#include "777200.h" #include <colors.h> #include <isam.h> const COLOR CU_BACKGROUND = XVT_MAKE_COLOR(224,224,224); const TReport_font& best_font(const char* name, int size, XVT_FONT_STYLE_MASK fs) { static TAssoc_array fonts; static const long famax = 1024; static char* family[famax] = { 0 }; static long families = 0; TToken_string key; key = name; key.add(size); key.add((long)fs); TReport_font* fnt = (TReport_font*)fonts.objptr(key); if (fnt == NULL) { if (families == 0) families = xvt_fmap_get_families(NULL, family, famax); int best = -1; double score = 0.5; for (long i = 0; i < families; i++) if (*name == *family[i]) { const double s = xvt_str_fuzzy_compare(name, family[i]); if (s > score) { best = i; score = s; if (score >= 1.0) break; } } if (best >= 0) name = family[best]; fnt = new TReport_font; fnt->create(name, size, fs); fonts.add(key, fnt); } return *fnt; } class TCU_report : public TReport { TReport_font _fnt_rep, _fnt_prm, _fnt_lbl, _fnt_sub, _fnt_prg; int _quality; // 0=text only; 1=borders only; 2=filled bars private: const TReport_field& last_field() const; void set_field_pos(int row, int col, int width, TReport_field& fld) const; TReport_field& add_break(TReport_section& sec, int row, bool small); void add_field_label(const TReport_field& fld, const char* text, char alignment = 'L'); TReport_field& add_prompt(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int len, const char* text); void add_field_sublabel(const TReport_field& fld, const char* text); void add_field_grid(const TReport_field& fld, bool underlined, bool date); TReport_field& add_field(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field); protected: TReport_field& add_prompted_field(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* prompt, int promptlen = -1); TReport_field& add_prompted_bool(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* prompt, int promptlen = -1); TReport_field& add_labeled_field (TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* label, char alignment = 'B'); TReport_field& add_labeled_number(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* label, char alignment = 'B'); TReport_field& add_boxed_field (TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* prompt, int flags = 0x0); TReport_field& add_gridded_field (TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int len, const char* field, const char* prompt); void add_underlined_text(TReport_section& body, int row, const char* text); TReport_field& add_big_text(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, const char* label, COLOR rgb); void add_band(TReport_section& sec, int row, int height, COLOR rgb = CU_BACKGROUND); void add_long_break (TReport_section& sec, int row); void add_short_break(TReport_section& sec, int row); void begin_paragraph(TReport_section& sec, int row, int height, const char* label, int mode = 0); void end_paragraph(TReport_section& sec); void create_logo(TReport_section& header); void create_B(); void create_D(); void create_H(); public: TCU_report(int quality); }; #define CU_FORM_WIDTH 7800 #define CU_FORM_BORDER 100 #define CU_HEAD_WIDTH 1000 #define CU_AFTER_LAST -1 #define CU_BEFORE_LAST -2 #define CU_ALIGN_RIGHT -3 #define CU_EURO_LEN 16 static int _row_offset = 0; static int _row_height = 300; static int _row_last = 0; static TReport_field* _last_fld = NULL; const TReport_field& TCU_report::last_field() const { return *_last_fld; } void TCU_report::set_field_pos(int row, int col, int len, TReport_field& fld) const { TReport_section& sec = fld.section(); int dimx = (len+1) * 100; int dimy = 150; int posx = 0; if (col < 0) { switch(col) { case CU_BEFORE_LAST: posx = last_field().get_rect().left() - dimx - 100; break; case CU_ALIGN_RIGHT: posx = CU_FORM_BORDER+CU_FORM_WIDTH - dimx - 100; break; default : posx = last_field().get_rect().right() + 100; break; } } else { if (_row_offset > 0) // in paragraph posx = CU_FORM_BORDER+CU_HEAD_WIDTH + (col+1)*100; else posx = CU_FORM_BORDER + col*100; // in header } int posy = 0; if (_row_offset > 0) // in paragraph posy = _row_offset + (row+1)*_row_height - dimy; else posy = (row+1)*100 - dimy; // in header if (len <= 0) dimx = CU_FORM_BORDER+CU_FORM_WIDTH - posx - 100; fld.set_pos(posx, posy); fld.set_size(dimx, dimy); } void TCU_report::begin_paragraph(TReport_section& sec, int row, int height, const char* label, int mode) { if (row < 0) _row_offset = _row_last; else _row_offset = row*100; _row_last = _row_offset + height*100; _row_height = height <= 2 ? 200 : (height%3 ? 400 : 300); _last_fld = NULL; TString str1 = label, str2; int delta2 = 0; if (mode & 0x2) { if (mode == 0x2) { str2 = str1; str1.cut(0); } else { const int due_paragrafi = str1.find('\n'); str2 = str1.mid(due_paragrafi+1); str1.cut(due_paragrafi); delta2 = 200; } } if (str1.full()) { TReport_field* txt = new TReport_field(&sec); txt->set_vertical_alignment('T'); txt->set_horizontal_alignment('L'); txt->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER, _row_offset); txt->set_size(CU_HEAD_WIDTH, height*100); txt->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); txt->set_text_color(COLOR_BLACK); txt->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); txt->set_picture(str1); txt->set_font(_fnt_prg); sec.add(txt); } if (str2.full()) { TReport_font fnt2; fnt2.create(_fnt_lbl.name(), _fnt_lbl.size(), XVT_FS_BOLD); TReport_field* txt2 = new TReport_field(&sec); txt2->set_vertical_alignment('T'); txt2->set_horizontal_alignment('L'); txt2->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER, _row_offset+delta2); txt2->set_size(CU_HEAD_WIDTH, (height*100)-delta2); txt2->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); txt2->set_text_color(COLOR_BLACK); txt2->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); txt2->set_picture(str2); txt2->set_font(fnt2); sec.add(txt2); } } void TCU_report::end_paragraph(TReport_section& sec) { add_long_break(sec, _row_last/100); } void TCU_report::add_field_label(const TReport_field& fld, const char* text, char alignment) { TReport_section& sec = fld.section(); TReport_field* label = new TReport_field(&sec); label->set_type('T'); label->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); label->set_text_color(COLOR_BLACK); label->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); label->set_font(_fnt_lbl); const TReport_rct& rct = fld.get_rect(); label->set_pos(rct.x, rct.y-100); label->set_size(rct.width(), 100); label->set_picture(text); label->set_vertical_alignment('B'); if (alignment == 'C') { label->set_horizontal_alignment('C'); label->set_pos(rct.x-400, rct.y-100); label->set_size(rct.width()+800, 75); } sec.add(label); } void TCU_report::add_field_sublabel(const TReport_field& fld, const char* text) { TReport_section& sec = fld.section(); TReport_field* label = new TReport_field(&sec); label->set_type('T'); label->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); label->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); label->set_text_color(COLOR_BLACK); label->set_font(_fnt_sub); const TReport_rct& rct = fld.get_rect(); label->set_pos(rct.x, rct.y); label->set_size(rct.width(), rct.height()/3); label->set_picture(text); sec.add(label); } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_field(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int len, const char* field) { TReport_field* txt = new TReport_field(&sec); txt->set_type('S'); txt->set_vertical_alignment('B'); txt->set_dynamic_height(false); if (_quality >= 2) { txt->set_pattern(PAT_SOLID); txt->set_back_color(COLOR_WHITE); } else { txt->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); txt->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); txt->set_fore_color(COLOR_GRAY); txt->set_border(1); } txt->set_field(field); set_field_pos(row, col, len, *txt); sec.add(txt); _last_fld = txt; return *txt; } int estimated_prompt_len(const char* text) { static XVT_FNTID font_id = NULL; if (font_id == NULL) { font_id = xvt_font_create(); xvt_font_set_family(font_id, XVT_FFN_HELVETICA); xvt_font_set_size(font_id, 12); xvt_dwin_set_font(TASK_WIN, font_id); } else { if (text == NULL) { xvt_font_destroy(font_id); font_id = NULL; } } const int len = (text && *text) ? xvt_dwin_get_text_width(TASK_WIN, text, -1) : 0; return len / 6; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_prompt(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int len, const char* text) { TReport_field* label = new TReport_field(&sec); label->set_type('T'); label->set_vertical_alignment('C'); label->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); label->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); label->set_text_color(COLOR_BLACK); label->set_font(_fnt_prm); label->set_picture(text); if (len < 0) len = estimated_prompt_len(text)/2; set_field_pos(row, col, len, *label); const TReport_rct& rct = label->get_rect(); if (rct.height() > 100) { const int delta = rct.height() - 100; label->set_pos(rct.left(), rct.top()+delta); label->set_size(rct.width(), rct.height()-delta); } sec.add(label); _last_fld = label; return *label; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_labeled_field(TReport_section& body, int row, int col, int len, const char* field, const char* label, char alignment) { if (alignment != 'C' && len > 0 && label && int(strlen(label)) > 2*len) alignment = 'C'; TReport_field& txt = add_field(body, row, col, len, field); if (alignment == 'C') txt.set_horizontal_alignment(alignment); if (field && *field && field[1] >= 'A') { TString4 num = field+7; if (num[0] == '0') num.ltrim(1); add_field_sublabel(txt, num); } if (label && *label) add_field_label(txt, label, alignment); return txt; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_labeled_number(TReport_section& body, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* label, char alignment) { TReport_field& txt = add_labeled_field(body, row, col, width, field, label, alignment); txt.set_horizontal_alignment('R'); if (width == CU_EURO_LEN) { txt.set_type('S'); // avoid obnoxious x100 } else { txt.set_type('N'); txt.hide_zeroes(true); } return txt; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_prompted_field(TReport_section& body, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* prompt, int promptlen) { if (col == CU_ALIGN_RIGHT && width > 0) { TReport_field& fld = add_field(body, row, col, width, field); if ((prompt && *prompt) || promptlen > 0) add_prompt(body, row, CU_BEFORE_LAST, promptlen, prompt); return fld; } if ((prompt && *prompt) || promptlen > 0) { add_prompt(body, row, col, promptlen, prompt); col = CU_AFTER_LAST; } return add_field(body, row, col, width, field); } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_prompted_bool(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* prompt, int promptlen) { TReport_field& cb = add_prompted_field(sec, row, col, width, field, prompt, promptlen); cb.set_type('B'); cb.set_horizontal_alignment('C'); cb.set_vertical_alignment('C'); return cb; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_boxed_field(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int width, const char* field, const char* prompt, int flags) { TReport_field* fld = NULL; if (flags & 0x2) fld = &add_gridded_field (sec, row, col, width, field, prompt); else fld = &add_prompted_field(sec, row, col, width, field, prompt); TReport_field& txt = *fld; if (width < 16) txt.set_type('N'); txt.set_border(2); txt.set_fore_color(COLOR_BLACK); txt.set_horizontal_alignment('C'); if (flags & 0x1) // Half height { const TReport_rct& rct = txt.get_rect(); TReport_field* line = new TReport_field(&sec); line->set_type('R'); line->set_pos(rct.left()-10, rct.top()-10); line->set_size(rct.width()+20, rct.height()/3); line->set_pattern(PAT_SOLID); line->set_back_color(COLOR_WHITE); sec.add(line); } return txt; } void TCU_report::add_field_grid(const TReport_field& fld, bool underlined, bool date) { TReport_section& sec = fld.section(); const TReport_rct& rct = fld.get_rect(); if ((rct.width() / 100) & 1) // Campo di lunghezza dispari! { TReport_field& f = (TReport_field&)fld; f.set_width(rct.width()-100); } if (underlined) { TReport_field* line = new TReport_field(&sec); line->set_type('L'); line->set_pos(rct.left(), rct.bottom()); line->set_size(rct.width(), 0); line->set_border(1); line->set_fore_color(COLOR_BLACK); sec.add(line); } int fr, to, len, spc; if (date) { len = 4; fr = 1; to = 2; spc = 50; } else { len = rct.width() / 200; fr = underlined ? 0 : 1; to = len - (underlined ? 0 : 1); spc = underlined ? 0 : 50; } for (int y = fr; y <= to; y++) { TReport_field* line = new TReport_field(&sec); line->set_type('L'); line->set_pos(rct.left()+y*rct.width()/len, rct.top()+spc); line->set_size(0, rct.height()-spc); line->set_border(1); line->set_fore_color(COLOR_BLACK); sec.add(line); } } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_gridded_field(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, int len, const char* field, const char* label) { const bool is_date = len == 10; const bool underlined = len>=16 && _row_offset <= 0; // Underlined grid in the header TString80 str; if (is_date) { str = "## ## ####"; len = 5; } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i) str << ' '; str << "#"; } str.rtrim(); } TReport_field& fld = add_labeled_field(sec, row, col, len*2, field, label); fld.set_picture(str); if (is_date) fld.set_horizontal_alignment('C'); else fld.set_horizontal_alignment('R'); add_field_grid(fld, underlined, is_date); return fld; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_big_text(TReport_section& sec, int row, int col, const char* label, COLOR rgb) { const TReport_font& fnt_big = best_font("Arial Black", _fnt_prg.size()*3, _fnt_prg.style()); TReport_field* txt = new TReport_field(&sec); txt->set_type('T'); txt->set_picture(label); txt->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER+col*100, row*100); txt->set_size(strlen(label)*300, 200); txt->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); txt->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); txt->set_text_color(rgb); txt->set_font(fnt_big); sec.add(txt); return *txt; } TReport_field& TCU_report::add_break(TReport_section& sec, int row, bool small) { TReport_field* line = new TReport_field(&sec); line->set_type('L'); if (small) { line->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER+CU_HEAD_WIDTH, row*100); line->set_size(CU_FORM_WIDTH-CU_HEAD_WIDTH, 0); line->set_border(1); } else { line->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER, row*100); line->set_size(CU_FORM_WIDTH, 0); line->set_border(2); } line->set_fore_color(COLOR_BLACK); sec.add(line); return *line; } void TCU_report::add_long_break(TReport_section& sec, int row) { add_break(sec, row, false); } void TCU_report::add_short_break(TReport_section& sec, int row) { add_break(sec, row, true); } void TCU_report::add_band(TReport_section& sec, int row, int height, COLOR rgb) { TReport_field* rct = new TReport_field(&sec); if (rgb == COLOR_INVALID) rgb = CU_BACKGROUND; rct->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER+CU_HEAD_WIDTH, row *100); rct->set_size(CU_FORM_WIDTH-CU_HEAD_WIDTH, height*100); if (_quality >= 2) { rct->set_pattern(PAT_SOLID); rct->set_back_color(rgb); } else { rct->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); rct->set_border(2); rct->set_fore_color(rgb); rct->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); } sec.add(rct); add_long_break(sec, row); } void TCU_report::add_underlined_text(TReport_section& body, int row, const char* text) { TReport_field& line = add_break(body, _row_offset/100+row+1, true); const TReport_rct rct = line.get_rect(); line.set_pos(rct.left()+100, rct.top()+25); line.set_size(rct.width()-200, rct.height()); add_field_label(line, text, 'C'); } void TCU_report::create_logo(TReport_section& header) { add_big_text(header, 4, 0, "CERTIFICAZIONE", COLOR_GRAY).set_vertical_alignment('T'); add_big_text(header, 6, 0, "UNICA", COLOR_BLACK).set_vertical_alignment('B'); add_big_text(header, 6,12, "2015", COLOR_LTGRAY).set_vertical_alignment('B'); TReport_field* txt = new TReport_field(&header); txt->set_type('I'); txt->set("res/AgenziaEntrate.gif"); txt->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER, 900); txt->set_size(1200, 200); header.add(txt); } void TCU_report::create_B() { TReport_section& header = section('B', 1); header.set_condition("#1=\"B\""); _row_offset = 0; estimated_prompt_len(NULL); // Reset font computer create_logo(header); add_gridded_field(header, 11, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 16, "#2", ""); // Codice fiscale dichiarante add_prompt(header, 11, CU_BEFORE_LAST, 7, "Codice fiscale"); add_band(header, 13, 27); begin_paragraph(header, 13, 2, "TIPO DI COMUNICAZIONE"); add_prompted_bool(header, 0, 0, 2, "#10", "Annullamento"); add_prompted_bool(header, 0, 28, 2, "#11", "Sostituzione"); end_paragraph(header); begin_paragraph(header, CU_AFTER_LAST, 9, "DATI RELATIVI\nAL SOSTITUTO"); add_labeled_field(header, 0, 0, 32, "#2", "Codice Fiscale"); add_labeled_field(header, 1, 0, 36, "#12", "Cognome o Denominazione").set_alternate_field("#14"); add_labeled_field(header, 1,CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#13", "Nome"); // La colonna segue il cognome TReport_field& tel = add_labeled_field(header, 2, 0, 16, "#16", "Telefono o fax"); add_field_sublabel(tel, "prefisso numero"); tel.set_alternate_field("#17"); add_labeled_field(header, 2, CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#15", "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"); // La colonna segue il telefono end_paragraph(header); begin_paragraph(header, CU_AFTER_LAST, 6, "DATI RELATIVI AL RAPPRESENTANTE FIRMATARIO DELLA COMUNICAZIONE"); add_labeled_field(header, 0, 0, 24, "#18", "Codice Fiscale"); TReport_field& cc = add_labeled_field(header, 0,32, 3, "#19", "Codice carica", 'C'); cc.set_type('N'); cc.hide_zeroes(true); TReport_field& pi = add_gridded_field(header, 0,CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 11, "#22", "Codice fiscale societ� o ente dichiarante"); pi.set_type('N'); pi.hide_zeroes(true); add_labeled_field(header, 1, 0, 36, "#20", "Cognome"); add_labeled_field(header, 1,CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#21", "Nome"); end_paragraph(header); begin_paragraph(header, CU_AFTER_LAST, 3, "FIRMA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE"); add_labeled_number(header, 0, 4, 5, "#23", "Numero certificazioni\nlavoro dipendente ed assimilati", 'C'); add_labeled_number(header, 0, 15, 5, "#24", "Numero certificazioni\nlavoro autonomo e provvigioni", 'C'); add_labeled_field (header, 0, 25, 3, "#25", "Quadro CT", 'C'); add_prompted_field(header, 0, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 24, "", "FIRMA"); end_paragraph(header); begin_paragraph(header, CU_AFTER_LAST, 7, "IMPEGNO ALLA PRESENTAZIONE TELEMATICA"); _row_height = 300; add_prompted_field(header, 0, 0, 16, "#27", "Codice fiscale dell'intermediario"); add_break(header, _row_offset/100+3, true); end_paragraph(header); begin_paragraph(header, _row_offset/100+3, 2, "Riservato\nall'intermediario"); add_prompt(header, 0, 0, 30, "Impegno a presentare in via telematica la comunicazione"); TReport_field& ipt = add_field(header, 0, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 2, "#28"); ipt.set_type('N'); ipt.set_horizontal_alignment('C'); ipt.hide_zeroes(true); add_break(header, _row_offset/100+2, true); add_prompt(header, 1,0, -1, "Data dell'impegno"); TReport_field& dit = add_gridded_field(header, 1, 10, 10, "#29", ""); dit.set_type('N'); dit.hide_zeroes(true); add_prompted_field(header,1, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT,24, "", "FIRMA DELL'INTERMEDIARIO", 15); add_break(header, _row_offset/100+4, false); } void TCU_report::create_D() { TReport_section& body = section('B', 2); body.set_condition("#1=\"D\""); body.force_page_break(true); _row_offset = 0; create_logo(body); TReport_font fnt_big; fnt_big.create(_fnt_prg.name(), 3*_fnt_prg.size()/2, _fnt_prg.style()); TReport_field* txt = new TReport_field(&body); txt->set_type('T'); txt->set_picture("CERTIFICAZIONE DI CUI ALL'ART.4, COMMI 6-ter e 6-quater,\n" "DEL D.P.R. 22 LUGLIO 1998, n. 322, RELATIVA ALL'ANNO"); txt->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER+28*100, 7*100); txt->set_size(7000, 300); txt->set_pattern(PAT_HOLLOW); txt->set_back_color(COLOR_INVALID); txt->set_text_color(COLOR_BLACK); txt->set_font(fnt_big); body.add(txt); add_boxed_field(body, 8, 68, 4, "2014", ""); add_band(body, 12, 35); begin_paragraph(body, 12, 9, "DATI ANAGRAFICI\nDATI RELATIVI\nAL DATORE DI LAVORO,\nENTE PENSIONISTICO O\nALTRO SOSTITUTO\nD'IMPOSTA", 0x3); add_labeled_field(body, 0, 0, 16, "#DA001001", "Codice Fiscale"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, 30, "#DA001002", "Cognome o Denominazione"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#DA001003", "Nome"); // La colonna segue il cognome add_labeled_field(body, 1, 0, 24, "#DA001004", "Comune"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_AFTER_LAST, 2, "#DA001005", "Prov."); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_AFTER_LAST, 5, "#DA001006", "Cap"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#DA001007", "Indirizzo"); TReport_field& tel = add_labeled_field(body, 2, 0, 16, "#DA001008", "Telefono o fax"); add_field_sublabel(tel, " prefisso numero"); add_labeled_field(body, 2, CU_AFTER_LAST, 30, "#DA001009", "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"); add_labeled_field(body, 2, CU_AFTER_LAST, 6, "#DA001010", "Codice attivit�"); add_labeled_number(body, 2, CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#DA001011", "Codice sede"); end_paragraph(body); begin_paragraph(body, CU_AFTER_LAST, 6, "DATI RELATIVI\nAL DIPENDENTE,\nPENSIONATO O\nALTRO PERCETTORE\nDELLE SOMME", 0x2); add_labeled_field(body, 0, 0, 16, "#DA002001", "Codice Fiscale"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, 30, "#DA002002", "Cognome o Denominazione"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#DA002003", "Nome"); // La colonna segue il cognome add_labeled_field(body, 1, 0, 1, "#DA002004", "Sesso\n(M o F)", 'C'); add_gridded_field(body, 1, CU_AFTER_LAST, 10, "#DA002005", "Data di nascita"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, 16, 24, "#DA002006", "Comune (o Stato estero) di nascita"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_AFTER_LAST, 3, "#DA002007", "Prov. nasc.\n(sigla)", 'C'); add_labeled_field(body, 1, 49, 3, "#DA002008", "Categorie\nparticolari", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body,1, 55, 3, "#DA002009", "Eventi\neccezionali", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body,1, 61, 3, "#DA002010", "Casi di esclusione\ndalla precompilata", 'C'); end_paragraph(body); begin_paragraph(body, CU_AFTER_LAST, 8, ""); add_underlined_text(body, 0, "DOMICILIO FISCALE ALL'1/1/2014"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, 0, 50, "#DA002020", "Comune"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, 3, "#DA002021", "Provincia (sigla)"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 6, "#DA002022", "Codice comune"); add_underlined_text(body, 4, "DOMICILIO FISCALE ALL'1/1/2015"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, 0, 50, "#DA002023", "Comune"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_AFTER_LAST, 3, "#DA002024", "Provincia (sigla)"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 6, "#DA002025", "Codice comune"); end_paragraph(body); begin_paragraph(body, CU_AFTER_LAST, 3, "DATI RELATIVI\nAL RAPPRESENTANTE", 0x2); add_labeled_field(body, 0, 0, 16, "#DA002030", "Codice Fiscale"); end_paragraph(body); begin_paragraph(body, CU_AFTER_LAST, 6, "RISERVATO\nAI PERCIPIENTI ESTERI", 0x2); add_labeled_field(body, 0, 0, 16, "#DA002040", "Codice di identificazione fiscale estero"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "#DA002041", "Localit� di residenza estera"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, 0, 50, "#DA002042", "Via e numero civico"); add_labeled_field(body, 1, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, 5, "#DA002043", "Codice Stato estero", 'C'); end_paragraph(body); begin_paragraph(body, CU_AFTER_LAST, 3, ""); add_gridded_field(body, 0, 0, 10, "#DA003001", "DATA"); add_labeled_field(body, 0, 15, CU_ALIGN_RIGHT, "", "FIRMA DEL SOSTITUTO DI IMPOSTA", 'C'); end_paragraph(body); } void TCU_report::create_H() { TReport_section& body = section('B', 3); body.set_condition("#1=\"H\""); body.force_page_break(true); _row_offset = 0; add_prompt (body, 4, 0, 14, "Codice fiscale del percipiente"); add_boxed_field(body, 4,CU_AFTER_LAST, 16, "#4", "", 0x1); add_boxed_field(body, 4, 74, 2, "#3", "", 0x3); add_prompt(body, 4, CU_BEFORE_LAST, -1, "Mod. N."); const TReport_font& fnt_big = best_font(_fnt_prg.name(), 3*_fnt_prg.size()/2, _fnt_prg.style()); TReport_field* title = new TReport_field(&body); title->set_pos(CU_FORM_BORDER+CU_HEAD_WIDTH, 700); title->set_size(CU_FORM_WIDTH-CU_HEAD_WIDTH, 200); title->set_horizontal_alignment('C'); title->set_vertical_alignment('C'); title->set_picture("CERTIFICAZIONE LAVORO AUTONOMO,\nPROVVIGIONI E REDDITI DIVERSI"); title->set_font(fnt_big); body.add(title); add_band(body, 10, 25); const int tab0 = 2, tab1 = 6, tab2 = 27, tab3 = CU_ALIGN_RIGHT; begin_paragraph(body, 10, 4, "DATI RELATIVI ALLE SOMME EROGATE\nTIPOLOGIA REDDITUALE", 0x3); add_labeled_field(body, 0, tab0, 2, "#AU001001", "Causale"); end_paragraph(body); begin_paragraph(body, -1, 21, "DATI FISCALI"); add_labeled_number(body, 0, tab1-1, 4, "#AU001002", "Anno", 'C'); add_labeled_field (body, 0, CU_AFTER_LAST, 2, "#AU001003", "Anticipazione", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 0, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001004", "Ammontare lordo corrisposto", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 0, tab3, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001005", "Somme non soggette a ritenuta\nper regime convenzionale", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 1, tab0, 2, "#AU001006", "Codice"); add_labeled_number(body, 1, tab1, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001007", "Altre somme non soggette a ritenuta", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 1, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001008", "Imponibile", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 1, tab3, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001009", "Ritenute a titolo di acconto", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 2, tab1, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001010", "Ritenute a titolo d'imposta", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 2, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001011", "Ritenute sospese", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 2, tab3, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001012", "Addizionale regionale a titolo d'acconto", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 3, tab1, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001013", "Addizionale regionale a titolo d'imposta", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 3, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001014", "Addizionale regionale sospesa", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 3, tab3, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001015", "Addizionale comunale a titolo d'acconto", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 4, tab1, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001016", "Addizionale comunale a titolo d'imposta", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 4, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001017", "Addizionale comunale sospesa", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 4, tab3, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001018", "Imponibile anni precedenti", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 5, tab1, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001019", "Ritenute operate anni precedenti", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 5, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001020", "Contributi previdenziali\na carico del soggetto erogante", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 5, tab3, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001021", "Contributi previdenziali\na carico del percipiente", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 6, tab1, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001022", "Spese rimborsate", 'C'); add_labeled_number(body, 6, tab2, CU_EURO_LEN, "#AU001023", "Ritenute rimborsate", 'C'); end_paragraph(body); } TCU_report::TCU_report(int quality) : _quality(quality) { set_lpi(6); set_cpi(10); _fnt_rep.create("Courier New", 12, 0); set_font(_fnt_rep); _fnt_lbl.create("Arial", _fnt_rep.size()/2, 0); _fnt_sub.create(_fnt_lbl.name(), _fnt_lbl.size(), XVT_FS_BOLD); _fnt_prg.create(_fnt_lbl.name(), _fnt_rep.size()/2+1, XVT_FS_BOLD); _fnt_prm.create(_fnt_lbl.name(), 2*_fnt_rep.size()/3, 0); create_B(); create_D(); create_H(); } void print_cu(const TFilename& datafile, int quality) { TCU_report cur(quality); cur.set_recordset(new TTrasferimentoCU(datafile, 'r')); cur.preview(); xvtil_statbar_set(NULL); }