#include "baseserv.h" #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TProcess declaration /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TLurchServer; //segnaposto della TLurchServer che serve alla TProcess class TProcess : public wxProcess { TLurchServer* m_pLurch; wxString m_strApp; protected: virtual void OnTerminate(int pid, int status); public: void ForcePid(int pid) { SetPid(pid); } TProcess(TLurchServer* pLurch, const wxString& strApp) : m_pLurch(pLurch), m_strApp(strApp) {} }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TLurchServer declaration /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //classe TProcessHashMap derivata da wxHashMap (è una specie di assocarray!) WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( wxString, wxProcess*, wxStringHash, wxStringEqual, TProcessHashMap ); class TLurchServer : public TBaseServerApp { TProcessHashMap m_ProcMap; wxTimer m_Timer; int m_nFreq; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); protected: virtual const wxChar* GetAppName() const; virtual bool Initialization(); void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& evt); bool RestartTimer(); void AddMiniForm(TXmlItem& tr, const wxChar* action, const wxChar* app, const wxChar* prompt) const; void EnumerateVariables(const wxString& strApp, wxArrayString& arr) const; void CreateServersList(wxArrayString& arr) const; bool PingProcess(const wxString& strApp); void StopProcess(const wxString& strApp); wxString StartProcess(const wxString& strApp); public: void GenerateFile(wxString& strFilename); bool IsMagicName(wxString& strFilename) const; bool IsCgiName(wxString strFilename) const; void ProcessHttpGet(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs); void ProcessHttpPost(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs); bool ForgetProcess(const wxString& strApp); //metodi riguardanti l'interfaccia html void ProcessFormStart(const THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock); void ProcessFormStop(const THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock); void ProcessFormConfig(const THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock); void ProcessFormUpdate(THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock); void CallCgi(wxString& strFileName, wxSocketBase& sock); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TProcess implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TProcess::OnTerminate(int pid, int WXUNUSED(status)) { SetPid(pid); m_pLurch->ForgetProcess(m_strApp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TLurchServer implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TLurchServer, TBaseServerApp) EVT_TIMER(wxID_ANY, TLurchServer::OnTimer) END_EVENT_TABLE() bool TLurchServer::PingProcess(const wxString& strApp) { bool bPinged = false; TProcess* pProcess = (TProcess*)m_ProcMap[strApp]; if (pProcess != NULL) { const wxString strPort = GetConfigString("Port", "", strApp); if (!strPort.IsEmpty()) { const int nTimeOut = m_nFreq > 3000 ? m_nFreq / 3000 : 1; wxIPV4address ipAddress; ipAddress.LocalHost(); ipAddress.Service(strPort); wxSocketClient sSock(wxSOCKET_NOWAIT); sSock.Connect(ipAddress, false); if (sSock.WaitOnConnect(nTimeOut)) { sSock.Write("PING\n", 5); if (sSock.WaitForWrite(nTimeOut)) { char buffer[8]; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); sSock.Read(buffer, 4); if (sSock.WaitForRead(nTimeOut)) bPinged = wxStrcmp(buffer, "PONG") == 0; } } } } return bPinged; } void TLurchServer::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { m_Timer.Stop(); const wxString strApp = "Authorization"; if (!PingProcess(strApp)) { TProcess* pProcess = (TProcess*)m_ProcMap[strApp]; wxKillError ke = pProcess->Kill(pProcess->GetPid()); if (ke == wxKILL_OK) WriteLog(strApp + " killed!"); else { wxString strMsg; strMsg << "Error " << ke << " killing " << strApp; WriteLog(strMsg); } wxSleep(2); StartProcess(strApp); } RestartTimer(); } const wxChar* TLurchServer::GetAppName() const { return "Lurch"; } void TLurchServer::CreateServersList(wxArrayString& arr) const { wxFileInputStream ini(GetConfigName()); const size_t size = ini.GetSize(); wxChar* buff = new wxChar[size]; ini.Read(buff, size); const char* aperta = strchr(buff, '['); while (aperta != NULL) { char* chiusa = (char*)strchr(aperta+1, ']'); if (chiusa != NULL) { *chiusa = '\0'; wxString str = aperta+1; arr.Add(str); aperta = strchr(chiusa+1, '['); } else break; } delete buff; } void TLurchServer::AddMiniForm(TXmlItem& tr, const wxChar* action, const wxChar* app, const wxChar* prompt) const { TXmlItem& td = tr.AddChild("td").SetAttr("width", "15%"); TXmlItem& form = td.AddChild("center").AddChild("form"); form.SetAttr("action", action); TXmlItem& name = form.AddChild("input"); name.SetAttr("type", "hidden"); name.SetAttr("name", "App"); name.SetAttr("value", app); TXmlItem& submit = form.AddChild("input"); submit.SetAttr("type", "submit"); submit.SetAttr("value", prompt); } void TLurchServer::GenerateFile(wxString& strFilename) { TXmlItem html; TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html); if (strFilename == "index") { TXmlItem& table = body.AddChild("table"); table.SetAttr("border", "1"); table.SetAttr("width", "100%"); strFilename = GetTempFilename(); const wxString strLurchName = GetAppName(); wxArrayString arr; CreateServersList(arr); for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.GetCount(); i++) { const bool bLurch = arr[i] == strLurchName; wxFileConfig ini("", "", GetConfigName(), "", wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE | wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH); wxString str; str << '/' << arr[i]; ini.SetPath(str); wxString strHost; ini.Read("Host", &strHost, ""); int nPort; ini.Read("Port", &nPort, 3883); wxString strIcon; ini.Read("Icon", &strIcon, "euro.gif"); const wxSingleInstanceChecker sic(arr[i]); const bool bRunning = sic.IsAnotherRunning(); TXmlItem& tr = table.AddChild("tr"); TXmlItem& td0 = tr.AddChild("td"); td0.SetAttr("width", "15%"); td0.SetAttr("align", "center"); TXmlItem& a = td0.AddChild("a"); if (!bLurch && bRunning) { a.SetAttr("href", wxString::Format("http://%s:%d/index.htm", strHost.c_str(), nPort)); a.SetAttr("target", "_blank"); } TXmlItem& img = a.AddChild("img"); img.SetAttr("src", strIcon); img.SetAttr("border", 0L); img.SetAttr("alt", arr[i]); AddMiniForm(tr, (bRunning || bLurch) ? "kill.cgi" : "start.cgi", arr[i], (bRunning || bLurch) ? "Stop" : "Start"); AddMiniForm(tr, "config.cgi", arr[i], "Configure"); TXmlItem& a3 = tr.AddChild("td").AddChild("a"); if (!bLurch && bRunning) { a3.SetAttr("href", wxString::Format("http://%s:%d/index.htm", strHost.c_str(), nPort)); a3.SetAttr("target", "_blank"); } a3 << arr[i] << " Server"; } body.AddChild("hr"); TXmlItem& panel = body.AddChild("table"); panel.SetAttr("border", "1"); panel.SetAttr("width", "100%"); panel.AddChild("caption").AddEnclosedText("Options"); TXmlItem& tr0 = panel.AddChild("tr"); tr0.AddChild("td").AddEnclosedText("Working directory"); tr0.AddChild("td").AddEnclosedText(wxGetCwd()); TXmlItem& tr1 = panel.AddChild("tr"); tr1.AddChild("td").AddEnclosedText("Host Name"); wxString strHost; strHost << wxGetHostName() << wxT(":") << GetDefaultPort(); tr1.AddChild("td").AddEnclosedText(strHost); TXmlItem& tr2 = panel.AddChild("tr"); tr2.AddChild("td").AddEnclosedText("Ping Frequency"); wxString strFreq; strFreq << m_nFreq/1000; tr2.AddChild("td").AddEnclosedText(strFreq); html.Save(strFilename); } } bool TLurchServer::IsMagicName(wxString& strFilename) const { wxString strName; wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, &strName, NULL); strName.MakeLower(); if (strName == "index") { strFilename = strName; return true; } if (strName == "log") { strFilename = GetLogFileName(); } return false; } bool TLurchServer::IsCgiName(wxString strFilename) const { const int q = strFilename.Find('?'); if (q > 0) strFilename.Truncate(q); wxString strExt; wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, NULL, &strExt); strExt.MakeLower(); return strExt == "cgi" || strExt == "exe"; } bool TLurchServer::RestartTimer() { bool ok = true; if (m_nFreq > 0) { ok = m_Timer.Start(m_nFreq) && m_Timer.IsRunning(); if (!ok) { wxString strMsg; strMsg << "Error starting timer with " << m_nFreq << " ms frequency"; WriteLog(strMsg); } } return ok; } wxString TLurchServer::StartProcess(const wxString& strApp) { bool ok = false; wxString strMessage; if (!strApp.IsEmpty()) { const wxSingleInstanceChecker sic(strApp); ok = !sic.IsAnotherRunning(); } if (ok) { const wxString strRun = GetConfigString("Run", "", strApp); if (wxFileExists(strRun)) { wxFileName fnPath; fnPath.SetPath(GetServerPath()); fnPath.SetFullName(strRun); TProcess* pProcess = new TProcess(this, strApp); const long nProc = wxExecute(fnPath.GetFullPath(), wxEXEC_ASYNC, pProcess); if (nProc == 0 || nProc == -1) { strMessage.Printf("Can't run %s executable (%s)", strApp.c_str(), strRun.c_str()); delete pProcess; } else { pProcess->ForcePid(nProc); m_ProcMap[strApp] = pProcess; //memorizza il numero del processo che ha lanciato per poterlo usare in fase di controllo strMessage = wxEmptyString; } } else strMessage.Printf("Can't find %s executable (%s)", strApp.c_str(), strRun.c_str()); } else strMessage.Printf("%s il already running", strApp.c_str()); if (strMessage.IsEmpty()) WriteLog(strApp + " started."); else WriteLog(strMessage); return strMessage; } void TLurchServer::ProcessFormStart(const THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock) { const wxString strApp = args.Get("App"); if (!strApp.IsEmpty()) // Dummy test { const wxString strMessage = StartProcess(strApp); if (strMessage.IsEmpty()) MessageBox("Server Started", strApp, sock); else MessageBox("ERROR", strMessage, sock); } } bool TLurchServer::ForgetProcess(const wxString& strApp) { WriteLog(strApp + " terminated."); return m_ProcMap.erase(strApp) != 0; } void TLurchServer::StopProcess(const wxString& strApp) { const wxString strHost = GetConfigString("Host", "localhost", strApp); const int nPort = GetConfigInt("Port", 0, strApp); if (nPort > 0) { wxIPV4address addr; addr.Hostname(strHost); addr.Service(nPort); wxSocketClient sock; if (sock.Connect(addr)) { const wxString str = "GET /stop.cgi HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"; sock.Write(str, str.Length()); if (strHost == "localhost") { const wxSingleInstanceChecker sic(strApp); for (int i = 0; i < 5 && sic.IsAnotherRunning(); i++) wxSleep(1); ForgetProcess(strApp); } } } } void TLurchServer::ProcessFormStop(const THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock) { const wxString strApp = args.Get("App"); if (strApp == GetAppName()) // Stop myself! { wxArrayString app; CreateServersList(app); for (size_t i = 0; i < app.GetCount(); i++) { if (app[i] != GetAppName()) // Stop Children only! { const wxSingleInstanceChecker sic(app[i]); if (sic.IsAnotherRunning()) StopProcess(app[i]); } } } StopProcess(strApp); MessageBox("Server stopped", strApp, sock); } void TLurchServer::EnumerateVariables(const wxString& strApp, wxArrayString& arr) const { wxFileInputStream inf(GetConfigName()); wxString strParagraph = wxString::Format("[%s]", strApp.c_str()); wxString str; bool bFound = false; while (inf.Ok()) { inf >> str; if (str == strParagraph) { bFound = true; break; } } if (bFound) { while (inf.Ok()) { inf >> str; if (str.IsEmpty() || str[0u] == '[') break; const int nEqual = str.Find('='); if (nEqual > 0) { str.Truncate(nEqual); str.Trim(false); str.Trim(true); arr.Add(str); } } arr.Sort(); } } void TLurchServer::ProcessFormConfig(const THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock) { const wxString strApp = args.Get("App"); wxArrayString arr; EnumerateVariables(strApp, arr); TXmlItem html; TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html); TXmlItem& form = body.AddChild("form"); form.SetAttr("action", "update.cgi").SetAttr("method", "post"); TXmlItem& table = form.AddChild("table").SetAttr("width", "100%").SetAttr("border", "1"); table.AddChild("caption").AddChild("h2") << strApp; TXmlItem& thead = table.AddChild("thead"); thead.AddChild("th").SetAttr("width", "15%") << "Property"; thead.AddChild("th").SetAttr("width", "85%") << "Value"; for (size_t v = 0; v < arr.GetCount(); v++) { TXmlItem& tr = table.AddChild("tr"); tr.AddChild("td") << arr[v]; TXmlItem& input = tr.AddChild("td").AddChild("input"); input.SetAttr("type", "text"); input.SetAttr("name", arr[v]); input.SetAttr("size", "80"); input.SetAttr("maxlength", "256"); input.SetAttr("value", GetConfigString(arr[v], "", strApp)); } TXmlItem& app = form.AddChild("input").SetAttr("type", "hidden"); app.SetAttr("name", "App"); app.SetAttr("value", strApp); TXmlItem& submit = form.AddChild("br").AddChild("center").AddChild("input"); submit.SetAttr("type", "submit"); submit.SetAttr("value", "Update Parameters"); body.AddChild("br"); AddLinkButton(body.AddChild("center"), "Return to main page", "/"); const wxString strFilename = GetTempFilename(); html.Save(strFilename); SendFile(strFilename, sock); } void TLurchServer::ProcessFormUpdate(THashTable& args, wxSocketBase& sock) { const wxString strApp = args.Get("App"); args.BeginFind(); for (wxHashTable::Node* pNode = args.Next(); pNode; pNode = args.Next()) { const wxString strKey = pNode->GetKeyString(); if (strKey != "App") { const wxString strVal = args.Get(strKey); SetConfigString(strKey, strVal, strApp); } } const wxString msg = wxString::Format("%s parameters updated", strApp.c_str()); MessageBox("Success!", msg, sock); } void TLurchServer::CallCgi(wxString& strFileName, wxSocketBase& sock) { wxString strName, strExt, strArgs; const int q = strFileName.Find('?'); if (q > 0) { strArgs = strFileName.Mid(q+1); strFileName.Truncate(q); } wxSplitPath(strFileName, NULL, &strName, &strExt); THashTable hashArgs(13); ParseArguments(strArgs, hashArgs); if (strExt == "cgi") { if (strName == "start") ProcessFormStart(hashArgs, sock); else if (strName == "kill") ProcessFormStop(hashArgs, sock); else if (strName == "config") ProcessFormConfig(hashArgs, sock); else if (strName == "update") ProcessFormUpdate(hashArgs, sock); } } void TLurchServer::ProcessHttpGet(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs) { const int stop = cmd.Find(" HTTP"); wxString str = cmd.Mid(4, stop-4).Trim(); if (str == "/") str += "index.htm"; wxString strFilename = GetDocumentRoot() + str; if (IsCgiName(strFilename)) CallCgi(strFilename, outs); else { if (IsMagicName(strFilename)) GenerateFile(strFilename); SendFile(strFilename, outs); } } void TLurchServer::ProcessHttpPost(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs) { const int stop = cmd.Find(" HTTP"); wxString strFileName = cmd.Mid(5, stop-5).Trim(); wxString strName, args; wxSplitPath(strFileName, NULL, &strName, NULL); const int pos = cmd.Find("\r\n\r\n"); if (pos > 0) args = cmd.Mid(pos+4); THashTable hashArgs(17); ParseArguments(args, hashArgs); if (strName == "update") ProcessFormUpdate(hashArgs, outs); } bool TLurchServer::Initialization() { m_nFreq = GetConfigInt("PingFreq") * 1000; // sec to msec wxArrayString arr; CreateServersList(arr); for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.GetCount(); i++) { const wxString& strApp = arr[i]; const bool bAutorun = GetConfigBool("Autorun", false, strApp); if (bAutorun) StartProcess(strApp); } RestartTimer(); return true; } // Istanziare l'applicazione principale IMPLEMENT_APP(TLurchServer)