 * EX03WIN.H
 *  Header file for ArchiveLib 2.0
 *  Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994 - 1996
 *  All Rights Reserved
 *  This is the header file used by Windows example program 03.  It
 *  has all of the constants defined for use in the RC file that
 *  is linked with this example.
 *  February 1, 1996  2.0A  : Second release

#define AL_GOTO_INPUT               111
#define AL_OUTPUT                   105
#define AL_OUTPUT_LIST              109
#define AL_PROGRESS_BAR             103
#define AL_PROGRESS_TEXT            100
#define AL_INPUT_LIST               104
#define AL_ABOUT                    112
#define AL_EXIT                     106
#define AL_READ_INPUT               107
#define AL_DEBUG                    110
#define AL_DELETE                   108
#define AL_INPUT                    102
#define AL_ABORT                    101
#define IDC_STATIC                  -1