Contents of the "acorn" subdirectory for UnZip 5.3 and later: acorn.c.acorn Acorn-specific resources acorn.c.riscos mainly file-handling routines for FileCore-based filesystems acorn.Contents this file acorn.h.riscos acorn.h.swiven acorn.README notes about Acorn-specific features acorn.RunMe1st Obey file to move files into suitable place for compilation on RISC OS machines acorn.s.swiven SWI veneers acorn.srcrename small executable that converts files from Unix style to RISC OS style, used by RunMe1st Notes: Use the "RunMe1st" file (it is an Obey file) to convert all the files from "filename/[chs]" to "[chs].filename" (so that UnZip could be easily compiled under RISC OS). It will also set the correct makefile. To compile just set the CSD to the main UnZip directory and run 'amu'. Currently only the Acorn C V5 compiler has been tested but probably also Acorn C V4 and the Acorn Assembler V2 will be able to compile UnZip.