/* i4check.c   (C)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1990-1994.  All rights reserved. */

#include "d4all.h"
#ifndef S4UNIX
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#pragma hdrstop

#ifndef S4INDEX_OFF

typedef struct
  F4FLAG    flag ;

  TAG4    *tag ;
  char     *old_key ;
  long      old_rec ;
  long      num_recs ;
  int       do_compare ;  /* Do not compare the first time */
  CODE4   *code_base ;

static int c4check_init( C4CHECK *check, CODE4 *cb, TAG4 *t4, long n_recs )
  memset( (void *)check, 0, sizeof(C4CHECK) ) ;

  if ( f4flag_init( &check->flag, cb, n_recs ) < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  check->code_base = cb ;
  check->tag = t4 ;
  check->num_recs = n_recs ;

  check->old_key = (char *)u4alloc_free( t4->code_base, t4->header.key_len ) ;
  if (check->old_key == 0)
    return -1 ;
  return 0 ;

static void c4check_free( C4CHECK *c4 )
  u4free( c4->flag.flags ) ;
  u4free( c4->old_key ) ;

static int  c4check_record( C4CHECK *check )
  B4KEY_DATA *key_data ;
  TAG4 *t4 ;
  char *new_ptr ;
  int len, rc ;

  t4 = check->tag ;

  key_data = t4key_data( check->tag ) ;
  if ( key_data == 0 )
    return e4( check->code_base, e4result, 0 ) ;

  if ( key_data->num < 1  ||  key_data->num > check->num_recs )
    return e4describe( check->code_base, e4info, E4_INFO_INC, check->tag->alias, (char *)0 ) ;

  if ( f4flag_is_set( &check->flag, key_data->num) )
    return e4describe( check->code_base, e4info, E4_INFO_REP, check->tag->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
    f4flag_set( &check->flag, key_data->num ) ;

  if ( d4go( t4->index->data, key_data->num ) < 0)  return( -1) ;
  len = t4expr_key( t4, &new_ptr ) ;

  if ( len != t4->header.key_len )
    return e4describe( check->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_UNE, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;

#ifdef S4MDX
  if ( expr4type( t4->expr ) == r4num )
    if ( c4bcd_cmp( new_ptr, key_data->value, 0 ) != 0 )
      return e4describe( check->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_TAG, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
    if ( memcmp( new_ptr, key_data->value, t4->header.key_len ) != 0 )
      return e4describe( check->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_TAG, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;

  if ( check->do_compare )
#ifdef S4FOX
    rc = u4memcmp( check->old_key, new_ptr, check->tag->header.key_len ) ;
    rc = (*t4->cmp)( check->old_key, new_ptr, check->tag->header.key_len ) ;

    if ( rc > 0)
      e4describe( check->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_THE, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
#ifdef S4FOX
    if ( rc == 0  &&  key_data->num <= check->old_rec )
      e4describe( check->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_REC, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
#endif /* S4FOX */

#ifdef S4FOX
    if ( t4->header.type_code & 0x01 )
      if ( t4->header.unique )
#endif /* S4FOX */
        if ( rc == 0 )
          e4describe( check->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_IDE, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
    check->do_compare = 1 ;

  memcpy( check->old_key, new_ptr, t4->header.key_len ) ;

  check->old_rec = key_data->num ;

  if ( check->code_base->error_code < 0 )
    return -1 ;
  return 0 ;

#ifdef S4CLIPPER
static int t4block_check( TAG4 *t4, int first_time )
  B4BLOCK *b4 ;
  int i, b_type, rc ;
  CODE4 *c4 ;

  if ( first_time )
    t4up_to_root( t4 ) ;

  c4 = t4->code_base ;
  b4 = (B4BLOCK *)t4->blocks.last_node ;
  if ( b4 == 0 )
    return 0 ;
  if ( b4->n_keys < t4->header.keys_half && t4->header.root / 512 != b4->file_block )
    return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_RESULT_CII, (char *)0 ) ;
  if ( !b4leaf( b4 ) )
    for ( i = 0 ; i <= b4->n_keys ; i++ )
      b4->key_on = i ;
      rc = t4down( t4 ) ;
      if ( rc != 0 )
        return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_INFO_CIF, (char *)0 ) ;
      if ( i == 0 )
        b_type = b4leaf( (B4BLOCK *)t4->blocks.last_node ) ;
        if ( b_type != b4leaf( (B4BLOCK *)t4->blocks.last_node ) )
          return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_RESULT_CII, (char *)0 ) ;
      rc = t4block_check( t4, 0 ) ;
      if ( rc != 0 )
        return rc ;
      rc = t4up( t4 ) ;
      if ( rc != 0 )
        return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_INFO_CIF, (char *)0 ) ;
  return 0 ;

#ifdef S4NDX
static int t4block_check( TAG4 *t4, int first_time )
  B4BLOCK *b4 ;
  int i, b_type, rc ;
  CODE4 *c4 ;

  if ( first_time )
    t4up_to_root( t4 ) ;

  c4 = t4->code_base ;
  b4 = (B4BLOCK *)t4->blocks.last_node ;
  if ( b4 == 0 )
    return 0 ;
  if ( !b4leaf( b4 ) )
    for ( i = 0 ; i <= b4->n_keys ; i++ )
      if ( b4key( b4, b4->key_on )->pointer >= t4->header.eof )
        return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_INFO_CIF, (char *)0 ) ;
      b4->key_on = i ;
      rc = t4down( t4 ) ;
      if ( rc != 0 )
        return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_INFO_CIF, (char *)0 ) ;
      rc = t4block_check( t4, 0 ) ;
      if ( rc != 0 )
        return rc ;
      rc = t4up( t4 ) ;
      if ( rc != 0 )
        return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4BLOCK_CHK, E4_INFO_CIF, (char *)0 ) ;
  return 0 ;

int S4FUNCTION t4check( TAG4 *t4 )
  C4CHECK check ;
  int rc, is_record, keys_skip ;
  INDEX4 *i4 ;
  DATA4 *d4 ;
  CODE4 *c4 ;
  TAG4 *old_selected_tag ;
  B4BLOCK *block_on ;
  long base_size, on_rec ;
  char *ptr ;
#ifdef S4FOX
  char *temp_val ;
  long temp_lng ;
#ifndef S4CLIPPER
  B4KEY_DATA *key_branch, *key_leaf ;
  unsigned long loop ;

#ifdef S4DEBUG
  if ( t4 == 0 )
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_T4CHECK ) ;

  i4 = t4->index ;
  d4 = i4->data ;
  c4 = t4->code_base ;

#ifndef S4SINGLE
  rc = d4lock_file( d4 ) ;
  if ( rc != 0 )
    return rc ;
  rc = i4lock( t4->index ) ;
  if ( rc != 0 )
    return rc ;
  rc = d4refresh( d4 ) ;
  if ( rc != 0 )
    return rc ;

  rc = d4update_record( d4, 1 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    return -1 ;
  if ( rc )
    return e4describe( c4, e4result, E4_T4CHECK, E4_RESULT_D4F, (char *)0 ) ;

  old_selected_tag = d4tag_selected( d4 ) ;
  d4tag_select( d4, t4 ) ;

#ifdef N4OTHER
  rc = t4block_check( t4, 1 ) ;
  if ( rc != 0 )
    return rc ;

  base_size = d4reccount( d4 ) ;
  if ( base_size < 0L )
    return -1 ;

  rc = d4top( d4 ) ;
  if (rc < 0 )
    return -1 ;
  if (rc == 0)
    rc = 1 ;

  if ( base_size == 0L )
    if ( t4skip( t4, 1L ) == 0 )
      d4tag_select( d4, old_selected_tag ) ;
      return( 0 ) ;
      return e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_T4CHECK, E4_INFO_DAT, (char *)0 ) ;

  if ( c4check_init( &check, c4, t4, base_size ) < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  loop = 0 ;
  printf( "On Rec %10ld\n", loop ) ;
  while ( rc == 1 )
    rc = c4check_record( &check ) ;
    if ( rc )
      break ;
    rc = (int)t4skip( t4, 1L ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      break ;
    if ( (loop++ % 100) == 0 )
      printf( "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%10ld", loop ) ;

  if ( rc < 0 )
    c4check_free( &check ) ;
    return -1 ;

  is_record = 1 ;

  /* Now Test for Duplication */
  for ( on_rec = 1;  on_rec <= base_size; on_rec++)
#ifndef S4NDX
    if ( t4->filter != 0 )
      if ( d4go(d4,on_rec) < 0 )  break ;
      is_record = expr4true( t4->filter ) ;

    if ( f4flag_is_set(&check.flag,on_rec) )
      if ( ! is_record )
        e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_T4CHECK, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
        break ;
      if ( ! is_record )
        continue ;

#ifdef S4FOX
      if ( t4->header.type_code & 0x01 )
        if ( t4->header.unique )
          if ( d4go(d4,on_rec) < 0 )
            break ;
          if ( t4expr_key( t4, &ptr) < 0 )
            break ;
          if ( t4seek( t4, ptr, expr4key_len( t4->expr ) ) == 0 )
            continue ;

      e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_T4CHECK, E4_INFO_REC, t4->alias ) ;
      break ;

  c4check_free( &check ) ;
  if ( t4->code_base->error_code < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  /* Now make sure the block key pointers match the blocks they point to. */
  /* This needs to be true for d4seek to function perfectly. */

  rc = d4bottom( d4 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  if ( rc == 3 )
    d4tag_select( d4, old_selected_tag ) ;
    return 0 ;

#ifdef S4FOX
    keys_skip = -t4block(t4)->header.n_keys ;
    keys_skip = -t4block(t4)->n_keys ;

    rc = (int)t4skip( t4, (long) keys_skip ) ;
    if ( c4->error_code < 0 )
      return -1 ;
    if ( rc != keys_skip )
      d4tag_select( d4, old_selected_tag ) ;
      return 0 ;

    block_on = (B4BLOCK *)t4->blocks.last_node ;
    if ( block_on == 0 )
      return e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_INFO_TAG, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;

#ifdef S4FOX
    temp_val = (char *)u4alloc_free( c4, t4->header.key_len ) ;
    if ( temp_val == 0 )
      e4( t4->code_base, e4memory, 0 ) ;
    memcpy( temp_val, (void *)b4key_key( block_on, block_on->key_on ), t4->header.key_len ) ;
    temp_lng = b4recno( block_on, block_on->key_on ) ;

    if ( t4go( t4, temp_val, temp_lng ) )
      u4free( temp_val ) ;
      return e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_INFO_TAG, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;
    u4free( temp_val ) ;

#ifndef S4CLIPPER
    for ( ;; )
      block_on = (B4BLOCK *)block_on->link.p ;
      if ( block_on == 0 )
        break ;
      if ( block_on == (B4BLOCK *)t4->blocks.last_node )
        break ;

#ifdef S4FOX
      if ( block_on->key_on < block_on->header.n_keys )
        if ( block_on->key_on < block_on->n_keys )
          key_branch = b4key( block_on, block_on->key_on ) ;
          key_leaf = b4key( t4block(t4), t4block(t4)->key_on ) ;

          if ( memcmp( key_branch->value, key_leaf->value, t4->header.key_len) != 0)
            return e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_INFO_TAG, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;

          break ;
    if ( block_on == 0 )
      return e4describe( c4, e4info, E4_INFO_TAG, t4->alias, (char *)0 ) ;

#ifdef S4FOX
static int flag_blocks( TAG4 *t4, F4FLAG *f4, long *node1, long *node2, long *node3 )
  int i, rc ;
  B4BLOCK *block_on ;
  long flag_no ;

  rc = t4down( t4 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 || rc == 2 )
    return -1 ;
  if ( rc == 1 )
    e4severe( e4result, (char *)0 ) ;

  block_on = t4block(t4) ;

  flag_no = block_on->file_block / B4BLOCK_SIZE ;
  if ( *node2 != -2 )
    if ( *node2 != block_on->file_block )
      e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;
  if ( *node1 != -2 )
    if ( *node1 != block_on->header.left_node )
      e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;
  if ( *node3 != -2 )
    if ( *node3 != block_on->header.right_node )
      e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;

  if ( f4flag_is_set( f4, flag_no ) )
    e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;

  if ( f4flag_set( f4, flag_no ) < 0 )
    return -1 ;
  if ( ! b4leaf(block_on) )
    if ( block_on->header.left_node == -1 )
      *node1 = -1L ;
      *node1 = -2L ;
    *node2 = b4key( block_on, 0 )->num ;

    for( i = 0; i < block_on->header.n_keys; i++ )
      b4go( block_on, i ) ;
      if ( i == block_on->header.n_keys - 1 && block_on->header.right_node == -1 )
        *node3 = -1 ;
        *node3 = -2 ;
      if ( flag_blocks( t4, f4, node1, node2, node3 ) < 0 )
        return -1 ;

  *node1 = block_on->file_block ;
  *node2 = block_on->header.right_node ;
  t4up(t4) ;
  return 0 ;
#ifndef S4NDX
static int flag_blocks( TAG4 *t4, F4FLAG *f4 )
  int i, rc ;
  B4BLOCK *block_on ;
  long flag_no ;

  rc = t4down( t4 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 || rc == 2 )
    return -1 ;
  if ( rc == 1 )
    e4severe( e4result, (char *)0 ) ;

  block_on = t4block(t4) ;

#ifdef S4CLIPPER
  flag_no = (block_on->file_block) * I4MULTIPLY / B4BLOCK_SIZE ;
  flag_no = (block_on->file_block-4) * I4MULTIPLY / t4->index->header.block_rw ;

  if ( f4flag_is_set( f4, flag_no ) )
    e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;

  if ( f4flag_set( f4, flag_no ) < 0 )
    return -1 ;
  if ( ! b4leaf(block_on) )
#ifdef S4MDX
    for( i = 0; i <= block_on->n_keys; i++ )
      block_on->key_on = i ;
      if ( flag_blocks( t4, f4 ) < 0 )
        return -1 ;
#ifdef S4CLIPPER
    for( i = 0; i <= block_on->n_keys; i++ )
      block_on->key_on = i ;
      if ( flag_blocks( t4, f4 ) < 0 )
        return -1 ;

  t4up(t4) ;
  return 0 ;
#endif   /*  ifndef S4NDX  */
#endif   /*  ifdef S4FOX   */

/* checks that all blocks in the file are on free list or are being used */
static int i4check_blocks( INDEX4 *i4 )
#ifndef N4OTHER
  TAG4  *tag_on ;
  F4FLAG  flags ;
  int     i, flag_no ;
  S4LONG    tot_blocks, free_block, eof_block_no, len ;
  CODE4 *c4 ;
#ifdef S4FOX
  long node1, node2, node3 ;
  T4DESC  desc[48] ;

  c4 = i4->code_base ;

#ifndef S4SINGLE
  if ( i4lock( i4 ) < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  len = file4len(&i4->file) ;

#ifdef S4MDX
  tot_blocks = (len-2048) / i4->header.block_rw ;
  tot_blocks = len / B4BLOCK_SIZE ;

  /* First Flag for the Free Chain */
  f4flag_init( &flags, i4->code_base, tot_blocks ) ;

  eof_block_no = len/I4MULTIPLY ;
#ifdef S4FOX
  for ( free_block = i4->tag_index->header.free_list ; free_block ; )
    for ( free_block = i4->header.free_list ; free_block ; )
      if ( free_block == eof_block_no  ||  c4->error_code < 0 )
        break ;

#ifdef S4MDX
      flag_no = (int)((free_block-4)*I4MULTIPLY/i4->header.block_rw) ;
      flag_no = (int) (free_block / B4BLOCK_SIZE) ;

      if ( free_block >= eof_block_no  || f4flag_is_set(&flags, flag_no) )
        e4( c4, e4index, E4_INDEX_COR ) ;
        break ;
      f4flag_set( &flags, flag_no ) ;

#ifdef S4MDX
      file4read_all( &i4->file, free_block * I4MULTIPLY + sizeof(S4LONG), &free_block, sizeof(free_block) ) ;
      file4read_all( &i4->file, free_block * I4MULTIPLY, &free_block, sizeof(free_block) ) ;

#ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
      free_block = x4reverse_long( (void *)&free_block ) ;

#ifdef S4FOX
  /* do the header tag */
  tag_on = i4->tag_index ;
  flag_no = (int)((tag_on->header_offset) / (long)B4BLOCK_SIZE) ;
  if ( f4flag_is_set( &flags, flag_no ) )
    e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;
  f4flag_set( &flags, flag_no ) ;
  f4flag_set( &flags, flag_no + 1L ) ;  /* tag header is 2 blocks long */

  if ( t4free_all( tag_on ) >= 0 )
#ifdef S4FOX
    node1 = -1L ;
    node2 = tag_on->header.root ;
    node3 = -1L ;
    flag_blocks( tag_on, &flags, &node1, &node2, &node3 ) ;
    flag_blocks( tag_on, &flags ) ;

    /* Now Flag for each block in each tag */
    i = 1 ;
    for ( tag_on = 0 ;; i++ )
      tag_on = (TAG4 *)l4next( &i4->tags,tag_on ) ;
      if ( tag_on == 0 )
        break ;
      flag_no = (int)( tag_on->header_offset / (long)B4BLOCK_SIZE) ;
      if ( f4flag_is_set( &flags, flag_no ) )
        e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;
      f4flag_set( &flags, flag_no ) ;
      f4flag_set( &flags, flag_no + 1L ) ;  /* tag header is 2 blocks long */

      if ( t4free_all( tag_on ) < 0 )
        break ;
#ifdef S4FOX
      node1 = -1L ;
      node2 = tag_on->header.root ;
      node3 = -1L ;
      if ( node2 == -1 )
        if ( file4read_all( &i4->file, tag_on->header_offset, &node2, sizeof(node2)) < 0 )
          e4severe( e4info, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;
#ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
        node2 = x4reverse_long( (void *)&node2 ) ;
      flag_blocks( tag_on, &flags, &node1, &node2, &node3 ) ;
      flag_blocks( tag_on, &flags ) ;
  /* Read header information to flag the tag header blocks */
  file4read_all( &i4->file, 512, desc, sizeof(desc) ) ;

  /* Now Flag for each block in each tag */
  i = 1 ;
  for ( tag_on = 0 ;; i++ )
    tag_on = (TAG4 *)l4next( &i4->tags, tag_on ) ;
    if ( tag_on == 0 )
      break ;
#ifdef S4BYTE_SWAP
    desc[i].header_pos = x4reverse_long( (void *)&desc[i].header_pos ) ;
    desc[i].x1000 = 0x1000 ;

    flag_no = (int) ((desc[i].header_pos * I4MULTIPLY - 2048) / (long) i4->header.block_rw) ;
    if ( f4flag_is_set( &flags, flag_no ) )
      e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_COR ) ;
    f4flag_set( &flags, flag_no ) ;

    if ( t4free_all(tag_on) < 0 )
      break ;
    flag_blocks( tag_on, &flags ) ;

  if ( f4flag_is_all_set( &flags, 0, tot_blocks - 1 ) == 0 )
    e4( i4->code_base, e4result, E4_RESULT_LOS ) ;

  u4free( flags.flags ) ;
  if ( i4->code_base->error_code < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  return 0 ;

int S4FUNCTION i4check( INDEX4 *i4 )
  TAG4 *tag_on ;
  int old_desc, rc ;

#ifdef S4DEBUG
  if ( i4 == 0 )
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_I4CHECK ) ;

  if ( i4->code_base->error_code < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  if ( i4update( i4 ) < 0 )
    return -1 ;
  if ( i4check_blocks(i4) < 0 )
    return -1 ;

  for( tag_on = 0 ;; )
    tag_on = (TAG4 *)l4next( &i4->tags, tag_on ) ;
    if ( tag_on == 0 )
      return 0 ;
    old_desc = tag_on->header.descending ;
    tag_on->header.descending = 0 ;   /* force ascending */
    rc = t4check( tag_on ) ;
    tag_on->header.descending = (short) old_desc ;   /* return to previous */
    if ( rc < 0 ) return rc ;
    if ( t4check(tag_on) < 0 )
      return -1 ;

#endif  /* S4INDEX_OFF */

int S4FUNCTION d4check( DATA4 *d4 )
#ifdef S4INDEX_OFF
  return 0 ;
  INDEX4 *index_on ;
  int rc ;

  if ( d4 == 0 )
#ifdef S4DEBUG
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_D4CHECK ) ;
  return -1 ;

#ifndef S4SINGLE
  rc = d4lock_file( d4 ) ;   /* returns -1 if code_base->error_code < 0 */
  if ( rc )
    return rc ;

  for( index_on = 0 ;; )
    index_on = (INDEX4 *)l4next( &d4->indexes, index_on ) ;
    if ( index_on == 0 )
      return 0 ;
    if ( i4check( index_on ) < 0 )
      return -1 ;
#endif  /* S4INDEX_OFF */