/*      Include this only when compiling MathLib source code.
*       Greenleaf Financial Mathlib
*       Contains definitions and prototypes used by internal routines.
*       Copyright (C)1987-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc.  All rights reserved.

#ifndef GMDOTH
#include <gm.h>

#define GM_IMAXID       23      /* values for intermediate calcs. */
#define GM_IMINID       0

/*  then define the global constants that are in gmglobal.c */
extern  int             _wGMUser;
extern  unsigned SHORT	wrgGMPowersOfTen80Bit[];
extern  double          ergGMPowersOfTenDouble[];
extern  double          eTwoTo31;
extern  double          eTwoTo32;
extern  double          eTwoTo63;
extern  double          eTwoTo64;
extern  DEC             decPoint7;
extern  DEC             decOne;
extern  DEC             decOnePoint4;
extern  DEC             decReciprocalOfLn2;
extern  DEC             decReciprocalOfLn10;
extern  DEC             decLn2;
extern  DEC             decLn10;
extern  DEC             decE;           /*  Naperian base(2.71828...) */
extern  DEC             decMaxExp;      /* max exponent for e**x in DEC */
extern  DEC             decMinExp;      /* min exponent for e**x in DEC */
extern  DEC             decPoint259;    /* next 5 used for square root */
extern  DEC             decTwoPoint59;  /* 2.59 */
extern  DEC             decPoint819;    /* 0.819 */
extern  DEC             decPoint0819;   /* 0.0819 */
extern  DEC             decPoint5;      /* 0.5 */
extern  DEC             decPi;          /* next 6 used for trig */
extern  DEC             decPiOver2;
extern  DEC             decPiOver4;
extern  DEC             decPiOver6;
extern  DEC             dec2Pi;
extern  DEC             decReciprocalOfSqrt3;
extern  DEC             dec180OverPi;
extern  DEC             decPiOver180;
extern  DEC             decMaxLinEst;   /* next 2 used in linear estimation */
extern  DEC             decMinLinEst;
extern  DEC             decMaxTime;     /* maximum time for business */
extern  DEC             decMinusHundred;
extern  DEC             decHundred;
extern  DEC             decMinus50;
extern  DEC             decOnePoint6;
extern  DEC             decPoint01;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

//#ifdef M_I386
//#define SHORT short
//#define SHORT int

int               _AddDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *);
int      GF_CDECL _AddUnsArrToUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [],
                                      unsigned SHORT [], int );
void              _ATanDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *);
int      GF_CDECL _CompareUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], int );
DEC *              _CompoundAux( int , int *, DEC *, DEC *, DEC *, DEC *,
                                 DEC *, int , int );
void              _ConvDecimalToAsciiFormatted( char *, DEC *, char *);
void              _CosDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *);
void              _CosDecSmall( DEC *, DEC *);
int               _DivDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *);
int               _DivDecFast( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *);
int               _DivProcFast( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *);
int               _DivProcRnd( DEC *, unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], int ,
                               int , int );
int               _DivProcTrn( DEC *, unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], int ,
                               int , int );
int               _DivRndDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *, int );
int               _DivTrnDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *, int );
void              _DivUns10ArrByUns5Arr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [],
                                         unsigned SHORT [] );
void              _DivUns10ArrByUns5ArrTrn( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [],
                                            unsigned SHORT [] );
void     GF_CDECL _DivUnsArrByPwrOf10( unsigned SHORT [], int , int );
void     GF_CDECL _DivUnsArrByPwrOf10Trunc( unsigned SHORT [], int , int );
unsigned GF_CDECL _DivUnsArrByUns( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT , int );
void     GF_CDECL _DivUnsArrByUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], int ,
                                      unsigned SHORT [], int , int );
void     GF_CDECL _DivUnsArrByUnsRound( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT , int );
unsigned GF_CDECL _DoubleUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], int );
int               _ExpDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *);
void     GF_CDECL _HalveUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], int );
void     GF_CDECL _IncrementUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [] );
int               _IntPwrDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, int );
DEC *             _InterestAux( int , int , DEC * , DEC * , DEC *, DEC *, DEC *,
                                int );
int               _LnDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *);
int               _MulDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, DEC *);
void     GF_CDECL _MulUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT, int);
int      GF_CDECL _MulUnsArrByPwrOf10( unsigned SHORT [], int , int );
int      GF_CDECL _MulUnsArrByPwrOf10Limited( unsigned SHORT [], int , int );
void     GF_CDECL _MulUnsArrByUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [],
                                      unsigned SHORT [], int , int , int );
int      GF_CDECL _MulUnsArrP10AndAddInt( unsigned SHORT [], int );
int               _ScaleDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, int );
int               _ScanfAux( int , char *, char *, ELLIPSES);
DEC *             _SimpleAux( int *, DEC *, DEC *, DEC *, int , int );
void              _SinDecSmall( DEC *, DEC *);
int               _SortDec( DEC **, DEC **);
int               _SortInc( DEC **, DEC **);
int               _Sq5UnsTo4Uns( DEC *);
void              _SqrtDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *);
int               _SubDec80Bit(DEC *, DEC *, DEC *);
void     GF_CDECL _SubUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], int );
int      GF_CDECL _SubUnsArrFromUnsArr( unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [], unsigned SHORT [],
                                        int );
int               _TruncateDec80Bit( DEC *, DEC *, int );

#ifdef __cplusplus


#define _MacDZero(a)    { (a)->dc.attr=0; (a)->dc.id=2; (a)->dc.sl[0]=0; (a)->dc.sl[1]=0; (a)->dc.sl[2]=0; (a)->dc.sl[3]=0; (a)->dc.msd=0; }
#define _MacIsDecZ(a) ((((a)->ls.lsl[0])|((a)->ls.lsl[1])|((a)->dc.msd)) ? FALSE:TRUE)
#define _MacIsDecP(a)   (((((a)->dc.attr&GM_NEG)^GM_NEG)&&(!_MacIsDecZ(a))) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define _MacIsDecN(a)   (((a)->dc.attr&GM_NEG)&&(!_MacIsDecZ(a)))
#define _MacDCopy(a,b)  ((*a) = (*b))
#define _MacDChgs(a)    a->dc.attr=a->dc.attr^GM_NEG;
#define _MacStart(a)    int _wGMCurr=(a); if (!_wGMUser) _wGMUser=(a);
#define _MacRet(a)      {if (_wGMUser==_wGMCurr) _wGMUser=0; return(a);}
#define _MacRetV        {if (_wGMUser==_wGMCurr) _wGMUser=0; return;}
#define _MacErr(a)      SetMathError((a),_wGMUser)
#define _MacBad(a)      (a->dc.id<GM_IMINID||a->dc.id>GM_IMAXID+5)
#define _MacInVar(a,b)  {if (!a) {_MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRet(b);} else if (_MacBad(a))  {_MacErr(GM_INIT); _MacRet(b);}}
#define _MacOutVar(a,b) {if (!a) {_MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRet(b);}}
#define _MacInVarD(a)   {if (!a) {_MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRet(GM_NULL);} else if (_MacBad(a))  {_MacErr(GM_INIT); _MacRet(GM_NULL);}}
#define _MacOutVarD(a)  {if (!a) {_MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRet(GM_NULL);}}
#define _MacInVarI(a)   {if (!a) {_MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRet(GM_NULLPOINTER);} else if (_MacBad(a))  {_MacErr(GM_INIT); _MacRet(GM_INIT);}}