/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the | | public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are | | available, please check http://www.pdflib.com. | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: p_text.c,v 1.4 2009-03-23 08:55:35 guy Exp $ * * PDFlib text routines * */ #define P_TEXT_C #include "p_intern.h" #include "p_color.h" #include "p_defopt.h" #include "p_font.h" #include "p_layer.h" #include "p_tagged.h" /* --------------------- Text state and options functions ------------------- */ struct pdf_tstate_s { pdc_bool glyphinit; /* glyph description initialized */ pdc_bool hsinit; /* horizontal scaling initialized */ int mask; /* bit mask for text options */ int font; /* slot number of the current font */ int trm; /* text rendering mode */ pdc_scalar fs; /* font size */ pdc_scalar ld; /* leading */ pdc_scalar cs; /* character spacing */ pdc_scalar ws; /* word spacing */ pdc_scalar hs; /* horizontal scaling */ pdc_scalar ia; /* italic angle */ pdc_bool fb; /* fake bold */ pdc_scalar rise; /* text rise */ pdc_scalar ulw; /* underline width */ pdc_scalar ulp; /* underline position */ pdc_bool newpos; /* new text position */ pdc_scalar currtx; /* x coordinate of current text position */ pdc_scalar currty; /* y coordinate of current text position */ pdc_scalar prevtx; /* x coordinate of previous text position */ pdc_scalar prevty; /* y coordinate of previous text position */ pdc_scalar linetx; /* x coordinate of text line start position */ pdc_scalar refptx; /* x and y coordinate of reference position */ pdc_scalar refpty; /* for moving to next text line start position*/ }; /* Initialize the text state at the beginning of each page */ void pdf_init_tstate(PDF *p) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_init_tstate"; /* text state */ pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts; if (!p->curr_ppt->tstate) { p->curr_ppt->tstate = (pdf_tstate *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, PDF_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL * sizeof(pdf_tstate), fn); ppt->currto = (pdf_text_options *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, sizeof(pdf_text_options), fn); } ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; ts->glyphinit = pdc_undef; ts->hsinit = (p->ydirection == -1) ? pdc_false : pdc_true; ts->mask = 0; ts->font = -1; ts->trm = 0; ts->fs = PDC_FLOAT_MIN; ts->ld = 0; ts->cs = 0; ts->ws = 0; ts->hs = 1; ts->ia = 0; ts->fb = pdc_false; ts->rise = 0; ts->ulw = PDF_UNDERLINEWIDTH_AUTO; ts->ulp = PDF_UNDERLINEPOSITION_AUTO; ts->newpos = pdc_false; ts->currtx = 0; ts->currty = 0; ts->prevtx = 0; ts->prevty = 0; ts->linetx = 0; ts->refptx = 0; ts->refpty = 0; /* current text options */ pdf_init_text_options(p, ppt->currto); } void pdf_cleanup_page_tstate(PDF *p, pdf_ppt *ppt) { if (ppt->tstate != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, ppt->tstate); pdc_free(p->pdc, ppt->currto); ppt->tstate = NULL; ppt->currto = NULL; } } void pdf_save_tstate(PDF *p) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; int sl = ppt->sl; memcpy(&ppt->tstate[sl + 1], &ppt->tstate[sl], sizeof(pdf_tstate)); } void pdf_restore_currto(PDF *p) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_text_options *currto = ppt->currto; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; currto->mask = ts->mask; currto->font = ts->font; currto->textrendering = ts->trm; currto->fontsize = ts->fs; currto->leading = ts->ld; currto->charspacing = ts->cs; currto->wordspacing = ts->ws; currto->horizscaling = ts->hs; currto->italicangle = ts->ia; currto->fakebold = ts->fb; currto->textrise = ts->rise; currto->underlinewidth = ts->ulw; currto->underlineposition = ts->ulp; } void pdf_set_tstate(PDF *p, pdc_scalar value, pdf_text_optflags tflag) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; pdf_text_options *currto = ppt->currto; int ivalue = (int) value; pdc_scalar prevvalue; /* text state parameter values can never be percentages */ switch (tflag) { case to_font: pdf_check_handle(p, ivalue, pdc_fonthandle); prevvalue = ts->font; ts->font = currto->font = ivalue; if (prevvalue != -1 && (p->fonts[(int) prevvalue].metricflags & font_italic) != (p->fonts[currto->font].metricflags & font_italic)) currto->mask |= (1 << to_italicangle); break; case to_textrendering: if (ivalue < 0 || ivalue > PDF_LAST_TRMODE) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_INT, "textrendering", pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", ivalue), 0, 0); prevvalue = ts->trm; ts->trm = currto->textrendering = ivalue; break; case to_fontsize: pdc_check_number_zero(p->pdc, "fontsize", value); prevvalue = ts->ld; ts->ld = currto->leading = value; if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(value - prevvalue)) currto->mask |= (1 << to_leading); prevvalue = ts->fs; ts->fs = currto->fontsize = value; break; case to_leading: prevvalue = ts->ld; ts->ld = currto->leading = value; break; case to_charspacing: prevvalue = ts->cs; ts->cs = currto->charspacing = value; break; case to_wordspacing: prevvalue = ts->ws; ts->ws = currto->wordspacing = value; break; case to_underlinewidth: prevvalue = ts->ulw; ts->ulw = currto->underlinewidth = value; break; case to_underlineposition: prevvalue = ts->ulp; ts->ulp = currto->underlineposition = value; break; case to_horizscaling: pdc_check_number_zero(p->pdc, "horizscaling", value); prevvalue = ts->hs; ts->hs = currto->horizscaling = value; break; case to_italicangle: pdc_check_number_limits(p->pdc, "italicangle", value, -90 + PDC_FLOAT_PREC, 90 + PDC_FLOAT_MAX); prevvalue = ts->ia; ts->ia = currto->italicangle = value; break; case to_fakebold: prevvalue = ts->fb; ts->fb = currto->fakebold = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; case to_textrise: prevvalue = ts->rise; ts->rise = currto->textrise = value; break; case to_overline: currto->overline = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; case to_strikeout: currto->strikeout = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; case to_underline: currto->underline = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; case to_textformat: currto->textformat = (pdc_text_format) ivalue; return; case to_charref: currto->charref = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; case to_escapesequence: currto->escapesequence = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; case to_glyphcheck: currto->glyphcheck = (pdc_glyphcheck) ivalue; return; case to_glyphwarning: currto->glyphwarning = (pdc_bool) ivalue; return; default: return; } if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(value - prevvalue)) currto->mask |= (1 << tflag); ts->mask = currto->mask; } void pdf__setfont(PDF *p, int font, pdc_scalar fontsize) { pdf_set_tstate(p, (pdc_scalar) font, to_font); pdf_set_tstate(p, fontsize, to_fontsize); } void pdf__set_text_pos(PDF *p, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "x", x); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "y", y); ts->newpos = pdc_true; ts->currtx = x; ts->currty = y; ts->prevtx = ts->refptx; ts->prevty = ts->refpty; ts->linetx = x; } double pdf_get_tstate(PDF *p, pdf_text_optflags tflag) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_text_options *currto = ppt->currto; switch (tflag) { case to_font: return (double) currto->font; case to_textrendering: return (double) currto->textrendering; case to_fontsize: return (double) currto->fontsize; case to_leading: return (double) currto->leading; case to_charspacing: return (double) currto->charspacing; case to_wordspacing: return (double) currto->wordspacing; case to_horizscaling: return (double) currto->horizscaling; case to_italicangle: return (double) currto->italicangle; case to_fakebold: return (double) currto->fakebold; case to_textrise: return (double) currto->textrise; case to_underlinewidth: return (double) currto->underlinewidth; case to_underlineposition: return (double) currto->underlineposition; case to_overline: return (double) currto->overline; case to_strikeout: return (double) currto->strikeout; case to_underline: return (double) currto->underline; case to_textx: return (double) ppt->tstate[ppt->sl].currtx; case to_texty: return (double) ppt->tstate[ppt->sl].currty; default: break; } return 0; } int pdf_get_font(PDF *p) { if (p->curr_ppt) return (int) pdf_get_tstate(p, to_font); return -1; } void pdf_init_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to) { to->mask = 0; to->pcmask = 0; to->font = -1; to->fontsize = PDC_FLOAT_MIN; to->fontsize_pc = 0; to->fontsize_st = (int) text_fontsize; to->fontset = 0; to->leading = 0; to->leading_pc = 0; to->textrendering = 0; to->charspacing = 0; to->charspacing_pc = 0; to->horizscaling = 1; to->italicangle = 0; to->fakebold = pdc_false; to->textrise = 0; to->textrise_pc = 0; to->wordspacing = 0; to->wordspacing_pc = 0; to->underlinewidth = PDF_UNDERLINEWIDTH_AUTO; to->underlineposition = PDF_UNDERLINEPOSITION_AUTO; to->overline = pdc_false; to->strikeout = pdc_false; to->underline = pdc_false; to->text = NULL; to->textlen = 0; to->textformat = p->textformat; to->charref = p->pdc->charref; to->escapesequence = p->pdc->escapesequ; to->glyphcheck = p->glyphcheck; to->glyphwarning = p->debug[(int) 'g']; to->glyphwarning = pdf_get_errorpolicy(p, NULL, to->glyphwarning); pdf_init_coloropt(p, &to->fillcolor); pdf_init_coloropt(p, &to->strokecolor); to->strokewidth = PDF_UNDERLINEWIDTH_AUTO; to->dasharray[0] = 0; to->dasharray[1] = 0; to->xadvancelist = NULL; to->nglyphs = 0; to->link = NULL; } static pdf_text_optflags pdf_toptflags[] = { to_font, to_fontsize, to_textrendering, to_charspacing, to_horizscaling, to_italicangle, to_fakebold, to_wordspacing, to_textrise, to_underlinewidth, to_underlineposition }; void pdf_set_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_text_options *currto = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; pdf_text_optflags tflag; int i, n; /* we synchronize both text state and text options */ n = sizeof(pdf_toptflags) / sizeof(pdf_text_optflags); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { tflag = pdf_toptflags[i]; if (to->mask & (1 << tflag)) { switch (tflag) { case to_font: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && to->font == currto->font) break; if (currto->font != -1 && (p->fonts[to->font].metricflags & font_italic) != (p->fonts[currto->font].metricflags & font_italic)) { to->mask |= (1 << to_italicangle); currto->mask = to->mask; /* otherwise order dependent */ } ts->font = currto->font = to->font; continue; case to_fontsize: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->fontsize - currto->fontsize)) break; ts->fs = currto->fontsize = to->fontsize; continue; case to_textrendering: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && to->textrendering == currto->textrendering) break; ts->trm = currto->textrendering = to->textrendering; continue; /* to->leading is never used */ case to_charspacing: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->charspacing - currto->charspacing)) break; ts->cs = currto->charspacing = to->charspacing; continue; case to_horizscaling: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->horizscaling - currto->horizscaling)) break; ts->hs = currto->horizscaling = to->horizscaling; continue; case to_italicangle: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->italicangle - currto->italicangle)) break; ts->ia = currto->italicangle = to->italicangle; continue; case to_fakebold: ts->fb = currto->fakebold = to->fakebold; continue; case to_wordspacing: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->wordspacing - currto->wordspacing)) break; ts->ws = currto->wordspacing = to->wordspacing; continue; case to_textrise: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->textrise - currto->textrise)) break; ts->rise = currto->textrise = to->textrise; continue; case to_underlinewidth: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->underlinewidth - currto->underlinewidth)) break; ts->ulw = currto->underlinewidth = to->underlinewidth; continue; case to_underlineposition: if (!(currto->mask & (1 << tflag)) && PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->underlineposition - currto->underlineposition)) break; ts->ulp = currto->underlineposition = to->underlineposition; continue; default: continue; } to->mask &= ~(1 << tflag); } } ts->mask = currto->mask = to->mask; } int pdf_get_fontsize_option(PDF *p, int font, pdc_resopt *resopts, pdc_scalar *fontsize) { pdc_scalar fs[2], fm ; int ns; /* *fontsize is initialized from outside */ fs[0] = 0; /* see "auto" */ fs[1] = 0; ns = pdc_get_optvalues("fontsize", resopts, (pdc_scalar *) fs, NULL); if (ns == 1) { *fontsize = fs[0]; } else if (ns == 2) { int kind = (int) fs[0]; pdf_check_handle(p, font, pdc_fonthandle); switch(kind) { case text_xheight: fm = (pdc_scalar) p->fonts[font].ft.m.xHeight; break; case text_capheight: fm = (pdc_scalar) p->fonts[font].ft.m.capHeight; break; case text_ascender: fm = (pdc_scalar) p->fonts[font].ft.m.ascender; break; default: fm = 1000.0; break; } *fontsize = fs[1] * 1000.0 / fm; } return ns; } pdc_bool pdf_calculate_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_bool force, pdc_scalar fontscale, pdc_scalar minfontsize, pdc_scalar fontsizeref) { pdc_bool kminfs = pdc_false; if (to->mask & (1U << to_fontsize) || (force && to->fontsize != PDC_FLOAT_MIN)) { pdc_scalar fontsize; if (fontsizeref == 0) fontsizeref = to->fontsize; if (to->pcmask & (1 << to_fontsize)) fontsize = to->fontsize_pc * fontsizeref; else fontsize = fontscale * to->fontsize; if (to->fontsize_st != (int) text_fontsize) { pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_scalar fm; switch(to->fontsize_st) { case text_xheight: fm = (pdc_scalar) currfont->ft.m.xHeight; break; case text_capheight: fm = (pdc_scalar) currfont->ft.m.capHeight; break; case text_ascender: fm = (pdc_scalar) currfont->ft.m.ascender; break; default: fm = 1000.0; break; } fontsize *= 1000.0 / fm; } if (fontscale < 1.0 && PDC_ABS(fontsize) < minfontsize) { fontsize = PDC_SIGN(fontsize) * minfontsize; kminfs = pdc_true; } to->fontsize = fontsize; /* we reset relative fontsize specifications */ if (to->mask & (1L << to_fontsize)) { to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_fontsize); to->fontsize_st = (int) text_fontsize; } } if ((to->mask & (1 << to_charspacing) || force) && (to->pcmask & (1 << to_charspacing))) { to->charspacing = to->charspacing_pc * to->fontsize; } if ((to->mask & (1 << to_wordspacing) || force) && (to->pcmask & (1 << to_wordspacing))) { to->wordspacing = to->wordspacing_pc * to->fontsize; } if ((to->mask & (1 << to_textrise) || force) && (to->pcmask & (1 << to_textrise))) { to->textrise = to->textrise_pc * to->fontsize; } /* maybe used in a future version */ if ((to->mask & (1 << to_leading) || force) && (to->pcmask & (1 << to_leading))) { to->leading = to->leading_pc * to->fontsize; } return kminfs; } void pdf_get_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_resopt *resopts) { char **strlist; int i, inum; pdc_scalar fs[2]; if (pdc_get_optvalues("glyphwarning", resopts, &to->glyphwarning, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_glyphwarning); to->glyphwarning = pdf_get_errorpolicy(p, resopts, to->glyphwarning); if (pdc_get_optvalues("font", resopts, &to->font, NULL)) { pdf_check_handle(p, to->font, pdc_fonthandle); to->mask |= (1L << to_font); to->fontset |= (1L << to_font); } fs[0] = 0; /* see "auto" */ fs[1] = 0; inum = pdc_get_optvalues("fontsize", resopts, (pdc_scalar *) fs, NULL); if (inum) { i = inum - 1; to->fontsize = fs[i]; if (inum == 2) to->fontsize_st = (int) fs[0]; else to->fontsize_st = (int) text_fontsize; to->mask |= (1L << to_fontsize); to->mask |= (1L << to_fontsize_st); if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, i)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_fontsize); to->fontsize_pc = to->fontsize; } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_fontsize); to->fontset |= (1L << to_fontsize); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("charref", resopts, &to->charref, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_charref); if (pdc_get_optvalues("escapesequence", resopts, &to->escapesequence, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_escapesequence); if (pdc_get_optvalues("glyphcheck", resopts, &inum, NULL)) { to->glyphcheck = (pdc_glyphcheck) inum; to->mask |= (1L << to_glyphcheck); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("charspacing", resopts, &to->charspacing, NULL)) { if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_charspacing); to->charspacing_pc = to->charspacing; } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_charspacing); to->mask |= (1L << to_charspacing); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("horizscaling", resopts, &to->horizscaling, NULL)) { if (!pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) to->horizscaling /= 100.0; to->mask |= (1L << to_horizscaling); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("italicangle", resopts, &to->italicangle, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_italicangle); if (pdc_get_optvalues("fakebold", resopts, &to->fakebold, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_fakebold); if (pdc_get_optvalues("overline", resopts, &to->overline, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_overline); if (pdc_get_optvalues("strikeout", resopts, &to->strikeout, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_strikeout); if (pdc_get_optvalues("textformat", resopts, &inum, NULL)) { to->textformat = (pdc_text_format) inum; to->mask |= (1L << to_textformat); pdf_check_textformat(p, to->textformat); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("textrendering", resopts, &to->textrendering, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_textrendering); if (pdc_get_optvalues("textrise", resopts, &to->textrise, NULL)) { if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_textrise); to->textrise_pc = to->textrise; } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_textrise); to->mask |= (1L << to_textrise); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("underline", resopts, &to->underline, NULL)) to->mask |= (1L << to_underline); if (pdc_get_optvalues("wordspacing", resopts, &to->wordspacing, NULL)) { if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_wordspacing); to->wordspacing_pc = to->wordspacing; } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_wordspacing); to->mask |= (1L << to_wordspacing); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("underlinewidth", resopts, &to->underlinewidth, NULL)) { if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_underlinewidth); } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_underlinewidth); to->mask |= (1L << to_underlinewidth); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("underlineposition", resopts, &to->underlineposition, NULL)) { if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_underlineposition); } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_underlineposition); to->mask |= (1L << to_underlineposition); } inum = pdc_get_optvalues("fillcolor", resopts, NULL, &strlist); if (inum) { pdf_parse_coloropt(p, "fillcolor", strlist, inum, (int) color_max, &to->fillcolor); to->mask |= (1L << to_fillcolor); } inum = pdc_get_optvalues("strokecolor", resopts, NULL, &strlist); if (inum) { pdf_parse_coloropt(p, "strokecolor", strlist, inum, (int) color_max, &to->strokecolor); to->mask |= (1L << to_strokecolor); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("strokewidth", resopts, &to->strokewidth, NULL)) { if (pdc_is_lastopt_percent(resopts, 0)) { to->pcmask |= (1 << to_strokewidth); } else to->pcmask &= ~(1 << to_strokewidth); to->mask |= (1L << to_strokewidth); } inum = pdc_get_optvalues("dasharray", resopts, to->dasharray, NULL); if (inum) { if (inum == 1) to->dasharray[1] = to->dasharray[0]; to->mask |= (1L << to_dasharray); } inum = pdc_get_optvalues("xadvancelist", resopts, NULL, &strlist); if (inum) { to->xadvancelist = (pdc_scalar *) strlist; to->nglyphs = inum; } /* * deprecated */ if (pdc_get_optvalues("weblink", resopts, NULL, &strlist)) { to->link = strlist[0]; to->linktype = "URI"; } else if (pdc_get_optvalues("locallink", resopts, NULL, &strlist)) { to->link = strlist[0]; to->linktype = "GoTo"; } else if (pdc_get_optvalues("pdflink", resopts, NULL, &strlist)) { to->link = strlist[0]; to->linktype = "GoToR"; } } /* ------------------------ Text object functions -------------------------- */ static void pdf_begin_text(PDF *p) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; pdf_text_options *currto = ppt->currto; pdf_font *currfont = NULL; if (currto->font > -1) currfont = &p->fonts[currto->font]; /* end text object if italicangle changed */ if (currto->mask & (1L << to_italicangle)) pdf_end_text(p); /* begin text object */ if (!p->in_text) { p->in_text = pdc_true; pdc_puts(p->out, "BT\n"); } if (PDF_FORCE_OUTPUT() && ts->glyphinit == pdc_undef) ts->glyphinit = pdc_false; if (currfont && ((currto->mask & (1L << to_font)) || (currto->mask & (1L << to_fontsize)) || !ts->glyphinit)) { pdc_printf(p->out, "/F%d %f Tf\n", ppt->fn_bias + currto->font, p->ydirection * currto->fontsize); currfont->used_in_current_doc = pdc_true; currfont->used_on_current_page = pdc_true; } if (currto->mask & (1L << to_textrendering) || !ts->glyphinit) pdc_printf(p->out, "%d Tr\n", currto->textrendering); if (currto->mask & (1L << to_leading) || !ts->glyphinit) pdc_printf(p->out, "%f TL\n", p->ydirection * currto->leading); if (currto->mask & (1L << to_charspacing) || !ts->glyphinit) pdc_printf(p->out, "%f Tc\n", p->ydirection * currto->charspacing); if (!ts->hsinit || currto->mask & (1L << to_horizscaling) || !ts->glyphinit) pdc_printf(p->out, "%f Tz\n", 100 * p->ydirection * currto->horizscaling); if (currto->mask & (1L << to_textrise) || !ts->glyphinit) pdc_printf(p->out, "%f Ts\n", p->ydirection * currto->textrise); /* initialize */ if (!ts->glyphinit) ts->glyphinit = pdc_true; ts->hsinit = pdc_true; ts->mask = currto->mask = 0; } void pdf_end_text(PDF *p) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; if (p->in_text) { p->in_text = pdc_false; pdc_puts(p->out, "ET\n"); ts->newpos = pdc_false; ts->prevtx = 0; ts->prevty = 0; ts->refptx = 0; ts->refpty = 0; } } void pdf_reset_tstate(PDF *p) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_textrendering); pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_leading); pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_charspacing); pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_wordspacing); pdf_set_tstate(p, 1, to_horizscaling); pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_italicangle); pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_fakebold); pdf_set_tstate(p, 0, to_textrise); pdf_set_tstate(p, PDF_UNDERLINEWIDTH_AUTO, to_underlinewidth); pdf_set_tstate(p, PDF_UNDERLINEPOSITION_AUTO, to_underlineposition); ts->hsinit = (p->ydirection == -1) ? pdc_false : pdc_true; if (ts->mask || !ts->hsinit) { pdc_scalar ydirection = p->ydirection; p->ydirection = 1; pdf_begin_text(p); pdf_end_text(p); p->ydirection = ydirection; } } /* ------------------- Text string checking function ---------------------- */ struct pdf_fitres_s { pdc_bool verbose; pdc_vector start; /* text start position */ pdc_vector end; /* text end position */ pdc_vector writingdir; /* unit vector of text writing direction */ pdc_vector perpendiculardir;/* unit vector perpendicular to writing dir. */ pdc_vector scale; /* x/y scaling */ pdc_scalar angle; /* rotation angle of writingdir in degree */ pdc_scalar width; /* textline width */ pdc_scalar height; /* textline height */ pdc_scalar mwidth; /* textline width with margins */ pdc_scalar mheight; /* textline height with margins */ pdc_scalar ascender; /* textline ascender */ pdc_scalar capheight; /* textline capheight */ pdc_scalar xheight; /* textline xheight */ pdc_scalar descender; /* textline descender */ int unmappedchars; /* number of characters not contained * in the encoding and not in the font */ int replacedchars; /* number of characters replaced by * typografically similar characters */ int unknownchars; /* number of characters replaced by * given replcement character */ }; typedef struct pdf_ligat_s pdf_ligat; struct pdf_ligat_s { pdf_ligat *next; int icp; /* text position */ int nb; /* number of parts */ pdc_byte culist[2 * PDC_MAX_UVLIST]; /* ligature parts */ }; static pdf_ligat * pdf_register_ligat(PDF *p, pdf_ligat *ligatlist, int icp, int nv, pdc_ushort *culist, int charlen) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_hook_ligat"; int i; pdf_ligat *ligat = (pdf_ligat *) pdc_malloc_tmp(p->pdc, sizeof(pdf_ligat), fn, NULL, NULL); if (ligatlist == NULL) { ligatlist = ligat; } else { pdf_ligat *next = ligatlist; while (next->next != NULL) next = next->next; next->next = ligat; } ligat->next = NULL; ligat->icp = charlen * icp; nv--; ligat->nb = charlen * nv; if (charlen == 1) { for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) ligat->culist[i] = (pdc_byte) culist[i+1]; } else { memcpy(ligat->culist, &culist[1], (size_t) ligat->nb); } return ligatlist; } static void pdf_cleanup_ligat(PDF *p, pdf_ligat *list) { pdf_ligat *next; while (list != NULL) { next = list->next; pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, list); list = next; } } #define PDF_MAX_GLYPHCHECKS 8 int pdf_get_approximate_uvlist(PDF *p, pdf_font *currfont, pdc_encodingvector *ev, int usv, pdc_bool replace, pdf_fitres *fitres, pdc_ushort *uvlist, pdc_ushort *cglist) { int cg = 0, nv = 1; (void) p; (void) ev; (void) usv; if (cg <= 0) { if (replace) { cglist[0] = (pdc_ushort) currfont->replacementcode; uvlist[0] = (pdc_ushort) currfont->replacementchar; } else { cglist[0] = 0; uvlist[0] = 0; } nv = 1; if (fitres != NULL) fitres->unknownchars++; } else if (fitres != NULL) { fitres->replacedchars++; } return nv; } static void pdf_logg_glyph_replacement(PDF *p, int ic, int code, pdc_encoding enc, int charlen, pdc_ushort *uvlist, pdc_ushort *cglist, int nv) { const char *glyphname; int i; pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tat text position %d: ", ic); if (charlen == 1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "code x%02X ", code); else pdc_logg(p->pdc, "U+%04X ", code); pdc_logg(p->pdc, "was replaced by: "); if (nv > 1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { if (nv > 1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\t\t"); if (charlen == 1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "code x%02X ", cglist[i]); else pdc_logg(p->pdc, "U+%04X ", uvlist[i]); if (enc >= 0) { if (charlen == 1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "U+%04X ", uvlist[i]); else pdc_logg(p->pdc, "code x%02X ", cglist[i]); } glyphname = pdc_unicode2glyphname(p->pdc, uvlist[i]); if (glyphname && strlen(glyphname)) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\"%s\"", glyphname); pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\n"); } } void pdf_get_input_textformat(pdf_font *currfont, pdc_text_format *intextformat, int *convflags) { /* input text format */ if (currfont->unibyte) { /* encoding=unicode, but 8-bit encoding ev is available */ *convflags |= PDC_CONV_FORCEUTF16; } else if (currfont->codesize <= 1) { /* we must force bytes[2] source input format * for 8-bit encodings because of "pass through mode". */ if (*intextformat == pdc_auto) *intextformat = pdc_bytes; else if (*intextformat == pdc_auto2) *intextformat = pdc_bytes2; } } /* Converts and checks input text string. * * The function returns a pointer to an allocated temporary memory * (pdc_malloc_tmp, pdc_free_tmp) containing the converted string * if flag PDF_USE_TMPALLOC is set. * * If return value is pdc_false an error was occurred, otherwise pdc_true. * */ pdc_bool pdf_check_textstring(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, int flags, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fitres *fitres, pdc_byte **outtext_p, int *outlen, int *outcharlen, pdc_bool verbose) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_check_textstring"; pdc_bool logg1 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 1, trc_text); pdc_bool logg2 = pdc_false; pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_encoding enc = currfont->ft.enc; pdc_encodingvector *ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); pdc_encodingvector *inev = NULL; pdc_encodingvector *outev = NULL; pdc_text_format intextformat = to->textformat; pdc_text_format outtextformat = pdc_utf16; int maxlen = PDF_MAXDICTSIZE; int charlen = 1, newcharlen = 1; int convflags = PDC_CONV_NOBOM; pdf_ligat *ligat, *ligatlist = NULL; pdc_byte *intext = (pdc_byte *) text, *outtext = NULL; int newlen = -1, replchar; if (logg1) { logg2 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 2, trc_text); if (logg2) pdc_logg_hexdump(p->pdc, "input text", "\t\t", (char *) text, len); else pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tText will be checked and converted: \"%T\"\n", text, len); if (logg2) { pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tfont: \"%s\"\n" "\t\tencoding: \"%s\"\n" "\t\ttextformat: %s\n" "\t\tcharref: %s\n" "\t\tescapesequence: %s\n" "\t\tglyphwarning: %s\n" "\t\tglyphcheck: %s\n", currfont->ft.name, pdf_get_encoding_name(p, enc, currfont), pdc_get_keyword(intextformat, pdf_textformat_keylist), PDC_BOOLSTR(to->charref), PDC_BOOLSTR(to->escapesequence), PDC_BOOLSTR(to->glyphwarning), pdc_get_keyword(to->glyphcheck, pdf_glyphcheck_keylist)); convflags |= PDC_CONV_LOGGING; } } /* text is passed through for CID fonts with non Unicode CMap */ if (currfont->passthrough) { if (logg2) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\ttext is passed through as is\n"); if (intextformat > pdc_bytes2) pdc_warning(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_BADTEXTFORMAT, pdc_get_textformat(intextformat), 0, 0, 0); outtext = (pdc_byte *) ((flags & PDF_USE_TMPALLOC) ? pdc_malloc_tmp(p->pdc, (size_t) len + 2, fn, NULL, NULL) : pdc_malloc(p->pdc, (size_t) len + 2, fn)); memcpy(outtext, text, (size_t) len); outtext[len] = 0; outtext[len + 1] = 0; *outlen = len; outtextformat = pdc_bytes; } else { if (flags & PDF_FORCE_NEWALLOC) convflags |= PDC_CONV_NEWALLOC; if (flags & PDF_USE_TMPALLOC) convflags |= PDC_CONV_TMPALLOC; if (to->glyphcheck == (int) text_replace) { replchar = currfont->replacementchar; } else { replchar = (int) to->glyphcheck; if (to->glyphcheck == text_error) { convflags |= PDC_CONV_ENCERROR; if (flags & PDF_KEEP_CONTROL) convflags |= PDC_CONV_KEEPLBCHAR; } } if (flags & PDF_KEEP_UNICODE || to->glyphcheck != text_nocheck) inev = ev; /* "Pass through mode" for 8-bit text. * The encoding vector must be specified, because * the text could emerge as a Unicode text due to a BOM. */ if ((enc >= 0 && inev == NULL) || (enc == pdc_builtin && !(flags & PDF_KEEP_UNICODE))) { inev = ev; outev = ev; outtextformat = pdc_bytes; } /* input text format */ pdf_get_input_textformat(currfont, &intextformat, &convflags); /* convert to 8-bit or UTF-16 text string */ if (pdc_convert_textstring(p->pdc, intextformat, currfont->codepage, inev, NULL, 0, replchar, intext, len, &outtextformat, outev, &outtext, outlen, convflags, pdc_false)) { if (newlen > -1) pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, intext); goto PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR; } } if (newlen > -1) pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, intext); /* check text string */ if (outtext != NULL && *outlen) { pdc_ushort *usouttext = (pdc_ushort *) outtext; pdc_ushort uvlist[PDC_MAX_UVLIST]; pdc_ushort cglist[PDC_MAX_UVLIST]; pdc_bool kcheck = pdc_true; int i = 0, nv = 1, icp = 0, usvp; int code, gid, usv, ic; (void) i; /* storage length of a character */ if (outtextformat == pdc_utf16) { charlen = 2; newcharlen = 2; } /* maximal text string length - found out emprirically! */ if (*outlen > maxlen && !(flags & PDF_KEEP_TEXTLEN)) { int textlen = *outlen; if (!to->kerning && to->wordspacing == 0.0) { if (currfont->codesize == 1) textlen /= charlen; maxlen = PDF_MAXTEXTSIZE; } else { if (currfont->codesize == 2) maxlen *= charlen; } if (textlen > maxlen) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_TOOLONG, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", textlen), pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", maxlen), 0, 0); goto PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR; } } len = *outlen / charlen; switch (enc) { /* * builtin */ case pdc_builtin: if (charlen == 1 || !(flags & PDF_KEEP_UNICODE)) newcharlen = 1; for (ic = 0; ic < len; ic++) { if (charlen == 1) code = (int) outtext[ic]; else code = (int) usouttext[ic]; if (code) { gid = fnt_get_glyphid(code, &currfont->ft); /* glyph id for code value not available */ if (gid <= 0) { if (to->glyphcheck == text_error) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_CODENOTFOUND1, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "x%02X", code), currfont->ft.name, 0, 0); goto PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR; } else if (to->glyphcheck == text_replace) { pdc_warning(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_CODENOTFOUNDREP1, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "x%02X", code), currfont->ft.name, 0, 0); code = currfont->replacementcode; if (fitres != NULL) fitres->unknownchars++; } if (fitres != NULL) fitres->unmappedchars++; } } if (newcharlen == 1) outtext[icp] = (pdc_byte) code; else usouttext[icp] = (pdc_ushort) code; icp++; } break; /* * cid */ case pdc_cid: /* * pass through. check and temporary conversion in * pdf_calculate_textsize(), because we want to keep native code. */ break; /* * encoding vector */ default: if (charlen == 1 || !(flags & PDF_KEEP_UNICODE)) newcharlen = 1; for (ic = 0; ic < len; ic++) { if (charlen == 1) { code = (int) outtext[ic]; usv = ev->codes[code]; kcheck = code > 0; } else { usv = (int) usouttext[ic]; code = pdc_get_encoding_bytecode(p->pdc, ev, (pdc_ushort) usv); if (code < 0) code = 0; kcheck = usv > 0; } if ((flags & PDF_KEEP_CONTROL) && pdc_is_linebreaking_relchar((pdc_ushort) usv)) { kcheck = pdc_false; } /* glyph check */ if (kcheck) { /* encoding vector hasn't defined [Uni]code */ if (usv <= 0 || code <= 0) { if (to->glyphcheck == text_error) { if (usv <= 0) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDC_E_ENC_NOTDEF_CODE, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "x%02X", code), ev->apiname, 0, 0); goto PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR; } else if (code <= 0) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDC_E_ENC_NOTDEF_UNICODE, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%04X", usv), ev->apiname, 0, 0); goto PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR; } } else if (to->glyphcheck == text_replace) { usvp = (usv <= 0) ? code : usv; nv = pdf_get_approximate_uvlist(p, currfont, ev, usv, pdc_true, fitres, uvlist, cglist); usv = (int) uvlist[0]; code = (int) cglist[0]; if (logg2) { pdf_logg_glyph_replacement(p, ic, usvp, enc, charlen, uvlist, cglist, nv); } } if (fitres != NULL) fitres->unmappedchars++; } else { gid = fnt_get_glyphid(code, &currfont->ft); /* glyph id for code not available */ if (gid <= 0 && currfont->gid0code != code) { if (to->glyphcheck == text_error) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_CODENOTFOUND2, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "x%02X", code), pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%04X", usv), currfont->ft.name, 0); goto PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR; } else if (to->glyphcheck == text_replace) { pdc_warning(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_CODENOTFOUNDREP2, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "x%02X", code), pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%04X", usv), currfont->ft.name, 0); usvp = (usv <= 0) ? code : usv; nv = pdf_get_approximate_uvlist(p, currfont, ev, usv, pdc_true, fitres, uvlist, cglist); usv = (int) uvlist[0]; code = (int) cglist[0]; if (logg2) { pdf_logg_glyph_replacement(p, ic, usvp, enc, charlen, uvlist, cglist, nv); } } if (fitres != NULL) fitres->unmappedchars++; } } } if (newcharlen == 1) { outtext[icp] = (pdc_byte) code; } else { usouttext[icp] = (pdc_ushort) usv; } if (nv > 1) { if (newcharlen == 1) ligatlist = pdf_register_ligat(p, ligatlist, icp, nv, cglist, newcharlen); else ligatlist = pdf_register_ligat(p, ligatlist, icp, nv, uvlist, newcharlen); nv = 1; } icp++; } break; } if (icp) { /* calculate complete text length */ len = newcharlen * icp; if (ligatlist != NULL) { ligat = ligatlist; while (ligat != NULL) { len += ligat->nb; ligat = ligat->next; } } if (len != *outlen) { *outlen = len; if (flags & PDF_USE_TMPALLOC) outtext = (pdc_byte *) pdc_realloc_tmp(p->pdc, outtext, (size_t) (*outlen + newcharlen), fn); else outtext = (pdc_byte *) pdc_realloc(p->pdc, outtext, (size_t) (*outlen + newcharlen), fn); outtext[*outlen] = 0; if (newcharlen == 2) outtext[*outlen + 1] = 0; } /* insert ligature parts */ if (ligatlist != NULL) { int nbrest, nbgap, nbmove = 0; len = newcharlen * icp; ligat = ligatlist; while (ligat != NULL) { nbgap = ligat->nb; icp = ligat->icp + nbmove; nbrest = len - icp; icp += newcharlen; ic = icp + nbgap; memmove(&outtext[ic], &outtext[icp], (size_t) nbrest); memcpy(&outtext[icp], ligat->culist, (size_t) nbgap); nbmove += nbgap; len += nbgap; ligat = ligat->next; } pdf_cleanup_ligat(p, ligatlist); } } } *outtext_p = outtext; *outcharlen = newcharlen; if (logg1) { if (logg2) pdc_logg_hexdump(p->pdc, "converted text", "\t\t", (char *) outtext, *outlen); else pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tChecked and converted text of length %d: \"%T\"\n", *outlen, outtext, *outlen); } if (*outlen) return pdc_true; verbose = pdc_false; PDF_CHECK_TEXT_ERROR: if (outtext != NULL) { if (flags & PDF_USE_TMPALLOC) pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, outtext); else pdc_free(p->pdc, outtext); } pdf_cleanup_ligat(p, ligatlist); if (verbose) PDC_RETHROW(p->pdc); *outtext_p = NULL; *outlen = 0; return pdc_false; } /* ------------------------ Text width functions ------------------------ */ /* Calculates the geometrical width and height of input text string * depending on * * to->font, to->fontsize, to->kerning, * to->charspacing, to->horizscaling, to->wordspacing, * to->xadvancelist * * In the case of vertical writing mode the width is the maximum * of all glyph widths and height the height of the text string. * */ pdc_scalar pdf_calculate_textsize(PDF *p, const pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to, int breakchar, pdc_scalar *height, pdc_bool verbose) { pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_encoding enc = currfont->ft.enc; pdc_byte *tmpstring = (pdc_byte *) text; pdc_ushort *ustext = (pdc_ushort *) text; pdc_scalar glwidth = 0, width = 0; pdc_scalar font2user = to->fontsize / 1000.0; pdc_bool kbreak = pdc_false; int usv, ic, icc, numglyphs = 0, numspaces = 0; /* We cannot handle empty strings or fonts without widths info */ if (!len || currfont->widthsmissing) { if (height) *height = 0.0; return width; } if (enc != pdc_cid) len /= charlen; for (ic = 0; ic < len; ) { icc = ic; { if (charlen == 1) { usv = (int) text[ic]; } else if (enc == pdc_unicode) { usv = pdc_char16_to_char32(p->pdc, ustext, &ic, len, verbose); } else { usv = (int) ustext[ic]; } /* count spaces */ if (usv == (int) currfont->ft.spacechar) numspaces++; /* break character */ if (breakchar > 0) kbreak = (usv == breakchar); ic++; } /* start by adding in the width of the character */ if (currfont->opt.monospace) { glwidth = (pdc_scalar) currfont->opt.monospace; } else { glwidth = (pdc_scalar) fnt_get_glyphwidth(usv, &currfont->ft); if (glwidth == FNT_MISSING_WIDTH) glwidth = currfont->ft.m.defwidth; } /* count glyphs */ numglyphs++; /* horizontal or vertical writing mode */ if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { width += glwidth; /* supplied glyph widths */ if (icc < to->nglyphs) { pdc_scalar shift = to->xadvancelist[icc] / font2user - glwidth; width += shift; if (p->pdc->ptfrun) shift = PDC_ROUND(1e10 * shift) / 1e10; shift = PDC_ROUND(1e1 * shift) / 1e1; to->xadvancelist[icc] = shift; } } else { /* maximum of width */ if (glwidth > width) width = glwidth; } /* length of text part ranging to decimal character */ if (kbreak) break; } if (breakchar > 0 && !kbreak) return 0; /* charspacing and wordspacing */ if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { if (to->charspacing) width += numglyphs * to->charspacing / font2user; if (to->wordspacing) width += numspaces * to->wordspacing / font2user; if (height) *height = 0.0; } else { /* height for positive y direction. * Acrobat calculates with negative direction (see pdf_place_text). */ *height = numglyphs * (to->fontsize + -to->charspacing) + numspaces * (-to->wordspacing); } /* take horizontal scaling factor and font scaling factor into account */ width *= font2user * to->horizscaling; if (tmpstring != text) pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, tmpstring); return width; } pdc_scalar pdf_trim_textwidth(pdc_scalar width, pdf_text_options *to) { if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(width)) width -= to->horizscaling * to->charspacing; return width; } pdc_scalar pdf__stringwidth(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, int font, pdc_scalar fontsize) { pdc_byte *utext; int charlen; pdc_scalar width = 0, height = 0; pdf_text_options to = *p->curr_ppt->currto; len = pdc_check_text_length(p->pdc, &text, len, PDF_MAXTEXTSIZE); if (!len) return 0.0; pdf_check_handle(p, font, pdc_fonthandle); pdc_check_number_zero(p->pdc, "fontsize", fontsize); /* convert text string */ to.font = font; to.fontsize = fontsize; if (pdf_check_textstring(p, text, len, PDF_KEEP_TEXTLEN | PDF_USE_TMPALLOC, &to, NULL, &utext, &len, &charlen, pdc_true)) { width = pdf_calculate_textsize(p, utext, len, charlen, &to, -1, &height, pdc_true); } return width; } /* ------------------------ Text output functions ------------------------ */ static void pdf_convert_text_towinansi(PDF *p, const pdc_byte *fromtext, int len, pdc_byte *totext, pdf_font *currfont) { pdc_encodingvector *evfrom = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, currfont->ft.enc); pdc_encodingvector *evto = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, currfont->towinansi); int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) totext[i] = pdc_transform_bytecode(p->pdc, evto, evfrom, fromtext[i]); } void pdf_put_fieldtext(PDF *p, const char *text, int font) { if (pdc_is_utf8_bytecode(text)) { pdf_put_hypertext(p, text); } else if (font > -1) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_put_fieldtext"; pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[font]; char *tmpstring = (char *) text; int len = (int) pdc_strlen(text); if (len && currfont->towinansi != pdc_invalidenc && !pdc_is_utf16be_unicode(text)) { /* Convert 8-bit code string to winansi */ tmpstring = (char *) pdc_malloc_tmp(p->pdc, (size_t) len, fn, NULL, NULL); pdf_convert_text_towinansi(p, (pdc_byte *) text, len, (pdc_byte *) tmpstring, currfont); } pdc_put_pdfstring(p->out, tmpstring, len); if (tmpstring != text) pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, tmpstring); } } static void pdf_put_textstring(PDF *p, const pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_font *currfont) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_put_textstring"; pdc_byte *tmpstring = (pdc_byte *) text; (void) charlen; if (len) { /* Convert 8-bit code string to winansi */ if (currfont->towinansi != pdc_invalidenc) { tmpstring = (pdc_byte *) pdc_malloc_tmp(p->pdc, (size_t) len, fn, NULL, NULL); pdf_convert_text_towinansi(p, text, len, tmpstring, currfont); } } pdc_put_pdfstring(p->out, (char *) tmpstring, len); if (tmpstring != text) pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, tmpstring); } static void pdf_put_textstring_shift(PDF *p, pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_scalar spaceshift) { pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_ushort *ustext = (pdc_ushort *) text; pdc_byte *currtext; pdc_scalar shift; pdc_bool isutf16; int currlen, nchars; int leftchar = 0, rightchar; int ic, icp, incr = charlen; currlen = 0; currtext = text; nchars = len/charlen; isutf16 = charlen == 2 && currfont->codesize == 2 && currfont->ft.enc == pdc_unicode; for (ic = 0; ic < nchars; ic++) { if (charlen == 1) { rightchar = (int) text[ic]; } else if(!isutf16) { rightchar = (int) ustext[ic]; } else { icp = ic; rightchar = pdc_char16_to_char32(p->pdc, ustext, &ic, nchars, pdc_true); incr = (1 + ic - icp) * charlen; } if (ic) { /* PDF wants the inverse shift amount * (positive numbers move left, negative move right!) */ if (spaceshift != 0 && leftchar == (int) currfont->ft.spacechar) shift = -spaceshift; else shift = 0; if (ic <= to->nglyphs) shift -= to->xadvancelist[ic-1]; if (shift) { pdf_put_textstring(p, currtext, currlen, charlen, currfont); pdc_printf(p->out, "%f", shift); currtext = &text[charlen * ic]; currlen = 0; } } leftchar = rightchar; currlen += incr; } pdf_put_textstring(p, currtext, currlen, charlen, currfont); if (to->nglyphs && to->nglyphs >= nchars) pdc_printf(p->out, "%f", -to->xadvancelist[nchars - 1]); } /* --------------------- General text placing function --------------------- */ #define PDF_RENDERMODE_FILLCLIP 4 #define PDF_ITALICANGLE_DEFAULT -12 static void pdf_place_singletext(PDF *p, pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_scalar tx, pdc_scalar ty, pdc_scalar width, pdc_scalar height, pdc_scalar leading, pdc_bool cont) { pdf_tstate *ts = &p->curr_ppt->tstate[p->curr_ppt->sl]; pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_scalar dx, dy, spaceshift = 0; pdc_scalar font2user = to->fontsize / 1000.0; pdc_scalar linewidth = 0; pdc_scalar deflinewidth = 0; pdc_bool hasdeco = to->underline || to->overline || to->strikeout; pdc_bool takeTJ = pdc_false; /* default linewidth for underlinewidth and strokewidth */ if (hasdeco || (to->mask & (1 << to_strokewidth))) { if (currfont->ft.m.underlineThickness == 0) currfont->ft.m.underlineThickness = 50; deflinewidth = fabs(to->horizscaling * font2user * currfont->ft.m.underlineThickness); } /* fill and stroke color */ if (to->mask & (1 << to_fillcolor)) pdf_set_coloropt(p, (int) pdf_fill, &to->fillcolor); if (to->mask & (1 << to_strokecolor)) pdf_set_coloropt(p, (int) pdf_stroke, &to->strokecolor); /* stroke width and dasharray for stroked text */ if (to->mask & (1 << to_strokewidth)) { if (to->strokewidth == PDF_UNDERLINEWIDTH_AUTO) { linewidth = deflinewidth; } else { linewidth = to->strokewidth; if ((to->pcmask & (1 << to_strokewidth))) linewidth *= fabs(to->fontsize); } pdf__setlinewidth(p, linewidth); } if (to->mask & (1 << to_dasharray)) pdf__setdash(p, to->dasharray[0], to->dasharray[1]); /* text decoration */ if (width && hasdeco) { pdc_scalar scale = fabs(to->horizscaling); pdc_scalar delta, fs, trise, lineheight; pdc_scalar txe = 0, tye = 0; pdc_scalar lineposition = 0; fs = p->ydirection * font2user; trise = p->ydirection * to->textrise; lineheight = fs * currfont->ft.m.ascender; delta = scale * (fs * currfont->ft.m.underlinePosition + trise); pdf__save(p); if (to->underlinewidth == PDF_UNDERLINEWIDTH_AUTO) { linewidth = deflinewidth; } else { linewidth = to->underlinewidth; if ((to->pcmask & (1 << to_underlinewidth))) linewidth *= fabs(to->fontsize); } if (to->underlineposition == PDF_UNDERLINEPOSITION_AUTO) { lineposition = delta; } else { lineposition = p->ydirection * to->underlineposition; if ((to->pcmask & (1 << to_underlineposition))) lineposition *= to->fontsize; } if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { txe = tx + width; } else { txe = tx - width / 2.0; tye = ty - p->ydirection * height; lineposition *= p->ydirection; delta = fabs(delta); } pdf__setlinecap(p, 0); if (!(to->mask & (1 << to_dasharray))) pdf__setdash(p, 0, 0); if (to->underline) { pdf__setlinewidth(p, linewidth); if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { pdf__moveto(p, tx, ty + lineposition); pdf__lineto(p, txe, ty + lineposition); } else { pdf__moveto(p, txe + lineposition, ty); pdf__lineto(p, txe + lineposition, tye); } pdf__stroke(p); } if (to->strikeout) { pdf__setlinewidth(p, deflinewidth); if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { pdf__moveto(p, tx, ty + lineheight/2 + delta); pdf__lineto(p, txe, ty + lineheight/2 + delta); } else { pdf__moveto(p, tx, ty); pdf__lineto(p, tx, tye); } pdf__stroke(p); } if (to->overline) { pdf__setlinewidth(p, deflinewidth); if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { delta = scale * (fs * currfont->ft.m.underlinePosition - trise); pdf__moveto(p, tx, ty + lineheight - delta); pdf__lineto(p, txe, ty + lineheight - delta); } else { pdf__moveto(p, txe + width + delta, ty); pdf__lineto(p, txe + width + delta, tye); } pdf__stroke(p); } pdf__restore(p); } /* wordspacing */ if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->wordspacing)) { spaceshift = to->wordspacing / font2user; if (p->pdc->ptfrun) spaceshift = PDC_ROUND(1e10 * spaceshift) / 1e10; spaceshift = PDC_ROUND(1e1 * spaceshift) / 1e1; takeTJ = PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(spaceshift) ? pdc_false : pdc_true; } /* supplied glyph widths */ if (!takeTJ) takeTJ = to->nglyphs; /* begin text object */ pdf_begin_text(p); /* italic angle - realized by Tm operator */ if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(to->italicangle) || currfont->metricflags & font_italic) { if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { pdc_scalar italicangle = -p->ydirection * to->italicangle; if (currfont->metricflags & font_italic && italicangle == 0) italicangle = -p->ydirection * PDF_ITALICANGLE_DEFAULT; if (ts->hs < 0) italicangle = -italicangle; pdc_printf(p->out, "1 0 %f 1 %f %f Tm\n", tan(italicangle * PDC_DEG2RAD), tx, ty); cont = pdc_false; ts->newpos = pdc_false; ts->refptx = tx; ts->refpty = ty; } else { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_ITALUNSUPP, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } else { /* components of text displacement vector */ if (!cont) { dx = tx - ts->prevtx; dy = ty - ts->prevty; } else { dx = tx - ts->refptx; dy = ty - ts->refpty + leading; } /* condition for text displacement operator Td */ if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(dx) || !PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(dy) || ts->newpos || (cont && takeTJ)) { if (cont) { dy -= leading; cont = pdc_false; } pdc_printf(p->out, "%f %f Td\n", dx, dy); /* new reference position for next line */ ts->newpos = pdc_false; ts->refptx = tx; ts->refpty = ty; } else { ts->refpty -= leading; } } /* show text */ if (!takeTJ) { pdf_put_textstring(p, text, len, charlen, currfont); if (!cont) pdc_puts(p->out, "Tj\n"); else pdc_puts(p->out, "'\n"); } else { pdc_puts(p->out, "["); pdf_put_textstring_shift(p, text, len, charlen, to, spaceshift); pdc_puts(p->out, "]TJ\n"); } /* new text position */ if (!currfont->ft.vertical) { ts->currtx = tx + width; ts->currty = ty; } else { ts->currtx = tx; ts->currty = ty - p->ydirection * height; } ts->prevtx = ts->currtx; ts->prevty = ts->currty; if (to->textrendering >= PDF_RENDERMODE_FILLCLIP) pdf_end_text(p); } #define PDF_FAKEBOLD_OFFSET 0.03 /* 3% of font size */ void pdf_place_text(PDF *p, pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_scalar width, pdc_scalar height, pdc_bool cont) { pdf_tstate *ts = &p->curr_ppt->tstate[p->curr_ppt->sl]; pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_scalar tx, ty, leading = 0; /* text position */ if (!cont) { tx = ts->currtx; ty = ts->currty; } else { leading = p->ydirection * to->leading; tx = ts->linetx; ty = ts->currty - leading; } pdf_place_singletext(p, text, len, charlen, to, tx, ty, width, height, leading, cont); /* text bolding */ if (to->fakebold || currfont->metricflags & font_bold) { static const pdc_scalar fx[] = {0, 0.70711, 1}; static const pdc_scalar fy[] = {1, 0.70711, 0}; pdc_scalar offset, currtx, currty, linetx; int it, nt = 3; offset = PDF_FAKEBOLD_OFFSET * to->fontsize; linetx = ts->linetx; currtx = ts->currtx; currty = ts->currty; for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) { pdf__set_text_pos(p, tx + fx[it] * offset, ty + p->ydirection * fy[it] * offset); pdf_place_singletext(p, text, len, charlen, to, ts->currtx, ts->currty, width, height, leading, pdc_false); } pdf__set_text_pos(p, currtx, currty); ts->linetx = linetx; } } /* --------------------- Simple text showing functions --------------------- */ void pdf__show_text( PDF *p, const char *text, int len, pdc_bool cont) { static const char *fn = "pdf__show_text"; pdf_text_options *currto = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdc_byte *utext = NULL; int charlen = 1; pdc_scalar width = 0, height = 0; len = pdc_check_text_length(p->pdc, &text, len, PDF_MAXTEXTSIZE); if (!len && !cont) return; /* no font set */ if (currto->font == -1) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONT, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (len) { /* convert text string */ if (pdf_check_textstring(p, text, len, PDF_USE_TMPALLOC, currto, NULL, &utext, &len, &charlen, pdc_true)) { /* width and height of text string */ width = pdf_calculate_textsize(p, utext, len, charlen, currto, -1, &height, pdc_true); } else if (!cont) { return; } } else { utext = (pdc_byte *) pdc_calloc_tmp(p->pdc, 2, fn, NULL, NULL); } /* place text */ pdf_place_text(p, utext, len, charlen, currto, width, height, cont); } /* ---------- Text showing function with explicit glyph widths ---------- */ void pdf__xshow(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, const pdc_scalar *xadvancelist) { static const char *fn = "pdf__xshow"; pdf_text_options *currto = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdc_byte *utext = NULL; int charlen = 1; size_t nbytes = 0; pdc_scalar width, height; len = pdc_check_text_length(p->pdc, &text, len, PDF_MAXTEXTSIZE); if (!len) return; /* no font set */ if (currto->font == -1) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONT, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* convert text string */ if (pdf_check_textstring(p, text, len, PDF_USE_TMPALLOC, currto, NULL, &utext, &len, &charlen, pdc_true)) { /* allocating glyph widths arrays */ nbytes = (size_t) (len / charlen) * sizeof(pdc_scalar); currto->xadvancelist = (pdc_scalar *) pdc_malloc_tmp(p->pdc, nbytes, fn, NULL, NULL); memcpy(currto->xadvancelist, xadvancelist, nbytes); currto->nglyphs = len / charlen; /* length of text */ width = pdf_calculate_textsize(p, utext, len, charlen, currto, -1, &height, pdc_true); /* place text */ pdf_place_text(p, utext, len, charlen, currto, width, height, pdc_false); currto->xadvancelist = NULL; currto->nglyphs = 0; } } /* --------------------------- Leader functions ---------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Text fitting function ------------------------ */ /* definitions of fit text options */ static const pdc_defopt pdf_fit_textline_options[] = { PDF_TEXT_OPTIONS {"xadvancelist", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NOZERO, 0, PDC_USHRT_MAX, PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, PDF_FIT_OPTIONS1 PDF_FIT_OPTIONS2 PDF_FIT_OPTIONS6 PDF_FONT_OPTIONS1 PDF_FONT_OPTIONS2 PDF_ERRORPOLICY_OPTION PDC_OPT_TERMINATE }; pdc_resopt * pdf_parse_fittextline_optlist(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, const char *optlist) { pdc_resopt *resopts = NULL; pdf_font_options fo; /* *to must be initialized */ /* initialize fit options */ pdf_init_fit_options(p, pdc_false, fit); fit->flags |= is_textline; /* initialize font options */ pdf_init_font_options(p, &fo); fo.flags |= is_textline; /* parsing option list */ if (optlist && strlen(optlist)) { pdc_clientdata data; pdf_set_clientdata(p, &data); resopts = pdc_parse_optionlist(p->pdc, optlist, pdf_fit_textline_options, &data, pdc_true); pdf_get_font_options(p, &fo, resopts); pdf_get_text_options(p, to, resopts); pdf_get_fit_options(p, pdc_false, fit, resopts); } /* font options specified */ if (fo.mask & (1 << fo_fontname) && fo.mask & (1 << fo_encoding)) { to->font = pdf_load_font_internal(p, &fo); to->mask |= (1L << to_font); to->fontset |= (1L << to_font); } else { pdf_cleanup_font_options(p, &fo); } return resopts; } static pdc_bool pdf_parse_textline_options(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, const char *optlist) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; len = pdc_check_text_length(p->pdc, &text, len, PDF_MAXTEXTSIZE); if (!len) return pdc_false; /* initialize text options */ *to = *ppt->currto; to->text = (char *) text; to->textlen = len; /* parsing option list */ pdf_parse_fittextline_optlist(p, to, fit, optlist); /* no font set */ if (to->font == -1) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONT, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* no font size set */ if (to->fontsize == PDC_FLOAT_MIN) { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONTSIZESET, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return pdc_true; } pdc_bool pdf_fit_textline_internal(PDF *p, pdf_fitres *fitres, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, pdc_matrix *matrix) { pdc_bool logg5 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 5, trc_text); pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; pdc_byte *utext = (pdc_byte *) ""; int len, charlen; pdc_bool blind = (fitres != NULL) ? pdc_true : pdc_false; pdc_bool vertical = currfont->ft.vertical; pdc_matrix ctm = ppt->gstate[ppt->sl].ctm; pdc_matrix m, mm; pdc_vector elemsize, elemscale, elemmargin, textrelpos, fitrelpos; pdc_vector polyline[5]; pdc_scalar textyextent[2]; pdc_box fitbox, elembox; pdc_scalar ss, width, height, boxwidth, boxheight, fontsizeref; pdc_scalar ascender, capheight, xheight, descender; pdc_scalar x, y, tx = 0, ty = 0, basey = 0; pdc_bool hasfitbox = pdc_false; pdc_bool hasboxwidth = pdc_false; pdc_bool verbose = pdc_true; pdc_scalar font2user; int indangle = fit->orientate / 90; int i; (void) ppt; /* box size */ boxwidth = fit->boxsize[0]; boxheight = fit->boxsize[1]; /* reference for font size as percentage */ if (indangle % 2) fontsizeref = boxwidth; else fontsizeref = boxheight; /* calculate and set text options */ pdf_calculate_text_options(p, to, pdc_false, 1.0, PDC_FLOAT_PREC, fontsizeref); if (!blind) pdf_set_text_options(p, to); else verbose = fitres->verbose; /* convert text string */ if (!pdf_check_textstring(p, to->text, to->textlen, PDF_USE_TMPALLOC, to, fitres, &utext, &len, &charlen, verbose)) return pdc_false; if (to->nglyphs && len/charlen != to->nglyphs) pdc_warning(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_SIZENOMATCH, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", to->nglyphs), pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", len/charlen), 0, 0); /* width and height of text */ width = pdf_calculate_textsize(p, utext, len, charlen, to, -1, &height, pdc_true); width = pdf_trim_textwidth(width, to); /* incredible bug #1451 if (PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(width)) return -1; */ /* font specifics */ font2user = to->fontsize / 1000.0; ascender = font2user * currfont->ft.m.ascender; capheight = font2user * currfont->ft.m.capHeight; xheight = font2user * currfont->ft.m.xHeight; descender = font2user * currfont->ft.m.descender; /* margin lower left corner */ elemmargin.x = fit->margin[0]; elemmargin.y = fit->margin[1]; /* new box size */ boxwidth -= 2 * elemmargin.x; if (boxwidth < 0) boxwidth = 0; boxheight -= 2 * elemmargin.y; if (boxheight < 0) boxheight = 0; hasboxwidth = boxwidth > PDC_FLOAT_PREC; hasfitbox = hasboxwidth && boxheight > PDC_FLOAT_PREC; /* kind of text box */ pdf_get_mbox_boxheight(p, fit->matchbox, textyextent); /* text x size */ elemsize.x = width; /* TODO: for vertical text */ /* text y size */ if (!vertical) { height = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { basey = 0; if (textyextent[i] <= 0) { switch ((int) textyextent[i]) { case text_none: break; case text_ascender: basey = ascender; break; case text_capheight: basey = capheight; break; case text_xheight: basey = xheight; break; case text_descender: basey = -descender; break; case text_textrise: basey = to->textrise; break; case text_fontsize: basey = to->fontsize; break; case text_leading: basey = to->leading; break; } } else { basey = textyextent[i]; } height += basey; } } elemsize.y = height; /* orientation */ if (indangle % 2) { ss = elemsize.x; elemsize.x = elemsize.y; elemsize.y = ss; } /* box for fitting */ fitbox.ll.x = 0; fitbox.ll.y = 0; fitbox.ur.x = boxwidth; fitbox.ur.y = boxheight; /* relativ position in fit and text box */ fitrelpos.x = fit->position[0] / 100.0; fitrelpos.y = fit->position[1] / 100.0; textrelpos = fitrelpos; /* decimal character and position */ if (fit->alignchar) { pdc_encoding enc = currfont->ft.enc; pdc_encodingvector *ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); pdc_scalar decwidth, decheight, pos1, pos2; int poschar = (int) fit->alignchar; switch(enc) { case pdc_cid: /* non-Unicode compatible CMaps seem to work (see bug #1605) if (currfont->codesize != 2) poschar = -1; */ break; case pdc_glyphid: poschar = fnt_get_glyphid(poschar, &currfont->ft); break; case pdc_builtin: poschar = -1; break; default: if (ev != NULL && charlen == 1) { poschar = pdc_get_encoding_bytecode(p->pdc, ev, (pdc_ushort) poschar); } break; } if (to->glyphcheck == text_error && poschar == -1) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_ALIGNCHARNOTFOUND, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%04X", fit->alignchar), 0, 0, 0); if (verbose) PDC_RETHROW(p->pdc); return pdc_false; } /* width and height of text part ranging to decimal character */ decwidth = pdf_calculate_textsize(p, utext, len, charlen, to, poschar, &decheight, pdc_true); /* position found */ if (decwidth > 0 && !PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(width)) { /* relative position of position character */ pos1 = decwidth / width; pos2 = 1 - pos1; i = vertical ? ((indangle + 3) % 4) : indangle; switch (i) { case 0: textrelpos.x = pos1; break; case 1: textrelpos.y = pos1; break; case 2: textrelpos.x = pos2; break; case 3: textrelpos.y = pos2; break; } } } /* calculate image box */ pdc_place_element(fit->fitmethod, fit->shrinklimit, &fitbox, &fitrelpos, &elemsize, &textrelpos, &elembox, &elemscale); if (logg5) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tFitting input parameter:\n" "\t\t\tfitmethod = %s\n" "\t\t\tshrinklimit = %f\n" "\t\t\trefpoint = %f, %f\n" "\t\t\tboxsize = %f, %f\n" "\t\t\tfitrelpos = %f, %f\n" "\t\t\telemsize = %f, %f\n" "\t\t\ttextrelpos = %f, %f\n" "\t\tFitting output parameter:\n" "\t\t\telembox = %f, %f, %f, %f\n" "\t\t\telemscale = %f, %f\n", pdc_get_keyword(fit->fitmethod, pdf_fitmethod_keylist), fit->shrinklimit, fit->refpoint[0], fit->refpoint[1], fitbox.ur.x, fitbox.ur.y, fitrelpos.x, fitrelpos.y, elemsize.x, elemsize.y, textrelpos.x, textrelpos.y, elembox.ll.x, elembox.ll.y, elembox.ur.x, elembox.ur.y, elemscale.x, elemscale.y); /* reference point */ pdc_translation_matrix(fit->refpoint[0], fit->refpoint[1], &mm); if (matrix == NULL) { if (blind) { m = ctm; pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); } else m = mm; } else { m = *matrix; pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); } /* optional rotation */ if (fabs(fit->rotate) > PDC_FLOAT_PREC) { pdc_rotation_matrix(p->ydirection * fit->rotate, &mm); pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); } /* output after translation and rotation */ if (!blind) { /* new CTM */ if (fit->showborder || fit->fitmethod == pdc_clip || fit->fitmethod == pdc_slice) { pdf_concat_raw(p, &m); pdc_identity_matrix(&m); } /* show border */ if (fit->showborder) { pdf__rect(p, elemmargin.x, p->ydirection * elemmargin.y, boxwidth, boxheight); pdf__rect(p, 0, 0, fit->boxsize[0], fit->boxsize[1]); pdf__stroke(p); } /* clipping */ if ( (fit->fitmethod == pdc_clip || fit->fitmethod == pdc_slice)) { pdc_scalar cw = fit->boxsize[0]; pdc_scalar ch = fit->boxsize[1]; if (cw < PDC_FLOAT_PREC) cw = PDF_ACRO_MAXPAGE; if (ch < PDC_FLOAT_PREC) ch = PDF_ACRO_MAXPAGE; pdf__rect(p, 0, 0, cw, ch); pdf__clip(p); } } /* reference point for elembox */ if (elemmargin.x > PDC_FLOAT_PREC || elemmargin.y > PDC_FLOAT_PREC) { tx = elemmargin.x; if (boxwidth < PDC_FLOAT_PREC) tx *= 1.0 - 2 * fitrelpos.x; ty = elemmargin.y; if (boxheight < PDC_FLOAT_PREC) ty *= 1.0 - 2 * fitrelpos.y; pdc_translation_matrix(tx, p->ydirection * ty, &mm); pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); } /* translation of element box */ elembox.ll.y *= p->ydirection; elembox.ur.y *= p->ydirection; pdc_box2polyline(NULL, &elembox, polyline); tx = polyline[indangle].x; ty = polyline[indangle].y; pdc_translation_matrix(tx, ty, &mm); pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); boxwidth = elembox.ur.x - elembox.ll.x; boxheight = elembox.ur.y - elembox.ll.y; /* orientation of text */ if (fit->orientate != 0) { pdc_rotation_matrix(p->ydirection * fit->orientate, &mm); pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); if (indangle % 2) { ss = elemscale.x; elemscale.x = elemscale.y; elemscale.y = ss; ss = boxwidth; boxwidth = p->ydirection * boxheight; boxheight = p->ydirection * ss; ss = elemmargin.x; elemmargin.x = p->ydirection * elemmargin.y; elemmargin.y = p->ydirection * ss; } } /* matchbox */ if (!blind && fit->matchbox) { pdc_rectangle matchrect; pdf_concat_raw(p, &m); pdc_identity_matrix(&m); matchrect.llx = 0; matchrect.lly = 0; matchrect.urx = boxwidth; matchrect.ury = boxheight; pdf_set_mbox_rectangle(p, fit->matchbox, &matchrect, 0); pdf_draw_mbox_rectangle(p, fit->matchbox, mbox_saverestore | mbox_area | mbox_border); pdf_add_page_mbox(p, fit->matchbox); } /* scaling */ if (elemscale.x != 1 || elemscale.y != 1) { pdc_scale_matrix(elemscale.x, elemscale.y, &mm); pdc_multiply_matrix(&mm, &m); } /* relative text position */ if (!vertical) { x = 0; y = p->ydirection * basey; } else { x = width / 2.0; y = p->ydirection * height; } if (logg5) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tReference point:\n" "\t\t\tx = %f\n" "\t\t\ty = %f\n" "\t\tEmbedding matrix components of textline fitting:\n" "\t\t\ta = %f\n" "\t\t\tb = %f\n" "\t\t\tc = %f\n" "\t\t\td = %f\n" "\t\t\te = %f\n" "\t\t\tf = %f\n", x, y, m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f); /* * blind mode: pdf__info_textline */ if (blind) { pdc_scalar mwidth = 2 * fabs(elemmargin.x); pdc_scalar mheight = 2 * fabs(elemmargin.y); pdc_scalar wlen, plen; /* start position */ pdc_transform_point(&m, x, y, &tx, &ty); fitres->start.x = tx; fitres->start.y = ty; /* end position */ if (!vertical) { tx = x + width; ty = y; } else { tx = x; ty = y - p->ydirection * height; } pdc_transform_point(&m, tx, ty, &tx, &ty); fitres->end.x = tx; fitres->end.y = ty; /* relative vector from start to end */ tx = fitres->end.x - fitres->start.x; ty = fitres->end.y - fitres->start.y; wlen = sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); if (!vertical) { /* width and x scaling */ fitres->width = wlen; fitres->mwidth = wlen + mwidth; } else { /* height and y scaling */ fitres->height = wlen; fitres->mheight = wlen + mheight; } /* unit vector of writingdir line */ if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(wlen)) { fitres->writingdir.x = tx / wlen; fitres->writingdir.y = ty / wlen; } else { fitres->writingdir.x = 0; fitres->writingdir.y = 0; } if (!vertical) { /* relative vector of fontsize */ tx = x; ty = y + p->ydirection * height; pdc_transform_point(&m, tx, ty, &tx, &ty); tx -= fitres->start.x; ty -= fitres->start.y; plen = sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); /* height and y scaling */ fitres->height = plen; fitres->mheight = plen + mheight; } else { /* relative vector of width */ tx = x + width; ty = y; pdc_transform_point(&m, tx, ty, &tx, &ty); tx -= fitres->start.x; ty -= fitres->start.y; plen = sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); /* width ans x scaling */ fitres->width = plen; fitres->mwidth = plen + mwidth; } /* unit vector of perpendiculardir line */ if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(plen)) { fitres->perpendiculardir.x = tx / plen; fitres->perpendiculardir.y = ty / plen; } else { fitres->perpendiculardir.x = 0; fitres->perpendiculardir.y = 0; } if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(width)) fitres->scale.x = fitres->width / width; else fitres->scale.x = 1.0; if (!PDC_FLOAT_ISNULL(height)) fitres->scale.y = fitres->height / height; else fitres->scale.y = 1.0; /* rotation angle of base line */ fitres->angle = atan2(fitres->writingdir.y, fitres->writingdir.x) / PDC_DEG2RAD; /* font specifics */ fitres->ascender = pdc_transform_scalar(&m, ascender); fitres->capheight = pdc_transform_scalar(&m, capheight); fitres->xheight = pdc_transform_scalar(&m, xheight); fitres->descender = pdc_transform_scalar(&m, descender); } else { /* CTM */ pdf_concat_raw(p, &m); /* set text position */ pdf__set_text_pos(p, x, y); /* place text */ pdf_place_text(p, utext, len, charlen, to, width, height, pdc_false); /* create a link - deprecated - */ if (to->link) { if (pdf_check_textstring(p, to->text, to->textlen, PDF_USE_TMPALLOC | PDF_KEEP_UNICODE, to, NULL, &utext, &len, &charlen, pdc_true)) { pdf_create_link(p, to->linktype, x, y + p->ydirection * descender, x + width, y + p->ydirection * to->fontsize, to->link, (char *) utext, len); pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, utext); } } } return pdc_true; } void pdf_calculate_textline_size(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, pdc_scalar *width, pdc_scalar *height) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_fitres fitres; pdc_matrix ctminv; /* calculate textline size for table cells */ fitres.verbose = pdc_true; fitres.width = 0.0; fitres.height = 0.0; pdf_fit_textline_internal(p, &fitres, to, fit, NULL); pdc_invert_matrix(p->pdc, &ctminv, &ppt->gstate[ppt->sl].ctm); if (width) *width = pdc_transform_scalar(&ctminv, fitres.mwidth); if (height) *height = pdc_transform_scalar(&ctminv, fitres.mheight); } void pdf__fit_textline(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y, const char *optlist) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_tstate *ts; pdf_text_options to; pdf_fit_options fit; pdc_matrix ctminv; pdc_scalar currtx, currty; pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "x", x); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "y", y); /* parse options */ if (!pdf_parse_textline_options(p, text, len, &to, &fit, optlist)) return; fit.refpoint[0] = x; fit.refpoint[1] = y; pdf__save(p); /* output text line */ pdf_fit_textline_internal(p, NULL, &to, &fit, NULL); pdf_cleanup_fit_options(p, &fit); ts = &ppt->tstate[ppt->sl]; pdc_transform_point(&ppt->gstate[ppt->sl].ctm, ts->currtx, ts->currty, &currtx, &currty); pdf__restore(p); /* calculate current text position*/ pdc_invert_matrix(p->pdc, &ctminv, &ppt->gstate[ppt->sl].ctm); pdc_transform_point(&ctminv, currtx, currty, &currtx, &currty); pdf__set_text_pos(p, currtx, currty); } static const pdc_keyconn pdf_info_keylist[] = { {"startx", 1}, {"starty", 2}, {"endx", 3}, {"endy", 4}, {"writingdirx", 5}, {"writingdiry", 6}, {"perpendiculardirx", 7}, {"perpendiculardiry", 8}, {"scalex", 9}, {"scaley", 10}, {"width", 11}, {"height", 12}, {"ascender", 13}, {"capheight", 14}, {"xheight", 15}, {"descender", 16}, {"angle", 17}, {"unmappedglyphs", 20}, /* deprecated */ {"unmappedchars", 20}, {"replacedchars", 21}, {"unknownchars", 22}, {"wellformed", 23}, {NULL, 0} }; double pdf__info_textline(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, const char *keyword, const char *optlist) { pdf_ppt *ppt = p->curr_ppt; pdf_text_options to; pdf_fit_options fit; pdf_fitres fitres; double tinfo = 0.0; int retval, infokey; if (!keyword || !*keyword) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "keyword", 0, 0, 0); infokey = pdc_get_keycode_ci(keyword, pdf_info_keylist); if (infokey == PDC_KEY_NOTFOUND) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_STRING, "keyword", keyword, 0, 0); /* parse options */ retval = pdf_parse_textline_options(p, text, len, &to, &fit, optlist); if (retval) { /* calculate textline */ fitres.verbose = to.glyphwarning; fitres.unmappedchars = 0; fitres.replacedchars = 0; fitres.unknownchars = 0; retval = pdf_fit_textline_internal(p, &fitres, &to, &fit, NULL); pdf_cleanup_fit_options(p, &fit); if (retval) { pdf_font *currfont = &p->fonts[to.font]; pdc_matrix ctminv; pdc_invert_matrix(p->pdc, &ctminv, &ppt->gstate[ppt->sl].ctm); switch(infokey) { case 1: case 2: pdc_transform_vector(&ctminv, &fitres.start, NULL); break; case 3: case 4: pdc_transform_vector(&ctminv, &fitres.end, NULL); break; case 5: case 6: pdc_transform_rvector(&ctminv, &fitres.writingdir, NULL); break; case 7: case 8: pdc_transform_rvector(&ctminv, &fitres.perpendiculardir, NULL); break; } pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_text, "\tInfo textline%s:\n" "\tstartx = %f\n" "\tstarty = %f\n" "\tendx = %f\n" "\tendy = %f\n" "\twritingdirx = %f\n" "\twritingdiry = %f\n" "\tperpendiculardirx = %f\n" "\tperpendiculardiry = %f\n" "\tscalex = %f\n" "\tscaley = %f\n" "\twidth = %f\n" "\theight = %f\n" "\tascender = %f\n" "\tcapheight = %f\n" "\txheight = %f\n" "\tdescender = %f\n", currfont->ft.vertical ? " (vertical writing mode)" : "", fitres.start.x, fitres.start.y, fitres.end.x, fitres.end.y, fitres.writingdir.x, fitres.writingdir.y, fitres.perpendiculardir.x, fitres.perpendiculardir.y, fitres.scale.x, fitres.scale.y, fitres.width, fitres.height, fitres.ascender, fitres.capheight, fitres.xheight,fitres.descender); switch(infokey) { case 1: tinfo = (double) fitres.start.x; break; case 2: tinfo = (double) fitres.start.y; break; case 3: tinfo = (double) fitres.end.x; break; case 4: tinfo = (double) fitres.end.y; break; case 5: tinfo = (double) fitres.writingdir.x; break; case 6: tinfo = (double) fitres.writingdir.y; break; case 7: tinfo = (double) fitres.perpendiculardir.x; break; case 8: tinfo = (double) fitres.perpendiculardir.y; break; case 9: tinfo = (double) fitres.scale.x; break; case 10: tinfo = (double) fitres.scale.y; break; case 11: tinfo = (double) fitres.width; break; case 12: tinfo = (double) fitres.height; break; case 13: tinfo = (double) fitres.ascender; break; case 14: tinfo = (double) fitres.capheight; break; case 15: tinfo = (double) fitres.xheight; break; case 16: tinfo = (double) fitres.descender; break; case 17: tinfo = (double) fitres.angle; break; case 20: tinfo = (double) fitres.unmappedchars; break; case 21: tinfo = (double) fitres.replacedchars; break; case 22: tinfo = (double) fitres.unknownchars; break; /* wellformed */ case 23: tinfo = (double) 1; break; } } } return tinfo; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** deprecated historical text formatting function **/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* this helper function returns the width of the null-terminated string ** 'text' for the current font and size EXCLUDING the last character's ** additional charspacing. */ static pdc_scalar pdf_swidth(PDF *p, const char *text) { pdf_text_options *currto = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdc_scalar width = pdf_calculate_textsize(p, (pdc_byte *) text, (int)strlen(text), 1, currto, -1, NULL, pdc_true); return (width - currto->horizscaling * currto->charspacing); } static void pdf_show_aligned(PDF *p, const char *text, pdc_scalar x, pdc_scalar y, pdc_scalar wordspacing, pdf_alignment mode) { if (!text) return; switch (mode) { default: case text_left: case text_justify: case text_fulljustify: /* nothing extra here... */ break; case text_right: x -= pdf_swidth(p, text); break; case text_center: x -= pdf_swidth(p, text) / 2; break; } pdf__set_text_pos(p, x, y); pdf_set_tstate(p, wordspacing, to_wordspacing); pdf__show_text(p, text, (int) strlen(text), pdc_false); } int pdf__show_boxed( PDF *p, const char *text, int len, pdc_scalar left, pdc_scalar bottom, pdc_scalar width, pdc_scalar height, const char *hmode, const char *feature) { pdc_scalar old_wordspacing, wordspacing, textwidth, curx, cury; pdc_bool prematureexit; /* return because box is too small */ int curTextPos; /* character currently processed */ int lastdone; /* last input character processed */ int toconv = len; pdf_text_options *currto = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdf_font *currfont; pdc_byte *utext = NULL; pdc_text_format old_textformat; pdf_alignment mode = text_left; pdc_bool blind = pdc_false; len = pdc_check_text_length(p->pdc, &text, len, PDF_MAXTEXTSIZE); if (!len) return 0; pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "left", left); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "bottom", bottom); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "width", width); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "height", height); if (hmode == NULL || *hmode == '\0') pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "hmode", 0, 0, 0); if (!strcmp(hmode, "left")) mode = text_left; else if (!strcmp(hmode, "right")) mode = text_right; else if (!strcmp(hmode, "center")) mode = text_center; else if (!strcmp(hmode, "justify")) mode = text_justify; else if (!strcmp(hmode, "fulljustify")) mode = text_fulljustify; else pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_STRING, "hmode", hmode, 0, 0); if (feature != NULL && *feature != '\0') { if (!strcmp(feature, "blind")) blind = pdc_true; else pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_STRING, "feature", feature, 0, 0); } /* no font set */ if (currto->font == -1) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONT, 0, 0, 0, 0); currfont = &p->fonts[currto->font]; if (width == 0 && height != 0) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_FLOAT, "width", pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%f", width), 0, 0); if (width != 0 && height == 0) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_FLOAT, "height", pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%f", height), 0, 0); if (currfont->ft.vertical) { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_DOC_FUNCUNSUPP, "vertical writing mode", 0, 0, 0); } /* we cannot handle several encodings */ if (currfont->ft.enc == pdc_unicode) { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_DOC_FUNCUNSUPP, "Unicode", 0, 0, 0); } if (currfont->ft.enc == pdc_glyphid) { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_DOC_FUNCUNSUPP, "glyphid", 0, 0, 0); } if (currfont->ft.enc == pdc_cid) { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_DOC_FUNCUNSUPP, "CID", 0, 0, 0); } if (currfont->ft.enc == pdc_ebcdic || currfont->ft.enc == pdc_ebcdic_37 || currfont->ft.enc == pdc_ebcdic_winansi) { pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_DOC_FUNCUNSUPP, "EBCDIC", 0, 0, 0); } /* old wordspacing */ old_textformat = currto->textformat; /* convert text string */ if (toconv) { int charlen; /* convert text string */ if (!pdf_check_textstring(p, text, len, PDF_KEEP_CONTROL | PDF_KEEP_TEXTLEN | PDF_USE_TMPALLOC, currto, NULL, &utext, &len, &charlen, pdc_true)) return 0; utext[len] = 0; text = (const char *) utext; currto->textformat = pdc_bytes; } /* old wordspacing */ old_wordspacing = currto->wordspacing; /* special case for a single aligned line */ if (width == 0 && height == 0) { if (!blind) pdf_show_aligned(p, text, left, bottom, old_wordspacing, mode); if (toconv) currto->textformat = old_textformat; return 0; } curx = left; cury = bottom + p->ydirection * height; prematureexit = pdc_false; curTextPos = 0; lastdone = 0; /* switch curx for right and center justification */ if (mode == text_right) curx += width; else if (mode == text_center) curx += (width / 2); #define MAX_CHARS_IN_LINE 2048 /* loop until all characters processed, or box full */ while ((curTextPos < len) && !prematureexit) { /* buffer for constructing the line */ char linebuf[MAX_CHARS_IN_LINE]; int curCharsInLine = 0; /* # of chars in constructed line */ int lastWordBreak = 0; /* the last seen space char */ int wordBreakCount = 0; /* # of blanks in this line */ /* loop over the input string */ while (curTextPos < len) { if (curCharsInLine >= MAX_CHARS_IN_LINE) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_TOOLONG, "(text line)", pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", MAX_CHARS_IN_LINE-1), 0, 0); /* abandon DOS line-ends */ if (text[curTextPos] == PDF_RETURN && text[curTextPos+1] == PDF_NEWLINE) curTextPos++; /* if it's a forced line break draw the line */ if (text[curTextPos] == PDF_NEWLINE || text[curTextPos] == PDF_RETURN) { cury -= p->ydirection * currto->leading; if (p->ydirection * (cury - bottom) < 0) { prematureexit = pdc_true; /* box full */ break; } linebuf[curCharsInLine] = 0; /* terminate the line */ /* check whether the line is too long */ wordspacing = 0; pdf_set_tstate(p, wordspacing, to_wordspacing); textwidth = pdf_swidth(p, linebuf); /* the forced break occurs too late for this line */ if (textwidth > width) { if (wordBreakCount == 0) { /* no blank found */ prematureexit = pdc_true; break; } linebuf[lastWordBreak] = 0; /* terminate at last blank */ if (curTextPos > 0 && text[curTextPos-1] == PDF_RETURN) --curTextPos; curTextPos -= (curCharsInLine - lastWordBreak); if (!blind) { textwidth = pdf_swidth(p, linebuf); if (wordBreakCount != 1 && (mode == text_justify || mode == text_fulljustify)) { wordspacing = (width - textwidth) / ((wordBreakCount - 1) * currto->horizscaling); } pdf_show_aligned(p, linebuf, curx, cury, wordspacing, mode); } } else if (!blind) { if (mode == text_fulljustify && wordBreakCount > 0) { wordspacing = (width - textwidth) / (wordBreakCount * currto->horizscaling); } pdf_show_aligned(p, linebuf, curx, cury, wordspacing, mode); } lastdone = curTextPos; curCharsInLine = lastWordBreak = wordBreakCount = 0; curTextPos++; } else if (text[curTextPos] == PDF_SPACE) { linebuf[curCharsInLine] = 0; /* terminate the line */ /* line too long ==> break at last blank */ wordspacing = 0; pdf_set_tstate(p, wordspacing, to_wordspacing); if (pdf_swidth(p, linebuf) > width) { cury -= p->ydirection * currto->leading; if (p->ydirection * (cury - bottom) < 0) { prematureexit = pdc_true; /* box full */ break; } linebuf[lastWordBreak] = 0; /* terminate at last blank */ curTextPos -= (curCharsInLine - lastWordBreak - 1); if (lastWordBreak == 0) curTextPos--; /* LATER: * force break if wordBreakCount == 1, * i.e., no blank */ if (wordBreakCount == 0) { prematureexit = pdc_true; break; } /* adjust word spacing for full justify */ if (wordBreakCount != 1 && (mode == text_justify || mode == text_fulljustify)) { textwidth = pdf_swidth(p, linebuf); wordspacing = (width - textwidth) / ((wordBreakCount - 1) * currto->horizscaling); } lastdone = curTextPos; if (!blind) { pdf_show_aligned(p, linebuf, curx, cury, wordspacing, mode); } curCharsInLine = lastWordBreak = wordBreakCount = 0; } else { /* blank found, and line still fits */ wordBreakCount++; lastWordBreak = curCharsInLine; linebuf[curCharsInLine++] = text[curTextPos++]; } } else { /* regular character ==> store in buffer */ linebuf[curCharsInLine++] = text[curTextPos++]; } } if (prematureexit) { break; /* box full */ } /* if there is anything left in the buffer, draw it */ if (curTextPos >= len && curCharsInLine != 0) { cury -= p->ydirection * currto->leading; if (p->ydirection * (cury - bottom) < 0) { prematureexit = pdc_true; /* box full */ break; } linebuf[curCharsInLine] = 0; /* terminate the line */ /* check if the last line is too long */ wordspacing = 0; pdf_set_tstate(p, wordspacing, to_wordspacing); textwidth = pdf_swidth(p, linebuf); if (textwidth > width) { if (wordBreakCount == 0) { prematureexit = pdc_true; break; } linebuf[lastWordBreak] = 0; /* terminate at last blank */ curTextPos -= (curCharsInLine - lastWordBreak - 1); /* recalculate the width */ textwidth = pdf_swidth(p, linebuf); /* adjust word spacing for full justify */ if (wordBreakCount != 1 && (mode == text_justify || mode == text_fulljustify)) { wordspacing = (width - textwidth) / ((wordBreakCount - 1) * currto->horizscaling); } } else if (!blind) { if (mode == text_fulljustify && wordBreakCount) { wordspacing = (width - textwidth) / (wordBreakCount * currto->horizscaling); } } lastdone = curTextPos; if (!blind) { pdf_show_aligned(p, linebuf, curx, cury, wordspacing, mode); } curCharsInLine = lastWordBreak = wordBreakCount = 0; } } pdf_set_tstate(p, old_wordspacing, to_wordspacing); /* return number of remaining characters */ while (text[lastdone] == PDF_SPACE) ++lastdone; if ((text[lastdone] == PDF_RETURN || text[lastdone] == PDF_NEWLINE) && text[lastdone+1] == 0) ++lastdone; if (toconv) currto->textformat = old_textformat; return (int) (len - lastdone); }