 |              PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly             |
 | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. |
 |                                                                           |
 |    This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the       |
 |    public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are           |
 |    available, please check http://www.pdflib.com.                         |
 |                                                                           |

/* $Id: pc_core.h,v 1.4 2009-03-23 08:51:17 guy Exp $
 * PDFlib core services:
 * - memory management
 * - exception handling
 * - internal try/catch

#ifndef PC_CORE_H
#define PC_CORE_H

/* Built-in metric support */

/* Built-in encoding support */

/* TrueType font support */

/* Proportional widths for the standard CJK fonts support */


/* ------------------------- C types ------------------------- */

typedef struct pdc_core_priv_s pdc_core_priv;
typedef struct pdc_core_s pdc_core;

typedef int            pdc_bool;
typedef long           pdc_id;
typedef char           pdc_char;
typedef unsigned char  pdc_byte;
typedef unsigned char  pdc_uchar;
typedef short          pdc_short;
typedef unsigned short pdc_ushort;
typedef long           pdc_long;
typedef unsigned long  pdc_ulong;
typedef unsigned int   pdc_uint;

typedef unsigned short pdc_ucval;		/* unicode value	*/

typedef short          pdc_sint16;
typedef unsigned short pdc_uint16;
typedef int            pdc_sint32;
typedef unsigned int   pdc_uint32;

/* TODO2GB:	this is the signed 64-bit integer type for >2GB files.
**		 must be platform & compiler specific.
#if	defined(_LARGEFILE_SOURCE)
    #if defined(WIN32)
	typedef __int64	pdc_off_t;
#include <sys/types.h>
	typedef off_t	pdc_off_t;
	typedef long	pdc_off_t;

/* use this one for casts from "off_t" to "long" - so we can "grep"
** for critical places.
typedef long pdc_off_t1;

/* boolean values */
#define pdc_undef      -1
#define pdc_false       0
#define pdc_true	1

/* --------------------------- new pdcore  --------------------------- */

typedef void  (*pdc_error_fp)(void *opaque, int type, const char *msg);
typedef void* (*pdc_alloc_fp)(void *opaque, size_t size, const char *caller);
typedef void* (*pdc_realloc_fp)(void *opaque, void *mem, size_t size,
						const char *caller);
typedef void  (*pdc_free_fp)(void *opaque, void *mem);

pdc_core *pdc_new_core(pdc_error_fp errorhandler, pdc_alloc_fp allocproc,
    pdc_realloc_fp reallocproc, pdc_free_fp freeproc, void *opaque,
    const char *appname, const char *version);

void pdc_delete_core(pdc_core *pdc);

/* ------------------------- memory management  ------------------------- */

void	*pdc_malloc(pdc_core *pdc, size_t size, const char *caller);
void	*pdc_realloc(pdc_core *pdc, void *mem, size_t size, const char *caller);
void	*pdc_calloc(pdc_core *pdc, size_t size, const char *caller);
void	pdc_free(pdc_core *pdc, void *mem);

#define PDC_TMPMEM	1

typedef void (*pdc_destructor)(void *opaque, void *mem);

void    pdc_insert_mem_tmp(pdc_core *pdc, void *memory, void *opaque,
            pdc_destructor destr);
void	*pdc_malloc_tmp(pdc_core *pdc, size_t size, const char *caller,
	    void *opaque, pdc_destructor destr);
void	*pdc_realloc_tmp(pdc_core *pdc, void *mem, size_t size,
	    const char *caller);
void	*pdc_calloc_tmp(pdc_core *pdc, size_t size, const char *caller,
	    void *opaque, pdc_destructor destr);
void	pdc_free_tmp(pdc_core *pdc, void *mem);

void    pdc_tmlist_init(pdc_core *pdc);
void    pdc_tmlist_cleanup(pdc_core *pdc);

/* --------------------------- exception handling --------------------------- */

#define PDC_ASSERT(pdc, expr)						\
	((expr) ? (void) 0 : pdc_error((pdc), PDC_E_INT_ASSERT,		\
	    __FILE__, pdc_errprintf((pdc), "%d", __LINE__), 0, 0))

/* maximal length of strings for %.*s in pdc_errprintf format

/* per-library error table base numbers.
#define PDC_ET_CORE	1000
#define PDC_ET_PDFLIB	2000
#define PDC_ET_PDI	4000
#define PDC_ET_PLOP	5000
#define PDC_ET_PDPAGE   6000
#define PDC_ET_FONT     7000
#define PDC_ET_TET	8000
#define PDC_ET_PCOS	9000

#define PDC_ET_LAST	9000

/* core error numbers.
#define		pdc_genNames	1
#include	"pc_generr.h"


typedef struct
    int		nparms;		/* number of error parameters	*/
    int		errnum;		/* error number			*/
    const char *errmsg;		/* default error message	*/
    const char *ce_msg;		/* custom error message		*/
} pdc_error_info;

void		pdc_register_errtab(pdc_core *pdc, int et,
		    const pdc_error_info *ei, int n_entries);

pdc_bool        pdc_enter_api(pdc_core *pdc, const char *apiname);
pdc_bool	pdc_in_error(pdc_core *pdc);

const char *	pdc_errprintf(pdc_core *pdc, const char *format, ...);

void            pdc_pop_errmsg(pdc_core *pdc);

void            pdc_push_errmsg(pdc_core *pdc, int errnum, const char *parm1,
                    const char *parm2, const char *parm3, const char *parm4);

void            pdc_set_errmsg(pdc_core *pdc, int errnum, const char *parm1,
                    const char *parm2, const char *parm3, const char *parm4);

void            pdc_set_warnmsg(pdc_core *pdc, int errnum, const char *parm1,
                    const char *parm2, const char *parm3, const char *parm4);

void		pdc_error(pdc_core *pdc, int errnum, const char *parm1,
		    const char *parm2, const char *parm3, const char *parm4);

int		pdc_get_errnum(pdc_core *pdc);
const char *	pdc_get_errmsg(pdc_core *pdc);
const char *	pdc_get_apiname(pdc_core *pdc);
const char *    pdc_get_errpref(pdc_core *pdc);

/* ----------------------------- try/catch ---------------------------- */

#include <setjmp.h>

typedef struct
    jmp_buf	jbuf;
} pdc_jmpbuf;

pdc_jmpbuf *	pdc_jbuf(pdc_core *pdc);
void		pdc_exit_try(pdc_core *pdc);
int		pdc_catch_intern(pdc_core *pdc);
int		pdc_catch_extern(pdc_core *pdc);
void		pdc_check_rethrow(pdc_core *pdc);
void		pdc_rethrow(pdc_core *pdc);

#define PDC_TRY(pdc)		if (setjmp(pdc_jbuf(pdc)->jbuf) == 0)

#define PDC_EXIT_TRY(pdc)	pdc_exit_try(pdc)

#define PDC_CATCH(pdc)		if (pdc_catch_intern(pdc))

#define PDC_RETHROW(pdc)	pdc_rethrow(pdc)

/* --------------------------- debug hexdump  --------------------------- */

#ifdef  PDC_DEBUG
void    pdc_enable_hexdump(pdc_core *pdc);
void    pdc_disable_hexdump(pdc_core *pdc);
void    pdc_hexdump(pdc_core *pdc, const char *msg, const char *text, int tlen);
#endif /* PDC_DEBUG */

/* --------------------------- scope  --------------------------- */

 * An arbitrary number used for sanity checks.
 * Actually, we use the hex representation of pi in order to avoid
 * the more common patterns.

#define PDC_MAGIC	((unsigned long) 0x126960A1)

/* environment variable name for license file

/* default base name for license file
#define PDC_LICFILE_NAME "licensekeys.txt"

#endif	/* PC_CORE_H */