/* n_25.c: Macro arguments are pre-expanded (unless the argument is an operand of # or ## operator) separately, that is, are macro-replaced completely prior to rescanning. */ #define MACRO_0 0 #define MACRO_1 1 #define ZERO_TOKEN #define TWO_ARGS a,b #define sub( x, y) (x - y) #define glue( a, b) a ## b #define xglue( a, b) glue( a, b) #define str( a) # a /* 25.1: "TWO_ARGS" is read as one argument to "sub" then expanded to "a,b", then "x" is substituted by "a,b". */ /* (a,b - 1); */ sub( TWO_ARGS, 1); /* 25.2: An argument pre-expanded to 0-token. */ /* ( - 1); */ sub( ZERO_TOKEN, 1); /* 25.3: "glue( a, b)" is pre-expanded. */ /* abc; */ xglue( glue( a, b), c); /* 25.4: Operands of ## operator are not pre-expanded. */ /* MACRO_0MACRO_1; */ glue( MACRO_0, MACRO_1); /* 25.5: Operand of # operator is not pre-expanded. */ /* "ZERO_TOKEN"; */ #define ZERO_TOKEN str( ZERO_TOKEN); /* { dg-do preprocess } { dg-final { if ![file exist n_25.i] { return } } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_25.i "\\( *a *, *b *- *1 *\\)"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_25.i "\\( *- *1 *\\)"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_25.i "abc"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_25.i "MACRO_0MACRO_1"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_25.i "\"ZERO_TOKEN\""] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { return \} \} \} \} \} } } { dg-final { fail "n_25.c: pre-expansion of macro arguments" } } */