// Name:        propform.h
// Purpose:     Property form classes
// Author:      Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created:     04/01/98
// RCS-ID:      $Id: propform.h 36131 2005-11-08 19:59:51Z ABX $
// Copyright:   (c) Julian Smart
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_PROPFORM_H_
#define _WX_PROPFORM_H_

#include "wx/deprecated/setup.h"


#include "wx/deprecated/prop.h"
#include "wx/panel.h"

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxPropertyFormView;

//// Property form classes: for using an existing dialog or panel

#define wxID_PROP_REVERT        3100
#define wxID_PROP_UPDATE        3101

// Mediates between a physical panel and the property sheet
class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxPropertyFormView: public wxPropertyView
  wxPropertyFormView(wxWindow *propPanel = NULL, long flags = 0);

  // Associates and shows the view
  virtual void ShowView(wxPropertySheet *propertySheet, wxWindow *panel);

  // Update this view of the viewed object, called e.g. by
  // the object itself.
  virtual bool OnUpdateView(void);

  // Transfer values from property sheet to dialog
  virtual bool TransferToDialog(void);

  // Transfer values from dialog to property sheet
  virtual bool TransferToPropertySheet(void);

  // Check that all the values are valid
  virtual bool Check(void);

  // Give each property in the sheet a panel item, by matching
  // the name of the property to the name of the panel item.
  // The user doesn't always want to call this; sometimes, it
  // will have been done explicitly (e.g., no matching names).
  virtual bool AssociateNames(void);

  void OnOk(wxCommandEvent& event);
  void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
  void OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
  void OnUpdate(wxCommandEvent& event);
  void OnRevert(wxCommandEvent& event);

  virtual bool OnClose();
  virtual void OnDoubleClick(wxControl *item);

  // TODO: does OnCommand still get called...??? No,
  // make ProcessEvent do it.
  virtual void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);

  // Extend event processing to process OnCommand
  virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);

  inline virtual void AssociatePanel(wxWindow *win) { m_propertyWindow = win; }
  inline virtual wxWindow *GetPanel(void) const { return m_propertyWindow; }

  inline virtual void SetManagedWindow(wxWindow *win) { m_managedWindow = win; }
  inline virtual wxWindow *GetManagedWindow(void) const { return m_managedWindow; }

  inline virtual wxButton *GetWindowCloseButton() const { return m_windowCloseButton; }
  inline virtual wxButton *GetWindowCancelButton() const { return m_windowCancelButton; }
  inline virtual wxButton *GetHelpButton() const { return m_windowHelpButton; }

  static bool sm_dialogCancelled;

  bool              m_detailedEditing;     // E.g. using listbox for choices

  wxWindow*         m_propertyWindow; // Panel that the controls will appear on
  wxWindow*         m_managedWindow; // Frame or dialog

  wxButton*         m_windowCloseButton; // Or OK
  wxButton*         m_windowCancelButton;
  wxButton*         m_windowHelpButton;



 * The type of validator used for forms (wxForm style but using an existing panel
 * or dialog box).
 * Classes derived from this know how to map from whatever widget they
 * find themselves paired with, to the wxProperty and vice versa.
 * Should the widget pointer be stored with the validator, or
 * the wxProperty? If with the property, we don't have to supply
 * a validator for every property. Otherwise, there ALWAYS needs
 * to be a validator. On the other hand, not storing a wxWindow pointer
 * in the wxProperty is more elegant. Perhaps.
 * I think on balance, should put wxWindow pointer into wxProperty.
 * After all, wxProperty will often be used to represent the data
 * assocated with a window. It's that kinda thing.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxPropertyFormValidator: public wxPropertyValidator
  wxPropertyFormValidator(long flags = 0): wxPropertyValidator(flags) { }
  ~wxPropertyFormValidator(void) {}

   // Called to check value is OK (e.g. when OK is pressed)
   // Return false if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
   virtual bool OnCheckValue( wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyFormView *WXUNUSED(view),
     wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) ) { return true; }

   // Does the transferance from the property editing area to the property itself.
   // Called by the view, e.g. when closing the window.
   virtual bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow) = 0;

   // Called by the view to transfer the property to the window.
   virtual bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow) = 0;

  virtual void OnDoubleClick( wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyFormView *WXUNUSED(view),
     wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) ) { }
  virtual void OnSetFocus( wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyFormView *WXUNUSED(view),
     wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) ) { }
  virtual void OnKillFocus( wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyFormView *WXUNUSED(view),
     wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) ) { }
  virtual void OnCommand( wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyFormView *WXUNUSED(view),
     wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow), wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) {}

 * Some default validators

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxRealFormValidator: public wxPropertyFormValidator
   // 0.0, 0.0 means no range
   wxRealFormValidator(float min = 0.0, float max = 0.0, long flags = 0):wxPropertyFormValidator(flags)
     m_realMin = min; m_realMax = max;
   ~wxRealFormValidator(void) {}

   bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   // Called by the view to transfer the property to the window.
   bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);

  float         m_realMin;
  float         m_realMax;

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxIntegerFormValidator: public wxPropertyFormValidator
   // 0, 0 means no range
   wxIntegerFormValidator(long min = 0, long max = 0, long flags = 0):wxPropertyFormValidator(flags)
     m_integerMin = min; m_integerMax = max;
   ~wxIntegerFormValidator(void) {}

   bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);

  long          m_integerMin;
  long          m_integerMax;

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxBoolFormValidator: public wxPropertyFormValidator
   wxBoolFormValidator(long flags = 0):wxPropertyFormValidator(flags)
   ~wxBoolFormValidator(void) {}

   bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxStringFormValidator: public wxPropertyFormValidator
   wxStringFormValidator(wxStringList *list = NULL, long flags = 0);

     if (m_strings)
       delete m_strings;

   bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
   bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);

  wxStringList*     m_strings;

 * A default dialog box class to use.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxPropertyFormDialog: public wxDialog
    wxPropertyFormDialog(wxPropertyFormView *v = NULL,
                         wxWindow *parent = NULL,
                         const wxString& title = wxEmptyString,
                         const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                         const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                         long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
                         const wxString& name = _T("dialogBox"));

    void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
    void OnDefaultAction(wxControl *item);
    void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);

    // Extend event processing to search the view's event table
    virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);

    wxPropertyFormView*       m_view;


 * A default panel class to use.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxPropertyFormPanel: public wxPanel
    wxPropertyFormPanel(wxPropertyFormView *v = NULL,
                        wxWindow *parent = NULL,
                        const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                        const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                        long style = 0,
                        const wxString& name = _T("panel"))
        : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, pos, size, style, name)
            m_view = v;
    void OnDefaultAction(wxControl *item);
    void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);

    // Extend event processing to search the view's event table
    virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);
    void SetView(wxPropertyFormView* view) { m_view = view; }
    wxPropertyFormView* GetView() const { return m_view; }

    wxPropertyFormView*       m_view;


 * A default frame class to use.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_DEPRECATED wxPropertyFormFrame: public wxFrame
    wxPropertyFormFrame(wxPropertyFormView *v = NULL,
                        wxFrame *parent = NULL,
                        const wxString& title = wxEmptyString,
                        const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                        const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                        long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
                        const wxString& name = _T("frame"))
        : wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, title, pos, size, style, name)
            m_view = v;
            m_propertyPanel = NULL;
    void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);

    // Must call this to create panel and associate view
    virtual bool Initialize(void);
    virtual wxPanel *OnCreatePanel(wxFrame *parent, wxPropertyFormView *v);
    inline virtual wxPanel *GetPropertyPanel(void) const { return m_propertyPanel; }

    wxPropertyFormView*       m_view;
    wxPanel*                  m_propertyPanel;


