/****************************************************************************** Module: ZWIN-CAPI.TXT All commands for PPLZ in Dynamic Link Library for Windows Notices: Copyright (c) 2001-2006 ARGOIMPREX Version: 3.04ZW 2006/02/15 ******************************************************************************/ ¥Ø¿ý =============================================================================== Z_Bar2d_Maxi() => ¦L¥X¤@­Ó Maxi Code 2D Barcode¡C Z_Bar2d_PDF417() => ¦L¥X¤@­Ó PDF417 Z_ClosePrn() => Ãö³¬ Printer ¤u§@¡C Z_CreatePrn() => ¶}±Ò Printer ¤u§@¡C Z_Set_FlashMemory() => ³]©w FORM Àx¦s¦b RAM ©Î Flash Memory Z_Set_Format_New() => ³]©w FORM ¦WºÙ Z_Del_Format() => §R°£ Form (ªí®æ)¡C Z_Del_Graphic() => §R°£Àx¦s¦b¦Lªí¾÷ RAM ©Î Flash Memory ¤ºªº¹Ï§Î¡C Z_Draw_Box() => µe¤@­Ó®Ø¡C Z_Draw_Line() => µe¤@±ø½u¡C Z_Get_DLL_Version() => ¨ú±o©Î¨q¥X¦¹¨ç¼Æ®wª©¥»¸ê°T¡C Z_Get_DLL_VersionA() => ¨ú±o©Î¨q¥X¦¹¨ç¼Æ®wª©¥»¸ê°T¡C Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP()=> ¦C¦L¦Ç¶¥ BMP ¹ÏÀÉ¡C Z_Initial_Setting() => «e¸m³B²z¡C Z_Load_Graphic() => ¦C¦L¤@­Ó¹Ï§Î¡C Z_Open_ChineseFont() => ¶}±Ò¨Ï¥Î¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬ÀÉ®× (16*15 ©M 24*24)¡C Z_Print_Form() => ¦C¦L¤@­Ó FORM (ªí®æ)¡A¨Ã¿é¤J FORM ªº¦WºÙ¡A¨Ã³]©w¼e¤Î °ªªº¤ñ¨Ò©M¸õ¸¹¦¸¼Æ»P¦C¦L¥÷¼Æ¡C Z_Print_Out() => ¿é¥X©Ò¦³¸ê®Æ¨Ã³]©w¼e¤Î°ªªº¤ñ¨Ò©M¸õ¸¹¦¸¼Æ»P¦C¦L¥÷¼Æ¡C Z_Prn_Barcode() => ¦L¥X¤@­Ó±ø½X¡C Z_Prn_Text() => ¦L¥X¤@¦æ¤å¦r¡C Z_Prn_Text_Chinese() => ¦L¥X¤@¦æ¤å¦r¡A¨Ï¥Î¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬ÀÉ®× (16*15 ©Î 24*24)¡C Z_Prn_Text_TrueType() => ¦L¥X¤@¦æ True Type Font ¤å¦r¡C Z_Prn_Text_TrueType_W() => ¦L¥X¤@¦æ True Type Font ¤å¦r¡A¨Ã±±¨î¦r«¬ªº¼e¤Î°ª¡C Z_Clear_Memory() => ²M°£ Printer ¤º RAM ¤Î Flash Memory ªº¸ê®Æ¡C Z_Set_Backfeed() => ¼ÐÅÒ¦^¦¬°±¤î¡C Z_Set_Darkness() => ³]©w¼ö·PÀY¦C¦L¼ö«×¡C Z_Set_DebugDialog() => ³]©w°£¿ùÀô¹Ò¡C Z_Set_Label() => ³]©w¯È±iªø«× Z_Set_Mode() => ±Ò°Ê Cutter ©Î Peel¡C Z_Set_Origin() => ³]©w¶}©l¦C¦L¦ì¸m Z_Set_Paper() => ³]©w¬°³sÄò¯È±i Z_Set_Prncomport => ³]©w¦Lªí¾÷§Ç¦C°ð Z_Set_Prncomport_PC() => ³]©w PC §Ç¦C°ð¡C Z_Set_Reset() => ¦^´_¤u¼t³]©w Z_Set_Speed() => ³]©w¦C¦L³t«× Z_Set_TPH() => ³]©wÂà¦L¼Ò¦¡ Z_Set_Unit() => ³]©w«×¶q³æ¦ì¬°­^¦T©Î¤½¤Ø©Î¹³¯À Z_Set_Gap() => ³]©w Gap ªø«× Z_Set_ProcessDlg() => ¶}±Ò©ÎÃö³¬¶i«×¹ï¸Ü®Ø Z_Bar2d_QRCode() => 2D Barcode QR code ¦C¦L Z_Set_PrintWidth() => ³]©w¦C¦L¼e«× Z_Print_OutQuality => ³]©w¦C¦L±i¼Æ Z_GetUSBBufferLen() => ¬d¸ß USB °ð¸ê®Æªø«× Z_EnumUSB() => ¨ú±o USB °ðªº¸ê®Æ Z_CreateUSBPort() => ¨Ï¥Î USB °ð¶i¦æ¶Ç¿é ******************************************************************************* ª`·N¨Æ¶µ =============================================================================== ¨Ï¥Î¤èªk¡G1.±N WINPPLZ.DLL ¤Î WCOMMON.DLL ¥[¤J \\Windows\system\ ©Î \\???\ °õ¦æ¤¤¸ô®|¡A¤~¯à³Q·j´M¨ì¡C 2.¥H¤U½d¨Ò¬° Visual C++ ªº½d¨Ò,¨ä¥Lµ{¦¡»y¨¥¤£¤@©w§¹¥þ¬Û¦P ******************************************************************************* Z_GetUSBBufferLen() Z_EnumUSB() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à¡G ¨ú±o USB Printer ªº¸ê®Æ¡C »yªk¡G int Z_GetUSBBufferLen(); int Z_EnumUSB(char *buf); °Ñ¼Æ¡G char *buf; ¡´Àx¦s USB Printer ¸ê®Æ¡C ¶Ç¦^­È¡G Z_GetUSBBufferLen(); ¶Ç¦^ USB ªº¸ê®Æªø«× Z_EnumUSB() 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò¡G char *buf; int nLen = Z_GetUSBBufferLen()+1; buf = malloc(nLen); memset(buf, 0, nLen); Z_EnumUSB(buf); »¡©ú¡G ³o¨â­Ó¨ç¼Æ¬O¤@²Õªº¨ç¼Æ¡C¥ý¥Î Z_GetUSBBufferLen() ¨ú±o USB ¶Ç¿é°ðªº¸ê®Æ ªø«×, µM«á¦A°t°O¾ÐÅéµ¹ Z_EnumUSB() Àx¦s USB °ðªº¸ê®Æ¡CUSB °ðªº¸ê®Æ¬O¥H ("0x0d0x0a")°µ¤À¹j,Á|¨Ò¨Ó»¡, ¦pªG¸ê®Æ¬O A-200(0x0d)(0x0a)R-400ZIP ªº¸Ü ªí¥Ü USB1 ¬O±µ A-200, USB2 ¬O±µ R-400Zip¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_CreatePrn() Z_CreateUSBPort() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¶}±Ò Printer ¤u§@¡C »yªk: int Z_CreatePrn(int selection,LPCTSTR filename); int Z_CreateUSBPort(int nPort); °Ñ¼Æ: int selection; ¿ï¾Ü¿é¥X°ð©ÎÀɮסC 0 -> print to file. 1 -> lpt1, 2 -> lpt2, 3 -> lpt3 4 -> com1, 5 -> com2, 6 -> com3 10 -> net LPCTSTR filename; ·í selection ¤º®e¬O 0 ®É¸ê®Æ«h¿é¥X¦ÜÀÉ ®×¡AÀɦW´N¬O filename ¤º®e¡A¥i§t¸ô®|¡A ©Î¬O NULL¡C·í selection ¤º®e¬O 10 ®É¡A filename ¬°¿é¥X¸ô®|¡C int nPort; ¡´ USB ¶Ç¿é°ð ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_CreatePrn(1,NULL); ©Î Z_CreatePrn(0,"C:\TEMP\out.prn"); Z_CreatePrn(10,"\\allen\Label"); ©Î Z_CreateUSBPort(1); »¡©ú: Z_CreatePrn ©M Z_CreateUSBPort ¨ç¼Æ·|¶}±Ò§A¿ï¾Üªº¿é¥X°ð©Î¶}±Ò§AÁä¤Jªº ¿é¥XÀÉ¡C¦Ó³o­Ó¨ç¼Æ¥²¶·¦b©Ò¦³¨ç¼Æ¤§«e°õ¦æ¡C Z_CreatePrn ©M Z_CreateUSBPort ¤£¯à¦P®É¨Ï¥Î¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_ClosePrn() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: Ãö³¬ Printer ¤u§@¡C »yªk: void Z_ClosePrn(void); ½d¨Ò: Z_ClosePrn(); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_ClosePrn ¨ç¼Æ·|Ãö³¬°õ¦æ¹Lªº°O¾ÐÅé¤Î§A¿ï¾Üªº¿é¥X°ð©ÎÃö³¬§A¶}±Òªº ¿é¥XÀÉ¡C¦Ó³o­Ó¨ç¼Æ¥²¶·¦b©Ò¦³¨ç¼Æ¤§«á°õ¦æ¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Bar2d_Maxi() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦L¥X¤@­Ó Maxi Code 2D Barcode¡C »yªk: int Z_Bar2d_Maxi(int x,int y,int nMode,int nSymbol,int nTotal, int nClass, int nCountry,char cZipCode1[6], char cZipCode2[4],LPCTSTR data,int increase) °Ñ¼Æ: int x X®y¼Ð int y Y®y¼Ð.1 dot = 0.125 mm int nMode Barcode mode 2: Numeric Postal Code(US) 3: Alphanumeric Postal Code(Non-US) int nSymbol Symbol Number: 1 ~ 8 int nTotal Symbol Number Á`¼Æ: 1 ~ 8 int nClass three digit class of service int nCountry three digit country code char cZipCode1[6] nMode = 2 --> five digit zip code nMode = 3 --> six character zip code char cZipCode2 four digit zip code externsion. *Only Used in nMode 2. LPCTSTR data ¸ê®Æ¦r¦ê,³Ì¦h84­Ó¦r¤¸ int increase ¼W¶q,¹w³]­È¬°0 ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: int x,y,m,n,t,increase; LPCTSTR data="This MaxiCode"; x=50;y=50;m=4;n=4;t=5,increase=0; Z_Bar2d_Maxi(x,y,m,n,t,data,increase); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Bar2d_Maxi ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¦C¦L¥X¤@­Ó Maxi Code 2D Barcode¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Bar2d_PDF417() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦L¥X¤@­Ó PDF417 2D Barcode¡C »yªk: int Z_Bar2d_PDF417(int x,int y,int o,int h,int s,int c,int r, int t,int narrow,LPCTSTR data,int increase) °Ñ¼Æ: int x X®y¼Ð int y Y®y¼Ð.1 dot = 0.125 mm int o ¦C¦L¤è¦V©w¦ì¡A'1'¬O 0¢X¡A'2'¬O90¢X¡B '3'¬O180¢X¡A'4'¬O270¢X int h Barcode height for Individual Rows h * module = height of individusl rows int s ¿ù»~®Õ¥¿µ¥¯Å 0¡ã8 int c column count int r row count int t Truncation flag¡A '0' ¬O normal ©M '1' ¬O truncated. int narrow ¼Ò²Õ°ª«× LPCTSTR data ¸ê®Æ¦r¦ê,³Ì¦h84­Ó¦r¤¸ int increase ¼W¶q,¹w³]­È¬°0 ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: int x,y,o,h,s,c,r,t,narrow,increase; LPCTSTR data="PDF-417"; x=50;y=50;o=0;h=5;s=5;c=2;r=83;t=0;increase=0;narrow=2; Z_Bar2d_PDF417(x,y,o,h,s,c,r,t,narrow,data,increase); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Bar2d_PDF417 ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¦C¦L¥X¤@­Ó PDF417 2D Barcode¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_FlashMemory() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w FORM Àx¦s¦ì¸m »yªk: int Z_Set_FlashMemory(int Status); °Ñ¼Æ: int Status; Àx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_FlashMemory(0); ©Î Z_Set_FlashMemory(1); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_FlashMemory ³]©w FORM Àx¦s¦ì¸m¡C¦b¨Ï¥Î FORM «e¡A¶·¥ý °õ¦æ Z_Set_FlashMemory() ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Format_New() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w FORM (ªí®æ) ¦WºÙ »yªk: void Z_Set_Format_New(LPCTSTR FormName); °Ñ¼Æ: LPCTSTR FormName; ªí®æ¦WºÙ¡C ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Format_New("demo"); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Format_New ³]©w FORM (ªí®æ) ¦WºÙ¡C¦b³]©w¤§«á,¥iª½ ±µ©I¥s FORM ¦C¦L ******************************************************************************* Z_Del_Format() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: §R°£ FORM (ªí®æ) »yªk: int Z_Del_Format(int memory, char FormName[]) °Ñ¼Æ: int memory; Àx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory char FormName[]; ªí®æ¦WºÙ¡C¤£¥i¶W¹L10¦r ½d¨Ò: Z_Del_Format(0,"demo"); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Del_Format ¥i§R°£Àx¦s¦Lªí¾÷¤º FORM (ªí®æ)¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Del_Graphic() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: §R°£Àx¦s¦b¦Lªí¾÷ RAM ©Î Flash Memory ¤ºªº¹Ï§Î »yªk: int Z_Del_Graphic(int memory, char GraphicName[]) °Ñ¼Æ: int memory; Àx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory char GraphicName[]; ¹Ï§Î¦WºÙ¡C¤£¥i¶W¹L10¦r ½d¨Ò: Z_Del_Graphic(0,"girl"); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Del_Graphic ¥i§R°£Àx¦s¦Lªí¾÷¤ºªº¹Ï§Î ******************************************************************************* Z_Draw_Box() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: µe¤@­Ó®Ø »yªk: int Z_Draw_Box(int x,int y,int width,int height,int thickness) °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X®y¼Ð int y; Y®y¼Ð int width; ®Øªºªø«× 0 < width < 9999 int height ®Øªº¼e«× 0 < height < 9999 int thickness ½u±øªº²Ê²Ó > 0 ³Æµù¡G1 dot = 0.125 mm¡C ½d¨Ò: int x,y,,width,height,thickness; x=50;y=100;width=250;height=100;thickness=5; Z_Draw_Box(x,y,width,height,thickness); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Draw_Box ¨ç¼Æ·|µe¤@­Ó®Ø ******************************************************************************* Z_Draw_Line() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: µe¤@±ø½u »yªk: int Z_Draw_Line(int x,int y,int width,int height) °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X®y¼Ð int y; Y®y¼Ð int width; ½uªºªø«× 0 < width < 9999 int height ½uªº¼e«× 0 < height < 9999 ³Æµù¡G1 dot = 0.125 mm¡C ½d¨Ò: int x,y,,width,height; x=50;y=100;width=250;height=3; Z_Draw_Box(x,y,width,height); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Draw_Line ¨ç¼Æ·|µe¤@±ø½u ******************************************************************************* Z_Get_DLL_Version() Z_Get_DLL_VersionA() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¨ú±o©Î¨q¥X¦¹¨ç¼Æ®wª©¥»¸ê°T¡C »yªk: char* Z_Get_DLL_Version(int nShowMessage); int Z_Get_DLL_VersionA(int nShowMessage); °Ñ¼Æ: int nShowMessage; °T®§µøµ¡Åã²{¡C0 -> ¤£Åã²{¡B1 -> Åã²{¡C ¶Ç¦^­È: ¶Ç¦^ª©¥»¸ê°T¦r¦ê¡A¥¢±Ñ«h¶Ç¦^ NULL¡C Z_Get_DLL_VersionA() -> return version value. ½d¨Ò: Z_Get_DLL_Version(1); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Get_DLL_Version ¨ç¼Æ¡AÅý¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¨ú±o©Î¨q¥X¦¹¨ç¼Æ®wª©¥»¸ê°T¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: Âà´« BMP ¹ÏÀɱm¦âÅܦǶ¥¡A¨Ã±N¹Ï§ÎÀx¦s¦b¦Lªí¾÷¤ºªº RAM ©Î Flash Memory¡C »yªk: int Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(int x, int y,int memory, LPCTSTR filename); °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X ®y¼Ð¡C int y; Y ®y¼Ð¡C int memory; Àx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory LPCTSTR filename; ¹Ï§ÎÀɦWºÙ¡A¥i§t¸ô®|¡C ®æ¦¡¦p¡GXXXXXXXX.XXX ©Î X:\XXX\XXX.BMP ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(30,20,"girl.bmp"); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP ¨ç¼Æ¥i¿é¤J¥ô¦óÃC¦â BMP ¹ÏÀÉ¡A¨Ã¦Û°ÊÂà´«¬° ¶Â¥Õ¦Ç¶¥¹ÏÀÉ°e¦Ü¦Lªí¾÷¦C¦L¡A¦ÓÂà´««~½è¥Ñ Windows's Driver for Dr.200 or Dr.300 ½Õ¾ã¡A©Ò¥H¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¥²»Ý¦w¸Ë ARGOX Driver¡A¦Lªí¾÷§ì¨ú¬°¹w³]¦Lªí¾÷¡A °²­Y default printer ¤£¬O Dr.200 ©Î Dr.300 ¡Aµ{¦¡¦Û°Ê·j´M Windows ¤º¡A ¬O§_¦³¸Ë Dr.200 ©Î Dr.300¡A¦A¨Ì§Ç¨Ï¥Î¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Initial_Setting() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: «e¸m³B²z¡C »yªk: int Z_Initial_Setting(int Type,LPCTSTR Source); °Ñ¼Æ: int Type; ¿ï¾Ü¿é¤J¼Ò¦¡¡A­È¬° 0 -> ¿é¤J¦r¦ê¡A 1 -> ¿é¤JÀɮסC LPCTSTR Source; ¸ê®Æ¨Ó·½¡A¥i¬°¦r¦ê©ÎÀɮצWºÙ¡A¥i§t¸ô®|¡C ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: LPCTSTR aa = "^FO120,30\r\n\"; Z_Initial_Setting(0,aa); or Z_Initial_Setting(1,"initfile.txt"); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Initial_Setting ¨ç¼Æ«e¸m³B²zªº°Ê§@¡A¬O±N¤@¦ê Command ¥ý°e¦Ü¦Lªí ¾÷¡A¥Ñ¦r¦ê©ÎÀɮ׿é¤J¡A¦b¨Ï¥Î³o­Ó¨ç¼Æ®É¡A¶·¥ý¦b Z_Create_Prn() ¤§«á¨ä¥L ¨ç¼Æ¤§«e¡A¥i§@¬°¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¦Û­q«¬ºA¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Load_Graphic() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦C¦L¤@­Ó¹Ï§Î¡C »yªk: int Z_Load_Graphic(int x,int y,char GraName[11],int hori,int vert); °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X ®y¼Ð¡C int y; Y ®y¼Ð¡C³Æµù¡G1 dot = 0.125 mm¡C char GraName[11]; ¹Ï§ÎÀɦWºÙ,(¤£§t°ÆÀɦW)³Ì¤j10­Ó¦r¤¸¡C int hori; ««ª½©ñ¤j­¿¼Æ. 1 <= hori <= 10 ¹w³]¬°1 int vert; ¤ô¥­©ñ¤j­¿¼Æ. 1 <= vert <= 10 ¹w³]¬°1 ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: int x,y,hori,vert; char GraName[11]="phone"; x=50;y=30,hori=1,vert=1; Z_Load_Graphic(x,y,GraName,hori,vert); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Load_Graphic ¨ç¼Æ·|¦C¦L¤@­Ó¹Ï§Î¡A¦Ó¹Ï§Î¥²¶·¥ý°õ¦æ Z_Get_Graphic ¸ü¤J¦Lªí¾÷¤ºªº RAM ©Î flash memory¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Open_ChineseFont() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¶}±Ò¨Ï¥Î¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬ÀÉ®× (16*15 ©M 24*24)¡C »yªk: int Z_Open_ChineseFont(char* path); °Ñ¼Æ: char* path; ¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬Àɮרӷ½¸ô®|¡C ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Open_ChineseFont("C:\\ET3"); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Open_ChineseFont ¨ç¼Æ¶}±Ò¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬ÀÉ®× (16*15 ©M 24*24)¡A ¨Ñ Z_Prn_Text_Chinese ¨ç¼Æ¨Ï¥Î¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Print_Form() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦C¦L¤@­Ó FORM (ªí®æ)¡A¨Ã¿é¤J FORM ªº¦WºÙ¡A¨Ã³]©w¸õ¸¹¦¸¼Æ»P¦C ¦L¥÷¼Æ¡C »yªk: int Z_Print_Form(int labset,int copies,int mem,char form_out[]); °Ñ¼Æ: int labset; ¦C¦Lªº¥÷¼Æ¡A½d³ò¡G1¡ã32767¡C int copies; ½Æ»sªº¥÷¼Æ¡A½d³ò¡G1¡ã32767¡C int mem; Àx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory char form_out[11]; ªí®æ¦WºÙ¡A¦P©ó¤§«e¸ü¤Jªº FORM ¦WºÙ¡A ©Î­ì¥ýÀx¦s¦b¦Lªí¾÷¤ºªº FORM¡C ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: int labset,copies,mem; char form_out[11]="demo"; labset=3;copypiece=2,mem=0; Z_Print_form(labset,copies,mem,form_out); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Print_Form ¨ç¼Æ·|°e©Ò¦³¸ê®Æ¤Îªí®æ¨ì Printer¡A³o­Ó¨ç¼Æ¨Ï¥Î«e ¶·¥ý°õ¦æ Z_Set_Format_New()¡A¨Ã¦b©Ò¦³¨ç¼Æ¤§«á¡AZ_ClosePrn() ¤§«e°õ¦æ¡C·í ¨Ï¥Î¦¹¨ç¼Æ®É¡A´N¤£¶·°õ¦æ Z_Print_Out()¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Print_Out() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦C¦L©Ò¦³¸ê®Æ¡C »yªk: int Z_Print_Out(int set,sint copies); °Ñ¼Æ: int sets; ­n¦C¦Lªº´X²Õ int copies; ¸ê®Æ¦C¦L¥÷¼Æ ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Print_Out(1,1); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Print_Out ¨ç¼Æ·|°e©Ò¦³¸ê®Æ¨ì Printer¡A³o­Ó¨ç¼Æ¶·¦b©Ò¦³¨ç¼Æ¤§ «á¡AZ_ClosePrn() ¤§«e°õ¦æ¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Prn_Barcode() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦L¥X¤@­Ó±ø½X©M¥[¤W¸õ¸¹¥\¯à¡C »yªk: Z_Prn_Barcode(int x,int y,int ori,int narrow,int width, int height,char type,int increase,LPCTSTR data,char p1, char p2,char p3,char p4,char p5) °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X ®y¼Ð¡C int y; Y ®y¼Ð¡C ³Æµù:200 dpi => 1 dot = 0.125 mm¡C int ori; ¦C¦L¤è¦V©w¦ì¡A'1'¬O 0¢X¡A'2'¬O90¢X¡B '3'¬O180¢X¡A'4'¬O270¢X int narrow NARROW bar ¼e«× int width WIDE bar ¼e«× int height Bar code °ª«× char type; Bar code «¬¦¡¡B¦p¤Uªí¡G ùæùùùùùçùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùçùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùè ¢xtype¢x ±ø½XºØÃþ ¢x ¨Ï ¥Î °Ñ ¼Æ ¢x ùéùùùùùêùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùêùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùë ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:½T»{½X Y:1¦ì¼Æ N:2¦ì¼Æ ¢x ¢x 1 ¢xCode 11 ¢xp2:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x 2 ¢xInterleaved 2 of 5 ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢x 3 ¢xCode 39 ¢xp2:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x 8 ¢xEAN-8 ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x 9 ¢xUPC-E ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x A ¢xCode93 ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x C ¢xCode 128 Subset A,B,C ¢xp3:¬O§_¦C¦LUCC½T»{½X ¢x ¢x ¢xCode 128 UCC ¢xp4:Code 128 subset A,B,C ©Î ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢x Code 128 UCC ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢x N:Code 128 U:Code 128 UCC ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x E ¢xEAN-13 ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x I ¢xIndustrial 2 of 5 ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x J ¢xStandard 2 of 5 ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x K ¢xANSI Codabar ¢xp3:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp4:¶}©l¦r¤¸ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp5:µ²§ô¦r¤¸ ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x L ¢xLOGMARS Code ¢xp1:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:½T»{½X A:µL½T»{½X ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢x B:1 Mod 10 ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢x C:2 Mod 10 ¢x ¢x M ¢xMSI Code ¢x D:1 Mod 10 and 1 Mod 11¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp4:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x S ¢xUPC/EAN Extensions ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x ¢x ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x U ¢xUPC-A Code ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp3:¬O§_¦C¦L½T»{½X ¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x Z ¢xPOSTENET Code ¢xp1:¬O§_¦C¦L±ø½X¸ê®Æ ¢x ¢x ¢x ¢xp2:±ø½X¸ê®Æ¬O§_¦C¦L¦b Barcode ¤W¤è¢x ¢|¢w¢w¢r¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢r¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢} ³Æµù:p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 ¥¼µù©ú,Y:¦C¦L N:¤£¦C¦L ¦p¥¼¨Ï¥Î¨ì«h¥i¥ô·N¿é¤J­È int increase ¼W¶q LPCTSTR data ¸ê®Æ¦r¦ê char p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 µø Barcode ªº¤£¦P,¦³¤£¦Pªº·N¸q ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Prn_Barcode(650,15,0,2,2,51,'C',0,"1234567",'Y','N','N','N','N'); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Prn_Barcode ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¦C¦L¥X¤@­Ó¯S©w Barcode ******************************************************************************* Z_Prn_Text() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦L¥X¤@¦æ¤å¦r©M¥[¤W¸õ¸¹¥\¯à¡C »yªk: int Z_Prn_Text(int x,int y,int ori,char font,int height, int width,int increase,LPCTSTR data); °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X ®y¼Ð¡C int y; Y ®y¼Ð¡C³Æµù¡G1 dot = 0.125 mm¡C int ori; ¦C¦L¤è¦V©w¦ì¡A'1'¬O 0¢X¡A'2'¬O90¢X¡B '3'¬O180¢X¡A'4'¬O270¢X char font; ¿ï¾Ü¦r§Î A¡ãH:ÂI°}¦r§Î 0,P¡ãV:½u©Ê¦r§Î ÂI°}¦r¤j¤p: ùæùùùùùçùùùùùùùùùè ¢xFont¢x H * W ¢x ùéùùùùùêùùùùùùùùùë ¢x A ¢x 9 * 5¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x B ¢x 11 * 7¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢xC,D ¢x 18 * 10¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x E ¢x 28 * 15¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x F ¢x 26 * 13¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x G ¢x 60 * 40¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x H ¢x 21 * 13¢x ¢|¢w¢w¢r¢w¢w¢w¢w¢} int height; ¤ô¥­©ñ¤j int width; ««ª½©ñ¤j font A¡ãH «h¿é¤J Font Size ­¿¼Æ,³Ì¤j­È¬° 10 ­¿ font 0,P¡ãV «hªí¥ÜÂI¼Æ,½d³ò:1¡ã1500 ¦ý¦U¦r§Î³Ì¤j­È¦U¦³¤£¦P int increase; ¼W¶q LPCTSTR data; ¸ê®Æ¦r¦ê ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Prn_Text(50,110,0,'A',90,50,0,"A123456"); ÂI°}¦r§Î or Z_Prn_Text(50,110,0,'P',27,360,0,"A123456"); ½u©Ê¦r§Î »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Prn_Text ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¦C¦L¥X¤@¦æ¤å¦r©M¥[¤W¸õ¸¹¥\¯à¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Prn_Text_Chinese() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦L¥X¤@¦æ¤å¦r¡A¨Ï¥Î¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬ÀÉ®× (16*15 ©Î 24*24)¡C »yªk: int Z_Prn_Text_Chinese(int x,int y,int fonttype, LPCTSTR id_name,LPCTSTR data,int mem); °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X ®y¼Ð¡C(dot) int y; Y ®y¼Ð¡C(dot) int fonttype; ¯x°}¦r«¬¿ï¾Ü¡C 0 -> 16*15¡B1 -> 24*24¡C LPCTSTR id_name; µ¹¤©¤@­ÓÃѧO¦WºÙ¦s©ñ©ó¦Lªí¾÷¤º¡A¥H«áª½ ±µ¨Ï¥Î Z_Load_Graphic() §Y¥i±N¹ϩI¥s¥X¨Ó¡C LPCTSTR data; ¤å¦r¤º®e¡C int mem ¹Ï§ÎÀx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Open_ChineseFont("C:\\ET3"); Z_Prn_Text_Chinese(100, 100, 0,"A01","°ê®a§Q¯q·í«e¢Ï¢ê¢Ñ¢ë¢Ò¢ì",0); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Prn_Text_Chinese ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¦L¥X¤@¦æ¤å¦r¡A¨Ï¥Î¤¤¤åÂI¯x°}¦r«¬ÀÉ®× (16*15 ©Î 24*24)¡C ¦ý¶·¥ý¦w¸Ë Window's Driver for Dr.200 or Dr.300¡A¿@²H±q driver ³]©w¡A ¦Lªí¾÷§ì¨ú¬°¹w³]¦Lªí¾÷¡A°²­Ydefault printer ¤£¬O Dr.200 ©Î Dr.300 ¡A µ{¦¡¦Û°Ê·j´M Windows ¤º¡A¬O§_¦³¸Ë Dr.200 ©Î Dr.300¡A¦A¨Ì§Ç¨Ï¥Î¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Prn_Text_TrueType() Z_Prn_Text_TrueType_W() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦L¥X¤@¦æ True Type Font ¤å¦r¡C »yªk: int Z_Prn_Text_TrueType(int x,int y,int FSize,LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin,int FWeight,int FItalic,int FUnline, int FStrikeOut,LPCTSTR id_name,LPCTSTR data,int mem); int Z_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(int x,int y,int FHeight,int FWidth, LPCTSTR FType,int Fspin,int FWeight,int FItalic,int FUnline, int FStrikeOut,LPCTSTR id_name,LPCTSTR data,int mem); °Ñ¼Æ: int x; X ®y¼Ð¡C int y; Y ®y¼Ð¡C³Æµù¡G1 dot = 0.125 mm¡C int FSize; TrueType font size¡A³æ¦ì¬°ÂI(dot)¡C FSize = (dpi * point) / 72. int FHeight; ¦r«¬°ª«×¡A³æ¦ì¬°ÂI(dot)¡C FHeight = (dpi * point) / 72. int FWidth; ¦r«¬¼e«×¡A³æ¦ì¬°ÂI(dot)¡C FWidth = (dpi * point) / 72. LPCTSTR FType; TrueType font ¦r«¬¦WºÙ¡C int Fspin; TrueType font ¦rÅé±ÛÂà¡C 1 -> 0, 2 -> 90, 3 -> 180, 4 -> 270 int FWeight; TrueType font ¦rÅé²Ê²Ó¡C 0 and NULL and 400 -> 400 ¼Ð·Ç¡B 100 -> «D±`²Ó¡B200 -> ·¥²Ó¡B 300 -> ²Ó ¡B500 -> ¤¤µ¥¡B 600 -> ¥b²Ê ¡B700 -> ²Ê ¡B 800 -> ¯S²Ê ¡B900 -> ¶ÂÅé¡C int FItalic; TrueType font ¦rÅé±×Åé¡C 0 -> FALSE¡B1 -> TRUE¡C int FUnline; TrueType font ¦rÅé¥[©³½u¡C 0 -> FALSE¡B1 -> TRUE¡C int FStrikeOut; TrueType font ¦rÅé¥[§R°£½u¡C 0 -> FALSE¡B1 -> TRUE¡C LPCTSTR id_name; µ¹¤©¤@­ÓÃѧO¦WºÙ¦s©ñ©ó¦Lªí¾÷¤º¡A¥H«áª½ ±µ¨Ï¥Î Z_Load_Graphic() §Y¥i±N¹ϩI¥s¥X¨Ó¡C LPCTSTR data; ¤å¦r¤º®e¡C int mem ¹Ï§ÎÀx¦s¦ì¸m 0 -> RAM 1 -> Flash Memory ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Prn_Text_TrueType(30,35,40,"¼Ð·¢Åé",4,400,0,0,0,"AA","¾÷­nµ´±K",0); Z_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(30,35,40,30,"¼Ð·¢Åé",4,400,0,0,0,"AA","¾÷­nµ´±K",0); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Prn_Text_TrueType ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¦L¥X¤@¦æ True Type Font ¤å¦r¡A ¦ý¶·¥ý¦w¸Ë Window's Driver for Dr.200 or Dr.300¡A¿@²H±q driver ³]©w¡A ¦Lªí¾÷§ì¨ú¬°¹w³]¦Lªí¾÷¡A°²­Ydefault printer ¤£¬O Dr.200 ©Î Dr.300 ¡A µ{¦¡¦Û°Ê·j´M Windows ¤º¡A¬O§_¦³¸Ë Dr.200 ©Î Dr.300¡A¦A¨Ì§Ç¨Ï¥Î¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Clear_Memory() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ²M°£ Printer ¤º RAM ¤Î Flash Memory ªº¸ê®Æ¡C »yªk: void Z_Clear_Memory(void); ½d¨Ò: Z_Clear_Memory(); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Clear_Memory ¨ç¼Æ²M°£ Printer ¤º RAM ¤Î Flash Memory ªº¹Ï§Î ¡B³nÅé¦r§Î¡C¦]¬°¹Ï§Î¡B¦r§Î·|¤@ª½²Ö¿n¦b memory ³y¦¨ overflow¡A¥¿±` ®É¨ç¼Æ¶·¦b Print_Out() ¤§«e°e¥X¡C¦Ó·í memory ¥Rº¡«ü¥O¡APrinter ´N ·|§R°£¥ý«e¸ü¤Jªº¹Ï§Î©M¦r§Î¡A¬°ÁקKµo¥Í¤£·íªº§R°£¡A¶·¥ý¦b Z_Print_Out() ¤§«e°e¥X¡C ****************************************************************************** Z_Set_Backfeed() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w¼ÐÅÒ¦^¦¬¶ZÂ÷¡C »yªk: void Z_Set_Backfeed(int nPixel); °Ñ¼Æ: int nPixel; ³]©w¼ÐÅÒ¦^¦¬ªº¶ZÂ÷¡A½d³ò¡G0¡ã999¡C ³æ¦ì : dot ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Backfeed(204); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Backfeed ¨ç¼Æ¥i¥H¨Ï¦Lªí¾÷¦C¦L§¹«á¡A¦h¦R¤@¤p¬q¼ÐÅÒ¯È ****************************************************************************** Z_Set_Darkness() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w¼ö·PÀY¦C¦L¼ö«×¡C »yªk: int Z_Set_Darkness(int darkness); °Ñ¼Æ: int darkness; ³]©w¼ö·PÀY¦C¦L¼ö«×¡A½d³ò¡G-30¡ã30¡C printer ¤º©w¬°0 ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Darkness(12); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Darkness ¨ç¼Æ±±¨î¼v¹³¿@²H¡A·Q±o¨ì§ó¦nªº¦L¥X«~½è¡A§AÀ³¸Ó ¦Ò¼{¤@¨Ç¦]¯À¡A¹³ paper media¡Bribbon types(wax,semi-resin ©M resin)©Mimage pattern itself¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_DebugDialog() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w°£¿ùÀô¹Ò¡C »yªk: int Z_Set_DebugDialog(int nEnable); °Ñ¼Æ: int nEnable; # 1 -> °£¿ùÀô¹Ò­P¯à 0 -> °£¿ùÀô¹ÒÃö³¬ ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_DebugDialog(1); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_DebugDialog ¨ç¼Æ¡A³]©w°£¿ùÀô¹Ò¡A°£¤F·|¦^¶Ç¿ù»~½X¡A¤]·|¨q ¥Xĵ¥Ü°T®§¹ï¸Ü®Ø¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Label() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w³sÄò¯È±iªø«× »yªk: int Z_Set_Label(int Length); °Ñ¼Æ: int Length; ³sÄò¯È±i¦C¦Lªø«× 1 dot = 0.125 mm ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Label(300); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Label ¨ç¼Æ³]©w³sÄò¼ÐÅÒªø«× ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Mode() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ±Ò°Ê Cutter ©Î Peel »yªk: int Z_Set_Mode(char mode); °Ñ¼Æ: char mode; T:Tear Off P:Peel Off C:Cutter ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Mode('C'); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Mode ¨ç¼Æ¬°­«­n°t¸m ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Origin() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w Y ®y¼Ð¶}©l¦C¦L¦ì¸m »yªk: int Z_Set_Origin(int y); °Ñ¼Æ: int y; Y ®y¼Ð?©l¦C¦L¦ì¸m y > 0.(1 dot = 0.125 mm) ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Origin(10); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Origin ¨ç¼Æ¦b³]©w Y ®y¼Ð?©l¦C¦L¦ì¸m ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Paper() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w¯È±i¬°³sÄò©Î¤£³sÄò¯È±i »yªk: int Z_Set_Paper(char p); °Ñ¼Æ: char p; N:³sÄò¯È±i Y:¤£³sÄò¯È±i ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Paper('Y'); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Paper ¨ç¼Æ¦b³]©w¯È±i¬°³sÄò©Î¤£³sÄò¯È±i ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Prncomport() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w Serial Port¡C »yªk: int Z_Set_Prncomport(int baud,int parity,int data,int stop); °Ñ¼Æ: int baud; Àjº¸²v¡A¦p¤Uªí¡G ùæùùùùùùùçùùùùùùùùùùùùùè ¢x baud ¢x speed ¢x ùéùùùùùùùêùùùùùùùùùùùùùë ¢x38400 ¢x 38,400 baud¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x19200 ¢x 19,200 baud¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x 9600 ¢x 9,600 baud¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x 4800 ¢x 4,800 baud¢x ¢u¢w¢w¢w¢q¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢t ¢x 2400 ¢x 2,400 baud¢x ¢|¢w¢w¢w¢r¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢} int parity; Parity¡C0:none parity 1:even parity 2:odd parity int data; Data bit number¡A7 ©Î 8¡C int stop; Stop bit number¡A1 ©Î 2¡C ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: int baud,data,stop; char parity; parity='N';baud=96;data=8;stop=1; Z_Set_Prncomport(baud,parity,data,stop); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Prncomport ¨ç¼Æ³]©w Serial Port¡A§ïÅÜ printer »P¥D¾÷¬Û¦P ¡C¦Lªí¾÷¥²¶·»P¥D¾÷¬Û¦P§_«h·|µo¥Í¤£¥i¹wª¾¤§¨Æ±¡¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Prncomport_PC() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w PC §Ç¦C°ð¡C »yªk: int Z_Set_Prncomport_PC(int nBaudRate, int nByteSize, int nParity, int nStopBits, int nDsr, int nCts, int nXonXoff); °Ñ¼Æ: int nBaudRate; Àjº¸²v¡A¦p¤Uªí¡G 1 -> 110 9 -> 19200 2 -> 300 10 -> 38400 3 -> 600 11 -> 56000 4 -> 1200 12 -> 57600 5 -> 2400 13 -> 115200 6 -> 4800 14 -> 128000 7 -> 9600 15 -> 256000 8 -> 14400 0 -> 9600 int nByteSize; Data bit number: 0 -> 7-bit data 7 -> 7-bit data 8 -> 8-bit data int nParity; Parity¡A¦p¤Uªí¡G 0 -> none parity 1 -> even parity 2 -> odd parity int nStopBits; Stop bit number: 0 -> 1 stop bit 1 -> 1 stop bit 2 -> 2 stop bits int nDsr; Setup hardware flow control 1 -> DTR CONTROL HANDSHAKE; 0 -> DTR CONTROL ENABLE; int nCts; Setup hardware flow control 1 -> RTS CONTROL HANDSHAKE; 0 -> RTS CONTROL ENABLE; int nXonXoff; Setup software flow control 0 -> Enable; 1 -> Disable; ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Prncomport_PC(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Prncomport_PC ¨ç¼Æ·|³]©w PC §Ç¦C°ð³]©w­È¡A¨Ó§ïÅÜ PC ¬Û¦P ©ó¦Lªí¾÷§Ç¦C°ð³]©w­È¡A¦pªG¤£¦P«hµLªk»P¦Lªí¾÷³s±µ¡C¦¹¨ç¼Æ¥²¶·¦b¨ç¼Æ Z_Print_Out ¤§«e°õ¦æ¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Reset() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦^´_¨ì­ì¤u¼t³]©w­È »yªk: void Z_Set_Reset(); ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Reset(); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Reset ¨ç¼Æ¨Ï¥Î«á, printer ·|¦^´_¨ì­ì¤u¼t¹w³]­È ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Speed() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w printer ¦C¦L®Éªº³t«× »yªk: int Z_Set_Speed(int s); °Ñ¼Æ: int s; 1 ~ 6 ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Speed(3); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Speed ¨ç¼Æ¦b³]©w¦C¦L®Éªº³t«× ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_TPH() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w printer ªºÂà¦L¼Ò¦¡ »yªk: int Z_Set_TPH(char m); °Ñ¼Æ: char m; T: ¼öÂà D: ¼ö·P ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_TPH('T'); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_TPH ¨ç¼Æ¬°­«­n°t¸m ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Unit() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w«×¶q³æ¦ì¬°­^¦T©Î¤½¤Ø©Î¹³¯À »yªk: int Z_Set_Unit(char m); °Ñ¼Æ: char m; D: dots I: inches M: milimeters ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Unit('D'); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Unit ¨ç¼Æ¥i§ó§ï«×¶q³æ¦ì¬°­^¦T©Î¤½¤Ø©Î¹³¯À ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_Gap() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ³]©w Gap ªø«× »yªk: int Z_Set_Gap(int nPattern, int gapLen); °Ñ¼Æ: int nPattern; 0 ~ 65535 int gapLen; 5 ~ 65535.³æ¦ì: mm ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Set_Gap(30,20); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Set_Gap ¨ç¼Æ¥i³]©w¯È±i Gap ªø«×,·í Gap > 5 mm ®É ¤~¨Ï¥Î¦¹¨ç¼Æ,¥B¥²¶·¦b Z_Set_Label() «e°õ¦æ ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_ProcessDlg() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à¡G ¶}±Ò©ÎÃö³¬¶i«×¹ï¸Ü®Ø¡C »yªk¡G int Z_Set_ProcessDlg(int nShow); °Ñ¼Æ¡G int nShow; 0:Ãö³¬¶i«×¹ï¸Ü®Ø¡C 1:¶}±Ò¶i«×¹ï¸Ü®Ø ¶Ç¦^­È¡G 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò¡G Z_Set_ProcessDlg(1); ¡@»¡©ú¡G ³o­Ó Z_Set_ProcessDlg ¨ç¼Æ¥i¶}Ãö¶i«×¹ï¸Ü®Ø¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Bar2d_QRCode =============================================================================== ¥\¯à¡G 2D Barcod ¦C¦L¡C »yªk¡G int Z_Bar2d_QRCode(int x,int y,int nModel,int nMagni, int nErr_Cor,int nInput,LPCTSTR data,int increase); °Ñ¼Æ¡G int x :X®y¼Ð int y :Y®y¼Ð int nModel :QR codeºØÃþ int nMagni :Magnification Factor 1 --> on 150 dpi printers 2 --> on 200 dpi printers 3 --> on 300 dpi printers 4 --> through 10 int nErr_Cor :¿ù»~®Õ¥¿ 1 --> Ultra Hight Reliability 2 --> Hight Reliability 3 --> Standard 4 --> Hight density int nInput : 1 --> Automatic 2 --> Manual LPCSTSTR data :±ø½X¸ê®Æ int increase :¼W¶q­È ¶Ç¦^­È¡G 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò¡G int Z_Bar2d_QRCode(20,20,2,2,3,1,"QR Code",0); »¡©ú¡G ³o­Ó Z_Bar2d_QRCode ¨ç¼Æ¥i¦C¦L 2D Barcod QR Code¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Set_PrintWidth =============================================================================== ¥\¯à¡G ³]©w¦C¦L½d³ò¡C »yªk¡G int Z_Set_PrintWidth(int nDotWidth); °Ñ¼Æ¡G int nDotWidth :³Ì¤j¦C¦L½d³ò ¶Ç¦^­È¡G 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò¡G int Z_Set_PrintWidth(200); »¡©ú¡G ³o­Ó Z_Set_PrintWidth ¨ç¼Æ¥i³]©w¦C¦L½d³ò¡C ******************************************************************************* Z_Print_OutQuality() =============================================================================== ¥\¯à: ¦C¦L©Ò¦³¸ê®Æ¡C »yªk: int Z_Print_OutQuality(int nTotal, int copies, int sets, int nPause); °Ñ¼Æ: int nTotal; ¦C¦LÁ`¼Æ int sets; ­n¦C¦Lªº´X²Õ int copies; ¸ê®Æ¦C¦L¥÷¼Æ int nPause; ¬O§_­n¨Ccopies±i¼Æ³£­n¼È°± 1 --> Yes, 0 --> No ¶Ç¦^­È: 0 -> OK. Reference ZW-Error.txt file. ½d¨Ò: Z_Print_OutQuality(1,1,1,1); »¡©ú: ³o­Ó Z_Print_OutQuality ¨ç¼Æ·|°e©Ò¦³¸ê®Æ¨ì Printer¡A³o­Ó¨ç¼Æ¶·¦b©Ò¦³¨ç¼Æ¤§ «á¡AZ_ClosePrn() ¤§«e°õ¦æ¡C *******************************************************************************