<report name="ve6500a" lpi="6"> <description>Stampa documento + righe</description> <font face="Courier New" size="10" /> <section type="Head" /> <section type="Head" level="1"> <field x="5" y="1" type="Stringa" width="70" pattern="1"> <source>210@.S0</source> </field> <field x="36" y="1" type="Numero" align="right" width="10" pattern="1" text="n. ######"> <source>33.NDOC</source> </field> <field x="47" y="1" type="Data" width="20" pattern="1" text="del "> <source>33.DATADOC</source> </field> <field y="3" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Cod. art." /> <field x="21" y="3" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Descrizione" /> <field x="72" y="3" type="Testo" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Quantita" /> <field x="88" y="3" type="Testo" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Qta rilevata" /> <field x="104" y="3" type="Testo" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Differenza" /> <field y="1" type="Stringa" width="4" id="100" pattern="1"> <source>33.TIPODOC</source> </field> </section> <section type="Body" /> <section type="Body" level="1"> <field type="Stringa" width="20" pattern="1"> <source>34.CODART</source> </field> <field x="21" type="Stringa" width="50" pattern="1"> <source>34.DESCR </source> <alt_source>47.DESCR</alt_source> </field> <field x="72" type="Numero" align="right" width="15" pattern="1"> <source>34.QTA</source> </field> <field x="88" type="Numero" align="right" width="15" pattern="1"> <source>34.QTAGG1</source> </field> <field x="104" type="Numero" align="right" width="15" pattern="1"> <source>34.QTA - 34.QTAGG1</source> </field> </section> <section type="Foot" /> <section type="Foot" level="1" /> <sql>USE 33 JOIN 34 INTO CODNUM==CODNUM ANNO==ANNO PROVV==PROVV NDOC==NDOC JOIN %TIP TO 33 ALIAS 210 INTO CODTAB==TIPODOC JOIN 47 TO 34 INTO CODART==CODARTMAG</sql> </report>