//****************************************************************************** // // File: INTRFACE.H // // Description: This module acts as the interface between the Info-ZIP code and // our Windows code in WINMAIN.CPP. See INTRFACE.CPP for a more // detailed description and the actual implementation. // // Copyright: All the source files for Pocket UnZip, except for components // written by the Info-ZIP group, are copyrighted 1997 by Steve P. // Miller. The product "Pocket UnZip" itself is property of the // author and cannot be altered in any way without written consent // from Steve P. Miller. // // Disclaimer: All project files are provided "as is" with no guarantee of // their correctness. The authors are not liable for any outcome // that is the result of using this source. The source for Pocket // UnZip has been placed in the public domain to help provide an // understanding of its implementation. You are hereby granted // full permission to use this source in any way you wish, except // to alter Pocket UnZip itself. For comments, suggestions, and // bug reports, please write to stevemil@pobox.com. // // // Date Name History // -------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- // 02/01/97 Steve Miller Created (Version 1.0 using Info-ZIP UnZip 5.30) // //****************************************************************************** #ifndef __INTRFACE_H__ #define __INTRFACE_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //****************************************************************************** //***** Types and Structures //****************************************************************************** typedef void (WINAPI DLLMESSAGE)(ulg, ulg, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char*, char*, ulg); typedef struct _USERFUNCTIONS { DLLMESSAGE *SendApplicationMessage; WORD cchComment; unsigned long TotalSizeComp; unsigned long TotalSize; int CompFactor; unsigned int NumMembers; } USERFUNCTIONS, *LPUSERFUNCTIONS; typedef struct _DCL { int PromptToOverwrite; } DCL, *LPDCL; typedef enum _OVERWRITE_MODE { OM_PROMPT = 0, OM_NEWER, OM_ALWAYS, OM_NEVER } OVERWRITE_MODE, *LPOVERWRITE_MODE; typedef struct _EXTRACT_INFO { BOOL fExtract; // TRUE for extract, FALSE for test DWORD dwFileCount; // Number of files to extract/test. DWORD dwByteCount; // Total bytes to extract/test LPSTR *szFileList; // ARGV list of files, NULL for all files. BOOL fRestorePaths; // TRUE to restore paths, FALSE to junk them. OVERWRITE_MODE overwriteMode; // How to handle file overwrites. LPSTR szMappedPath; // Used to store mapped name. May be NULL. BOOL fAbort; // Set during operation by UI to abort. int result; // Result code from extraction/test. // Window handles for the various controls in our progress dialogs. HWND hWndEditFile; HWND hWndProgFile; HWND hWndProgTotal; HWND hWndPercentage; HWND hWndFilesProcessed; HWND hWndBytesProcessed; // Values used to keep track of our progress. DWORD dwFileOffset; DWORD dwFile; DWORD dwBytesTotalThisFile; DWORD dwBytesWrittenThisFile; DWORD dwBytesWrittenPreviousFiles; LPCSTR szFile; BOOL fNewLineOfText; } EXTRACT_INFO, *LPEXTRACT_INFO; typedef struct _DECRYPT_INFO { int retry; LPSTR szPassword; DWORD nSize; LPCSTR szFile; } DECRYPT_INFO, *LPDECRYPT_INFO; //****************************************************************************** //***** Function Prototypes //****************************************************************************** int DoListFiles(LPCSTR szZipFile); BOOL DoExtractOrTestFiles(LPCSTR szZipFile, EXTRACT_INFO *pei); int DoGetComment(LPCSTR szZipFile); BOOL SetExtractToDirectory(LPTSTR szDirectory); int win_fprintf(FILE *file, unsigned int dwCount, char far *buffer); //****************************************************************************** //***** Global Variables //****************************************************************************** #ifdef GLOBAL_DECLARE #undef GLOBAL_DECLARE #undef GLOBAL_INIT #endif #ifdef __INTRFACE_CPP__ #define GLOBAL_DECLARE #define GLOBAL_INIT(value) =value #else #define GLOBAL_DECLARE extern #define GLOBAL_INIT(value) #endif GLOBAL_DECLARE jmp_buf dll_error_return; GLOBAL_DECLARE LPDCL lpDCL GLOBAL_INIT(NULL); GLOBAL_DECLARE LPUSERFUNCTIONS lpUserFunctions GLOBAL_INIT(NULL); #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif // __INTRFACE_H__