#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if XVT_OS!=XVT_OS_SCOUNIX #include #endif #include "ba1300.h" extern "C" { void cgettime(char *); } TTestSheet::TTestSheet(const char* titolo, const char* colonne,byte bottoni) :TDir_sheet(titolo, colonne, bottoni) {} TTestSheet::~TTestSheet() {} void TTestSheet::page_build(long first, byte rows) { TToken_string l(128); for (byte i = 0; i < rows; i++) { const int n = int(i+first+1); dir()->get (n,_nolock,_nordir,_sysdirop); l.cut(0); l.add(""); l.add(format("%3d", n)); // Numero progressivo del file l.add(dir()->name()); const TRecnotype eod = dir()->eod(); l.add(format("%ld", eod)); const TRecnotype eox = dir()->eox(); l.add(format("%ld", eox)); const word len = dir()->len(); l.add(format("%u", len)); l.add(dir()->des()); l.add(format("%ld", dir()->flags())); set_row(l, i); } } void TTestSheet::sr_status(bool save) { for (int i=0; i>1; cbits++; } scale=(unsigned int)0x8000; for (i=1;i<=(long)cbits;i++) { scale=scale>>1; scale |= 0x8000; } // Extracts "random" seed from time time(&tloc); parm=(unsigned int)(tloc & 0x0000FFFF); srand(parm); // Mix array... for (i=0;i>1; if (((long) rnd)>=eod) // Difficile che accada... rnd=(unsigned int) eod-1; com=_randseq[i]; _randseq[i]=_randseq[(long)rnd]; _randseq[(long)rnd]=com; } } int TTestProc::ctrl_keys() { int err=1; for (int nk=1;nk<=_nkeys;nk++) { _workf->setkey(nk); if ((err=_workf->first())==NOERR) return NOERR; } return err; } void TTestProc::do_test_1() { bool FoundError; long i,EOD; int err; time_t inix,finix; _nfile=0; while ((_nfile++ <= get_isheet()->items()) && !_block) { EOD=get_isheet()->row(_nfile-1).get_long(3); if (get_isheet()->checked(_nfile-1) && EOD > 0) { get_win()->WriteW(33,7,(const char*)TString(18).format("%-18s",get_isheet()->row(_nfile-1).get(2))); get_win()->WriteW(33,12,"000:00:00"); get_win()->WriteW(33,13,"000:00:00"); if (_ntest == 1) { TSystemisamfile f(_nfile); get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"COMPATTAMENTO "); if ((f.packfile(FALSE)!=NOERR)||(f.packindex(FALSE) != NOERR)) error_box("Errore in compattamento file %d",_nfile); get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"COPIA DI SICUREZZA "); filecopy(); set_rmc(TRUE); } // If it was test # 1 _workf = new TTestFile(_nfile); time(&inix); if (_workf->open(_excllock) == NOERR) { TTrec r; r.get(_nfile); _nkeys=r.keys(); FoundError=FALSE; i=0; EOD=_workf->eod(); get_win()->WriteW(33,9,(const char*)TString(14).format(" 0/%-7ld",EOD)); get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"TEST1 (cisreadrec-cisdelete)"); _randseq = new long[EOD]; do_random(EOD); while (!FoundError && ireadat(number(i++)))==NOERR) err=_workf->remove(); if (err!=NOERR) FoundError=TRUE; if (get_win()->iscancelled()) _block=TRUE; if ((i%20)==0) get_win()->WriteW(33,9,(const char*)TString(20).format("%7ld/%-7ld",i,EOD)); time(&finix); get_win()->WriteW(33,12,(const char*)TString(10).format("%s",fmttime(finix-inix))); if (((finix-inix)%3)==0) { long com=((finix-inix)*EOD)/(i+1); get_win()->WriteW(33,13,(const char*)TString(10).format("%s",fmttime(com))); } } if (!_block && ((ctrl_keys()==NOERR) || FoundError)) do_test_2(); _workf->close(); get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"RIPRISTINO ARCHIVI "); filecopy(FALSE); //restore copies if (_randseq!=NULL) delete _randseq; } // If it was open if (_workf != NULL) delete _workf; } // If it was selected } // While test is in progress } void TTestProc::do_test_2() { time_t alpha,omega; long i=0,j; int err=NOERR; get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"TEST2: RIPRISTINO ARCHIVI "); _workf->close(); filecopy(FALSE); if (_workf->open(_excllock) == NOERR) { long EOD=_workf->eod(); long optot=sumop(EOD); long optr=1; get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"TEST2 (cisreadrec-cisdelete)"); time(&alpha); while (!_block && ireadat(number(i)); err=_workf->remove(); j=i+1; get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"TEST2: CONTROLLO CHIAVI "); get_win()->WriteW(33,9,(const char*)TString(20).format("%7ld/%-7ld",j,EOD)); while (!_block && jiscancelled()) _block=TRUE; time(&omega); get_win()->WriteW(33,12,(const char*)TString(10).format("%s",fmttime(omega-alpha))); if ((omega-alpha)%3==0) get_win()->WriteW(33,13,(const char*)TString(10).format("%s",fmttime(((omega-alpha)*optot)/optr))); err=_workf->readat(number(j)); optr++; int k=1; while (k<=_nkeys && err==NOERR) { TTrec r; r.get(_nfile); TToken_string def(r.keydef(k-1)); _workf->setkey(k); err=_workf->read(); if (def.get_char(1)=='X') // if keys are duplicated { TString ksaved(_workf->curr().key(k)); bool Fnd=FALSE; while (err==NOERR && !Fnd && ksaved==_workf->curr().key(k)) if (_workf->recno()==number(j)) Fnd=TRUE; else err=_workf->next(); } if (err!=NOERR || number(j)!=_workf->recno()) { get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"Trovati errori scrittura report"); DumpReport(err,i,j,k); if (err==NOERR) err=999; //errore fittizio, tanto per farlo uscire } k++; } j++; } get_win()->WriteW(33,10,"TEST2 (cisreadrec-cisdelete) "); i++; } } } void TTestProc::DumpReport(int err, long i, long x, int key) { static rnum=0; char ora[10]; TString RandomFile,ReportFile; FILE * fp; get_win()->WriteW(33,15,(const char*)TString(35).format("File nr. %d Test nr. %ld",_nfile,_ntest)); cgettime(ora); if (!fexist("test")) // create directory #if XVT_OS==XVT_OS_SCOUNIX mkdir("test",0777); #else #ifdef __WATCOMC__ mkdir("test"); #else _mkdir("test"); #endif #endif RandomFile.format("test%crnd%d.dat",Separator,rnum++); if ((fp=fopen((const char*)RandomFile,"w"))!=NULL) { for (int j=0;j<_workf->eod();j++) if (j==i) fprintf(fp,"%9ld*\n",number(j)); else fprintf(fp,"%9ld \n",number(j)); fclose(fp); } ReportFile.format("test%creport.txt",Separator); if ((fp=fopen((const char*)ReportFile,"a"))!=NULL) { fprintf(fp,"REPORT sulla verifica della stabilita' dell'ISAM\n"); fprintf(fp,"------\n"); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"Eseguito il : %s Alle : %s\n",(const char*)TDate(TODAY),ora); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"File nr. : %4d %s\n",_nfile,get_isheet()->row(_nfile-1).get(2)); fprintf(fp,"File Random : %s\n",(const char*)RandomFile); fprintf(fp,"Nr. Record cancellato: %5ld Nr. Record letto: %5ld\n",number(i),number(x)); fprintf(fp,"Nr. Chiave elaborata: %3d\n",key); if (err!=NOERR) fprintf(fp,"Errore generato dal record letto: %d\n",err); else fprintf(fp,"Errore generato dal record letto: Numero di record non corretto.\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"------\n\n\n"); fclose(fp); } } void TTestProc::load_random(const TString& st) { FILE *fp; char c; _kriminal=0; if ((fp=fopen((const char*)st,"r"))!=NULL) { TDir d; d.get(_nfile,_nolock,_nordir,_sysdirop); _randseq = new long[d.eod()]; for (long i=0;id.eod()) { _block=TRUE; break; } } } } void TTestProc::do_debug() { TDir d; d.get(_nfile,_nolock,_nordir,_sysdirop); get_win()->set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_WHITE); get_win()->clear(COLOR_WHITE); get_win()->set_caption("Ricerca dell'errore"); get_win()->WriteW(8,5,(const char*)TString(25).format("File numero : %4d\t\t\t%s",_nfile,(const char*)d.name())); get_win()->WriteW(8,7,"Record Cancellati :"); get_win()->WriteW(8,9,"Operazione in corso : COPIA DI SICUREZZA"); get_win()->WriteW(8,11,"Record cancellato :"); get_win()->WriteW(8,12,"Record letto :"); get_win()->WriteW(8,14,"Errore rilevato :"); filecopy(); // Backup copies. Must be placed here // otherwise I get a "File already open error" _workf = new TTestFile(_nfile); if (_workf->open(_excllock) == NOERR) { TTrec r; r.get(_nfile); _nkeys=r.keys(); long i=0,j; int k,err=NOERR; bool step=FALSE; get_win()->WriteW(30,9,"Cancello fino al Kriminale..."); while (!stopped() && i<_workf->eod() && err==NOERR) { if (number(i)==_kriminal) step=TRUE; // Put here a Break Point to debug step by step err=_workf->readat(number(i)); if (err!=NOERR || step) _block=show_mess(1,err,number(i),number(i),0); err=_workf->remove(); if (err!=NOERR || step) _block=show_mess(2,err,number(i),number(i),0); j=i+1; get_win()->WriteW(30,9,"TEST 2: CONTROLLO CHIAVI "); get_win()->WriteW(30,7,(const char*)TString(20).format("%5ld/%-5ld",j,_workf->eod())); get_win()->WriteW(30,11,(const char*)TString(10).format("%5ld",number(i))); while (!stopped() && j<_workf->eod() && err==NOERR) { if (get_win()->iscancelled()) _block=TRUE; err=_workf->readat(number(j)); if (err!=NOERR || step) _block=show_mess(3,err,number(j),number(j),0); get_win()->WriteW(30,12,(const char*)TString(10).format("%5ld",number(j))); k=1; while (k<=_nkeys && err==NOERR && !stopped()) { TToken_string def(r.keydef(k-1)); _workf->setkey(k); err=_workf->read(); if (err!=NOERR || step) _block=show_mess(4,err,number(j),_workf->recno(),k); if (def.get_char(1)=='X') // if keys are duplicated { TString ksaved(_workf->curr().key(k)); bool Fnd=FALSE; while (!stopped() && err==NOERR && !Fnd && ksaved==_workf->curr().key(k)) if (_workf->recno()==number(j)) Fnd=TRUE; else { err=_workf->next(); if (err!=NOERR || step) _block=show_mess(5,err,number(j),_workf->recno(),k); } } // if keys are duplicated if (err!=NOERR || number(j)!=_workf->recno()) { _block=show_mess(6,err,number(j),number(j),0); err=999; // So it will exit } k++; } j++; } get_win()->WriteW(30,9,"Cisreadrec -- Cisdelete "); i++; } _workf->close(); } get_win()->WriteW(30,9,"RIPRISTINO ARCHIVIO "); filecopy(FALSE); // Restore copies get_win()->WriteW(30,9,"CANCELLAZIONE COPIE "); remove_copy(_nfile); // Delete backup copies // Free pointers if (_workf!=NULL) delete _workf; if (_randseq != NULL) delete _randseq; } bool TTestProc::show_mess(int act, int err, long n1, long n2, int k) { switch (act) { case 1: get_win()->WriteW(30,9,(const char*)TString(42).format("Eseguita la readrec per rec. # %ld",n1)); get_win()->WriteW(30,11,(const char*)TString(40).spaces()); break; case 2: get_win()->WriteW(30,9,(const char*)TString(42).format("Eseguita la delete per rec. # %ld",n1)); get_win()->WriteW(30,11,(const char*)TString(10).format("%5ld",n1)); break; case 3: get_win()->WriteW(30,9,(const char*)TString(42).format("Eseguita la readrec per contr. chiavi")); get_win()->WriteW(30,12,(const char*)TString(10).format("%5ld ",n1)); break; case 4: get_win()->WriteW(30,9,(const char*)TString(42).format("Eseguita la start con chiave %d ",k)); get_win()->WriteW(30,12,(const char*)TString(15).format("%5ld (%ld)",n1,n2)); break; case 5: get_win()->WriteW(30,9,(const char*)TString(42).format("Eseguita la next per chiavi doppie ")); get_win()->WriteW(30,12,(const char*)TString(15).format("%5ld (%ld)",n1,n2)); break; case 6: get_win()->WriteW(30,9,(const char*)TString(42).format("Record %ld non trovato nelle chiavi duplicate ",n1)); break; } get_win()->WriteW(30,14,(const char*)TString(5).format("%5d",err)); KEY tasto=get_win()->run(); return (tasto == K_ESC); } TTestProc::TTestProc() : _block(FALSE), _ntest(0), _nfile(0), _randseq(NULL), _rmc(FALSE), _workf(NULL), _sheet(NULL), _win(NULL) { _win = new TTestWin; } TTestProc::~TTestProc() { if (_win != NULL) delete _win; } TTestWin::TTestWin() :TIndwin(1L,"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",TRUE,FALSE,70) {} void TTestWin::handler(WINDOW w, EVENT *e) { switch (e->type) { case E_CHAR: if (e->v.chr.ch == K_ENTER) stop_run(K_ENTER); break; default: break; } TIndwin::handler(w,e); } TTestReport::TTestReport(const char* title) { WINDOW parent=TASK_WIN; long flags=WSF_CLOSE | WSF_SIZE | WSF_VSCROLL | WSF_HSCROLL; WIN_TYPE wt=W_DOC; create(6,2,68,20,title,flags,wt,parent); set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_WHITE); } void TTestReport::load_report() { FILE *fp; char line[256]; fp=fopen((const char *)TString(20).format("test%creport.txt",Separator),"r"); while (fgets(line,256,fp)!=NULL) { TString element(line); _report.add(element); } fclose(fp); set_scroll_max(80,_report.items()); } void TTestReport::update() { for (int i=0; i<_report.items(); i++) stringat(1,i+1,(const char*)get_row(i)); } bool TTestReport::on_key(KEY key) { switch (key) { case K_ESC: stop_run(key); break; default: break; } return TScroll_window::on_key(key); }