*  Copyright 1991-1996 by ORCA Software, Inc.                                  *
*                                                                              *
*  All rights reserved.  May not be reproduced or distributed, in printed or   *
*  electronic form, without permission of ORCA Software, Inc.  May not be      *
*  distributed as object code, separately or linked with other object modules, *
*  without permission.                                                         *

#define C_UL        218         /* upper left */
#define C_UR        191         /* upper right */
#define C_LL        192         /* lower left */
#define C_LR        217         /* lower right */
#define C_XD        194         /* T-intersection down */
#define C_XU        193         /* T-intersection up */
#define C_XR        195         /* T-intersection right */
#define C_XL        180         /* T-intersection left */
#define C_XX        197         /* 4-way intersection */
#define C_H         196         /* horizontal line */
#define C_V         179         /* vertical line */
#define C_ULD       201         /* next group same as above, but double */
#define C_URD       187
#define C_LLD       200
#define C_LRD       188
#define C_XDD       203
#define C_XUD       202
#define C_XRD       204
#define C_XLD       185
#define C_XXD       206
#define C_HD        205
#define C_VD        186
#define C_HATCH     176         /* hatching */
#define C_SPACE     255