// $Id: progind.cpp,v 1994-08-12 10:52:04 alex Exp $ #include #include const char* const CANCEL_TEXT = "Annulla"; const char* const TITLE_TEXT = "Attesa"; // Certified 70% TIndwin::TIndwin(long max, const char* txt, bool cancel, bool bar, int div) { _cancel = _bar = _text = NULL_WIN; _status = 0l; _max = max; if (_max <= 0) _max = 1; _flags = 0x0; word maxlen = div, lines; measure_text(txt, maxlen, lines); int ver = lines+3; int hor = maxlen+2; if (hor > 78) hor = 78; if (bar) { _bar = ver * CHARY; ver += 3; } ver += cancel ? 3 : 0; create(-1, -1, hor, ver, TITLE_TEXT); RCT r; r.left = CHARX; r.top = CHARY; r.right = CHARX*(hor-2); r.bottom = r.top + lines*CHARY+4; _text = create_control(WC_TEXT, &r, (char*)txt, win(), CTL_FLAG_CENTER_JUST, 0l, DLG_NULL); if (cancel) _cancel = xvt_create_control(WC_PUSHBUTTON, -11, -1, 9, 2, CANCEL_TEXT, win(), 0, 0l, DLG_CANCEL); open_modal(); do_events(); } void TIndwin::set_text(const char* t) { set_title(_text, (char*)t); } TIndwin::~TIndwin() { close_modal(); } void TIndwin::measure_text(const char* txt, word& maxlen, word& lines) const { TToken_string s(txt, '\n'); lines = 0; for(const char* t = s.get(0); t; t = s.get()) { const word l = strlen(t); if (l > maxlen) maxlen = l; lines++; } } KEY TIndwin::check_stop() { KEY k = 0; if (_flags & IND_FINISHED || _flags & IND_CANCELLED) { k = (_flags & IND_FINISHED) ? K_ENTER : K_ESC; stop_run(k); } return k; } void TIndwin::update_bar() { if (_status >= _max) { _status = _max; _flags |= IND_FINISHED; } const double prc = (double)_status/_max; RCT r; get_client_rect(win(), &r); r.left = CHARX; r.right -= CHARX; r.top = (int)_bar; r.bottom = r.top + 3*CHARY; #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN r.top += 6; r.bottom -= 6; #endif const int width = r.right - r.left; RCT b = r; set_brush(COLOR_BLUE); b.right = b.left + int(width*prc); win_draw_rect(win(), &b); set_brush(COLOR_WHITE); b.left = b.right; b.right = r.right; win_draw_rect(win(), &b); set_mode(M_XOR); win_set_fore_color(win(), COLOR_BLUE); char n[8]; sprintf(n, "%d%%", int(100*prc)); win_draw_text(win(), r.left+width/2-CHARX, (r.bottom+r.top+CHARY)/2-3, n, -1); set_mode(M_COPY); check_stop(); } void TIndwin::update() { if (_bar) update_bar(); } void TIndwin::handler(WINDOW w, EVENT* e) { switch(e->type) { case E_UPDATE: clear_window(w, COLOR_WHITE); update(); return; case E_CONTROL: if (e->v.ctl.id == DLG_CANCEL) dispatch_e_char(w, K_ESC); break; case E_CHAR: // allowed only if cancel button is there if (e->v.chr.ch == K_ESC) { if (_cancel) { _flags |= IND_CANCELLED; check_stop(); } else return; } break; default: break; } TWindow::handler(w,e); } // TProgind -------------------------------------------------------------- TProgind::TProgind(long max, const char* txt, bool cancel, bool bar, int div) : TIndwin(max, txt, cancel, bar, div) {} // TTimerind ------------------------------------------------------------ long TTimerind::_timer_id = 0L; void TTimerind::handler(WINDOW w, EVENT* e) { switch(e->type) { case E_CREATE: case E_UPDATE: if (_status == 0L) _timer_id = set_timer(w, _interval); break; case E_TIMER: if (e->v.timer.id == _timer_id) { _status += _interval; force_update(); set_timer(w, _interval); } break; default: break; } TIndwin::handler(w,e); } TTimerind::TTimerind(long msec, const char* txt, bool cancel, bool bar, int div, int i) : TIndwin(msec, txt, cancel, bar, div) { _interval = i; _timer_id = 0L; } TTimerind::~TTimerind() { kill_timer(_timer_id); } // C-style binding // uses static pointer for single instance of TIndwin static TIndwin* __indwin__p = NULL; void progind_create(long m, char* t, bool b, bool c, int n) { CHECK(__indwin__p == NULL, "Cannot have more than one progress indicator"); __indwin__p = new TProgind(m,t,b,c,n); } void progind_set_status(long l) { ((TProgind*)__indwin__p)->setstatus(l); } void progind_cancel() { __indwin__p->cancel(); } bool progind_iscancelled() { return __indwin__p->iscancelled(); } bool progind_isfinished() { return __indwin__p->isfinished(); } void progind_destroy() { delete __indwin__p; __indwin__p = NULL; } void timerind_create(long l, char* title, bool bar, bool cancel, int divisions, int interval) { CHECK(__indwin__p == NULL, "Cannot have more than one progress indicator"); __indwin__p = new TTimerind(l,title,bar,cancel,divisions,interval); } void timerind_cancel() { __indwin__p->cancel(); } bool timerind_iscancelled() { return __indwin__p->iscancelled(); } bool timerind_isfinished() { return __indwin__p->isfinished(); } void timerind_destroy() { delete __indwin__p; __indwin__p = NULL; }