WINPPLA DLL Error Code List: =============================================================================== 1000 -> Print out failed. 2001 -> A_Bar2d_Maxi() x, y, primary, secondary, country maybe error. 2002 -> A_Bar2d_Maxi() mode maybe error. 2003 -> A_Bar2d_Maxi() The data must be numeric. 2004 -> A_Bar2d_Maxi() The variable for mode is error. 2005 -> A_Bar2d_DataMatrix() mode maybe error. 2006 -> A_Bar2d_DataMatrix() The data must be numeric. 2007 -> A_Bar2d_DataMatrix() The variable for mode is error. 2021 -> A_Bar2d_PDF417() x, y, narrow, width, security, aspect, column, numeric maybe error. 2022 -> A_Bar2d_PDF417() row maybe error. 2023 -> A_Bar2d_PDF417() normal maybe error. 2024 -> A_Bar2d_PDF417() The data must be numeric. 2025 -> A_Bar2d_PDF417() The data must be numeric. 2026 -> A_Bar2d_PDF417() mode maybe error. 2041 -> A_CreatePrn() selection maybe error. 2042 -> A_CreatePrn() Memory for command_buf Allocation Fail. 2043 -> A_CreatePrn() Memory for image_buf Allocation Fail. 2044 -> A_CreatePrn() Memory for pcx_image Allocation Fail. 2045 -> A_CreatePrn() Memory for set_buf Allocation Fail. 2061 -> A_Del_Graphic() graphic maybe error. 2081 -> A_Draw_Box() x, y, width, height, top, side maybe error. 2082 -> A_Draw_Box() mode maybe error. 2101 -> A_Draw_Diagonal() x, y, id_name, mode, width, height, thickness, direction mode maybe error. 2121 -> A_Draw_Ellipse() x, y, id_name, mode, width, height, thickness, Fill maybe error. 2141 -> A_Draw_Line() x, y, width, height maybe error. 2142 -> A_Draw_Line() mode maybe error. 2161 -> A_Get_Graphic() x, y, filename, mem_mode maybe error. 2162 -> A_Get_Graphic() File of filename open failed. 2163 -> A_Get_Graphic() format maybe error. 2181 -> A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP() x, y, filename, mem_mode maybe error. 2182 -> A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP() format maybe error. 2201 -> A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_Mem() x, y, id_name, mem_mode maybe error. 2202 -> A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_Mem() format maybe error. 2221 -> A_Initial_Setting() Type, Source maybe error. 2222 -> A_Initial_Setting() File of Source open failed. 2241 -> A_Load_Graphic() x, y, graphic_name maybe error. 2261 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() path maybe error. 2262 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find STDFONT1.15 file. 2263 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find STDFONTS.15 file. 2264 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find SPCFONT.15 file. 2265 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find SPCFSUPP.15 file. 2266 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find STDFONT.24 file. 2267 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find SPCFONT.24 file. 2268 -> A_Open_ChineseFont() Cann't find SPCFSUPP.24 file. 2281 -> A_Print_Form() copies, amount, width, height, form_name maybe error. 2282 -> A_Print_Form() Two ',' of FORM's form_name cann't link together. 2301 -> A_Print_Out() copies, amount, width, height maybe error. 2321 -> A_Print_Out_ARGOBAR() copies, amount, width, height maybe error. 2341 -> A_Prn_Barcode() x, y, ori, narrow, width, height, numeric maybe error. 2342 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for UPC-A must be numeric. 2343 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode UPC-A must be 11 characters in length. 2344 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for UPC-E must be numeric. 2345 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode UPC-E must be 6 characters in length. 2346 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for I25 must be numeric. 2347 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for EAN-13 must be numeric. 2348 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode EAN-13 must be 12 characters in length. 2349 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for EAN-8 must be numeric. 2350 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode EAN-8 must be 7 characters in length. 2351 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for I25 must be numeric. 2352 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for PLESSEY must be numeric. 2353 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode PLESSEY must be 14 characters in length. 2354 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for I25 must be numeric. 2355 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for UPC2 must be numeric.", 2356 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode UPC2 must be 2 characters in length. 2357 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for UPC5 must be numeric. 2358 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode UPC5 must be 5 characters in length. 2359 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for POSTNET must be numeric. 2360 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for UCC/EAN Code 128 must be numeric. 2361 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode UCC/EAN Code 128 must be 19 characters in length. 2362 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for UCC/EAN Code 128 K-MART must be numeric." 2363 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode UCC/EAN Code 128 K-MART must be 18 characters in length. 2364 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for FIM must be numeric. 2365 -> A_Prn_Barcode() A string of Barcode FIM must be 1 characters in length. 2366 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The variable for type is error. 2367 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data must be numeric. 2368 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data must be numeric. 2369 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The variable for mode is error. 2370 -> A_Prn_Barcode() The data for Matrix 2 5 must be numeric. 2381 -> A_Prn_Text() x, y, ori, hor_factor, ver_factor, font, type, numeric maybe error. 2382 -> A_Prn_Text() The data must be numeric. 2383 -> A_Prn_Text() The data must be numeric. 2384 -> A_Prn_Text() mode maybe error. 2401 -> A_Prn_Text_Chinese() x, y, fonttype, mem_mode maybe error. 2421 -> B_Prn_Text_TrueType() x, y, id_name, data, mem_mode maybe error. B_Prn_Text_TrueType_W() 2441 -> A_Set_Backfeed() back maybe error. 2461 -> A_Set_Cutting() cutting maybe error. 2481 -> A_Set_Darkness() heat maybe error. 2501 -> A_Set_Feed() rate maybe error. 2521 -> A_Set_Form() mem_mode, form_name maybe error. 2522 -> A_Set_Form() File of formfile open failed. 2541 -> A_Set_FlashMemory() Status maybe error. 2561 -> A_Set_Margin() margin maybe error. 2581 -> A_Set_Prncomport() baud, parity, data, stop maybe error. 2601 -> A_Set_Prncomport_PC() baud, parity, data, stop, nFlowControl maybe error. 2621 -> A_Set_Sensor_Mode() continuous maybe error. 2622 -> A_Set_Sensor_Mode() type maybe error. 2641 -> A_Set_Speed() speed maybe error. 2661 -> A_Set_Syssetting() transfer maybe error. 2662 -> A_Set_Syssetting() cut_peel maybe error. 2663 -> A_Set_Syssetting() length maybe error. 2664 -> A_Set_Syssetting() zero maybe error. 2665 -> A_Set_Syssetting() pause maybe error. 2670 -> A_Set_LabelVer() width must be greater than 0; 2681 -> A_Set_Unit() unit maybe error. 2685 -> A_Set_DebugDialog() nEnable maybe error. 2686 -> A_Set_BMPSave() nSave, pstrBMPFName maybe error. 2689 -> A_Set_Logic Logic is over the range. 2690 -> A_Set_Gap() gap is over the range. 3000 -> The default printer DC is created failed. 3001 -> The printer DC is created failed. 3010 -> The font file is error. 3020 -> The Fspin for truetype is error! 3021 -> The FWeight for truetype is error! 3030 -> The nThinkness is error! 3031 -> The brush is created fail! 3032 -> The pen is created fail! 3040 -> Error opening file. 3041 -> Error reading file. 3042 -> Not a recognised BMP format file. 3043 -> Failed to allocate memory for DIB. 3044 -> Error reading file. 3045 -> OS/2 style BMPs Not Supported. 3046 -> Failed to allocate memory for DIB. 3047 -> Error reading file. 3048 -> Error reading file. 3049 -> Error reading file. 3050 -> The variable for port is error. 3051 -> Port open failed! 3052 -> Data Write Error! 3053 -> Port close failed! 3060 -> The variable for port is error. 3061 -> Port Connection Failed. Error Number %d. 3062 -> Connection Failed. 3063 -> Baud Rate and Xon Xoff Set Failed. 3064 -> Times Out. 4001 -> No USB Printer Connect. 4002 -> The USB port number is over connect USB port.