUpper-1) )  /* then there is no exact match */
         b4->keyOn = keyUpper ;   /* branch block, just change keyOn */
         if ( saveRc )
            return r4after ;
         return 0 ;

#ifdef S4VFP_KEY
int u4tailCmp( S4CMP_PARM dataPtr, S4CMP_PARM searchPtr, size_t sLen )
   unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)dataPtr ;
   unsigned char *search = (unsigned char *)searchPtr ;
   unsigned int on ;

   for ( on = 0 ; on < sLen ; on++ )
      if ( search[on] !=17 || ( data[on] >= 10 && data[on] != 17 ) )
         break ;

   return on ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4leafSeek( B4BLOCK *b4, const char *searchValue, const int l )
   int done, len, trailCnt, duplicates, bytesSame, compareLen, keyLen, originalLen, significantBytes, cLen ;
   #ifdef S4VFP_KEY
      int skippedSpaces ;
   char allBlank ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || searchValue == 0 || l < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   originalLen = len = l ;
   keyLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;
   #ifdef S4VFP_KEY
      if ( tfile4vfpKey( b4->tag ) && b4->tag->expr->type == r4str )
         for ( ; len > 0 && searchValue[len-1] == 17 ; len-- ) ;
      skippedSpaces = ( len == originalLen ) ? 0 : 1 ;
   len -= b4calcBlanks( (unsigned char *)searchValue, len, b4->tag->pChar ) ;  /* don't compare blank bytes */
   if ( len == 0 )   /* if all blanks, watch for records < blank */
      len = originalLen ;
      allBlank = 1 ;
      allBlank = 0 ;
   duplicates = 0 ;
   b4top( b4 ) ;

      if ( b4->curDupCnt == duplicates )
         significantBytes = keyLen - x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
         if ( allBlank && significantBytes == 0 )   /* found a blank record */
            len = 0 ;
         compareLen = ( len < significantBytes ? len : significantBytes ) - b4->curDupCnt ;
         bytesSame = (*b4->tag->cmp)( b4->curPos, searchValue + b4->curDupCnt, (unsigned int)compareLen ) ;

         if ( bytesSame == -1 )
            return r4after ;
         if ( bytesSame == compareLen )
            if ( (b4->curDupCnt + bytesSame == len))  /* unless binary character, for sure done */
               if ( len == originalLen )
                  done = 1 ;
               else  /* in case of binary, we may not be done if values < blank */
                   trailCnt = x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
                   if ( significantBytes > trailCnt + len )  /* significant bytes beyond the trail, so check binary */
                   {                                         /* for a VFP_KEY this should never happen as key functions should guarantee l <= keyLen */
                      cLen = keyLen - trailCnt ;
                      if ( originalLen - len < cLen )
                         cLen = originalLen - len ;
                      if ( c4memcmp( b4->curPos + compareLen, searchValue + len, (unsigned int)cLen ) < 0 )  /* binaries */
                         done = 0 ;
                         done = 1 ;
                   done = 1 ;

               if ( done == 1 )
                  if ( len != originalLen && significantBytes > len )
                     #ifdef S4VFP_KEY
                        if ( skippedSpaces )
                           cLen = originalLen - ( len < significantBytes ? len : significantBytes ) ;
                           if ( u4tailCmp( b4->curPos + compareLen, searchValue + len, cLen ) != cLen )
                              return r4after ;
                           if ( significantBytes < originalLen )
                              return r4after ;
                           #ifdef E4ANALYZE
                              if ( len > originalLen )
                                 return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;
                           if ( (*b4->tag->cmp)( b4->curPos + compareLen, searchValue + len, (unsigned int)(originalLen - len) ) != (originalLen - len) )
                              return r4after ;
                  if ( allBlank != 1 )   /* not all blanks, so significants matter */
                     b4->curDupCnt += bytesSame ;
                     b4->curDupCnt = 0 ;
                  return 0 ;

         b4->curDupCnt += bytesSame ;

      b4->keyOn++ ;
      if ( b4->keyOn >= b4numKeys( b4 ) )
         return r4after ;
      duplicates = x4dupCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
      b4->curPos -= keyLen - duplicates - x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
      if ( b4->curDupCnt > duplicates )
         if ( allBlank )  /* must reset the duplicates in this case only */
            b4->curDupCnt = duplicates ;
            if ( x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) == len )   /* blank key found */
               return 0 ;
         return r4after ;

/* S4FOX */
#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4removeLeaf( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   int oldDup, leftDup, leftTrail, keyLen, removeLen, newDup, oldBytes, newBytes, movLen, leftBytes ;
   unsigned char buffer[6], iLen ;
   char *oldPos, *infoPos ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   b4->builtOn = -1 ;

   if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) == 1 )  /* removing last key */
      b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace = B4BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( B4NODE_HEADER ) - sizeof( B4STD_HEADER ) ;
      memset( b4->data, 0, (unsigned int)b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace ) ;
      b4->header.nKeys = 0 ;
      b4->keyOn = 0 ;
      b4->curPos = ((char *)&b4->header) + B4BLOCK_SIZE ;
      b4->changed = 1 ;
      return 0 ;

   keyLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;
   iLen = b4->nodeHdr.infoLen ;
   oldDup = x4dupCnt( b4, b4->keyOn) ;

   if ( b4->keyOn == b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 )  /* at end */
      removeLen = keyLen - oldDup - x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;

      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( removeLen < 0 )
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;

      memset( b4->curPos, 0, (unsigned int)removeLen ) ;
      memset( b4->data + b4->keyOn * iLen, 0, iLen ) ;
      b4->keyOn-- ;
      oldBytes = keyLen - oldDup - x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
      oldPos = b4->curPos ;
      b4skip( b4, 1L ) ;
      leftDup = x4dupCnt( b4, b4->keyOn) ;
      leftTrail = x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
      newDup = oldDup < leftDup ? oldDup : leftDup ;
      leftBytes = keyLen - leftTrail - leftDup ;
      newBytes = keyLen - leftTrail - newDup ;

      memcpy( b4->builtKey->value, oldPos, (unsigned int)(leftDup - newDup) ) ;  /* copy prev dup bytes between the 2 keys only */
      memcpy( b4->builtKey->value + ( leftDup - newDup ), b4->curPos, (unsigned int)leftBytes ) ;
      memcpy( oldPos + oldBytes - newBytes, b4->builtKey->value, (unsigned int)newBytes ) ;

      removeLen = oldBytes + leftBytes - newBytes ;
      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( removeLen < 0 )
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;

      movLen = B4BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( B4STD_HEADER ) - iLen * b4numKeys( b4 )
                - sizeof( B4NODE_HEADER ) - b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace
                - ( ( (char *)&b4->header ) + B4BLOCK_SIZE - b4->curPos ) ;
      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( movLen < 0 )
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E80401 ) ;

      c4memmove( b4->curPos - movLen + removeLen, b4->curPos - movLen, (unsigned int)movLen ) ;

      memset( b4->curPos - movLen, 0, (unsigned int)removeLen ) ;
      b4->keyOn-- ;

      /* move and put info */
      infoPos = b4->data + ( b4->keyOn ) * iLen ;
      c4memmove( infoPos, infoPos + iLen, (unsigned int)(iLen * ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - b4->keyOn ) ) ) ;
      x4putInfo( &b4->nodeHdr, buffer, x4recNo( b4, b4->keyOn ), leftTrail, (unsigned int)newDup ) ;
      memcpy( infoPos, (void *)buffer, iLen ) ;
      memset( b4->data + (b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ) * iLen, 0, iLen ) ;
   b4->changed = 1 ;
   b4->curPos += removeLen ;
   b4->header.nKeys-- ;
   b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace += (short)( (int)iLen + removeLen ) ;

   return 0 ;

/* S4FOX */
int b4remove( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   char *keyCur ;
   int len, iLen ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if( b4->header.nodeAttribute >= 2 ) /* leaf */
      b4removeLeaf( b4 ) ;
      iLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen + 2 * sizeof( long ) ;
      keyCur = ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + iLen * b4->keyOn ;
      len = (b4numKeys( b4 ) - b4->keyOn - 1) * iLen ;

      #ifdef E4ANALYZE
         if ( b4->keyOn < 0  || b4->keyOn > b4lastpos( b4 ) ||
              len < 0 || (unsigned)len > (B4BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof(B4STD_HEADER) - (unsigned)iLen ))
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;

      if ( len > 0 )
         c4memmove( keyCur, keyCur + iLen, (unsigned int)len ) ;

      b4->header.nKeys-- ;
      memset( ((char *)&b4->nodeHdr) + b4numKeys( b4 ) * iLen, 0, (unsigned int)iLen ) ;
      b4->changed = 1 ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

/* S4FOX */
int b4skip( B4BLOCK *b4, const long num )
   int numSkipped, kLen, nKeys ;
   long n ;

   n = num ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   nKeys = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;

   if ( b4->header.nodeAttribute < 2 )  /* branch */
      if ( n > 0 )
         numSkipped = nKeys - b4->keyOn ;
         numSkipped = -b4->keyOn ;

      if ( ( n <= 0L ) ? (numSkipped <= (int)n) : (numSkipped >= (int)n) )
         b4->keyOn += (int)n ;
         return (int)n ;
         b4->keyOn += numSkipped ;
         return numSkipped ;
   else  /* leaf */
      if ( nKeys == 0 )
         return 0 ;
      kLen = b4->tag->header.keyLen ;
      if (n > 0 )
         if ( b4->keyOn + n >= nKeys )
            b4->curPos = ((char *)&b4->header ) + sizeof( B4STD_HEADER ) + sizeof( B4NODE_HEADER )
                          + b4->nodeHdr.infoLen * nKeys + b4->nodeHdr.freeSpace ;
            n = (long)nKeys - (long)b4->keyOn - ( b4->keyOn != nKeys ) ;
            b4->keyOn = nKeys ;
            return (int)n ;
         for( numSkipped = (int)n ; numSkipped != 0 ; numSkipped-- )
            b4->keyOn++ ;
            b4->curPos -= ( kLen - x4dupCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) - x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ) ;
         if ( b4->keyOn + n < 0 )
            n = -b4->keyOn ;
            b4->keyOn = 0 ;
            b4->curPos = ((char *)&b4->header ) + B4BLOCK_SIZE - kLen + x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
            return (int) n ;
         for( numSkipped = (int)n ; numSkipped != 0 ; numSkipped++ )
            b4->curPos += ( kLen - x4dupCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) - x4trailCnt( b4, b4->keyOn ) ) ;
            b4->keyOn-- ;

      return (int) n ;
#endif  /* S4FOX */

#ifdef S4CLIPPER

#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4flush( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   int rc ;
   #ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
      char *swap, *swapPtr ;
      int i ;
      S4LONG longVal ;
      short shortVal ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if ( b4->changed )
      #ifdef E4INDEX_VERIFY
         if ( b4verify( b4 ) == -1 )
            error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E90438, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;

      #ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
         swap = (char *)u4allocEr( b4->tag->codeBase, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
         if ( swap == 0 )
            return -1 ;

         memcpy( (void *)swap, (void *)&b4->nKeys, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;

         /* position swapPtr at beginning of pointers */
         shortVal = x4reverseShort( (void *)swap ) ;
         memcpy( swap, (void *) &shortVal, sizeof(short) ) ;

         swapPtr = swap + 2 ;

         /* swap the short pointers to B4KEY_DATA */
         for ( i = 0 ; i < b4->tag->header.keysMax ; i++ )
            shortVal = x4reverseShort( (void *)swapPtr ) ;
            memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &shortVal, sizeof(short) ) ;
            swapPtr += sizeof(short) ;
                         /* swap the B4KEY_DATA's */
         for ( i = 0 ; i < b4->tag->header.keysMax ; i++ )
            longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr ) ;
            memcpy( swapPtr, (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
            longVal = x4reverseLong( (void *)swapPtr+sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
            memcpy( swapPtr+sizeof(S4LONG), (void *) &longVal, sizeof(S4LONG) ) ;
            swapPtr += b4->tag->header.groupLen ;

         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            b4->tag->indexFile->readBlockTag = b4->tag ;
         rc = file4write( &b4->tag->file, (long)b4->fileBlock*I4MULTIPLY, swap, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            b4->tag->indexFile->->readBlockTag = 0 ;
         u4free( swap ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            b4->tag->readBlockTag = b4->tag ;
         rc = file4write( &b4->tag->file, (long)b4->fileBlock*I4MULTIPLY, &b4->nKeys, B4BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
         #ifndef S4OFF_OPTIMIZE
            b4->tag->readBlockTag = 0 ;

      if ( rc < 0 )
         return rc ;
      b4->changed = 0 ;
   return 0 ;

int b4append( B4BLOCK *b4, const long pointer )
   long adjPointer = pointer * 512 ;
   B4KEY_DATA *dataPtr ;
   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      int leftLen ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || pointer < 1L )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
         return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;

   b4goEof( b4 ) ;
   dataPtr = b4key( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      leftLen = B4BLOCK_SIZE - b4->keyOn * b4->tag->header.groupLen -
         sizeof(short) - sizeof(char[2]) - sizeof(pointer) ;
      if ( b4->keyOn < 0  ||  b4->keyOn != b4numKeys( b4 ) || leftLen < 0 )
          return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;

   memcpy( &dataPtr->pointer, &adjPointer, sizeof(pointer) ) ;
   b4->changed = 1 ;
   #ifdef E4INDEX_VERIFY
      if ( b4verify( b4 ) == -1 )
         return error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E90438, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

#ifndef S4OFF_WRITE
int b4append2( B4BLOCK *b4, const void *k, const long r, const long pointer )
   unsigned short temp ;
   B4KEY_DATA *dataPtr ;
   long adjPointer ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || k == 0 || r < 0L || pointer < 0L )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   b4goEof( b4 ) ;

   if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) > 0 )
      if ( !b4leaf( b4 ) )   /* insert after branch */
         b4->keyOn++ ;
         if ( b4->keyOn + !b4leaf( b4 ) < b4->tag->header.keysMax )
            temp = b4->pointers[b4numKeys( b4 )+1] ;
            b4->pointers[b4numKeys( b4 )+1] = b4->pointers[b4numKeys( b4 )] ;
            b4->pointers[b4numKeys( b4 )] = temp ;

   dataPtr  = b4key( b4, b4->keyOn ) ;
   adjPointer = pointer * 512 ;
   b4->nKeys++ ;

   memcpy( dataPtr->value, k, b4->tag->header.groupLen-2*sizeof(long) ) ;
   memcpy( &dataPtr->num, &r, sizeof(r) ) ;
   memcpy( &dataPtr->pointer, &adjPointer, sizeof(pointer) ) ;
   b4->changed = 1 ;

   return 0 ;

/* clipper just puts at end and inserts into the index part */
int b4insert( B4BLOCK *b4, const void *k, const long r, const long pointer )
   short temp, insertPos ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || k == 0 || r < 0L || pointer < 0L )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   insertPos = b4->keyOn ;

   /* put at block end: */
   b4append2( b4, k, r, pointer ) ;

   temp = b4->pointers[b4->keyOn] ;   /* save the placed position */
   c4memmove( &b4->pointers[insertPos+1], &b4->pointers[insertPos], sizeof(short) * ( b4lastpos( b4 ) - insertPos -
     (!b4leaf( b4 ) && b4numKeys( b4 ) < 2 ) ) ) ;
   b4->pointers[insertPos] = temp ;
   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      if ( b4key( b4, b4numKeys( b4 ) )->pointer != 0 )
         b4key( b4, b4numKeys( b4 ) )->pointer = 0L ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* S4OFF_WRITE */

#ifndef S4INLINE
/* goes to one past the end of the block */
void b4goEof( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;
         return ;

   b4->keyOn = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;

   return 0 ;

B4KEY_DATA *b4key( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || iKey < 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;

   #ifdef E4ANALYZE
      if ( iKey > 2 + b4->tag->header.keysMax )
         error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;
      if ( ( b4->pointers[iKey] < (short)((sizeof(short)) * ( b4->tag->header.keysMax + 1 ) ) ) ||
         ( b4->pointers[iKey] > B4BLOCK_SIZE - b4->tag->header.keyLen ) )
         error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4info, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;
   return  (B4KEY_DATA *)((char *)&b4->nKeys + b4->pointers[iKey] ) ;

unsigned char *b4keyKey( B4BLOCK *b4, const int iKey )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || iKey < 0 )
         error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;
         return 0 ;
   return (unsigned char *) b4key( b4, iKey )->value ;

int b4lastpos( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   return ( ( b4leaf( b4 ) ) ? ( b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ) : ( b4numKeys( b4 ) ) ) ;

int b4leaf( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   return( b4key( b4, 0 )->pointer == 0L ) ;

long b4recNo( const B4BLOCK *b4, const int i )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || i < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   return b4key( b4, i )->num ;
#endif /* S4INLINE */

/* based on the actual stored-data (from file) only, determine whether or
   not a leaf.  Used by file optimization routines */
int b4dataLeaf( void *data, TAG4FILE *tag )
   B4KEY_DATA *keyData ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( data == 0 || tag == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   keyData = (B4KEY_DATA *)( (char *)data + *((short *)((char *)data + sizeof(short))) ) ;

   return( keyData->pointer == 0L ) ;

int b4remove( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   short temp ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   /* just delete this entry */
   temp = b4->pointers[b4->keyOn] ;
   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) && ( b4->keyOn + !b4leaf( b4 ) < b4->tag->header.keysMax ) )
      c4memmove( &b4->pointers[b4->keyOn], &b4->pointers[b4->keyOn+1],
               sizeof(short) * (b4lastpos( b4 ) - b4->keyOn + 1) ) ;
      b4->pointers[b4lastpos( b4 )+1] = temp ;
      c4memmove( &b4->pointers[b4->keyOn], &b4->pointers[b4->keyOn+1],
               sizeof(short) * (b4lastpos( b4 ) - b4->keyOn) ) ;
      b4->pointers[b4lastpos( b4 )] = temp ;
   b4->nKeys-- ;
   b4->changed = 1 ;

   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      memset( b4key( b4, b4lastpos( b4 ) + 1 ), 0, b4->tag->header.keyLen + 2 * sizeof( long ) ) ;

   return 0 ;

int b4room( const B4BLOCK *b4 )
   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      return ( b4numKeys( b4 ) < b4->tag->header.keysMax ) ;

   return( ( b4numKeys( b4 ) < b4->tag->header.keysMax ) && ( ( B4BLOCK_SIZE -
      b4numKeys( b4 ) * b4->tag->header.groupLen - sizeof(short) - 2*sizeof(char)) >= sizeof(long) ) ) ;

int b4seek( B4BLOCK *b4, const char *searchValue, const int len )
   int rc, saveRc, keyCur, keyLower, keyUpper ;
   S4CMP_FUNCTION *cmp = b4->tag->cmp ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 || searchValue == 0 || len < 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm, E90438 ) ;

   /* keyOn must be between  keyLower and  keyUpper */
   keyLower = -1 ;
   keyUpper = b4numKeys( b4 ) ;

   if ( keyUpper == 0 )
      b4->keyOn = 0 ;
      return r4after ;

   saveRc = 1 ;

   for(;;)  /* Repeat until the key is found */
      keyCur  = (keyUpper + keyLower) / 2  ;
      rc = (*cmp)( b4keyKey(b4,keyCur), searchValue, len ) ;

      if ( rc >= 0 )
         keyUpper = keyCur ;
         saveRc = rc ;
         keyLower = keyCur ;

      if ( keyLower >= (keyUpper-1) )  /* then there is no exact match */
         b4->keyOn = keyUpper ;
         if ( saveRc )
            return r4after ;
         return 0 ;

int b4skip( B4BLOCK *b4, const long n )
   int numLeft ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   if ( n > 0 )
      numLeft = b4numKeys( b4 ) - b4->keyOn ;
      if ( b4leaf( b4 ) )
      if ( numLeft != 0 )
         numLeft -- ;
      numLeft = -b4->keyOn ;

   if ( ( n <= 0L ) ? ( (long)numLeft <= n ) : ( (long)numLeft >= n ) )
      b4->keyOn = b4->keyOn + (int) n ;
      return (int) n ;
      b4->keyOn = b4->keyOn + numLeft ;
      return numLeft ;
#endif /* S4CLIPPER */

int b4verify( B4BLOCK *b4 )
   int i ;
   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      int j ;
      long val ;
   #ifdef S4FOX
      int holdDup, holdTrail ;
      int iType ;

   #ifdef E4PARM_LOW
      if ( b4 == 0 )
         return error4( 0, e4parm_null, E90438 ) ;

   #ifdef S4FOX
      holdDup = b4->curDupCnt ;
      holdTrail = b4->curTrailCnt ;

   if ( b4->tag->codeBase->doIndexVerify == 0 )
      return 0 ;

   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      /* block internal verification... */
      for ( i = 0 ; i < b4->tag->header.keysMax ; i++ )
         for ( j = i + 1 ; j <= b4->tag->header.keysMax ; j++ )
            if ( b4->pointers[i] == b4->pointers[j] )
               #ifdef E4ANALYZE_ALL
                  return error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E80403, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;
                  return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E80403 ) ;

      /* validate key count */
      if ( b4numKeys( b4 ) < b4->tag->header.keysHalf && b4->tag->header.root / 512 != b4->fileBlock && b4->tag->header.keysHalf > 1 )   /* allowed if only max 2 keys per index block */
         return error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E85709, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;

   /* all keys in a given block should be of the same type... - branch = 1 */
   #ifndef S4FOX
      iType = b4leaf( b4 ) ? 0 : 1 ;

   /* key order verification */
   #ifdef S4CLIPPER
      for ( i = 0 ; i <= b4numKeys( b4 ) ; i++ )
         val = b4key( b4, i )->pointer ;
         if ( ( b4key( b4, i )->pointer ? 1 : 0 ) != iType )
            #ifdef E4ANALYZE_ALL
               return error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, E80405, e4index, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;
               return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E80405 ) ;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < b4numKeys( b4 ) - 1 ; i++ )
      #ifdef S4FOX
         if ( u4keycmp( b4keyKey( b4, i), b4keyKey( b4, i + 1 ), (unsigned)b4->tag->header.keyLen, (unsigned)b4->tag->header.keyLen, 0, &b4->tag->vfpInfo ) > 0 )
         if ( (*b4->tag->cmp)( b4keyKey( b4, i ), b4keyKey( b4, i + 1 ), b4->tag->header.keyLen ) > 0 )
         #ifdef E4ANALYZE_ALL
            return error4describe( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E80406, b4->tag->alias, 0, 0 ) ;
            return error4( b4->tag->codeBase, e4index, E80406 ) ;

   #ifdef S4FOX
      b4->curDupCnt = holdDup ;
      b4->curTrailCnt = holdTrail ;

   return 0 ;
#endif /* E4INDEX_VERIFY */
#endif /* S4CLIENT */
#endif /* S4INDEX_OFF */