# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="ba_masktab" - Package Owner=<4> # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 # ** DO NOT EDIT ** # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101 CFG=ba_masktab - Win32 Debug !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "ba_masktab.mak". !MESSAGE !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "ba_masktab.mak" CFG="ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 # PROP Scc_ProjName "" # PROP Scc_LocalPath "" CPP=cl.exe MTL=midl.exe RSC=rc.exe !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP Output_Dir "..\exe" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "..\release" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x410 # ADD RSC /l 0x410 BSC32=bscmake.exe LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 /machine:IX86 # ADD LINK32 /pdb:"..\Release/ba_masktab.pdb" /machine:IX86 /out:"D:\Release\Campo40/ba_masktab.exe" # SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 # PROP Output_Dir "..\exed" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "..\debug" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x410 # ADD RSC /l 0x410 BSC32=bscmake.exe LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 /machine:IX86 # ADD LINK32 /machine:IX86 !ENDIF # Begin Target # Name "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Name "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Group "Mask" # PROP Default_Filter "uml" # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastais.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastais.uml InputName=bastais "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastais.uml InputName=bastais "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastasf.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastasf.uml InputName=bastasf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastasf.uml InputName=bastasf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastban.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastban.uml InputName=bastban "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastban.uml InputName=bastban "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcam.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcam.uml InputName=bastcam "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcam.uml InputName=bastcam "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcco.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcco.uml InputName=bastcco "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcco.uml InputName=bastcco "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcfi.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcfi.uml InputName=bastcfi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcfi.uml InputName=bastcfi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastclr.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastclr.uml InputName=bastclr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastclr.uml InputName=bastclr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcms.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcms.uml InputName=bastcms "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcms.uml InputName=bastcms "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcrs.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcrs.uml InputName=bastcrs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcrs.uml InputName=bastcrs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastctr.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastctr.uml InputName=bastctr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastctr.uml InputName=bastctr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcve.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcve.uml InputName=bastcve "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcve.uml InputName=bastcve "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastdpn.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastdpn.uml InputName=bastdpn "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastdpn.uml InputName=bastdpn "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastesc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastesc.uml InputName=bastesc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastesc.uml InputName=bastesc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastfsc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastfsc.uml InputName=bastfsc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastfsc.uml InputName=bastfsc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastitl.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastitl.uml InputName=bastitl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastitl.uml InputName=bastitl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastiva.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastiva.uml InputName=bastiva "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastiva.uml InputName=bastiva "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastivd.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastivd.uml InputName=bastivd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastivd.uml InputName=bastivd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastleg.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastleg.uml InputName=bastleg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastleg.uml InputName=bastleg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastlis.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastlis.uml InputName=bastlis "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastlis.uml InputName=bastlis "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastlng.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastlng.uml InputName=bastlng "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastlng.uml InputName=bastlng "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastmsp.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastmsp.uml InputName=bastmsp "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastmsp.uml InputName=bastmsp "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastndo.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastndo.uml InputName=bastndo "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastndo.uml InputName=bastndo "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastnoc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastnoc.uml InputName=bastnoc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastnoc.uml InputName=bastnoc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastnot.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastnot.uml InputName=bastnot "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastnot.uml InputName=bastnot "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastois.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastois.uml InputName=bastois "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastois.uml InputName=bastois "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastpor.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastpor.uml InputName=bastpor "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastpor.uml InputName=bastpor "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastreg.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastreg.uml InputName=bastreg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastreg.uml InputName=bastreg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastsad.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastsad.uml InputName=bastsad "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastsad.uml InputName=bastsad "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastscc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastscc.uml InputName=bastscc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastscc.uml InputName=bastscc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastsce.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastsce.uml InputName=bastsce "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastsce.uml InputName=bastsce "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\baststa.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\baststa.uml InputName=baststa "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\baststa.uml InputName=baststa "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\baststt.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\baststt.uml InputName=baststt "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\baststt.uml InputName=baststt "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastsua.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastsua.uml InputName=bastsua "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastsua.uml InputName=bastsua "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basttit.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basttit.uml InputName=basttit "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basttit.uml InputName=basttit "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basttpd.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basttpd.uml InputName=basttpd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basttpd.uml InputName=basttpd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basttrb.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basttrb.uml InputName=basttrb "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basttrb.uml InputName=basttrb "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastucc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastucc.uml InputName=bastucc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastucc.uml InputName=bastucc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastucs.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastucs.uml InputName=bastucs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastucs.uml InputName=bastucs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastues.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastues.uml InputName=bastues "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastues.uml InputName=bastues "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastuid.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastuid.uml InputName=bastuid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastuid.uml InputName=bastuid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastuiv.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastuiv.uml InputName=bastuiv "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastuiv.uml InputName=bastuiv "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basture.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basture.uml InputName=basture "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basture.uml InputName=basture "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastuue.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastuue.uml InputName=bastuue "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastuue.uml InputName=bastuue "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastval.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastval.uml InputName=bastval "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastval.uml InputName=bastval "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastver.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastver.uml InputName=bastver "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastver.uml InputName=bastver "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastvet.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastvet.uml InputName=bastvet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastvet.uml InputName=bastvet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastzon.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastzon.uml InputName=bastzon "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastzon.uml InputName=bastzon "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbais.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbais.uml InputName=batbais "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbais.uml InputName=batbais "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbasf.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbasf.uml InputName=batbasf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbasf.uml InputName=batbasf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbban.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbban.uml InputName=batbban "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbban.uml InputName=batbban "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcam.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcam.uml InputName=batbcam "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcam.uml InputName=batbcam "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcco.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcco.uml InputName=batbcco "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcco.uml InputName=batbcco "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcdc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcdc.uml InputName=batbcdc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcdc.uml InputName=batbcdc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcfi.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcfi.uml InputName=batbcfi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcfi.uml InputName=batbcfi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbclr.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbclr.uml InputName=batbclr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbclr.uml InputName=batbclr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcpg.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcpg.uml InputName=batbcpg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcpg.uml InputName=batbcpg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcrs.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcrs.uml InputName=batbcrs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcrs.uml InputName=batbcrs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbctr.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbctr.uml InputName=batbctr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbctr.uml InputName=batbctr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbcve.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbcve.uml InputName=batbcve "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbcve.uml InputName=batbcve "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbdel.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbdel.uml InputName=batbdel "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbdel.uml InputName=batbdel "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbdet.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbdet.uml InputName=batbdet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbdet.uml InputName=batbdet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbdpn.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbdpn.uml InputName=batbdpn "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbdpn.uml InputName=batbdpn "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbesc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbesc.uml InputName=batbesc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbesc.uml InputName=batbesc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbind.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbind.uml InputName=batbind "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbind.uml InputName=batbind "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbinl.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbinl.uml InputName=batbinl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbinl.uml InputName=batbinl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbins.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbins.uml InputName=batbins "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbins.uml InputName=batbins "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbitl.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbitl.uml InputName=batbitl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbitl.uml InputName=batbitl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbiva.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbiva.uml InputName=batbiva "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbiva.uml InputName=batbiva "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbivd.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbivd.uml InputName=batbivd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbivd.uml InputName=batbivd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batblbu.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batblbu.uml InputName=batblbu "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batblbu.uml InputName=batblbu "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbleg.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbleg.uml InputName=batbleg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbleg.uml InputName=batbleg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batblia.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batblia.uml InputName=batblia "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batblia.uml InputName=batblia "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batblis.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batblis.uml InputName=batblis "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batblis.uml InputName=batblis "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batblng.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batblng.uml InputName=batblng "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batblng.uml InputName=batblng "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbmsp.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbmsp.uml InputName=batbmsp "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbmsp.uml InputName=batbmsp "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbndo.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbndo.uml InputName=batbndo "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbndo.uml InputName=batbndo "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbnoc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbnoc.uml InputName=batbnoc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbnoc.uml InputName=batbnoc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbnot.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbnot.uml InputName=batbnot "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbnot.uml InputName=batbnot "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbois.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbois.uml InputName=batbois "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbois.uml InputName=batbois "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbpim.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbpim.uml InputName=batbpim "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbpim.uml InputName=batbpim "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbpimc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbpimc.uml InputName=batbpimc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbpimc.uml InputName=batbpimc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbpor.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbpor.uml InputName=batbpor "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbpor.uml InputName=batbpor "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbreg.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbreg.uml InputName=batbreg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbreg.uml InputName=batbreg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbrgi.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbrgi.uml InputName=batbrgi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbrgi.uml InputName=batbrgi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbsad.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbsad.uml InputName=batbsad "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbsad.uml InputName=batbsad "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbscc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbscc.uml InputName=batbscc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbscc.uml InputName=batbscc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbsce.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbsce.uml InputName=batbsce "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbsce.uml InputName=batbsce "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbsta.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbsta.uml InputName=batbsta "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbsta.uml InputName=batbsta "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbstt.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbstt.uml InputName=batbstt "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbstt.uml InputName=batbstt "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbsua.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbsua.uml InputName=batbsua "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbsua.uml InputName=batbsua "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbtit.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbtit.uml InputName=batbtit "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbtit.uml InputName=batbtit "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbtpd.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbtpd.uml InputName=batbtpd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbtpd.uml InputName=batbtpd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbtra.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbtra.uml InputName=batbtra "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbtra.uml InputName=batbtra "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbtrb.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbtrb.uml InputName=batbtrb "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbtrb.uml InputName=batbtrb "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbucc.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbucc.uml InputName=batbucc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbucc.uml InputName=batbucc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbucs.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbucs.uml InputName=batbucs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbucs.uml InputName=batbucs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbues.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbues.uml InputName=batbues "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbues.uml InputName=batbues "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbuid.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbuid.uml InputName=batbuid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbuid.uml InputName=batbuid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbuiv.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbuiv.uml InputName=batbuiv "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbuiv.uml InputName=batbuiv "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbure.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbure.uml InputName=batbure "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbure.uml InputName=batbure "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbval.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbval.uml InputName=batbval "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbval.uml InputName=batbval "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbver.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbver.uml InputName=batbver "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbver.uml InputName=batbver "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbvet.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbvet.uml InputName=batbvet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbvet.uml InputName=batbvet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbvid.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbvid.uml InputName=batbvid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbvid.uml InputName=batbvid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\batbzon.uml !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\batbzon.uml InputName=batbzon "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling mask $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\batbzon.uml InputName=batbzon "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" msk32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).msk # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Form" # PROP Default_Filter "frm" # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\boliircf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\boliircf.frm InputName=boliircf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\boliircf.frm InputName=boliircf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bolivacf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bolivacf.frm InputName=bolivacf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bolivacf.frm InputName=bolivacf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\deliig.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\deliig.frm InputName=deliig "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\deliig.frm InputName=deliig "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\deliircf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\deliircf.frm InputName=deliircf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\deliircf.frm InputName=deliircf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\delritcf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\delritcf.frm InputName=delritcf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\delritcf.frm InputName=delritcf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\disgen.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\disgen.frm InputName=disgen "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\disgen.frm InputName=disgen "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\disiircf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\disiircf.frm InputName=disiircf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\disiircf.frm InputName=disiircf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\disirg.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\disirg.frm InputName=disirg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\disirg.frm InputName=disirg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\disivacf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\disivacf.frm InputName=disivacf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\disivacf.frm InputName=disivacf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\disritcf.frm !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\disritcf.frm InputName=disritcf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Compiling form $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\disritcf.frm InputName=disritcf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" frm32 $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).frm # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Rep" # PROP Default_Filter "rep" # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastais.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastais.rep InputName=bastais "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastais.rep InputName=bastais "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastasf.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastasf.rep InputName=bastasf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastasf.rep InputName=bastasf "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastban.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastban.rep InputName=bastban "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastban.rep InputName=bastban "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcam.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcam.rep InputName=bastcam "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcam.rep InputName=bastcam "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcco.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcco.rep InputName=bastcco "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcco.rep InputName=bastcco "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcfi.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcfi.rep InputName=bastcfi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcfi.rep InputName=bastcfi "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastclr.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastclr.rep InputName=bastclr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastclr.rep InputName=bastclr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcms.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcms.rep InputName=bastcms "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcms.rep InputName=bastcms "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcpg.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcpg.rep InputName=bastcpg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcpg.rep InputName=bastcpg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcrs.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcrs.rep InputName=bastcrs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcrs.rep InputName=bastcrs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastctr.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastctr.rep InputName=bastctr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastctr.rep InputName=bastctr "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastcve.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastcve.rep InputName=bastcve "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastcve.rep InputName=bastcve "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastdpn.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastdpn.rep InputName=bastdpn "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastdpn.rep InputName=bastdpn "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastesc.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastesc.rep InputName=bastesc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastesc.rep InputName=bastesc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastfsc.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastfsc.rep InputName=bastfsc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastfsc.rep InputName=bastfsc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastitl.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastitl.rep InputName=bastitl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastitl.rep InputName=bastitl "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastiva.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastiva.rep InputName=bastiva "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastiva.rep InputName=bastiva "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastivd.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastivd.rep InputName=bastivd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastivd.rep InputName=bastivd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastleg.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastleg.rep InputName=bastleg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastleg.rep InputName=bastleg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastlis.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastlis.rep InputName=bastlis "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastlis.rep InputName=bastlis "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastlng.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastlng.rep InputName=bastlng "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastlng.rep InputName=bastlng "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastmsp.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastmsp.rep InputName=bastmsp "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastmsp.rep InputName=bastmsp "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastndo.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastndo.rep InputName=bastndo "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastndo.rep InputName=bastndo "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastnoc.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastnoc.rep InputName=bastnoc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastnoc.rep InputName=bastnoc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastnot.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastnot.rep InputName=bastnot "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastnot.rep InputName=bastnot "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastois.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastois.rep InputName=bastois "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastois.rep InputName=bastois "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastpor.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastpor.rep InputName=bastpor "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastpor.rep InputName=bastpor "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastreg.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastreg.rep InputName=bastreg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastreg.rep InputName=bastreg "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastsad.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastsad.rep InputName=bastsad "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastsad.rep InputName=bastsad "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastscc.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastscc.rep InputName=bastscc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastscc.rep InputName=bastscc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastsce.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastsce.rep InputName=bastsce "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastsce.rep InputName=bastsce "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\baststa.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\baststa.rep InputName=baststa "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\baststa.rep InputName=baststa "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\baststt.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\baststt.rep InputName=baststt "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\baststt.rep InputName=baststt "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastsua.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastsua.rep InputName=bastsua "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastsua.rep InputName=bastsua "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basttit.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basttit.rep InputName=basttit "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basttit.rep InputName=basttit "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basttpd.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basttpd.rep InputName=basttpd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basttpd.rep InputName=basttpd "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basttrb.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basttrb.rep InputName=basttrb "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basttrb.rep InputName=basttrb "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastucc.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastucc.rep InputName=bastucc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastucc.rep InputName=bastucc "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastucs.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastucs.rep InputName=bastucs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastucs.rep InputName=bastucs "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastues.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastues.rep InputName=bastues "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastues.rep InputName=bastues "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastuid.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastuid.rep InputName=bastuid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastuid.rep InputName=bastuid "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastuiv.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastuiv.rep InputName=bastuiv "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastuiv.rep InputName=bastuiv "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\basture.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\basture.rep InputName=basture "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\basture.rep InputName=basture "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastuue.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastuue.rep InputName=bastuue "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastuue.rep InputName=bastuue "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastval.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastval.rep InputName=bastval "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastval.rep InputName=bastval "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastver.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastver.rep InputName=bastver "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastver.rep InputName=bastver "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastvet.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastvet.rep InputName=bastvet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastvet.rep InputName=bastvet "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\ba\bastzon.rep !IF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Release" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=D:\Release\Campo40 InputPath=..\ba\bastzon.rep InputName=bastzon "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ba_masktab - Win32 Debug" # Begin Custom Build - Copying rep $(InputPath)... TargetDir=\U\Release\R_04_00\exed InputPath=..\ba\bastzon.rep InputName=bastzon "$(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" copy $(InputPath) $(TargetDir)\$(InputName).rep # End Custom Build !ENDIF # End Source File # End Group # End Target # End Project